USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.

Can you retire? Is the extra time for yourself that you would gain worth what it would cost you in material benefits? I think you're possibly past the midlife crisis phase--such is very real by the way--but if you are just bored, it is time to find a new hobby or interest that gives you something to look forward to.

But if you are finding yourself dreading each new day, then in my opinion, it is time for a change.
I plan on working a few more years where I am. Things are actually pretty good, and my staying in the town place while the partner (whose "disability") stays on the Willow farm to take care of animals will work out well. Someone has to clean up the hoarder paradise, and I know my partner will never be able to throw away all that trash. So, while I work, on my off time, I will have a Red Box delivered and fill as many as I need to. On weekends, I will go up to Willow to help get things set up there. If any of you has ever dealt with a hoarder, you will perhaps understand the depressing prospect I am faced with, cleaning up years of accumulated junk.
I look forward to retiring. I am planning on getting a few chickens in addition to my goats. I don't mind not travelling as much as I mind not having any discretionary free time.
As a Housing Inspector, I've seen my share of hoarders. Accumulated detritus stacked floor to ceiling, wall to wall.

The city stopped curbside recycling. So I have enough pasteboard boxes stacked up in the basement to keep Amazon busy for at least a few days. This Spring, item number 12 on my list of things I gotta do is clear them out of there.

I used to resent talk of retirement. I was trapped into thinking that I was the indispensable person and no one could possibly step into my position and know all the ropes. I thought I still had too much to do.

But lately I've come to realize that I didn't know all the ropes when I began. It takes years to know nearly everything, as well as a patina of age to lend credibility. Retirement sounds like a better idea with every ring of the morning alarm clock.
I tried to retire when I just got so homesick I had to move back here. They made me an offer to telecommunicate on a part time basis. I like this much better but you know I have dreams still that I'm late for work or trying to start a new job in a building where I don't know where anything is.

I'll be happy when I can fully retire. I'll find plenty to do. :)
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*
Think about how happy Karma is in all those open spaces. I don't think you'd be as
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!

Do you have enough warm clothes for their winter? You need sweaters, coat, gloves, hat even and a scarf. Maybe you'll feel better when you go out.
You folks talking about retirement... Let me tell you, I highly recommend it! I'm having a ball. I planned well for my retirement and am living the kind of lifestyle I am comfortable with and have plenty of time to do as I wish. Life is good. Retirement is good. If you've been thinking about retiring, go for it. You won't regret it.
I used to be retired

Carry on working as long as you can. I retired years ago and I spend more time sleeping than waking.
I am up at 5am again but will soon crash and probably sleep till noon.
I need a purpose.The 3 years I remained retired bored the hell out of me. Now, bored is not always a bad thing and I do miss being able to leave for parts unknown when I feel the wanderlust, but I do truly love what I do and hope to get back to it ASAP
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

And it's not the "plink" of an aluminum bat.It's the crack of wood on leather.
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*
Think about how happy Karma is in all those open spaces. I don't think you'd be as
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!

Do you have enough warm clothes for their winter? You need sweaters, coat, gloves, hat even and a scarf. Maybe you'll feel better when you go out.
I do now, thanks to thrift shops. I wear TWO coats, TWO pairs of leggings over a pair of thermals, socks INSIDE my uggs, bought a pair of rain/snow boots for 4 bucks, more blankets for the bed, 4 scarves, 3 sets of gloves I wear over each other and tomorrow I am off to buy a beanie hat! We were very unprepared.:eek-52:
Does anyone have a futuristix cassette to mp3 converter ? I have had one for years but I have never used it.
I read on the internet that the suppliers went bust so there is not much information about it. It says it works on old windows versions but that was before windows 10 and I don't want to install the software that comes with it because there are reports it has bugs even on the windows versions it was designed for.

I have been off my music for some time but recently started listening to it again, and I started buying CDs of my old records and tapes. But if I can convert my tapes to mp3 I can write them to CDs myself, thereby saving loads of money.

I don't have a clue Dajjal. We have a turn table that we can play old records on but it hasn't been hooked up since we moved into this house. And the equipment can record a record we are playing to a cassette tape but who uses those any more? My 1995 Subaru still has a tape deck but you can't buy tapes so. . ..

And I don't buy the mp3's so don't really know how they work.

I have been reading you can use any cassette player that has an output port by plugging it directly into the computer sound card and using the software that comes with windows. But I am not doing anything until I am sure of what I am doing as it puts both your software and hardware at risk.

I've transferred a few songs from cassette to mp3 before. I don't think I used any particular software, just plugged my cassette player into the input jack on my PC. Maybe I used Audacity to record it, I don't remember; it was years ago. I don't even own a cassette player anymore. :p

If your cassette player has a 3.5mm headphone jack, and you have a 3.5 to 3.5 wire, plug from the cassette player headphone jack to your PC's line in. You should be able to use Windows built in software to record, or you can try a free program like Audacity if you prefer. You can also do RCA cables to 3.5 if necessary. The wires are cheap if you don't already have them, probably about $5 US.
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*
Think about how happy Karma is in all those open spaces. I don't think you'd be as
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!

