USMB Coffee Shop IV

So, one of my bartenders does chalk drawings around town for store displays,sale prices and such. Every week or so, she'll do a portrait of someone at Doc's. This is my week.
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Wow, Ernie, you look good. Do you really like Guinness? :)
I don't drink any alcohol at all. It's been 29 years. The Guinness sign is just something beer distributors pass out to increase sales.

Damn... But I'm today in mood to walk in any bar and drink a dark beer till I get about 9-10 pints :) But tomorrow unfortunately not a weekend :(( So, I'm staying at home, listening rain and drinking hot tea...

I think we all have a day like that now and then. Except we desert dwellers don't have much opportunity to listen to the rain.
IHere in the upper Ohio River valley we've had a gentle but steady rain since about 6:00 this morning. Thursday is normally the feeding and fertilizing day for the flowers. But Mother Nature took control today.

This is Day four, unfortunately, for Limpin' Daisy. We had a birthday get together at the Big House for my brother on Sunday. Teddy, my brother's dog and Daisy's 'cousin' was there. I heard the two dogs frolicking on the big screened in porch at the north side of the Big House. Daisy hipped, but showed no ill effect. But Monday morning, she came out of the bedroom on 75% of her paws. Her left rear leg was held up close to her belly.

We took it easy that day and Tuesday showed no improvement. Wednesday she was friskier and begged me to take her to the park. I was hesitant, but we got into the car and made the short drive to Thompson Park. She put a little more weight down on that left rear leg, but when she wanted to run, as she often does, she still limped along. I went to the Big House and got some Epsom Salts to make a puldice. I soaked a wash cloth in warm water infused with the salts and applied it to her soar leg.

When I got up to re-warm the cloth, Daisy hopped down from my chair and laid down. I couldn't bring myself to disturb her further as she looked so fore lorn. Today she again came limping out of the bedroom and promptly laid down on her pile of pillows on the fireplace hearth.

I somehow missed this post Nosmo.

Always a concern when they can't tell you exactly what or where it hurts. Hope she gets well quickly. You might want to visit your vet for a quick exam though. If she has damaged or snapped a ligament in a knee it won't get well without help.
Interesting day here in Honolulu. This morning went shopping at the Navy Exchange with Mrs. BBD in tow. Bought her a very pretty ring for putting up with me and my antics for the last 25 years. Came back to the hotel and went swimming at Waikiki Beach. I have sunburned eyeballs! Never seen so many pretty (and young) girls in bikini bathing suits in my entire life. Wow. Maybe I should consider moving here. You don't see anything like that in the cornfields where I live.
Interesting day here in Honolulu. This morning went shopping at the Navy Exchange with Mrs. BBD in tow. Bought her a very pretty ring for putting up with me and my antics for the last 25 years. Came back to the hotel and went swimming at Waikiki Beach. I have sunburned eyeballs! Never seen so many pretty (and young) girls in bikini bathing suits in my entire life. Wow. Maybe I should consider moving here. You don't see anything like that in the cornfields where I live.


But did you wear the red, blue, or black thong or speedo BBD? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, my porch is cleaned, scraped, and ready to be painted. Unfortunately, all that prep work strained my rotator cuff. I was looking for a couple of dry days, but now I can't picture using this shoulder to do much of anything. Ice, rest, and Advil.
Interesting day here in Honolulu. This morning went shopping at the Navy Exchange with Mrs. BBD in tow. Bought her a very pretty ring for putting up with me and my antics for the last 25 years. Came back to the hotel and went swimming at Waikiki Beach. I have sunburned eyeballs! Never seen so many pretty (and young) girls in bikini bathing suits in my entire life. Wow. Maybe I should consider moving here. You don't see anything like that in the cornfields where I live.
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Waikiki?

Did you buy a loud Hawaiian shirt to show off back home? Don't spare the hula girls and the pineapples!

Time of your life, kid!
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To satisfy a few minds... Well, I proudly slipped into the black speedo (with the help of a crowbar to help me get it on). I came out of the bathroom and announced to Mrs. BBD that I was ready to go swimming at the beach. She laughed for 15 minutes and announced that she wasn't going anywhere with me dressed like that and out of her suitcase she pulled out my 20 year old bathing suit that hung down nearly to my knees and insisted that I go put it on. So no speedo - in fact, she tossed them all in the trashcan. Can't figure out why but she just burst out laughing uncontrollably all afternoon and even while we were eating supper. I guess that somebody must have told her a joke or something.

