USMB Coffee Shop IV

Its 4.35 am in England and I have been awake for an hour already. Its a bloody nuisance because I wanted to get up at 5.30 looking for fox cubs and stay awake until 7am when they disperse. There is not enough light to photo them before about 5.30 so there is no point being awake, but I can't sleep. I will stay awake until 7am now as I saw two fox cubs last night at dusk, too dark for good photos, but I am hoping to get some pics this morning.

It is the first time this year I have seen cubs and they are not coming from next door where they were born last year. They are coming from some other garden that I cannot see into, which is disappointing. I will just have to wait for them to run into my garden for the photo opportunities.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Ransom ware is all over the place and I don't have any idea how to get rid of it so I am now scared to click on links. I clicked on a couple of links on facebook that led straight to a scam that tried to make me pay to get rid of a virus. But that was a bluff. Ransom ware is no bluff, and it encrypts your files.

The links to avoid on facebook are ones that claim famous people have died.
There is one hell of a noise going on outside and it sounds like a baby seagull has met the foxes and they are taking it apart. But all the action is taking place out of sight, so I can't get any pictures.

Its light enough now, at 5. 05 am to get a photo, but the action is in a garden over a big fence and I cannot see anything.
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Hey there! I'm not dead, not angry,just not so inclined to argue politics.
This past Monday I had my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. He was very pleased with my progress. He's a bit perplexed that a 67 year old has healed about 25% faster than average. Most people with a tibia plateau fracture are not allowed to put weight on their knee for 12 weeks. I've been cleared for weight bearing at 9 and a half weeks.
I'm pleased, but now I have to work on getting this damned leg strong enough to walk. After over 2 months in a brace or cast that has kept my knee bent about 10 degrees, I can't lock my knee straight and with the atrophy from all this time not using the leg, I cannot support all my weight on my left leg... So, yesterday, I started therapy.
Very interesting! It HURTS, but I am making progress. Until last night, I had been sleeping and mostly living on the pullout sofa in the living room. Yesterday friends moved stuff around so I could get back into the bedroom. My living room looks like a living room again, instead of a hospital room and I'm done with the foam wedge to elevate my leg and keep the knee slightly bent. between the exercises and sleeping without the support, my knee is straight. I can't quite lock it, but I'm happy with the progress.
For a couple weeks, I was slipping into a depression. Not being able to perform my daily tasks, Infrequent visits to Doc's, pain and side effects from narcotics were wearing me down. So, Monday morning I need coffee. I grab the walker next to my bed and hop one legged to the wheel chair and sit down. Damn! I didn't have my cell phone.. It was in center of the bed and I couldn't reach it from the chair. I got back on the walker and leaned way over for the phone. The walker toppled over and the cross bar hit my left foot and I fell across the bed.
I started laughing uncontrollably. I had visions of a tiny car with a couple dozen clowns getting in and out all to the theme from Benny Hill.
I was still laughing once I was back in chair measuring coffee into the grinder. As I was about to push the button, my partner called. I was still laughing and could only manage "Hi" and "What's up?" He asked if I was down with him and a few friends coming over to waste about 500 rounds off my back deck.
3 hours later, there were 5 of us shooting at anything we could find that looked like a target and we could throw off the deck. I ran 100 rounds through my matched pair of Colt 1973s at one point, propped up on my crutches shooting with one in each hand.
I'm no longer laughing uncontrollably, but that day was exactly what I needed. I've started working on my recovery both physically and mentally. I'm probably happier than I should be considering my limitations, but hell! I can get down the steps and get to my truck and haul my decrepit butt to Doc Holliday' a few days a weeks. I can wear long pants for the first time since the last pair were cut off me in the ER and I can sit on a bar stool with both feet on the rail.
Life is good and I promise: I won't be such a stranger.

Well what can I say Ernie except YAY!!! I don't want you in pain, but you definitely sound like our Ernie again. You are so welcome back!
2steps forward one back... I had a pretty busy day. I was out of the house most of the afternoon and then back to Doc's at 8. I really wanted to hang and listen to the band, but the damned leg swelled up on me and I had to leave
Anyone else having a hard time posting? Forum is acting up this morning, being slow and posting double posts. I couldn't even get on this forum earlier. It just kept timing out on me. Updates or something maybe?
Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.

A lot of things I save on the PC I'd never miss. I should probably get some new blank DVDs to save some pictures/videos on, but for the most part, it's not a big deal. I worry more about my settings than data.

I did a windows 10 backup of system files and personal files and it took up 3 cdroms.

I just back up everything on an external hard drive. Much easier to use or retrieve from IMO than a cd.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.

A lot of things I save on the PC I'd never miss. I should probably get some new blank DVDs to save some pictures/videos on, but for the most part, it's not a big deal. I worry more about my settings than data.

I did a windows 10 backup of system files and personal files and it took up 3 cdroms.

I just back up everything on an external hard drive. Much easier to use or retrieve from IMO than a cd.