Do you have enough warm clothes for their winter? You need sweaters, coat, gloves, hat even and a scarf. Maybe you'll feel better when you go out.
I do now, thanks to thrift shops. I wear TWO coats, TWO pairs of leggings over a pair of thermals, socks INSIDE my uggs, bought a pair of rain/snow boots for 4 bucks, more blankets for the bed, 4 scarves, 3 sets of gloves I wear over each other and tomorrow I am off to buy a beanie hat! We were very unprepared.:eek-52:

My gosh! How cold is it there?
You folks talking about retirement... Let me tell you, I highly recommend it! I'm having a ball. I planned well for my retirement and am living the kind of lifestyle I am comfortable with and have plenty of time to do as I wish. Life is good. Retirement is good. If you've been thinking about retiring, go for it. You won't regret it.
I used to be retired

Carry on working as long as you can. I retired years ago and I spend more time sleeping than waking.
I am up at 5am again but will soon crash and probably sleep till noon.
I need a purpose.The 3 years I remained retired bored the hell out of me. Now, bored is not always a bad thing and I do miss being able to leave for parts unknown when I feel the wanderlust, but I do truly love what I do and hope to get back to it ASAP

I don't really get bored, but I waste a lot of time watching daytime TV. When I am not doing that I spend time on various forums on the web. I also have a large library of books that I have collected over my life. I have shelves full of philosophy books that I have only glanced at and I have some serious reading to do.
You folks talking about retirement... Let me tell you, I highly recommend it! I'm having a ball. I planned well for my retirement and am living the kind of lifestyle I am comfortable with and have plenty of time to do as I wish. Life is good. Retirement is good. If you've been thinking about retiring, go for it. You won't regret it.
I used to be retired

Carry on working as long as you can. I retired years ago and I spend more time sleeping than waking.
I am up at 5am again but will soon crash and probably sleep till noon.
I need a purpose.The 3 years I remained retired bored the hell out of me. Now, bored is not always a bad thing and I do miss being able to leave for parts unknown when I feel the wanderlust, but I do truly love what I do and hope to get back to it ASAP

I don't really get bored, but I waste a lot of time watching daytime TV. When I am not doing that I spend time on various forums on the web. I also have a large library of books that I have collected over my life. I have shelves full of philosophy books that I have only glanced at and I have some serious reading to do.

As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's not really a waste. It's your time. ;)
Maybe I'm ready to retire? Lately, I my family, I miss the social milieu I once enjoyed. These last few years flew by, but my life has achieved an unvaried sameness that s beginning to wear on me.

Leave your glasses at home for the day, your perspective will change.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!


Cold outside is God's way of telling you to post here.
. If any of you has ever dealt with a hoarder, you will perhaps understand the depressing prospect
I am living with one now. But its not trash. Or junk. Just shitloads of STUFF. And worth some major bucks, I might add. Still, he needs to let most of it go. His mom was the same way. So two hoarders, one house and you have what we walked in to. It is a mess. And sad. Because the stuff he has? omg...if only he would slap it on craigslist, or consign it, or take more to his mall spaces (he has two). Alas..he hangs on to stuff that won't sell because its "vintage".
However, I do not plan to rock the boat. I just long to be able to reach stuff I can clean and dust and put back in a proper place for eye candy viewing because like I said..its GOOD STUFF. And I long to walk in each room without following the path of stacked goods on each side. Even his friends that came over to meet us told me to peck at him to get stuff gone and I said oh HAYELL no! Hes your friend, YOU pick at him! I don't want to be told to move!!!

You are viewed as a positive influence.... cut it out...
You folks talking about retirement... Let me tell you, I highly recommend it! I'm having a ball. I planned well for my retirement and am living the kind of lifestyle I am comfortable with and have plenty of time to do as I wish. Life is good. Retirement is good. If you've been thinking about retiring, go for it. You won't regret it.
I used to be retired

Carry on working as long as you can. I retired years ago and I spend more time sleeping than waking.
I am up at 5am again but will soon crash and probably sleep till noon.
I need a purpose.The 3 years I remained retired bored the hell out of me. Now, bored is not always a bad thing and I do miss being able to leave for parts unknown when I feel the wanderlust, but I do truly love what I do and hope to get back to it ASAP

I don't really get bored, but I waste a lot of time watching daytime TV. When I am not doing that I spend time on various forums on the web. I also have a large library of books that I have collected over my life. I have shelves full of philosophy books that I have only glanced at and I have some serious reading to do.

