USMB Coffee Shop IV

I don't have power either. I went out to get my license renewed and came back to STILL NO LIGHTS!!!!

The winds are terrible and just a little juice left on my tablet.

Neighbor down the street had a tree take out his Colorado pickup.
It seems like something like that could happen.

Our trees around here are used to 50 mph winds. But when it gets up near and beyond hurricane force--and that sometimes happens here too--it can do some damage but not as much as one might think.

No wind today though and an absolutely perfectly beautiful day with glorious azure blue sky that New Mexico is famous for. So warm Hombre and I were shedding our light jackets when we went grocery shopping earlier.

The opening lines of our state song:

Under a sky of azure
Where balmy breezes blow
Kissed by the golden sunshine
Is Nuevo Mejico. . .

We have tall, thin trees on three sides of our house, as well as across the street. A few have fallen in the 7 or so years we've lived here, although thankfully none onto our house or the neighbors'. Still, those trees sway a lot when it gets windy, and I'm always worried one of the trees on the edges, closest to the house, will one day fall toward us. I don't know how much damage it would do, since they are very thin, but it would suck. :p

What you are describing are probably poplar trees and those do have pretty shallow root systems plus they don't live all that long so will weaken in their old age. They are a problem with wind.
In that case, they very well could be Nosmo King trees. Weakened by age and having problems with wind.
Warm and windy here. Temps are expected to rise as high as 27-30, and then drop again to 0-1 during the night. The wind is the killer, though. Wind chill just sucks the warmth from everything.
We have Spring Break next week (already!:ack-1:). I have detailed my partner to stay with the goats while I take a couple of days to go up and stay at the Willow place. There's always loads to do there, and I do enjoy some quality "down" time with a good book. I'll take my drafting equipment up, too, and get the drawings done for the barn. And, of course, I'll be visiting my favorite Coffee Shop, too!
By the way, don't know if any of the ladies here are on estrogen treatments or know someone who's doctor said not to but we just found out today something I've suspected all along. The 2008 study that showed estrogen could cause heart attacks, stroke, etc was based initially on synthetic estrogen, something the news media and medical personnel reported as simply "estrogen". Natural estrogen does not cause these problems but in fact has the opposite beneficial effects.
The devil is in the details........
My breast cancer was induced by estrogen. How I have it, I have no clue because I have no ovaries or uterus. Still, they had me on estrogen BLOCKERS...which I quit taking since it made no sense to me, and the drug caused me to have major suicidal thoughts and I was a basket case. Tamoxifen, it was called. Supposed to take it for 5 friggin years after the surgery. I took it a month or two, then tossed them.
Does anyone have a futuristix cassette to mp3 converter ? I have had one for years but I have never used it.
I read on the internet that the suppliers went bust so there is not much information about it. It says it works on old windows versions but that was before windows 10 and I don't want to install the software that comes with it because there are reports it has bugs even on the windows versions it was designed for.

I have been off my music for some time but recently started listening to it again, and I started buying CDs of my old records and tapes. But if I can convert my tapes to mp3 I can write them to CDs myself, thereby saving loads of money.

I don't have a clue Dajjal. We have a turn table that we can play old records on but it hasn't been hooked up since we moved into this house. And the equipment can record a record we are playing to a cassette tape but who uses those any more? My 1995 Subaru still has a tape deck but you can't buy tapes so. . ..

And I don't buy the mp3's so don't really know how they work.

I have been reading you can use any cassette player that has an output port by plugging it directly into the computer sound card and using the software that comes with windows. But I am not doing anything until I am sure of what I am doing as it puts both your software and hardware at risk.

I've transferred a few songs from cassette to mp3 before. I don't think I used any particular software, just plugged my cassette player into the input jack on my PC. Maybe I used Audacity to record it, I don't remember; it was years ago. I don't even own a cassette player anymore. :p

If your cassette player has a 3.5mm headphone jack, and you have a 3.5 to 3.5 wire, plug from the cassette player headphone jack to your PC's line in. You should be able to use Windows built in software to record, or you can try a free program like Audacity if you prefer. You can also do RCA cables to 3.5 if necessary. The wires are cheap if you don't already have them, probably about $5 US.

It can certainly be done that way --- the direct approach. Might convey some noises but it'll work.

What Dajjal refers to is kind of how I record in the work I do. I use an interface to convert the audio signal to digital, which then feeds into the computer and the recording software. There's no "risk" associated with it. I've done it literally thousands of times. Although one computer's drivers eventually got corrupted so much I went to another one for that work.

However I wouldn't waste money on a cassette player (or turntable or anything else) that's designed with a USB cable for that purpose, if you already have a K7 or TT player. That's just extra stuff. Get a simple interface and you can digitize anything you want from any source, including live.

I know that is in a language some here can understand. Myself, I just nod approvingly as if I had a clue what you just said. :)

B-but ... but I worked on it for weeks to make it simple! :crybaby:

By the way, Pogo, how is Pat doing?

Remarkably steady. She seems to have fully accepted that she'll never walk and doesn't complain about it even though it means she can't bird-watch like she used to. At least she seems fairly lighthearted to me, but I've always had an easy ability to make her laugh. So I do, because I can.

Me I'm still worn out and my back is killing me. Got a massage appointment but not until the weekend. Not sure if sitting in the driver's seat for 1500 miles of driving in 32 hours was a factor but I felt a hamstring twinge the other day, and that's how it starts.
By the way, don't know if any of the ladies here are on estrogen treatments or know someone who's doctor said not to but we just found out today something I've suspected all along. The 2008 study that showed estrogen could cause heart attacks, stroke, etc was based initially on synthetic estrogen, something the news media and medical personnel reported as simply "estrogen". Natural estrogen does not cause these problems but in fact has the opposite beneficial effects.
The devil is in the details........

