USMB Coffee Shop IV

Was just looking at the radar and that HUGE storm in California--it covers the entire state!!! Looks like Gracie and Mr. G are getting slammed again.

And with all that moisture gradually spreading west, we are only predicted to have maybe a shower on Sunday and less than a 50% chance for that???
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

Our grocery stores are adding places to sit and get prepared food or drinks. You can spend more time in there. :wtf:

Because for so many folks, shopping is the only outing they have and they make recreation of it.

I don't see them with skeet shooting in can goods.
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

I'm afraid I am guilty of that too. I don't like to go to the grocery store all that much, but when I do, I take my time, peruse all the products on the shelves, read labels, read recipes on some things. Hombre, on the other hand, is like you--get in, get the stuff on the list, get out so when we shop together I discipline myself to go much faster.

But I am a blur the grocery store compared to going to the office supply store. I can spend hours there just looking at stuff.
Some shops are for browsing, others for shopping. I break them down according to their wares. If it's something you need, like food, shop. If it's something you want, like old LP records, you browse.

Grocery shopping is an excerise in logistical planning and efficient movement. Deli first. While they're slicing and packaging, hit the produce section. Oranges, lettuce, apples, bananas, carrots. Then pick up the deli meat and cheese and off to the meat department. All ground beef is labeled with lean to fat percentages. 85/15 and as close to a pound as possible. A steak, some chops and off to the dairy department. One gallon of skim, a pint of half &a half, a dozen eggs.

Canned goods for soup and green beans, then to the least crowded checkout line.

Old record stores though...

If there is a good selection of blues, check it out. That should take a good twenty minutes. Jazz? There's aThelonius Monk record I've never seen. It's in great condition but $12.00! Maybe I can get the clerk down to $7.50. What's the Dave Clark Five doing in this Section? Better go over to the Rock section and see if there's more. An hour and a half later and I realize that it's been six weeks since I was in that book store at the end of the block.

Things you need, things you want.
One of my brother's employees reported off this morning. Because his son was born last night! Mazel Tov! And one hundred dead relatives in Scotland just rolled over in their graves.

He named the wee bairn Mattix. Okay. So many kids are named such unusual names these days. Gone are the days when a girl might be named Helen or Karen or Kim. Boys no longer get named George or Ralph or Henry. I just hope that, as these newly monikered kids mature, they could find a personalized coffee mug.

Anyway, I'm waiting for my cigar, if new fathers still pass out cigars. When they name kids after farm implements, you might just get a complimentary double latte.

Meanwhile the temperatures are a month ahead of schedule. We are enjoying highs in the fifties rather than the thirties.

Rehearsal for the annual Easter Pageant on the Hillside start up a week from Sunday. Every year a dedicated group of amateur thespians get together to re-enact the last week of Jesus of Nazareth. From His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through Judas' plot of betrayal, the Last Supper, His trial, execution and resurrection.

The Greatest Story ever Told plays out on the steep slope between Trinity Presbyterian and the high school which sits on the brow of the hill. Permanent sets have been constructed. The Upper Room and Pontius Pilate's house are made from local sandstone. The grave is also sandstone with a plywood 'stone' that is rolled in place after Christ's burial. A clever system of ropes and pullies is used by the actor portraying Christ to roll away the stone without the audience noticing it's happening. A smoke machine and a 750 watt shop light provides the effect of an angel as he reveals the word of the Resurrection to Mary and Mary Magdalene.

I play the voices of the apostle John, Matthew and (my favorite) one of the hecklers Christ encounters on the villa della rosa. Because I'm a tenor and can scream loudly, I also provide the wails and lamentations of the two thieves crucified along side Jesus. Baritones can scream well. They sound like fog horns. It takes a tenor to cry out and put a shiver up the spine.

I can imagine what a production your annual Easter pageant is, and it has become a staple in the Coffee Shop as well. I always look forward to recounting of it and I send up a little prayer for good weather when it happens.
Was just looking at the radar and that HUGE storm in California--it covers the entire state!!! Looks like Gracie and Mr. G are getting slammed again.

And with all that moisture gradually spreading west, we are only predicted to have maybe a shower on Sunday and less than a 50% chance for that???
I read it's supposed to be the biggest storm yet.
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

Our grocery stores are adding places to sit and get prepared food or drinks. You can spend more time in there. :wtf:
Ours has a food court and a nice salad bar that I'm drawn to when I have to do grocery shopping. It's such a treat. :)
Ours has a food court and a nice salad bar that I'm drawn to when I have to do grocery shopping. It's such a treat. :)

I am not a big fruit fan. They have plastic containers you can fill with all types of them though. I think there would be less waste, even if a little more expensive.
Save! :huddle:
Yes, I'm still at the library. I'm a widow now, so it's Good Will Stores time in my life. Oh, and I only have about 1.5 minutes left, so I probably have just enough time to grab my purse and go.
Hugs to all! :)

Wow, four words, "I'm a widow now", packs quite a punch. I think Mrs. Liberty can live close to what we do now should something happen to me. Don't need a lot of people around me, but the holes would be big for the ones I do have. How can we get you better connected in the world?
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

I'm afraid I am guilty of that too. I don't like to go to the grocery store all that much, but when I do, I take my time, peruse all the products on the shelves, read labels, read recipes on some things. Hombre, on the other hand, is like you--get in, get the stuff on the list, get out so when we shop together I discipline myself to go much faster.

But I am a blur the grocery store compared to going to the office supply store. I can spend hours there just looking at stuff.

I'm glad my wife gave up on dragging me around shopping a long time ago. I like to walk in, grab what need and buy it. When my wife says she's going to the store to pick up an item, especially with one of my daughters ... I know in 3 hours I'll be unloading the trunk of the car..

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