USMB Coffee Shop IV

Our daughter had no problem with highschool math and the requisite college math, but didn't need any advanced math for her major. Our son, however, did have to have advanced math for an engineering degree. And his primary complaint was trying to understand the math teachers, brilliant and competent but almost all from Asia and English was definitely their second language.

At least there wouldn't be that problem with an on line course. :)
I tried to study electronics in the 1960s at night school, but I could not do the math's so I dropped out.
It took another ten years for me to get back into electronics, and I had to go to night school for two years studying math's before I passed the entrance exams for a full time government course in electronics. I did one year of training and got my city and guilds in radio television and electronics. I went to work as an engineer and worked in the trade for ten years. In all that time of repairing equipment, I don't recall ever having to use a single equation.

I started out studying electronics in the early 70s, but a new bride, an unexpected child on the way and the growing realization that I was lost in a maze of undecipherable math formulas that I would never understand diverted me from college to construction, that at least keep us fed. Years later, I picked up electronics as a retirement hobby, and found that the internet was full of free online calculators and simulators that would spit out the answer to almost any calculation you might ever need. In the first six months of self directed play, I learned more, and with better understanding than I had in the three semesters of college that I attended. I can just relax and enjoy putting gadgets together with no pressure or deadline in a way that would have never been possible all those years ago.
Our daughter had no problem with highschool math and the requisite college math, but didn't need any advanced math for her major. Our son, however, did have to have advanced math for an engineering degree. And his primary complaint was trying to understand the math teachers, brilliant and competent but almost all from Asia and English was definitely their second language.

At least there wouldn't be that problem with an on line course. :)

You'd be surprised. I tried to do some Java coding online classes through a free educational site called EdX. It's actually a very good site, providing free online classes from universities. However, those universities are not necessarily in the US. I had a foreign university, I think it was Italian, trying to teach Java coding to English speakers. It was basically trying to learn a foreign language from someone who speaks English as a second language. :p

Online courses often have video or audio lectures, so instructors that are hard to understand can still be hard to understand in an online course. :lol:

Yep. I can often get more understanding by studying a well written example than I can from pages of instruction.
The wife wanted a getaway drive so today we went up to Taos for lunch at the Bent Street Cafe and some shop perusing, just got home. It was 10 degrees cooler up there. :thup:
Welcome to the Coffee Shop BULLDOG. We're happy you found us and have joined right in. First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since its hotter than hades today, at least in my part of the world, we'll make it a nice frosted one:

Welcome to the Coffee Shop BULLDOG. We're happy you found us and have joined right in. First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since its hotter than hades today, at least in my part of the world, we'll make it a nice frosted one:

That looks tasty,
Welcome to the Coffee Shop BULLDOG. We're happy you found us and have joined right in. First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since its hotter than hades today, at least in my part of the world, we'll make it a nice frosted one:

That looks tasty,

Of course. It's the Coffee Shop. :)

Is there one? I wonder if anybody didn't hear of his demise without thinking of Batman?

My first thought was actually of Family Guy, where West voiced the mayor. Of course, Batman is almost inherent to Adam West, you don't have to consciously think about Batman when you hear his voice or see his name, it's just automatically there.
For a few days now the wife has pointed out every evening that I have dried blood in both my ears....... I'm wondering how I'm scratching my ears and not seeing cuts or scratches. Well I just figured it out, it's not dried blood at all. A few days ago when going through one of the boxes we found my old JVC noise reducing headphones that have been in storage since 2012.......... I use them every night when watching a movie online or playing my video games, the coating on the ear pads had dry rotted and black flakes from the coating ended up in my ears and on the side of my face........ :lol:
Our daughter had no problem with highschool math and the requisite college math, but didn't need any advanced math for her major. Our son, however, did have to have advanced math for an engineering degree. And his primary complaint was trying to understand the math teachers, brilliant and competent but almost all from Asia and English was definitely their second language.

At least there wouldn't be that problem with an on line course. :)
I tried to study electronics in the 1960s at night school, but I could not do the math's so I dropped out.
It took another ten years for me to get back into electronics, and I had to go to night school for two years studying math's before I passed the entrance exams for a full time government course in electronics. I did one year of training and got my city and guilds in radio television and electronics. I went to work as an engineer and worked in the trade for ten years. In all that time of repairing equipment, I don't recall ever having to use a single equation.

I started out studying electronics in the early 70s, but a new bride, an unexpected child on the way and the growing realization that I was lost in a maze of undecipherable math formulas that I would never understand diverted me from college to construction, that at least keep us fed. Years later, I picked up electronics as a retirement hobby, and found that the internet was full of free online calculators and simulators that would spit out the answer to almost any calculation you might ever need. In the first six months of self directed play, I learned more, and with better understanding than I had in the three semesters of college that I attended. I can just relax and enjoy putting gadgets together with no pressure or deadline in a way that would have never been possible all those years ago.

I worked for ten years, often under pressure. My first job lasted eighteen months, and I repaired radio transmitter receivers. We had about twenty radios a day coming into the workshop. So if you could not repair them in a day you had forty the next day. Then I worked on amusement machines, , and one time two days before a bank holiday a new video game went wrong and I found myself trying to repair a new kind of monitor I had never seen before within a day. It was a vector beam monitor that worked with an analogue to digital interface. I took it home with me and spent most of the night working out that it was the digital to analogue converter chip that had failed.
I ordered one by express post the next day, and got it working for the holiday. Actually I worked qiute well under pressure.
For a few days now the wife has pointed out every evening that I have dried blood in both my ears....... I'm wondering how I'm scratching my ears and not seeing cuts or scratches. Well I just figured it out, it's not dried blood at all. A few days ago when going through one of the boxes we found my old JVC noise reducing headphones that have been in storage since 2012.......... I use them every night when watching a movie online or playing my video games, the coating on the ear pads had dry rotted and black flakes from the coating ended up in my ears and on the side of my face........ :lol:

Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be. :)
Hey peach174 are you and Mr Peach doing? I got a phone call from a distant relative that lives in Pearce and she said there was a big fire in Benson? Are you guys in a safe place where there is no danger?

YES. we're fine so far ,for now !
I was watching a double bladed helicopter flying around yesterday, close to our area dumping fire retardant. They got it out pretty quickly before it got out of control. :biggrin:
They're pretty good darn good at it around here.
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Hey peach174 are you and Mr Peach doing? I got a phone call from a distant relative that lives in Pearce and she said there was a big fire in Benson? Are you guys in a safe place where there is no danger?

Yes, I can't remember where I heard it but it was a week or so ago:
Slavin Fire near Benson has burned 120 acres

This one wasn't that close to us, the little one yesterday was close to us.
We did not need to evacuate for either one, Thank God ! :)
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


Hi :cool:
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


Hi :cool:

Well hello Drifter and welcome back. I was just about to welcome you as a newbie to the Coffee Shop but you were already on the registry so you must have posted here at least once in the last four years. But what the heck. Have a complimentary beverage anyway :)

Hope you like strawberry:


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