USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The Robin awaits the spring that will surely come.
It IS a great place. We are warm, can cook, have a great housemate, beautiful town. But..its not home. Maybe by springtime and summer, I will never want to leave here.:)

I'm sure you'll grow to love it. I miss some things about every place I've lived but eventually the new place becomes home. :)

I can't say that for us. Of the nine communities we have lived in during the many decades Hombre and I have been married, only four of them became home for us. It was not the setting, however, but the people or rather a sense of community and belonging that made the difference. We enjoyed the other places and had fun exploring and experiencing them and made friends everywhere we went, but the feeling of permanency, of being HOME just never came. It always felt temporary.
It IS a great place. We are warm, can cook, have a great housemate, beautiful town. But..its not home. Maybe by springtime and summer, I will never want to leave here.:)

I'm sure you'll grow to love it. I miss some things about every place I've lived but eventually the new place becomes home. :)

I can't say that for us. Of the nine communities we have lived in during the many decades Hombre and I have been married, only four of them became home for us. It was not the setting, however, but the people or rather a sense of community and belonging that made the difference. We enjoyed the other places and had fun exploring and experiencing them and made friends everywhere we went, but the feeling of permanency, of being HOME just never came. It always felt temporary.

Well, I haven't lived in that many places, but I did always find something to like about them. Maybe something to dislike too, but such is life.
To each his or her own, Montro.
Most movies nowadays are rip offs of old movies. Same as music. Which is why some teenyboppers look at me strangely when I sing along with their hippity hoppity grunge crap cuz I know the words....which are eons old from songs before they were born, lol.

Maybe most movies are ripoffs in the sense that there are only a certain number of basic story plots, but otherwise, no. Sure, there are too many actual remakes and reboots, but there are tons of original films put out every year.

As to music, I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't think I've ever seen someone say that the lyrics of modern music are the same as older music. If we're talking about the same time period of music as movies (Nosmo said from before he was born, and I believe he's older than I am, so more than 40 years ago), I find it unlikely that the lyrics would be quite the same, just because of what was allowed by social norms. I can say with a high degree of certainty that some of the music I listen to has lyrics that would not have been permitted that long ago. ;)

Also, grunge is a genre that mostly lived and died in the 90s. :p
but the films of the decades before I was born seem to appeal to me more than contemporary ones. The stars were more glamorous maybe, more talented certainly. And the writers and directors seemed more talented too.
Amen. Class and classy. Gentlemen. Good stories without all the nastiness and/or gore, etc etc etc. Wearing apparel that wowed, not showed titties and crotches and such.

More talented? I doubt it. Maybe as a percentage of the total, because there were a lot fewer, but there's no reason to think acting or directing talent has somehow faded.

I will agree with you that the talent is there among today's stars and entertainers. Some of the acting is superb. But just as you and I disagree on what is great music--I want compelling melodies and lyrics and for me both are sadly lacking in most of the modern music of today--I have to agree with Nosmo and Gracie that the great story lines, strong character development, and a certain standard of class is lacking in most of today's more marketable movies. For me most of the modern movies are too chopped up, too disjointed, and frequently too angry, brutal, with too much gratuitous sex and violence. They expend too much effort on special effects and too little on evoking sympathy and emotion.

But I am well aware that people of your generation, of my granddaughter's generation, feel and enjoy a different experience and see it entirely differently and I respect that. But my extensive music and movie collection doesn't have much in it more recent than the early 1990's. :)
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It IS a great place. We are warm, can cook, have a great housemate, beautiful town. But..its not home. Maybe by springtime and summer, I will never want to leave here.:)

I'm sure you'll grow to love it. I miss some things about every place I've lived but eventually the new place becomes home. :)

I can't say that for us. Of the nine communities we have lived in during the many decades Hombre and I have been married, only four of them became home for us. It was not the setting, however, but the people or rather a sense of community and belonging that made the difference. We enjoyed the other places and had fun exploring and experiencing them and made friends everywhere we went, but the feeling of permanency, of being HOME just never came. It always felt temporary.

Well, I haven't lived in that many places, but I did always find something to like about them. Maybe something to dislike too, but such is life.

Agree. I wasn't miserable anywhere, but there is a difference between enjoying what a place has to offer and finding some joy, but a sense of belonging and being at home can be elusive.
It IS a great place. We are warm, can cook, have a great housemate, beautiful town. But..its not home. Maybe by springtime and summer, I will never want to leave here.:)

I'm sure you'll grow to love it. I miss some things about every place I've lived but eventually the new place becomes home. :)
I'm hoping this place doesn't become just like home to me.
I'll be in the hospital one more night. The alternative was 10 days in patient therapy. I really don't think the after-care lady was prepared for the guttural.laugh and obscene language when THAT was suggested
To each his or her own, Montro.
Most movies nowadays are rip offs of old movies. Same as music. Which is why some teenyboppers look at me strangely when I sing along with their hippity hoppity grunge crap cuz I know the words....which are eons old from songs before they were born, lol.
It does seem that so many movies these day are based on comic books, are sequels to better movies, or are so politically motivated you just really don't care.
I did watch "Secret Life of Pets" this weekend, though. It was pretty funny.
Wow I was just hit with a profound revelation, to wit ----
Today is Tuesday, not Wednesday! Did y'all know? I just scored a whole extra day in the week. :eusa_dance:

I got my circadian navigation screwed up after getting up at 7 yesterday, attending a funeral and then driving all the way home the same day after arriving the previous night, which made for 1500 miles of driving in two days. My original plan would have been to drive all day today but that would have put me directly underneath that violent thunderstorm wafting across the southeast right now. It would have followed me all the way home, 700+ miles. So instead I ventured out yesterday afternoon, drove through the night and got home just before sunrise -- when it was still dark enough to go to sleep.

All day I've been fretting, gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta get on the road again tomorrow --- well, now I don't. :)

My aunt passed away a few days ago in Mississippi and the funeral was yesterday. She was the last of her generation so this was the end of an era. This would be the same aunt that had the "mini-stroke" last year, brushed it off and declared "I'm going for a hundred!". She didn't quite make it. But she was a fighter and the goal wasn't at all beyond expectations. This one was a gastro ailment that came up pretty quickly and after 97½ years just didn't have enough fight left. She went gently and peacefully and thankfully did not suffer.

Long grueling drive but worth it for the family contact.

Tuesday, not Wednesday. Who knew. :eusa_doh:

All things considered I'm glad I whipped up a thermos full of coffee and drove all night. Today would have been a drive from hell.
My condolences for you and the loss of your Aunt, Pogo.:(

Stayed holed up for awhile where you are and wait for a break in these many storms pounding us all. That is my plan for the day. Supposed to get almost to 60 today but they lied. It is 41 degrees and snowflakes are still wafting down along with rain here and there. I long for spring and summer..and SUN.
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.

Can you retire? Is the extra time for yourself that you would gain worth what it would cost you in material benefits? I think you're possibly past the midlife crisis phase--such is very real by the way--but if you are just bored, it is time to find a new hobby or interest that gives you something to look forward to.

But if you are finding yourself dreading each new day, then in my opinion, it is time for a change.
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle. is the same o same o. There, is was the same o same o. But if I knew now what I HAD then, I would have done more to secure it being our forever home. I would have not been such a hermit. I would have done many things differently, thats for sure. Now I wait. Again. For a chance to go back to what was, since I learned a valuable lesson. We wasted time. And opportunity. And lost it all.

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