My Mom took estrogen for decades, I think following a hysterectomy. She didn't get a heart attack or stroke but she had always had tachycardia, sometimes to the point of alarming.

Not the least bit surprised that the natural beats the synthetic. It always does.
My breast cancer was induced by estrogen. How I have it, I have no clue because I have no ovaries or uterus. Still, they had me on estrogen BLOCKERS...which I quit taking since it made no sense to me, and the drug caused me to have major suicidal thoughts and I was a basket case. Tamoxifen, it was called. Supposed to take it for 5 friggin years after the surgery. I took it a month or two, then tossed them.
If they had you on synthetic as opposed to bioidentical hormones then that may have been the case. We also know now that estrogen and progesterone have to be balanced, there has been a direct link to pesticides and breast cancer that has been identified so you're doctor may have been incorrect (repeating what he/she was told) connecting your cancer with estrogen if your estrogen was natural.
I don't have a clue Dajjal. We have a turn table that we can play old records on but it hasn't been hooked up since we moved into this house. And the equipment can record a record we are playing to a cassette tape but who uses those any more? My 1995 Subaru still has a tape deck but you can't buy tapes so. . ..

And I don't buy the mp3's so don't really know how they work.

I have been reading you can use any cassette player that has an output port by plugging it directly into the computer sound card and using the software that comes with windows. But I am not doing anything until I am sure of what I am doing as it puts both your software and hardware at risk.

I've transferred a few songs from cassette to mp3 before. I don't think I used any particular software, just plugged my cassette player into the input jack on my PC. Maybe I used Audacity to record it, I don't remember; it was years ago. I don't even own a cassette player anymore. :p

If your cassette player has a 3.5mm headphone jack, and you have a 3.5 to 3.5 wire, plug from the cassette player headphone jack to your PC's line in. You should be able to use Windows built in software to record, or you can try a free program like Audacity if you prefer. You can also do RCA cables to 3.5 if necessary. The wires are cheap if you don't already have them, probably about $5 US.

It can certainly be done that way --- the direct approach. Might convey some noises but it'll work.

What Dajjal refers to is kind of how I record in the work I do. I use an interface to convert the audio signal to digital, which then feeds into the computer and the recording software. There's no "risk" associated with it. I've done it literally thousands of times. Although one computer's drivers eventually got corrupted so much I went to another one for that work.

However I wouldn't waste money on a cassette player (or turntable or anything else) that's designed with a USB cable for that purpose, if you already have a K7 or TT player. That's just extra stuff. Get a simple interface and you can digitize anything you want from any source, including live.

I know that is in a language some here can understand. Myself, I just nod approvingly as if I had a clue what you just said. :)

B-but ... but I worked on it for weeks to make it simple! :crybaby:

By the way, Pogo, how is Pat doing?

Remarkably steady. She seems to have fully accepted that she'll never walk and doesn't complain about it even though it means she can't bird-watch like she used to. At least she seems fairly lighthearted to me, but I've always had an easy ability to make her laugh. So I do, because I can.

Me I'm still worn out and my back is killing me. Got a massage appointment but not until the weekend. Not sure if sitting in the driver's seat for 1500 miles of driving in 32 hours was a factor but I felt a hamstring twinge the other day, and that's how it starts.

Well think positive thoughts and take care of yourself. I'm glad to hear that Pat still has some quality of life. And don't worry about making it simple. I have accepted my limitations of what I absolutely have no aptitude for. :)
My estrogen was not natural. I used to take it for years, but stopped. Forgot the name of it. Made from female horse pee or something.
They "say" you cannot get breast cancer from damage to the breast. I call bullshit. My breast was pummeled, twisted, punched, yanked and was black and blue afterwards. I knew when I saw the purple boob I would probably get breast cancer. And a couple of years later...there it was.
Doc said if I stopped the hot flashes would be worse and all kinds of awful things would happen. I believed him. Then I said fuck it. Ain't taking it any more. Didn't affect my body at all except I have to pluck a hair or two from my chin. :)
My estrogen was not natural. I used to take it for years, but stopped. Forgot the name of it. Made from female horse pee or something.
They "say" you cannot get breast cancer from damage to the breast. I call bullshit. My breast was pummeled, twisted, punched, yanked and was black and blue afterwards. I knew when I saw the purple boob I would probably get breast cancer. And a couple of years later...there it was.
:eusa_eh: You said your breast cancer was due to estrogen, not abuse. :dunno:
My estrogen was not natural. I used to take it for years, but stopped. Forgot the name of it. Made from female horse pee or something.
They "say" you cannot get breast cancer from damage to the breast. I call bullshit. My breast was pummeled, twisted, punched, yanked and was black and blue afterwards. I knew when I saw the purple boob I would probably get breast cancer. And a couple of years later...there it was.
:eusa_eh: You said your breast cancer was due to estrogen, not abuse. :dunno:
They said it was going to spread due to estrogen. I really didn't pay much attention...I just wanted it cut off and be done with it. That was not how I am going to die. Told them so. According to them, it was a cancer that was spread via estrogen. But I don't have estrogen. They also said I needed chemo..just in case. I told them to shove it. They said take tamoxifen..just in case. New studies prove it is not needed for 5 friggin years, nor is chemo for a stage 1 cancer. They say coffee is bad for you. Bacon. Eggs. Sugar. They say a lot of stuff. Its been 4 or 5 years, so I don't remember about the reason, cause they claim, etc. All I know is Brother In Law damaged my breast in a fit of rage and cancer developed. Dr Gracies opinion.
And, docs now say damage to the breast CAN cause cancer. So....choose yer poison you want to believe. ;)

I will be 65 soon. I have not produced estrogen naturally since 1990. All I have to do is pluck a hair or two. Thats it.

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