USMB Coffee Shop IV

Back from another two day trip to Albuquerque........ God willing the house we applied for will be ours but won't know till next week. There was another application on it but the property manager claimed it was a weak application (financially) and we were number one on the list to get the house. Nice older house but well kept up in NE and when we get the nod we can move in immediately, a major plus. Most of the other homes we liked wouldn't be available for viewing until June so that was a definite negative.

Roughly where in the NE? (Just wondering if we are going to be neighbors?)
Just south of Paseo Del Norte and just west of Louisiana.
This is a favorite of mine, always brings tears (go to 'full screen' mode): TV Commercial, 'Birthday Wish' Song by Rascal Flatts

You're just a sentimental old softie, GW. :)
Maybe. This just makes you recall all those moments with your own daughter (or maybe son?) Now that my daughter is 35, and the granddaughters are 15 and 12 (currently), it's pretty neat to think of "snapshots" of them growing up into young women.
What are they doing?

Foxes typically chase each other around and spar with one another as part of their mating rituals. I got up at 5.30 am again today looking for them but none turned up so I went back to bed at 7am
No kits yet, then?

No sign of new cubs, I check every day. Cubs come out during the day looking for their mother to feed them, but adult foxes usually only come out at dusk and go to ground at dawn, making it hard to get enough light to photograph them.
I had a pair of foxes that raised families for a couple of years on my old place. They made a den under a large car-hauler trailer. Adults and kits would be out during the day, and I was surprised when they cleaned out my strawberry patch the first year they were there. I did my best to keep the cats inside, but one did get out and I heard the fox-cat fight a couple of days later. The cat lost. I just could not persuade her to come back inside, though. I hope she enjoyed her brief adventure.
Here's a bit of foxy trivia: what is the proper name for a fox tail?

Kurama :) (Unless we're speaking of the wild grass called fox tail.)
There are many names for those wild grass foxtails (foxtail | plant). Up here, we call the tail of vulpes vulpes is referred to as a "brush".
Today got pretty brutal, the temps rising to around 65F. I was running sweat the whole time I was doing chores and decided I'll wait 'til later to milk the goat. Most of us are now wearing shirt sleeves at work. Of course, the concept of warm and cold are all relative. Anything much more than 70F is just a bit more warm than most of us like around here. But it's sunny, and Springtime.
Unfortunately when we went up to Albuquerque yesterday the wife woke up Wednesday with a spring head cold and was pretty miserable the whole time but determined we find a place today before we came home. May 31st will come around very quickly, time to seriously finish packing and get the move set up as well as cancelling all our local utilities and activating the utilities for the new house then after the move we'll have to focus on switching our vehicles and drivers licenses over to NM. Gonna be busy for a while.
What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.

I hear that. We have 800 channels with Comcast and watch maybe 3 or 4 of those on any kind of regular basis and maybe a total of 20 during the year. I would sure love a cable service that would allow us to choose up to say 30 channels that we wanted access to and pay only for those.

Sherry and I got a 90 dollar DVD/Blue Ray player that has free Netflix and other streaming services. I am beginning to wonder why we have cable.

Does it come with a free year of Netflix or something like that?

Yes...and a number of other streaming services. WE are currently binging on a new season of the Last Kingdom on Netflix. :thup:
What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.

I hear that. We have 800 channels with Comcast and watch maybe 3 or 4 of those on any kind of regular basis and maybe a total of 20 during the year. I would sure love a cable service that would allow us to choose up to say 30 channels that we wanted access to and pay only for those.

Sherry and I got a 90 dollar DVD/Blue Ray player that has free Netflix and other streaming services. I am beginning to wonder why we have cable.

Does it come with a free year of Netflix or something like that?

Yes...and a number of other streaming services. WE are currently binging on a new season of the Last Kingdom on Netflix. :thup:

It's lacking for live sports, but Netflix and other streaming services are fine good TV shows. Actually, Netflix shows are better than most of what you get from the networks, on par with the big cable channels like Showtime and HBO.
Back from another two day trip to Albuquerque........ God willing the house we applied for will be ours but won't know till next week. There was another application on it but the property manager claimed it was a weak application (financially) and we were number one on the list to get the house. Nice older house but well kept up in NE and when we get the nod we can move in immediately, a major plus. Most of the other homes we liked wouldn't be available for viewing until June so that was a definite negative.

Roughly where in the NE? (Just wondering if we are going to be neighbors?)
Just south of Paseo Del Norte and just west of Louisiana.

Yup, we're in the same area. :)
Unfortunately when we went up to Albuquerque yesterday the wife woke up Wednesday with a spring head cold and was pretty miserable the whole time but determined we find a place today before we came home. May 31st will come around very quickly, time to seriously finish packing and get the move set up as well as cancelling all our local utilities and activating the utilities for the new house then after the move we'll have to focus on switching our vehicles and drivers licenses over to NM. Gonna be busy for a while.