I back up all my text and photos onto a USB stick, But I believe that windows backup saves system files too.
Hey there! I'm not dead, not angry,just not so inclined to argue politics.
This past Monday I had my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. He was very pleased with my progress. He's a bit perplexed that a 67 year old has healed about 25% faster than average. Most people with a tibia plateau fracture are not allowed to put weight on their knee for 12 weeks. I've been cleared for weight bearing at 9 and a half weeks.
I'm pleased, but now I have to work on getting this damned leg strong enough to walk. After over 2 months in a brace or cast that has kept my knee bent about 10 degrees, I can't lock my knee straight and with the atrophy from all this time not using the leg, I cannot support all my weight on my left leg... So, yesterday, I started therapy.
Very interesting! It HURTS, but I am making progress. Until last night, I had been sleeping and mostly living on the pullout sofa in the living room. Yesterday friends moved stuff around so I could get back into the bedroom. My living room looks like a living room again, instead of a hospital room and I'm done with the foam wedge to elevate my leg and keep the knee slightly bent. between the exercises and sleeping without the support, my knee is straight. I can't quite lock it, but I'm happy with the progress.
For a couple weeks, I was slipping into a depression. Not being able to perform my daily tasks, Infrequent visits to Doc's, pain and side effects from narcotics were wearing me down. So, Monday morning I need coffee. I grab the walker next to my bed and hop one legged to the wheel chair and sit down. Damn! I didn't have my cell phone.. It was in center of the bed and I couldn't reach it from the chair. I got back on the walker and leaned way over for the phone. The walker toppled over and the cross bar hit my left foot and I fell across the bed.
I started laughing uncontrollably. I had visions of a tiny car with a couple dozen clowns getting in and out all to the theme from Benny Hill.
I was still laughing once I was back in chair measuring coffee into the grinder. As I was about to push the button, my partner called. I was still laughing and could only manage "Hi" and "What's up?" He asked if I was down with him and a few friends coming over to waste about 500 rounds off my back deck.
3 hours later, there were 5 of us shooting at anything we could find that looked like a target and we could throw off the deck. I ran 100 rounds through my matched pair of Colt 1973s at one point, propped up on my crutches shooting with one in each hand.
I'm no longer laughing uncontrollably, but that day was exactly what I needed. I've started working on my recovery both physically and mentally. I'm probably happier than I should be considering my limitations, but hell! I can get down the steps and get to my truck and haul my decrepit butt to Doc Holliday' a few days a weeks. I can wear long pants for the first time since the last pair were cut off me in the ER and I can sit on a bar stool with both feet on the rail.
Life is good and I promise: I won't be such a stranger.

Well what can I say Ernie except YAY!!! I don't want you in pain, but you definitely sound like our Ernie again. You are so welcome back!
2steps forward one back... I had a pretty busy day. I was out of the house most of the afternoon and then back to Doc's at 8. I really wanted to hang and listen to the band, but the damned leg swelled up on me and I had to leave
Happy Mothers Day,Ernie S. ! Your story makes me look anxiously forward to my knee replacement. NOT!
Anyone else having a hard time posting? Forum is acting up this morning, being slow and posting double posts. I couldn't even get on this forum earlier. It just kept timing out on me. Updates or something maybe?

Hey Chris, good to see you! I was about to put you on the MIA list. :)
Yes, it is allowing double/triple posts, won't let us delete them, and I get a message that I can't post even as I am posting. I'll be back later when they get the bug fixed. But good morning all, and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Ransom ware is all over the place and I don't have any idea how to get rid of it so I am now scared to click on links. I clicked on a couple of links on facebook that led straight to a scam that tried to make me pay to get rid of a virus. But that was a bluff. Ransom ware is no bluff, and it encrypts your files.

The links to avoid on facebook are ones that claim famous people have died.
Good for me that I don't even have a Facebook account and that's only one of the many reasons why.
I just did a windows backup in case I get the ransomware that is affecting computers all over the world.
They're going after corporate systems not PCs, pretty sure you have nothing to worry about unless you're computer is part of a corporate data storage network.

Ransom ware is all over the place and I don't have any idea how to get rid of it so I am now scared to click on links. I clicked on a couple of links on facebook that led straight to a scam that tried to make me pay to get rid of a virus. But that was a bluff. Ransom ware is no bluff, and it encrypts your files.

The links to avoid on facebook are ones that claim famous people have died.
Good for me that I don't even have a Facebook account and that's only one of the many reasons why.
Anyone else having a hard time posting? Forum is acting up this morning, being slow and posting double posts. I couldn't even get on this forum earlier. It just kept timing out on me. Updates or something maybe?

It was horrible earlier today.
Anyone else having a hard time posting? Forum is acting up this morning, being slow and posting double posts. I couldn't even get on this forum earlier. It just kept timing out on me. Updates or something maybe?

It was horrible earlier today.
Still if there is stuff on your computer that you absolutely can't lose or would really hate to lose, a good backup is advised.
True but me I don't care, I've found that over the decades with all the backups I ever did I only used one, the backed up browser settings and only then to make it easy even though 9/10s of what's in those files I don't use any longer. All my email is online so that's not a concern so for me restarting from scratch is the most very viable option.

I have some photos on my computer that I really wouldn't want to lose. Also some favorite recipes and other information that I don't have hard copies of. So I do try to keep those backed up.
I'm one who saves a photo or links a page I'm interested in then more often then not never go back to look at it so if it disappears I never miss it, if it is something I truly think I want to keep I back it up on a DVD or thumb drive almost immediately.
I'll go back to my downloads every once in a while a delete the vast majority of them so resetting my computers back to fresh install status is not an issue for me....... Now the wife on the other hand, that's a whole different story, I have to keep hers backed up constantly.

A lot of things I save on the PC I'd never miss. I should probably get some new blank DVDs to save some pictures/videos on, but for the most part, it's not a big deal. I worry more about my settings than data.

I did a windows 10 backup of system files and personal files and it took up 3 cdroms.
You only need to back up personal files not system files. Reinstalling Windows 10 is very simple and you don't even need a CD/DVD any longer
Anyone else having a hard time posting? Forum is acting up this morning, being slow and posting double posts. I couldn't even get on this forum earlier. It just kept timing out on me. Updates or something maybe?

It was horrible earlier today. Still is

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