USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Hombre for wellness.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, and all others we hope will return.

What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.
If that's all you're watching, you should cancel. Our wireless is one bill and the internet and cable are bundled. I watch more cable than you do so I keep all of it. Netflix, cable, internet, phones.

Now you can get some Network channels for like $12. Look into that.
What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.
If that's all you're watching, you should cancel. Our wireless is one bill and the internet and cable are bundled. I watch more cable than you do so I keep all of it. Netflix, cable, internet, phones.

Now you can get some Network channels for like $12. Look into that.

I'm planning on canceling as soon as my contract is up...I'm sure they'll try and talk me into another "great" deal but I'm not falling for it again.
Up before 6 am this morning for the first time in a long time, but went to bed earlier than usual last night and Carly, the mini doxie, really really needed to go out. And once I was up there I decided not to go back to bed.

Our HVAC guy comes at 8 this morning to shut down the furnace for the summer and get the swamp cooler up and running. Supposed to be in mid 80's today so we may actually use it. Or not. We'll see how it goes. Of course looking ahead on Accuweather, we're in for a bit more cool weather in the coming week but hopefully nothing to the point we'll want the furnace.
What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.
If that's all you're watching, you should cancel. Our wireless is one bill and the internet and cable are bundled. I watch more cable than you do so I keep all of it. Netflix, cable, internet, phones.

Now you can get some Network channels for like $12. Look into that.

I'm planning on canceling as soon as my contract is up...I'm sure they'll try and talk me into another "great" deal but I'm not falling for it again.
The more we let them talk us into things, the worse their pricing gets.
That does seem to be the trend. But. . .if you call and tell them you can't pay their price any more, they usually find a way to lower it somewhat. We have done that several times now.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.

A lot of things I save on the PC I'd never miss. I should probably get some new blank DVDs to save some pictures/videos on, but for the most part, it's not a big deal. I worry more about my settings than data.
I just spoke with AT&T Uverse because I just paid my bill online and saw a message from them that my phone $5 discount is first I though my contract was up but I still have a year to go. She was going to look for discounts or soecial offers for my home phone but I said forget it...every time I change something it ends up costing me more...told her to leave the $5 more charge...never use the friggin' home phone anyway but I think I need it for ADT security I think.

I never win, just go around in circles it seems.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I would like to thank all the mothers reading this for all the mothering you do. It's a hard job, but I imagine it's a rewarding job too. For all the runny noses and scraped knees and tears of disappointment from a lost boy friend or a lost game, there are hundreds more snuggles and kisses and smiles.

My own mother had her hands full with two rambunctious boys. When I was six or seven and my brother was four or five we decided to play Magic Show in the back yard. Our main trick was levitating a sand bucket. Unfamiliar with the laws of physics, we thought the illusion would be more fantastic if the bucket was filled with sand. The bucket itself was a steel bucket adorned with seagulls and shells.

We filled the bucket, attached a length of kite sting to the handle, flung the string over the crossbar atop our swing set and then my brother hid in the hydrangeas. I called the neighborhood gang together as an audience.

"I will magically lift this bucket over my head without the use of my hands!" I proclaimed. "Abracadabra!"

A wave of my arms and my brother began to pull the string. Higher and higher the bucket rose. Oohs and Aahs rose from the kids. And here's where knowledge of physics would have been helpful. The weight of that bucket combined with the tensil strength of kite string ran the obvious equation to its inevitable outcome. As I looked up at the sandbucket dangling over my head, well, you know what happened next.

The kids scattered at the sight of blood pouring from my eyebrow. My brother ran into the house and alerted Mom. She was doing the ironing at the time. She took the hot handkerchief from the ironing board and pressed it to my brow. It immediately turned scarlet as the heat, coupled with the gash on my head sped up the blood flow.

Off to the Emergency Room we sped throwing caution to the wind. Five stitches later and a magnificent bandage applied, we came back home, me in triumph with a dilly of a wound to brag about and Mom with a month subtracted from her life due to the worry and regret of her elder son scared for life.

My eyebrow covers the scar now. My Mom became a hero for her quick action. All part of the cost of doing business as a parent, and I love her all the more for it.

Coming soon: how Mom reacted when my brother broke his wrist!

Is there no calamity she cannot handle with grace and aplomb? Thanks Mom for everything. And Happy Mother's Day to her and all you mothers who have been pressed into service as nurses.
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I'd post my redacted USMB activities here, but frankly it is mostly blacked out and I'd have no idea unless I was there. Suffice to say some people cried but nobody died. ;)
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.

A lot of things I save on the PC I'd never miss. I should probably get some new blank DVDs to save some pictures/videos on, but for the most part, it's not a big deal. I worry more about my settings than data.

I did a windows 10 backup of system files and personal files and it took up 3 cdroms.

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