Be prepared for a real nightmare getting NM driver's licenses. You'll need a legal photo ID, a CERTIFIED birth certificate, a utility bill showing your name and address, and a W-2 or 1099 or something official with your name on it. The wife will need a CERTIFIED copy of your marriage certificate showing her maiden name as it appears on her birth certificate. We are all contemplating a formal lynching of whoever came up with this nightmare. You only have to go through it once though and then renew per usual after that. This is to get a license that you can use a proof of citizenship, that allows you to board an airplane, etc.

If you are here illegally you just sign your name and you're licensed but you can't use it for airplane boarding etc.

Hombre can walk you through it since he just went through the process.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Hombre for wellness.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, Ernie S. and all others we hope will return.

What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.

I hear that. We have 800 channels with Comcast and watch maybe 3 or 4 of those on any kind of regular basis and maybe a total of 20 during the year. I would sure love a cable service that would allow us to choose up to say 30 channels that we wanted access to and pay only for those.

Sherry and I got a 90 dollar DVD/Blue Ray player that has free Netflix and other streaming services. I am beginning to wonder why we have cable.

Does it come with a free year of Netflix or something like that?

Yes...and a number of other streaming services. WE are currently binging on a new season of the Last Kingdom on Netflix. :thup:
LOVE that show! I finished it a few days ago.
Waiting for the end of the month when House Of Cards starts its new season. :)
Unfortunately when we went up to Albuquerque yesterday the wife woke up Wednesday with a spring head cold and was pretty miserable the whole time but determined we find a place today before we came home. May 31st will come around very quickly, time to seriously finish packing and get the move set up as well as cancelling all our local utilities and activating the utilities for the new house then after the move we'll have to focus on switching our vehicles and drivers licenses over to NM. Gonna be busy for a while.

Be prepared for a real nightmare getting NM driver's licenses. You'll need a legal photo ID, a CERTIFIED birth certificate, a utility bill showing your name and address, and a W-2 or 1099 or something official with your name on it. The wife will need a CERTIFIED copy of your marriage certificate showing her maiden name as it appears on her birth certificate. We are all contemplating a formal lynching of whoever came up with this nightmare. You only have to go through it once though and then renew per usual after that. This is to get a license that you can use a proof of citizenship, that allows you to board an airplane, etc.

If you are here illegally you just sign your name and you're licensed but you can't use it for airplane boarding etc.

Hombre can walk you through it since he just went through the process.
Sounds like Texas........
Meanwhile....we are back to cold weather again and its supposed to get down in the 40's tonight and not over 60 tomorrow. I wear a tank top and take my coat and a spare pair of uggs to replace my flipflops when the weather gets wacky..which is every day.
Good morning, we are back in the 70's for the next few days so I can't complain.

Normally I'd be heading to the coast and my daughter's house for Mother's Day and my daughter's birthday on the 15th but staying home this year...for two reasons...
1. This is my first Mother's Day without my mom who died last June. :(
2. I'm going there on May 24th because my oldest grandson graduates HS
on the 25th.

Have a great Friday everyone!
Hey there! I'm not dead, not angry,just not so inclined to argue politics.
This past Monday I had my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. He was very pleased with my progress. He's a bit perplexed that a 67 year old has healed about 25% faster than average. Most people with a tibia plateau fracture are not allowed to put weight on their knee for 12 weeks. I've been cleared for weight bearing at 9 and a half weeks.
I'm pleased, but now I have to work on getting this damned leg strong enough to walk. After over 2 months in a brace or cast that has kept my knee bent about 10 degrees, I can't lock my knee straight and with the atrophy from all this time not using the leg, I cannot support all my weight on my left leg... So, yesterday, I started therapy.
Very interesting! It HURTS, but I am making progress. Until last night, I had been sleeping and mostly living on the pullout sofa in the living room. Yesterday friends moved stuff around so I could get back into the bedroom. My living room looks like a living room again, instead of a hospital room and I'm done with the foam wedge to elevate my leg and keep the knee slightly bent. between the exercises and sleeping without the support, my knee is straight. I can't quite lock it, but I'm happy with the progress.
For a couple weeks, I was slipping into a depression. Not being able to perform my daily tasks, Infrequent visits to Doc's, pain and side effects from narcotics were wearing me down. So, Monday morning I need coffee. I grab the walker next to my bed and hop one legged to the wheel chair and sit down. Damn! I didn't have my cell phone.. It was in center of the bed and I couldn't reach it from the chair. I got back on the walker and leaned way over for the phone. The walker toppled over and the cross bar hit my left foot and I fell across the bed.
I started laughing uncontrollably. I had visions of a tiny car with a couple dozen clowns getting in and out all to the theme from Benny Hill.
I was still laughing once I was back in chair measuring coffee into the grinder. As I was about to push the button, my partner called. I was still laughing and could only manage "Hi" and "What's up?" He asked if I was down with him and a few friends coming over to waste about 500 rounds off my back deck.
3 hours later, there were 5 of us shooting at anything we could find that looked like a target and we could throw off the deck. I ran 100 rounds through my matched pair of Colt 1973s at one point, propped up on my crutches shooting with one in each hand.
I'm no longer laughing uncontrollably, but that day was exactly what I needed. I've started working on my recovery both physically and mentally. I'm probably happier than I should be considering my limitations, but hell! I can get down the steps and get to my truck and haul my decrepit butt to Doc Holliday' a few days a weeks. I can wear long pants for the first time since the last pair were cut off me in the ER and I can sit on a bar stool with both feet on the rail.
Life is good and I promise: I won't be such a stranger.
Good morning, we are back in the 70's for the next few days so I can't complain.

