USMB Coffee Shop IV

There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


Hi :cool:

Well hello Drifter and welcome back. I was just about to welcome you as a newbie to the Coffee Shop but you were already on the registry so you must have posted here at least once in the last four years. But what the heck. Have a complimentary beverage anyway :)

Hope you like strawberry:

View attachment 132290

Yum, thanks.
I'll catch ya'll later. Gotta go fry chicken and make the salad for our Sunday lunch with Aunt Betty. We have her over every weekend for lunch and movies so she has something to look forward to instead of just missing Uncle Ed.
Welcome to the Coffee Shop BULLDOG. We're happy you found us and have joined right in. First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since its hotter than hades today, at least in my part of the world, we'll make it a nice frosted one:

Oh my! Yes, that does look good and I want one too!

Welcome to the CS, Bulldog:)
The day started out light, couldn't get my act together but eventually I set up the living room, moved all the bookcases that have been blocking the front window in the large foyer so the house no longer feels like a cave. Once I had the living room set up I confirmed my suspicion that the huge coffee table wasn't going to fit........ Rearranged a couple of other things in the kitchen, basically moved my hutch over to another wall so I had to put the microwave temporarily back on the limited room kitchen counter until I can find or make a "table" that will fit there and allow me to put the trash/recycle cans there with the microwave on top, it's the only place to put both.
Life is good! I'm starting to even be somewhat productive, both at home and at Doc's.
The neuropathy is still there and I hurt like hell without the CBD. I might even feel better than I should because i frequently push beyond what I should.. Example:I bought a small trailer for my lawn tractor. It came in a box 36 x 48 x 4" and I assembled the thing requiring getting down on one knee for some of it. THEN I mowed the lawn and moved some furniture. I paid for it dearly yesterday. It was tough but I didn't take any opiates.I'm quite proud of that.
The day started out light, couldn't get my act together but eventually I set up the living room, moved all the bookcases that have been blocking the front window in the large foyer so the house no longer feels like a cave. Once I had the living room set up I confirmed my suspicion that the huge coffee table wasn't going to fit........ Rearranged a couple of other things in the kitchen, basically moved my hutch over to another wall so I had to put the microwave temporarily back on the limited room kitchen counter until I can find or make a "table" that will fit there and allow me to put the trash/recycle cans there with the microwave on top, it's the only place to put both.

Finding a place for all the stuff--toaster, toaster oven, microwave, wireless telephone base plus the blender/food processor, juicer, etc. is a challenge in a small kitchen. My kitchen isn't teensy but it is galley style and counter space isn't unlimited.
The day started out light, couldn't get my act together but eventually I set up the living room, moved all the bookcases that have been blocking the front window in the large foyer so the house no longer feels like a cave. Once I had the living room set up I confirmed my suspicion that the huge coffee table wasn't going to fit........ Rearranged a couple of other things in the kitchen, basically moved my hutch over to another wall so I had to put the microwave temporarily back on the limited room kitchen counter until I can find or make a "table" that will fit there and allow me to put the trash/recycle cans there with the microwave on top, it's the only place to put both.

Finding a place for all the stuff--toaster, toaster oven, microwave, wireless telephone base plus the blender/food processor, juicer, etc. is a challenge in a small kitchen. My kitchen isn't teensy but it is galley style and counter space isn't unlimited.
This kitchen is open with a butcher block top island (a space saving grace) but it's a third the size the one in El Paso was. The one in El Paso took about a day and a half just to get from the fridge to the microwave........ :eusa_whistle:
So....I am back in warm gear. Uggs. Coat. Sweater. Jeans. Heater on. Hailed yesterday..little bullets of ice everywhere. Lucky to see 50 degrees, which didn't happen. Today..same. Tomorrow, its supposed to be 90.

And on topic...I look forward to getting my own kitchen. This one smells and its full of clutter.
So....I am back in warm gear. Uggs. Coat. Sweater. Jeans. Heater on. Hailed yesterday..little bullets of ice everywhere. Lucky to see 50 degrees, which didn't happen. Today..same. Tomorrow, its supposed to be 90.


We could stand a couple of days like that here. The temps have been very warm to hot for us. We'll be in the 80's for a couple of days this week but otherwise somewhere between low to upper 90's for highs and in a week or so could see some 100's though that is the upper end for us in the summer and we normally have very few if any 100 degree days. We have to drive about 6 to 8 hours to get to the really toasty climes in southern Arizona.
I do better in warm weather, body wise. I loathe hot HOT weather, but my joints love it. Still...I think I would rather be too hot than ache with cold and right now..I am aching.

Weird weather. June, and it's hailing ice.
And on topic...I look forward to getting my own kitchen. This one smells and its full of clutter.

By the way your sig video is from my very favorite role ever for Meryl Streep. She was absolutely brilliant.
I hafta thank SarahG for that sig. She aimed it at me when she dismissed me, lol.....and I neenered her and stole it for myself cuz it is just so......PERFECT for most of what I read around this place. (except in the cs). :lol:
My fav character she played was Julia Childs. Damn, did she get that part down perfectly!
My fav character she played was Julia Childs. Damn, did she get that part down perfectly!

She did but I found her annoying in that role. But I loved her in "Out of Africa" and after her role as Amanda Priestly, I cannot think of another person who could have played that part so brilliantly.
Good morning everybody. Lovely day here with temps only supposed to go up to the low to mid 80's. We may freeze to death. :)

Just gave Carly the mini doxie her liver pill--pill pockets are a wonderful invention for dogs--and I'll go make breakfast in a little while. Laundry to do and I need to edit a research paper for a niece, but all in all a good day in store.

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