USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have learned in my years that I have absolutely no control over the weather... Next 10 days they are prognosticating no freezing weather, but what do they know...
Off to the shower for me and then we will be leaving at noon for our regular Thursday afternoon 42 game. Beautiful day here now but supposed to get windy later and it has cooled back into the 50's with freezing temps overnight again--that's going to kill a lot of the flowers coming up way early.
They were saying on the news that an apple orchard is budding early. Not sure what happens when it freezes again and I think it will.
Off to the shower for me and then we will be leaving at noon for our regular Thursday afternoon 42 game. Beautiful day here now but supposed to get windy later and it has cooled back into the 50's with freezing temps overnight again--that's going to kill a lot of the flowers coming up way early.
They were saying on the news that an apple orchard is budding early. Not sure what happens when it freezes again and I think it will.

It could mean no apples from that orchard, but given that most apples are grown in high country with four seasons, I think it has to blossom and freeze to eliminate apples for the season.
Hi all, still keeping pretty busy working on different things and keeping appointments.
Had really strong winds most of the day, the cats were generally spooked by the wind so they mostly stayed in. It's been in the upper 70s, lower 80s so that's a nice break.
Quickly tossed together dinner, was going to make pork country oven baked ribs but forgot to take the ribs out of the fridge and finish thawing em. So I grabbed a ham steak out of the freezer, they thaw quickly, "baked" some potatoes in the microwave and fried up the ham steak. Threw a quick mustard maple sauce together but used it as a glaze, worked out well. :thup:
Hi all, still keeping pretty busy working on different things and keeping appointments.
Had really strong winds most of the day, the cats were generally spooked by the wind so they mostly stayed in. It's been in the upper 70s, lower 80s so that's a nice break.
Quickly tossed together dinner, was going to make pork country oven baked ribs but forgot to take the ribs out of the fridge and finish thawing em. So I grabbed a ham steak out of the freezer, they thaw quickly, "baked" some potatoes in the microwave and fried up the ham steak. Threw a quick mustard maple sauce together but used it as a glaze, worked out well. :thup:
That sounds like a great meal. Enjoy!
Snowing again. My knees and hand joints are having a hissy from the cold. So are my lungs. I have cut way back on smoking which is a good thing I guess.

I am so eager for spring and warmer weather.

Back to The Tudors on Netflix.....been binge watching it for days now. I think we are almost at the end. Housemate is cooking homemade chicken soup and MrG is in the living room in a recliner watching it. I have the bedroom all to myself for once! We don't hang out in the living room too often because Housemate keeps the place like a fridge. Too damn cold out there, so we usually stay in our room. But the soup smells like thanksgiving dinner and the news was too good to pass up for MrG since he cant find it on SlingTV, which is what we have. No cable. Just Sling, Netflix and Hulu. We miss our cable...but not the bill!
Snowing again. My knees and hand joints are having a hissy from the cold. So are my lungs. I have cut way back on smoking which is a good thing I guess.

I am so eager for spring and warmer weather.

Back to The Tudors on Netflix.....been binge watching it for days now. I think we are almost at the end. Housemate is cooking homemade chicken soup and MrG is in the living room in a recliner watching it. I have the bedroom all to myself for once! We don't hang out in the living room too often because Housemate keeps the place like a fridge. Too damn cold out there, so we usually stay in our room. But the soup smells like thanksgiving dinner and the news was too good to pass up for MrG since he cant find it on SlingTV, which is what we have. No cable. Just Sling, Netflix and Hulu. We miss our cable...but not the bill!
Hello, Gracie!
Seems you're a bit happier. I tried to visit earlier, but the work computers were...unresponsive.
I like The Tudors. It was interesting, I liked the costume designs, and it was fairly well founded in historical facts. Lots of dialog was lifted directly from Henry VIII's letters to Anne Boleyn, most of them are preserved in the Vatican.
Snowing again. My knees and hand joints are having a hissy from the cold. So are my lungs. I have cut way back on smoking which is a good thing I guess.

I am so eager for spring and warmer weather.

Back to The Tudors on Netflix.....been binge watching it for days now. I think we are almost at the end. Housemate is cooking homemade chicken soup and MrG is in the living room in a recliner watching it. I have the bedroom all to myself for once! We don't hang out in the living room too often because Housemate keeps the place like a fridge. Too damn cold out there, so we usually stay in our room. But the soup smells like thanksgiving dinner and the news was too good to pass up for MrG since he cant find it on SlingTV, which is what we have. No cable. Just Sling, Netflix and Hulu. We miss our cable...but not the bill!
You can get a Roku 3 (refurbished) for $90. With the Roku you can get tons of free channels as well as national and international news/weather.


For local news a digital antenna might be the answer depending on your location, $10 at Walmart.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Continued happiness for Mr. & Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition and wellness for Gracie.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery..
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Indiana sunset
I've been visiting my mother since Saturday, will be here until Sunday morning. I've spent a good portion of that time with my belly bother me. I don't travel well. :(
At least you're with your mom. They know how to baby you when you're sick.

Well, some of them do. :)
I've been visiting my mother since Saturday, will be here until Sunday morning. I've spent a good portion of that time with my belly bother me. I don't travel well. :(
At least you're with your mom. They know how to baby you when you're sick.

Well, some of them do. :)

It might be better if I were sick. I just have a bad digestive system, courtesy of my mother's mother. :p
Off to the shower for me and then we will be leaving at noon for our regular Thursday afternoon 42 game. Beautiful day here now but supposed to get windy later and it has cooled back into the 50's with freezing temps overnight again--that's going to kill a lot of the flowers coming up way early.
They were saying on the news that an apple orchard is budding early. Not sure what happens when it freezes again and I think it will.

Apple cider gets to $7 a gallon.
I've been visiting my mother since Saturday, will be here until Sunday morning. I've spent a good portion of that time with my belly bother me. I don't travel well. :(
At least you're with your mom. They know how to baby you when you're sick.

Well, some of them do. :)

It might be better if I were sick. I just have a bad digestive system, courtesy of my mother's mother. :p

Some families exchange weird stuff at Christmas...

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