USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. Working on my second cup of coffee this morning. Putting together a new geocache to hide in a few days. Weather has turned cold and rainy here. If you listen closely you can hear me grovel. Hope everybody has a grand day.

Do you hide the geocache for posterity? For scavenger hunters?
The Second Baptists have jumped the gun and opened up their fish fry today. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday marking the beginning of the Lenten season. According to dogma, the Lenten season is one of personal privation, reflection and prayer. What are you giving up for Lent? The local churches don't seem to give up something, but indulge in things yummy.

One can pack away plenty of calories just going from church to church, parish to parish. Fish fries are of course really big. But if you take the time, you can find panczkis (little Polish donuts filled with jelly) at St. Alfonse's, cabbage rolls at St. Ann's, stuffed grape leaves and gyros at St. Thomas', and typically austere ham and cheese sandwiches at Trinity Presbyterian.

For local gourmands, St. Aloysius serves up the best fried fish. The church ladies there understand that the hotter the oil, the better the fish. The batter is a light tempura style, fortified with Budweiser and always fries up light and flaky. They serve a good, not great cole slaw and fresh cut French fries for the modest sum of $6.00.

I had my day in court today, he said snapping a segue off with the subtlety of a flying meat cleaver. I was summoned by the East Liverpool Police Department to answer charges of failure to confine a dog. Daisy the Mutt and I take a walk in the park each and every day, weather permitting. Daisy loves our walks as she has her one opportunity a day to run and frolic and chase whatever squirrels or chip monks are brave enough to get in her line of sight. She has never run up to anyone, snarled barked or harassed other dogs and delights everyone who pays attention to her by rolling over to have her furry belly rubbed.

The park superintendent left our city last October to the sunny shores of Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The new park superintendent seems to believe that a city park is no place for a thirteen pound trained miniature poodle to be running free and rolling around to the delight of passers by, particularly children. He called the local constabulary and had them issue a warrant for my arrest on the charge of walking a dog without a leash.

I knew the judge, he is my lawyer. He asked if I was indeed walking Daisy without a leash. I told him it was true. He rolled his eyes,fined me the minimum, $25.00 and told me I could pay the fine across the hall. Okay. But the court cost was $82.00! Presumably, they will spend my $107.00 on signs stating no dogs without a leash.
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The Second Baptists have jumped the gun and opened up their fish fry today. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday marking the beginning of the Lenten season. According to dogma, the Lenten season is one of personal privation, reflection and prayer. What are you giving up for Lent? The local churches don't seem to give up something, but indulge in things yummy.

One can pack away plenty of calories just going from church to church, parish to parish. Fish fries are of course really big. But if you take the time, you can find panczkis (little Polish donuts filled with jelly) at St. Alfonse's, cabbage rolls at St. Ann's, stuffed grape leaves and gyros at St. Thomas', and typically austere ham and cheese sandwiches at Trinity Presbyterian.

For local gourmands, St. Aloysius serves up the best fried fish. The church ladies there understand that the hotter the oil, the better the fish. The batter is a light tempura style, fortified with Budweiser and always fries up light and flaky. The serve a good, not great cole slaw and fresh cut French fries for the modest sum of $6.00.

I had my day in court today, he said snapping a segue of with the subtlety of a flying meat cleaver. I was summoned by the East Liverpool Police Department to answer charges of failure to confine a dog. Daisy the Mutt and I take a walk in the park each and every day, weather permitting. Daisy loves our walks as she has her one opportunity a day to run and frolic and chase whatever squirrels or chip monks are brave enough to get in her line of sight. She has never run up to anyone, snarled barked or harassed other dogs and delights everyone who pays attention to her by rolling over to have her furry belly rubbed.

The park superintendent left our city last October to the sunny shores of Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The new park superintendent seems to believe that a city park is no place for a thirteen pound trained miniature poodle to be running free and rolling around to the delight of passers by, particularly children. He called the local constabulary and had them issue a warrant for my arrest on the charge of walking a dog without a leash.

I knew the judge, he is my lawyer. He asked if I was indeed walking Daisy without a leash. I told him it was true. He rolled his eyes,fined me the minimum, $25.00 and told me I could pay the fine across the hall. Okay. But the court cost was $82.00! Presumably, they will spend my $107.00 on signs stating no dogs without a leash.

Geez. You would think your own lawyer, the judge, would let you off with a warning for a first offense. Even if he wasn't your lawyer. I met with a judge once when ticketed for speeding in a school zone in a strange city. Because I had an absolutely clean driving record, was credible that I had just turned the corner into the school zone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and because the school zone would have been off in a few minutes anyway, he let me off with a warning. I was most grateful as that would have been a 3-pt violation costing me not only a stiff fine but a significant increase in my insurance.

