USMB Coffee Shop IV

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

You don't have snakes and spiders in Ohio? And alligators aren't a real big problem in the desert. :)

No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.
Don't move to the orient........ Always had to look in the toilet before taking a seat.........
Are you referring to the Telamonia spider (hiney-bite spider) reputed to stow away in airline toilets?
No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.

These guys do laps in the bathroom in the winter.


Box Elder Bug
Have you ever dealt with stink bugs? You've got to deal with them just right or they never leave you. Puke

They have them in NC that I know of but they've been spotted around here in the Fall trying to find a warm place to stay for the Winter.

No I have not dealt with stinkbugs. Box Elder bugs seem pretty harmless. The Department of Agriculture brought in a Japanese lady bug years ago and they bite. I had an allergic reaction to it. They also smell when you vacuum them up.
We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.
Chickens. You need chickens to get rid of the bugs. At least you can eat the chickens after they have served their purpose.
We got rain and not really cold.
We sure need the rain.
Never have been a fan of snow, even when I grew up in Colo. :)

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

Sorry we don't have alligators, but we do have Mountain Lions.
I don't mind the snakes or tarantula's :biggrin:
Don't like the snow,no,no. :)
Up here, no alligators, mountain lions, or tarantulas. But, we do have snow...and bears...two kinds of bears where I live.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and wellness for Gracie.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Northwest Ohio Sunset
No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.

These guys do laps in the bathroom in the winter.


Box Elder Bug
Have you ever dealt with stink bugs? You've got to deal with them just right or they never leave you. Puke

They have them in NC that I know of but they've been spotted around here in the Fall trying to find a warm place to stay for the Winter.

No I have not dealt with stinkbugs. Box Elder bugs seem pretty harmless. The Department of Agriculture brought in a Japanese lady bug years ago and they bite. I had an allergic reaction to it. They also smell when you vacuum them up.
We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.
Chickens. You need chickens to get rid of the bugs. At least you can eat the chickens after they have served their purpose.
Slugs and snails. Ick. But..chickens love them. Unfortunately, they also tear up your yard looking for them.
We got rain and not really cold.
We sure need the rain.
Never have been a fan of snow, even when I grew up in Colo. :)

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

Sorry we don't have alligators, but we do have Mountain Lions.
I don't mind the snakes or tarantula's :biggrin:
Don't like the snow,no,no. :)
Up here, no alligators, mountain lions, or tarantulas. But, we do have snow...and bears...two kinds of bears where I live.

Bears up here in these here hills too. And cougars. And spiders. Oh my!
Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day and, if there's anything to tradition (and I dearly hope there is), grade schoolers everywhere are wrapping shoe boxes in red, pink and white paper, cutting a slot in the lids and anticipating St. Valentine's Day messages from their classmates.

Little paper cards with hearts and puppies and kittens and flowers meant to suggest some innocent romance or affection. I always wanted a Valentine from Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, the cutest girl in the second grade. I don't know if she wanted one from me, but I always reserved the sweetest one for her.

Later, the candy, the wee sugary hearts with sentiments like "Oh! You kid!" and "Be Mine" were passed around for everyone to enjoy. Milk chocolate in the shape of hearts, jelly beans and Good & Plenty (a confection I never appreciated. Licorice, ya know). All that candy could take a boy's thoughts away from even Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, but just for a moment.

Happy St. Valentine's Day everybody!
Regret to tell you, but I think those days are gone. If cards are exchanged, there is a mandatory compliance list. Most schools have an approved list of "treats" that may be provided, home-made goodies are a thing of the past, and one must be cautious about which store-bought goodies one may send. A guy I work with recently ran through the litany for me. Sheesh! Wishing for the simple days of childhood!
About the only thing there was a "mandatory compliance" for was the fire drill!
Mom has a soft heart. She takes in stray cats. She gives generously to charity. And last summer, she gave yard work jobs to a couple who appeared to be down on their luck.

Now, occasionally the stray cats don't work out as anticipated. Between Daisy the Mutt and my brother's dog Teddy, many of those strays (always outdoor cats yet fitted out with a pasteboard box, food and water) have been chased away from the grounds at the Big House. If only the same could be said about that hard luck couple.

Last night Mom called and told me that the woman came knocking at the front door. She claimed that her water was about to be shut off if she did not bring the princely sum of $30.00 to the water department today. Mom, sympathetic as ever told her that she did not have cash in the house and she was sorry but, even if she did have cash, she would not be willing to give her the money without some value (i.e. work) in exchange.

An hour later she was back at the door, in tears but this time demanding money! I went up to the Big House with Daisy the Mutt. I figured that Daisy is a good barker, but hardly a good attack dog. Should Mom have any further interruptions from these people, Daisy would raise a ruckus and alert Mom to the presence of strangers. No one else showed up, but Mom got to cuddle with Daisy and Daisy enjoyed an egg for breakfast, a luxury I never extend to her.
I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

You don't have snakes and spiders in Ohio? And alligators aren't a real big problem in the desert. :)

No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.
Don't move to the orient........ Always had to look in the toilet before taking a seat.........
Are you referring to the Telamonia spider (hiney-bite spider) reputed to stow away in airline toilets?
Not at all. Real live lizards, snakes, etc. Had the same issue in Central America. Not all the sewer systems run into treatment plants...........
Aw thanks Montro. Don't know where you found that photo but I love it. It will be a pretty much business as usual day for us today--I will do a medical taxi run with my aunt and we'll probably do some housework. The celebration will be tomorrow--shopping and then my aunt and friend Dana will treat us to dinner tomorrow night after all the Valentine's Day rush is over.

And thanks Sarah.

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