USMB Coffee Shop IV

Spent two hours on the phone trying to find a doc for Dennis. Medi-cal is supposed to be state wide for CALIFORNIA fercrissakes, but nope. Thats too easy. Each county has different rules. So, he has to re apply, get off medi cal from slo county, re apply for butte county. Then, we have to split the food stamp allotment because dennis lives here, and on paper, I live there. So I keep the food stamp card for one person he has to apply for one person...him...all over again too.

I am in a totally grumpy mood.

I hear that. My aunt has Barrett's Esophagus syndrome which can be very dangerous if not properly treated and for her, the treatment was Nexium that just worked better for her than Prilosec or the generic omeprazole. So this month Medicare advises her that they will no longer cover Nexium. So what does she do? Pay the $300/month out of pocket cost for it or switch to the less expensive Prolosec (omeprazole) or die? That seems to be her options.

Government is simply inexplicable at times.

She can have her doctor talk to them and bug them and tell them that she needs that medicine and they will cover it. Tell her to talk to her PCP about it.

She will.
Just some random thoughts while I wait for something more constructive to do...

The Westminster Kennel Club snubbed Daisy the Mutt again this year. She is feeling peevish about that as she always wanted to travel to Manhattan and strut her stuff.

Mom had an uneventful night. The overly persistent pan handlers seem to be discouraged for now.

My daily walks through the park are filled with considerably more sunshine as the evening wears on. Five weeks from Monday last will be the Vernal equinox and another attempt at standing an egg on end will be made.

This coming weekend is the President's Day weekend giving me and my fellow government employees a chance to get stuff done on a week day and, perhaps hit the snooze button several times.
Is that Daisy in your avatar? :)
That's her in her porn star pose.
Notice she is laying upon pillows. She is waiting for me to rub her belly. Waiting patiently.
She's very sweet.
Just some random thoughts while I wait for something more constructive to do...

The Westminster Kennel Club snubbed Daisy the Mutt again this year. She is feeling peevish about that as she always wanted to travel to Manhattan and strut her stuff.

Mom had an uneventful night. The overly persistent pan handlers seem to be discouraged for now.

My daily walks through the park are filled with considerably more sunshine as the evening wears on. Five weeks from Monday last will be the Vernal equinox and another attempt at standing an egg on end will be made.

This coming weekend is the President's Day weekend giving me and my fellow government employees a chance to get stuff done on a week day and, perhaps hit the snooze button several times.
Is that Daisy in your avatar? :)
That's her in her porn star pose.
Notice she is laying upon pillows. She is waiting for me to rub her belly. Waiting patiently.
She's very sweet.
yeah. She gets that a lot. Thanks.
A day late for Valentine's Day but too cute not to post:

One for each day of the week, and a spare!
She also will need to do bone density tests as well. I was on prilosec, then on the generic OTC stuff for years until I found out it makes your bones brittle. VERY brittle.
Nosmo King I've never told you so but I really enjoy reading your posts. You!re a great story teller and reading your stories always makes me smile. You should write a book. I'd buy one.
Good night Darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and wellness for Gracie.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

One of my brother's employees reported off this morning. Because his son was born last night! Mazel Tov! And one hundred dead relatives in Scotland just rolled over in their graves.

He named the wee bairn Mattix. Okay. So many kids are named such unusual names these days. Gone are the days when a girl might be named Helen or Karen or Kim. Boys no longer get named George or Ralph or Henry. I just hope that, as these newly monikered kids mature, they could find a personalized coffee mug.

Anyway, I'm waiting for my cigar, if new fathers still pass out cigars. When they name kids after farm implements, you might just get a complimentary double latte.

Meanwhile the temperatures are a month ahead of schedule. We are enjoying highs in the fifties rather than the thirties.

Rehearsal for the annual Easter Pageant on the Hillside start up a week from Sunday. Every year a dedicated group of amateur thespians get together to re-enact the last week of Jesus of Nazareth. From His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through Judas' plot of betrayal, the Last Supper, His trial, execution and resurrection.

The Greatest Story ever Told plays out on the steep slope between Trinity Presbyterian and the high school which sits on the brow of the hill. Permanent sets have been constructed. The Upper Room and Pontius Pilate's house are made from local sandstone. The grave is also sandstone with a plywood 'stone' that is rolled in place after Christ's burial. A clever system of ropes and pullies is used by the actor portraying Christ to roll away the stone without the audience noticing it's happening. A smoke machine and a 750 watt shop light provides the effect of an angel as he reveals the word of the Resurrection to Mary and Mary Magdalene.

I play the voices of the apostle John, Matthew and (my favorite) one of the hecklers Christ encounters on the villa della rosa. Because I'm a tenor and can scream loudly, I also provide the wails and lamentations of the two thieves crucified along side Jesus. Baritones can scream well. They sound like fog horns. It takes a tenor to cry out and put a shiver up the spine.
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I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

Our grocery stores are adding places to sit and get prepared food or drinks. You can spend more time in there. :wtf:
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

I'm afraid I am guilty of that too. I don't like to go to the grocery store all that much, but when I do, I take my time, peruse all the products on the shelves, read labels, read recipes on some things. Hombre, on the other hand, is like you--get in, get the stuff on the list, get out so when we shop together I discipline myself to go much faster.

But I am a blur the grocery store compared to going to the office supply store. I can spend hours there just looking at stuff.
I went shopping with my mom and my aunt today. Good Lord! I know they can't help it, but they are so slow! Every time I go shopping with them, I have to leave my carriage with an attendant and go looking for those two in the grocery store! Lol! I don't get angry or anything. I'm just like "where are they and what could they be doing for all this time??" They are just a couple of really slow moving ladies! :lol: I'm like the total opposite. I can't wait to be done and get out of there! It's too crowded.

Our grocery stores are adding places to sit and get prepared food or drinks. You can spend more time in there. :wtf:

Because for so many folks, shopping is the only outing they have and they make recreation of it.
Hello CS!


Oh-oh... "A lot of food"? :)

He's loving those chicks!

Like an any fatboy would love a car body of hamburgers? :)

But looking is cute, and in reality not every cat eats chicken... In villages people don't feed of cats by chicket meat, so they don't perceive chickens as food...

I would guess that most cats instinctively go after a bird though even though birds are not included in the diet their human companions feed them.

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