Normally I'd be heading to the coast and my daughter's house for Mother's Day and my daughter's birthday on the 15th but staying home this year...for two reasons...
1. This is my first Mother's Day without my mom who died last June. :(
2. I'm going there on May 24th because my oldest grandson graduates HS
on the 25th.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Those first anniversaries, Mothers Day, birthdays, etc. are always tough. Sending you an understanding hug, CeeCee.
Hey there! I'm not dead, not angry,just not so inclined to argue politics.
This past Monday I had my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. He was very pleased with my progress. He's a bit perplexed that a 67 year old has healed about 25% faster than average. Most people with a tibia plateau fracture are not allowed to put weight on their knee for 12 weeks. I've been cleared for weight bearing at 9 and a half weeks.
I'm pleased, but now I have to work on getting this damned leg strong enough to walk. After over 2 months in a brace or cast that has kept my knee bent about 10 degrees, I can't lock my knee straight and with the atrophy from all this time not using the leg, I cannot support all my weight on my left leg... So, yesterday, I started therapy.
Very interesting! It HURTS, but I am making progress. Until last night, I had been sleeping and mostly living on the pullout sofa in the living room. Yesterday friends moved stuff around so I could get back into the bedroom. My living room looks like a living room again, instead of a hospital room and I'm done with the foam wedge to elevate my leg and keep the knee slightly bent. between the exercises and sleeping without the support, my knee is straight. I can't quite lock it, but I'm happy with the progress.
For a couple weeks, I was slipping into a depression. Not being able to perform my daily tasks, Infrequent visits to Doc's, pain and side effects from narcotics were wearing me down. So, Monday morning I need coffee. I grab the walker next to my bed and hop one legged to the wheel chair and sit down. Damn! I didn't have my cell phone.. It was in center of the bed and I couldn't reach it from the chair. I got back on the walker and leaned way over for the phone. The walker toppled over and the cross bar hit my left foot and I fell across the bed.
I started laughing uncontrollably. I had visions of a tiny car with a couple dozen clowns getting in and out all to the theme from Benny Hill.
I was still laughing once I was back in chair measuring coffee into the grinder. As I was about to push the button, my partner called. I was still laughing and could only manage "Hi" and "What's up?" He asked if I was down with him and a few friends coming over to waste about 500 rounds off my back deck.
3 hours later, there were 5 of us shooting at anything we could find that looked like a target and we could throw off the deck. I ran 100 rounds through my matched pair of Colt 1973s at one point, propped up on my crutches shooting with one in each hand.
I'm no longer laughing uncontrollably, but that day was exactly what I needed. I've started working on my recovery both physically and mentally. I'm probably happier than I should be considering my limitations, but hell! I can get down the steps and get to my truck and haul my decrepit butt to Doc Holliday' a few days a weeks. I can wear long pants for the first time since the last pair were cut off me in the ER and I can sit on a bar stool with both feet on the rail.
Life is good and I promise: I won't be such a stranger.

Well what can I say Ernie except YAY!!! I don't want you in pain, but you definitely sound like our Ernie again. You are so welcome back!
Meanwhile....we are back to cold weather again and its supposed to get down in the 40's tonight and not over 60 tomorrow. I wear a tank top and take my coat and a spare pair of uggs to replace my flipflops when the weather gets wacky..which is every day.

We're on the same kind of seesaw here, but gradually summer is winning out.
The poor wife....... She sounds like Froggie from the Little Rascals..........

With Hombre's bronchitis, of which I am pretty sure I caught some of but it hasn't made me so sick, and some kind of laryngitis kind of infection going around all over the country, I am certainly empathize with her.

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