But as my offense was much much worse than yours, I think you should certainly have merited a warning for a first offense.

As for the "Fat Tuesday" cuisine in the churches, our community in Kansas did that up proud. You would think Albuquerque, settled and civilized by Catholic Priests before the Presbyterian invasion some time later, and now sporting a church of some sort within sight of just about everybody would do that also. But slim pickings here.
Talking of speeding, I used to do 120 miles per hour on my Honda 650cc motorcycle. I got two speeding tickets in quick succession so I tried to do the speed limit of 70mph on the motorway to work. But twice in a couple of days lorry drivers tail gated me and nearly drove me into a lorry in front. So I went back to speeding past lorries then dropped back to 70 when I was clear of them. The bastards could easily have killed me.
My goodness... It seems that Daisy, Nosmo King's pride and joy, has become a felon. I'm thinking about writing to the President and asking him for a pardon for poor, old, misunderstood Daisy. Seems that the halls of justice have dealt her a severe hand.

To answer Foxy's question, I am placing the geocache out just for fun. No particular reason other than that. I used to geocache a lot and then laid off of it for about 6 years. Have suddenly developed a renewed interest and am back at it. It's great fun and something you should try if you've never been geocaching before.

Fish fries... Love them. Our church, Saint Mary, has them on every Friday night during Lent. The fish is Cod and they do a wonderful job of providing a great meal. Our first one is March 3rd. It's all you can eat and the cost is $10.00. It's very well attended around my neck of the woods.

Been very lazy today. It's been cold, rainy, a bit windy, and pretty dreary looking outside. Been hanging around close to the coffee pot today. Mrs. BBD has been spending the afternoon in her recliner with Taco by her side watching movies all afternoon. The only time Taco has moved is when he came over to visit me to get a bite of my sandwich I made about an hour ago. Then it was back into Mrs. BBD's recliner and under his "blankie" safe from all the Ills of the world.
We're taking it easy today too though the weather is beautiful here. Hombre had both big toenails removed late this morning and his instructions were to stay off his feet as much as possible for the rest of the day, so he is taking full advantage of that. Makes for a lot of fetching for me though, but it's okay.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Continued happiness for Mr. & Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition and wellness for Gracie.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Illinois sunset
Quick check in before I head in to open up.
I can't remember if I mentioned that we now open at 9 AM, but I'm still getting used to getting up at 7 AM again. The new hours, and particularly the new employee that made the new hours possible have resulted to a surge in business, not just on the morning shift, but these new morning customers are stopping by at night and bringing friends. It looks like around 20% increase in revenue.
Quick check in before I head in to open up.
I can't remember if I mentioned that we now open at 9 AM, but I'm still getting used to getting up at 7 AM again. The new hours, and particularly the new employee that made the new hours possible have resulted to a surge in business, not just on the morning shift, but these new morning customers are stopping by at night and bringing friends. It looks like around 20% increase in revenue.
Yup, 3 years since we opened up (2/28/14) and we held our 3rd anniversary party last night with fun, food and music and our highest grossing night ever. Rumor has it, that every other bar within 10 miles of Doc's was empty. We are officially THE bar in Foley.
Quick check in before I head in to open up.
I can't remember if I mentioned that we now open at 9 AM, but I'm still getting used to getting up at 7 AM again. The new hours, and particularly the new employee that made the new hours possible have resulted to a surge in business, not just on the morning shift, but these new morning customers are stopping by at night and bringing friends. It looks like around 20% increase in revenue.
Yup, 3 years since we opened up (2/28/14) and we held our 3rd anniversary party last night with fun, food and music and our highest grossing night ever. Rumor has it, that every other bar within 10 miles of Doc's was empty. We are officially THE bar in Foley.

Congratulations, Ernie! That is great! :)
Woke up to a light dusting of snow. Bring on the coffee. Thought I saw a Robin but it turned out to be a crow wearing a red sweatshirt.
Just got two Joni Mitchell CD albums in the post and listened to ' ladies of the canyon' It brought tears to my eyes, and that's not easy to do. Of course I used to have that album years ago so it was all familiar.
Quick check in before I head in to open up.
I can't remember if I mentioned that we now open at 9 AM, but I'm still getting used to getting up at 7 AM again. The new hours, and particularly the new employee that made the new hours possible have resulted to a surge in business, not just on the morning shift, but these new morning customers are stopping by at night and bringing friends. It looks like around 20% increase in revenue.
Yup, 3 years since we opened up (2/28/14) and we held our 3rd anniversary party last night with fun, food and music and our highest grossing night ever. Rumor has it, that every other bar within 10 miles of Doc's was empty. We are officially THE bar in Foley.

From what I have read over the years, you offer good music, food, drink and make people feel comfortable. Not hard to see why there is success.

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