As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's not really a waste. It's your time. ;)

Yea, but daytime TV is scraping the barrel. It's just a way of filling the space in my head. But I will get back to reading my books in the summer. I don't read much in the winter as for one thing I can't read to well by artificial light, and for another I can't afford to heat my library. I only heat one room where I keep my computers and TV.
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*
Think about how happy Karma is in all those open spaces. I don't think you'd be as
You should, GW. Get another abode in a warmer clime so you can go back and forth. Spend time with the kidlets while you have mobility. Old age creeps up on ya much too fast. It hit me at 58 and I was still roaring to do things. Now...I wait for weather and my body to allow anything I do or any place I go.
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!

Do you have enough warm clothes for their winter? You need sweaters, coat, gloves, hat even and a scarf. Maybe you'll feel better when you go out.
I do now, thanks to thrift shops. I wear TWO coats, TWO pairs of leggings over a pair of thermals, socks INSIDE my uggs, bought a pair of rain/snow boots for 4 bucks, more blankets for the bed, 4 scarves, 3 sets of gloves I wear over each other and tomorrow I am off to buy a beanie hat! We were very unprepared.:eek-52:

My gosh! How cold is it there?
Cold is relative, some people can wear shorts and a t-shit in 20 degree weather, someone else will be wrapped up like an Eskimo when it drops to 60 degrees.
It is beautiful here. It truly is. But...I wanna go home. *sniff*
Think about how happy Karma is in all those open spaces. I don't think you'd be as
I cannot imagine living in a warmer clime. I love it here. I am very happy that you and Mr. G found a place in a warmer clime, though. t get me wrong, you will always be welcome here, but it is cold. Doesn't bother dogs that much, but folks feel the change.
I'm tired of never having time for anything but work and chores. My social life includes my socially retarded partner and my geezers. Once I move from where I am, I lose the geezers and have only the partner and my work colleagues. Hopefully, after I retire, I can become more involved in my local community and take up so many of the hobbies and crafts that have fallen by the wayside because I have so little time. Working two jobs and the small farm take up so much of my life...
I apologize for being whiney. My partner plans on staying another night here, and his being here is a big cramp on my lifestyle.
Then continue to love where you are, but now make time to ENJOY that love, hon. If you can afford it....retire. Or at least, from the one job that takes up that time, so you CAN do all the things you said you want to do.

Now that I am done preaching..instead of hanging in the house where its warm..I think I am going to brave the cold and hit a few thrift shops with karma. Salvation Army folks know her already and eagerly await her visits, lol.
Here, I plan to be more social. Make friends. GET OUT and about. No hermity lifestyle here!

Do you have enough warm clothes for their winter? You need sweaters, coat, gloves, hat even and a scarf. Maybe you'll feel better when you go out.
I do now, thanks to thrift shops. I wear TWO coats, TWO pairs of leggings over a pair of thermals, socks INSIDE my uggs, bought a pair of rain/snow boots for 4 bucks, more blankets for the bed, 4 scarves, 3 sets of gloves I wear over each other and tomorrow I am off to buy a beanie hat! We were very unprepared.:eek-52:

My gosh! How cold is it there?
Cold is relative, some people can wear shorts and a t-shit in 20 degree weather, someone else will be wrapped up like an Eskimo when it drops to 60 degrees.
Right! I've seen young girls wearing flip flops, a tank top and shorts in 30 degree weather. I assume they are being slaves to fashion.

Meanwhile, my sainted Aunt Sis, who moved to Pinellas Park, Florida in 1962 would come home for family reunions in July or August. She would wear a sweater, slacks and hard shoes with stockings while she simultaneously drank gallons of steaming hot black coffee and sucked down Pall Mall unfiltered by the carton. Sis had the complexion of a prune, the stature of a fire hydrant and a personality feisty enough to stop any assailant in his tracks. She was also the sweetest woman to her friends and family anyone could ask for.

And here today, it's windy (30 mph gusts) and the thermometer is hovering around the low fifties. A bright blue sky has us all confused as we have grown used to a perpetual shroud of clouds since St. Valentine's Day. Many here have figured out what that shield at the top of the windshield above the steering wheel is intended for.
You folks talking about retirement... Let me tell you, I highly recommend it! I'm having a ball. I planned well for my retirement and am living the kind of lifestyle I am comfortable with and have plenty of time to do as I wish. Life is good. Retirement is good. If you've been thinking about retiring, go for it. You won't regret it.
I used to be retired

Carry on working as long as you can. I retired years ago and I spend more time sleeping than waking.
I am up at 5am again but will soon crash and probably sleep till noon.
I need a purpose.The 3 years I remained retired bored the hell out of me. Now, bored is not always a bad thing and I do miss being able to leave for parts unknown when I feel the wanderlust, but I do truly love what I do and hope to get back to it ASAP

You know things are as they should be when you wake up in the morning looking forward to your day. But for now, your job is to heal yourself so that you can do that again. Take the doctor's advice and get it done. :)

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