USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm here,
A gorgeous New Mexico spring morning here while it lasts--we're scheduled for more wind this afternoon.

Not much on the schedule today. Fixed a big breakfast for Hombre and me as we usually skip lunch these days and won't eat again until a light supper. (Okay we fill in with a snack here or there too.)

Has anybody heard from Gracie lately? She hasn't posted in awhile. Looks like more weather--maybe snow?--where she is.
I'm here foxy. Sorry...was in a few other threads, but yesterday I watched Hobbit movies all day due to feeling icky. My body is trying hard to be a mountain gal, but is balking. I am at a higher altitude as well. Not used to that, either. And, I woke up to snow on my car.

I am homesick for my beaches.
The World Famous Iditarod sled dog race began today in Fairbanks. Hiya, Gallantwarrior!

One of my 'bucket list' the Iditarod seems to be the kind of challenge that separates the wheat from the chaff, the boys from the men, frost-bitten toes from the feet. How heroic. How gallant. But my experience with dogs goes from my childhood pet Captain through the dog I had in college, Poco and finally to Daisy the Mutt. During our walks in the dead of winter, sometimes I would have to put Daisy on a leash. If the roads were icy, she always seemed to find traction under her four paws. That was not always the case for me. She'd tug, being a mere pup and overly enthusiastic. I would call out to her "Mush you Huskies!" But I was calling out to a miniature poodle weighing in at a puny ten pounds. Jack London was looking down and blushing.

The guy with, what I consider, the World's best job passed away today. Robert Osborne host of Turner Classic Movies always comported himself as a sterling example of a gentleman. Knowledgeab, wry and familiar Mr. Osborne gave insight into the greatest films of all time. That seems an arbitrary phrase, 'greatest films of all time'. All too often here on USMB, someone will list the greatest films of all time only to actually list the greatest films of THEIR time.

I may have been born too late, but the films of the decades before I was born seem to appeal to me more than contemporary ones. The stars were more glamorous maybe, more talented certainly. And the writers and directors seemed more talented too. Anyway, I really liked Me. Osborne's commentary and introductions.
but the films of the decades before I was born seem to appeal to me more than contemporary ones. The stars were more glamorous maybe, more talented certainly. And the writers and directors seemed more talented too.
Amen. Class and classy. Gentlemen. Good stories without all the nastiness and/or gore, etc etc etc. Wearing apparel that wowed, not showed titties and crotches and such.
You look like a little doll. Thats a compliment, by the way. :)
:biggrin: Me

The World Famous Iditarod sled dog race began today in Fairbanks. Hiya, Gallantwarrior!

One of my 'bucket list' the Iditarod seems to be the kind of challenge that separates the wheat from the chaff, the boys from the men, frost-bitten toes from the feet. How heroic. How gallant. But my experience with dogs goes from my childhood pet Captain through the dog I had in college, Poco and finally to Daisy the Mutt. During our walks in the dead of winter, sometimes I would have to put Daisy on a leash. If the roads were icy, she always seemed to find traction under her four paws. That was not always the case for me. She'd tug, being a mere pup and overly enthusiastic. I would call out to her "Mush you Huskies!" But I was calling out to a miniature poodle weighing in at a puny ten pounds. Jack London was looking down and blushing.

The guy with, what I consider, the World's best job passed away today. Robert Osborne host of Turner Classic Movies always comported himself as a sterling example of a gentleman. Knowledgeab, wry and familiar Mr. Osborne gave insight into the greatest films of all time. That seems an arbitrary phrase, 'greatest films of all time'. All too often here on USMB, someone will list the greatest films of all time only to actually list the greatest films of THEIR time.

I may have been born too late, but the films of the decades before I was born seem to appeal to me more than contemporary ones. The stars were more glamorous maybe, more talented certainly. And the writers and directors seemed more talented too. Anyway, I really liked Me. Osborne's commentary and introductions.
Yup! Too bad they had to restart the Iditarod in Fairbanks. Willow (my digs) are the usual re-start point, but the snow has remained MIA, so of to Fairbanks they go.
I agree about films of prior eons. The actors acted. Special effects were limited. "A Lion In Winter" is still of my favs because of the acting/interaction.
Right now, I'm watching Roy Orbison in black-n-white on PBS. What talent. And he didn't need to dress in a meat outfit, or strip to his BVDs to make music.
but the films of the decades before I was born seem to appeal to me more than contemporary ones. The stars were more glamorous maybe, more talented certainly. And the writers and directors seemed more talented too.
Amen. Class and classy. Gentlemen. Good stories without all the nastiness and/or gore, etc etc etc. Wearing apparel that wowed, not showed titties and crotches and such.

More talented? I doubt it. Maybe as a percentage of the total, because there were a lot fewer, but there's no reason to think acting or directing talent has somehow faded.
To each his or her own, Montro.
Most movies nowadays are rip offs of old movies. Same as music. Which is why some teenyboppers look at me strangely when I sing along with their hippity hoppity grunge crap cuz I know the words....which are eons old from songs before they were born, lol.
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*

Give it time. At least you have a roof over your head, no ants in the walls, and pleasant people around you. But I do not mean to make light of your homesickness. Been there. Done that. Trashed the T-shirt. I do know how that feels.
It IS a great place. We are warm, can cook, have a great housemate, beautiful town. But..its not home. Maybe by springtime and summer, I will never want to leave here.:)

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