I have not bought one of those wild Hawaiian shirts as of yet. I can't imagine going out into public wearing something like that back home in the wilds of Ogle County, Illinois. People there would look at me like I had lobsters coming out of my ears. I did look at several at the Navy Exchange earlier today but I just couldn't take the plunge. They are a bit much for my style of dress.

Hula girls - haven't seen any of those yet but will next week when we go to a place that will be cooking a pig in the ground, dancing around with fire sticks, playing Hawaiian music, and the like. They will be carrying on like the red necks back home do when they get really drunk at a pig picking.

Plan to take Mrs. BBD out on one of those sunset dinner cruises. Speaking of which, I have seen the place where they filmed Gilligan's Island as the boat left for their 3 hour cruise. I have seen Dog the Bounty Hunter's original office, I have seen the place where Hawaii Five O was filmed in a couple of locations, the ice cream shop that Obama worked at, where he lived at here in Hawaii, where he went to high school and a few other things that don't come to mind at the present time. Here is a little trivia for you.
On the TV Show, Gilligan's Island the boat was named the "Minnow". Most people would think it was named after the small bait fish - a minnow but it wasn't. It was named after some Hollywood guy who's last name was Minnow that didn't like the show and wanted it cancelled. The thing that I always thought was so odd about Gilligan's Island is that the "professor" could make a radio out of a coconut but with all of that wisdom couldn't fix the boat!

I've rambled on long enough. More later as it is 0200, Central Time back home and nobody is awake right now to read my ramblings.
Well, my porch is cleaned, scraped, and ready to be painted. Unfortunately, all that prep work strained my rotator cuff. I was looking for a couple of dry days, but now I can't picture using this shoulder to do much of anything. Ice, rest, and Advil.

Oh shoot. You and Ringel both coming down with rotator cuff injuries the same week. Hope it's not catching, but also hope for a speedy recovery for you both.
To satisfy a few minds... Well, I proudly slipped into the black speedo (with the help of a crowbar to help me get it on). I came out of the bathroom and announced to Mrs. BBD that I was ready to go swimming at the beach. She laughed for 15 minutes and announced that she wasn't going anywhere with me dressed like that and out of her suitcase she pulled out my 20 year old bathing suit that hung down nearly to my knees and insisted that I go put it on. So no speedo - in fact, she tossed them all in the trashcan. Can't figure out why but she just burst out laughing uncontrollably all afternoon and even while we were eating supper. I guess that somebody must have told her a joke or something.

I have not bought one of those wild Hawaiian shirts as of yet. I can't imagine going out into public wearing something like that back home in the wilds of Ogle County, Illinois. People there would look at me like I had lobsters coming out of my ears. I did look at several at the Navy Exchange earlier today but I just couldn't take the plunge. They are a bit much for my style of dress.

Hula girls - haven't seen any of those yet but will next week when we go to a place that will be cooking a pig in the ground, dancing around with fire sticks, playing Hawaiian music, and the like. They will be carrying on like the red necks back home do when they get really drunk at a pig picking.

Plan to take Mrs. BBD out on one of those sunset dinner cruises. Speaking of which, I have seen the place where they filmed Gilligan's Island as the boat left for their 3 hour cruise. I have seen Dog the Bounty Hunter's original office, I have seen the place where Hawaii Five O was filmed in a couple of locations, the ice cream shop that Obama worked at, where he lived at here in Hawaii, where he went to high school and a few other things that don't come to mind at the present time. Here is a little trivia for you.
On the TV Show, Gilligan's Island the boat was named the "Minnow". Most people would think it was named after the small bait fish - a minnow but it wasn't. It was named after some Hollywood guy who's last name was Minnow that didn't like the show and wanted it cancelled. The thing that I always thought was so odd about Gilligan's Island is that the "professor" could make a radio out of a coconut but with all of that wisdom couldn't fix the boat!

I've rambled on long enough. More later as it is 0200, Central Time back home and nobody is awake right now to read my ramblings.

It sound wonderful. But darn, we were all anticipating photos of that speedo. Oh well. Mrs. BBD probably knows best. :)

As for the Hawaiian shirts, I do understand your dilemma. I almost never wear florals but I bought a shirt awhile back with big bright flowers on it. And I feel so self conscious in it, like I am wearing a huge neon flashing sign, when I wear it in public.
Our monsoon season has finally kicked in full blast ,here in our neck of the woods.

It rained hard last night ,but it was wonderful to get our long needed rains.

