USMB Coffee Shop IV

Uggh Off to a state tax audit. They just want to make sure we are claiming all of our capitol equipment on the tax rolls. We're good and have everything honestly documented, but still the word "audit" strikes fear in my heart.

Now now Ernie. That's not nice. Funny, but not nice. :)


Like Drifter though I've heard that pigs make great pets. And maybe if I actually knew one I would think differently about them. But my personal prejudices no doubt arise from experiences with smelly and very pushy, even dangerous, pigs and hogs from my youth, terrorizing if one got out of the pen. So I see them as food instead of pets.

Reminds me of a rancher friend years ago who ran a large herd of mother cows and sold the calves when they were big usually as beef cattle. But he wouldn't eat his own beef. He said you can't watch the calves being born, so pretty they were, and so cute frolicking in the pasture, that he just couldn't see them as food. So he sold them to others and bought his beef. :)
Uggh Off to a state tax audit. They just want to make sure we are claiming all of our capitol equipment on the tax rolls. We're good and have everything honestly documented, but still the word "audit" strikes fear in my heart.

I have gone through a couple of federal business audits and a wage/hour audit by the Dept of Labor which was far worse and more stressful than an IRS audit. So I sympathize with you.
My ridiculous communications class continues to be horribly put together.

We supposedly fail the class if we fail to do any of the assigned speeches. We have a speech due on Thursday which requires us to have an audience of at least 5. I've explained to my teacher that, with my lack of a social life, getting a 5 person audience is difficult for me. We are required to record the speeches through a website linked on the class website. I've asked when that will be available, but received no answer. Now it is Tuesday afternoon, and that recording section is still unavailable. I have a hard time getting 5 people together, particularly 5 adults, but I've been given no time frame in which to try to plan getting those people together.....other than before midnight Thursday.

If I don't do the assignment, I will supposedly fail the class. However, I am being given very little time in which to do the assignment, and the assignment requires the involvement of outside people. If it were a matter of doing a speech recording by myself, while it would still be quite annoying, at least I'd know I could get it done. People have their own lives and schedules, however, and not knowing when I can record the speech means I'm not sure how many people I can have in an audience.

I'll record and turn in the speech, even if I have to do it with an audience of just my employer, her boyfriend, and the little one, to avoid any automatic failure. I think this class is a steaming pile of bullshit, though. It's going to get from me exactly the effort that seems to have been put into it......the absolute minimum I can get away with. My ambition in the class is to get a C with as little work as I can do.
I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))

Dostoevsky, I have read, I'm not familiar with Efremov (I'll have to look him up). Ayn Rand was a Soviet ex-pat, so I don't wonder she would be viewed somewhat differently here than in Russia. One difference is reflected in your observation the Rand's ideas are typical of liberals. Liberal/progressives here absolutely hate her because she promotes the achievement of the individual over the collective. And, yes, it would be something refreshing to find persons of high morals who could assume leadership. But we would still need the majority of other people to have high morals, as well.
Heinlein's earlier work was far more entertaining, later, he became a little "preachy". I don't mind. Many of his stories have played a great part in my own social and moral development. "Time Enough for Love" especially has had influence on my life philosophy.
Do you read James Michener? His book "The Drifters" is probably the biggest reason I joined the Army. Andromeda.pdf - version on English. I've read it in an age of 7-8 years - it was a real awesome for me... But at first time I've read only chapters about space adventures, excluding Earth line :))) I think, it's a book, made my outlook maybe for all life, ad least from childhood till current days...

The Ayn Rand ideas about individual strength and responsibility are not unique. Communist ideologist tried to advance individual responsibility too - the main question of Russian revolution, divided Russian on red and white, in fact, sounded not "can the people be individualist" but "WHO can be individualist" (and as second - which responsibilities he must have :)). Maybe, I'm not so objective, because this revolution, in fact, not ended and "whites" want to replay history by all means, but I consider Ayn Rand as a part of "whites", which think, no one, except nobles, can be "free and individualistic". She don't speak about it directly, but I'm in "red" team, considering "anyone can be strong and individualistic, regardles of in which family he was born". But, offcourse, every people is responsible in the face of society and must not conflict with collective "because he is noble and have rights to do it" :)

About Heinlein - I've read a lot of his books. "History of future" - a lot of novels. "Space Patrol", some novels from Moon cycle, a several stories for children... And about Lazarus Long - from Methuselah's Children to "Sail Beyond The Sunset" (the last I'm reading now, by several pages in e-version :)))
About Michener - I didn't knew about them till this moment, but it seems to be interesting... I'll try to find "Drifters" :)
Some of Michener's books are...descriptive to a fault. Both "Hawaii" and "Alaska" start with the birth of the land and move on from there. Ernest Hemingway was another author who was really very descriptive. I've read some of his stories in English, German, and Russian. All are great ways to build vocabulary.

It seems, Michener not so popular here... I've found only novel "Source" in e-shops - do you recommend it to read? :) Ernest Hemingway is good and popular in Russia. What can you say about Umberto Eco? Do you like books about Medieval and Renaissance history?

I do.
I read Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose about 20 years back or so in the 90's.
It was a pretty good mystery & history book, from what I can remember. :)

Have you read others books of Eco? For example - "The island of the day before" - another good mystery for baroque epoch...
My ridiculous communications class continues to be horribly put together.

We supposedly fail the class if we fail to do any of the assigned speeches. We have a speech due on Thursday which requires us to have an audience of at least 5. I've explained to my teacher that, with my lack of a social life, getting a 5 person audience is difficult for me. We are required to record the speeches through a website linked on the class website. I've asked when that will be available, but received no answer. Now it is Tuesday afternoon, and that recording section is still unavailable. I have a hard time getting 5 people together, particularly 5 adults, but I've been given no time frame in which to try to plan getting those people together.....other than before midnight Thursday.

If I don't do the assignment, I will supposedly fail the class. However, I am being given very little time in which to do the assignment, and the assignment requires the involvement of outside people. If it were a matter of doing a speech recording by myself, while it would still be quite annoying, at least I'd know I could get it done. People have their own lives and schedules, however, and not knowing when I can record the speech means I'm not sure how many people I can have in an audience.

I'll record and turn in the speech, even if I have to do it with an audience of just my employer, her boyfriend, and the little one, to avoid any automatic failure. I think this class is a steaming pile of bullshit, though. It's going to get from me exactly the effort that seems to have been put into it......the absolute minimum I can get away with. My ambition in the class is to get a C with as little work as I can do.

Do a skype or podcast and invite 5 people from usmb to listen to your speech and give feedback as proof you had 5 people.

Now now Ernie. That's not nice. Funny, but not nice. :)


Like Drifter though I've heard that pigs make great pets. And maybe if I actually knew one I would think differently about them. But my personal prejudices no doubt arise from experiences with smelly and very pushy, even dangerous, pigs and hogs from my youth, terrorizing if one got out of the pen. So I see them as food instead of pets.

Reminds me of a rancher friend years ago who ran a large herd of mother cows and sold the calves when they were big usually as beef cattle. But he wouldn't eat his own beef. He said you can't watch the calves being born, so pretty they were, and so cute frolicking in the pasture, that he just couldn't see them as food. So he sold them to others and bought his beef. :)

I'm not Vegan. I just think they are cute.
Started Monday on a Bluestone patio project. I almost have all the plant material removed and grading complete on the 26 x 25 area. All by hand in 90 degree weather. Wednesday I will complete the grading by bringing some fill dirt and do some compacting. My middle daughter was here last week and the youngest will be here in another day or two. Super busy with all that and hiring an attorney to sue my prior employer. My last two checks are being held hostage. He wants me to sign papers, which I can only conclude absolve him of wrong doing. Not happening.

Now now Ernie. That's not nice. Funny, but not nice. :)


Like Drifter though I've heard that pigs make great pets. And maybe if I actually knew one I would think differently about them. But my personal prejudices no doubt arise from experiences with smelly and very pushy, even dangerous, pigs and hogs from my youth, terrorizing if one got out of the pen. So I see them as food instead of pets.

Reminds me of a rancher friend years ago who ran a large herd of mother cows and sold the calves when they were big usually as beef cattle. But he wouldn't eat his own beef. He said you can't watch the calves being born, so pretty they were, and so cute frolicking in the pasture, that he just couldn't see them as food. So he sold them to others and bought his beef. :)

I'm not Vegan. I just think they are cute.

I'm sure they probably are. And I enjoyed the movie "Babe" and grew up with Porky Pig and "The Three Little Pigs" and we all did the "This little piggie went to market" routine. But my personal experience with pigs has not been conducive to fuzzy warm feelings or any kind of 'aw' factor. So, like Ernie, to me they are bacon and spiral ham and spare ribs on the hoof. :)

Now now Ernie. That's not nice. Funny, but not nice. :)


Like Drifter though I've heard that pigs make great pets. And maybe if I actually knew one I would think differently about them. But my personal prejudices no doubt arise from experiences with smelly and very pushy, even dangerous, pigs and hogs from my youth, terrorizing if one got out of the pen. So I see them as food instead of pets.

Reminds me of a rancher friend years ago who ran a large herd of mother cows and sold the calves when they were big usually as beef cattle. But he wouldn't eat his own beef. He said you can't watch the calves being born, so pretty they were, and so cute frolicking in the pasture, that he just couldn't see them as food. So he sold them to others and bought his beef. :)

I'm not Vegan. I just think they are cute.

I'm sure they probably are. And I enjoyed the movie "Babe" and grew up with Porky Pig and "The Three Little Pigs" and we all did the "This little piggie went to market" routine. But my personal experience with pigs has not been conducive to fuzzy warm feelings or any kind of 'aw' factor. So, like Ernie, to me they are bacon and spiral ham and spare ribs on the hoof. :)

Sorry you had such bad experiences.

Now now Ernie. That's not nice. Funny, but not nice. :)


Like Drifter though I've heard that pigs make great pets. And maybe if I actually knew one I would think differently about them. But my personal prejudices no doubt arise from experiences with smelly and very pushy, even dangerous, pigs and hogs from my youth, terrorizing if one got out of the pen. So I see them as food instead of pets.

Reminds me of a rancher friend years ago who ran a large herd of mother cows and sold the calves when they were big usually as beef cattle. But he wouldn't eat his own beef. He said you can't watch the calves being born, so pretty they were, and so cute frolicking in the pasture, that he just couldn't see them as food. So he sold them to others and bought his beef. :)

I'm not Vegan. I just think they are cute.

I'm sure they probably are. And I enjoyed the movie "Babe" and grew up with Porky Pig and "The Three Little Pigs" and we all did the "This little piggie went to market" routine. But my personal experience with pigs has not been conducive to fuzzy warm feelings or any kind of 'aw' factor. So, like Ernie, to me they are bacon and spiral ham and spare ribs on the hoof. :)

Sorry you had such bad experiences.

Oh they weren't all that bad. But not something to make me think of pigs as cute or pets. :) And while I generally love the does and baby goats, don't even get me started on the sneaky old Billy goats.

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