I was exhausted yesterday from the Tucson trip friday, so I napped off and on and got caught up on some much needed sleep. Neither one of us has slept well since Jan. as he gets up around 1:00 a.m. every night since he came home.

It's so much easier when there is finally a goal. :)

Once he gets rid of the battery he will be able to sleep better.
Interesting day here in Honolulu. This morning went shopping at the Navy Exchange with Mrs. BBD in tow. Bought her a very pretty ring for putting up with me and my antics for the last 25 years. Came back to the hotel and went swimming at Waikiki Beach. I have sunburned eyeballs! Never seen so many pretty (and young) girls in bikini bathing suits in my entire life. Wow. Maybe I should consider moving here. You don't see anything like that in the cornfields where I live.
I hear that. Back here in Podunk, WI it's much the same. Not much for a single guy around. You go into one of the many bars here in town, yeah, it's Wisconsin, we have more bars than anything else, there's usually a dozen guys and not a female in sight, unless the bartender happens to be female. I swear that if an out-of-towner stopped in, he/she would swear they were in a gay bar... no lie... (by male count, not mannerisms.)
Today was the MENSA test. I have a blue number two pencil with MENSA stamped into it and about a week's wait for results. I wonder how long it takes to grow my brain in a petridish?
Interesting day here in Honolulu. This morning went shopping at the Navy Exchange with Mrs. BBD in tow. Bought her a very pretty ring for putting up with me and my antics for the last 25 years. Came back to the hotel and went swimming at Waikiki Beach. I have sunburned eyeballs! Never seen so many pretty (and young) girls in bikini bathing suits in my entire life. Wow. Maybe I should consider moving here. You don't see anything like that in the cornfields where I live.

My Hubbie says you can always sculpture the corn ! :biggrin:
Good day on vacation here in State number 50. Went to church this morning and it was really nice. Lively crowd of believers. Afterwards went to a place called Goofy's for lunch. It was so-so. Going out to supper at a really nice steak place. After lunch Mrs. BBD wanted to stop at this little gift shop to look around a bit so we did. I ended up buying a couple or terrifically loud neckties that very closely resemble those wild Hawaiian shirts. I figure they will be good for a conversation starter whenever I wear them. Came back to the hotel and spent the biggest part of the afternoon at the pool. My, my, my - plenty of eye candy there. After supper tonight will spend the evening planning out next weeks adventures. Want to go visit a pineapple farm, sunset dinner cruise, and a whole host of other stuff. At the rate things cost over here I may be eating hot dogs for the next 4 months after I get home! Having fun though. I'd post some pictures but ever since they changed the format for this board I have been unable to figure out how to post pictures so no pictures to share. More later. Oh, had some poi. It really wasn't that bad but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Ringel's injured shoulder,
ricechickie's injured shoulder
And for our job hunters.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, Ridgerunner, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over Honolulu
My shoulder is a bit better. I hope to start painting tomorrow early.

My parents are in town, and I will have to sneak away to regain focus and sanity once in a while. I love them, but they are a bit ......much.

I suppose we all have a relative and/or friend or two that we love dearly but have to deal with in smaller doses. :)
There's a new and different sound mixed into the usual neighborhood din this morning. Along with the barking dogs and broken mufflers and the occasional back up beeper, this Monday morning features a high school band drum section.

The Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is a stone's throw from the high school so I am on the fifty yard line, as it were, for marching band practice. While the football team runs wind sprints and pushes tackling dummies up and down the field at the high school track, the Mighty Potters Marching Band readies itself on the high school baseball diamond.

I was lucky in high school. I played varsity football two years until a knee injury sidelined me in my Junior year. Then I played first trumpet then first sousaphone in the high school band. I graduated in 1975 which means I did not have to perform the theme from Rocky. That song would have killed me. So, as I said, I was lucky.
Good day on vacation here in State number 50. Went to church this morning and it was really nice. Lively crowd of believers. Afterwards went to a place called Goofy's for lunch. It was so-so. Going out to supper at a really nice steak place. After lunch Mrs. BBD wanted to stop at this little gift shop to look around a bit so we did. I ended up buying a couple or terrifically loud neckties that very closely resemble those wild Hawaiian shirts. I figure they will be good for a conversation starter whenever I wear them. Came back to the hotel and spent the biggest part of the afternoon at the pool. My, my, my - plenty of eye candy there. After supper tonight will spend the evening planning out next weeks adventures. Want to go visit a pineapple farm, sunset dinner cruise, and a whole host of other stuff. At the rate things cost over here I may be eating hot dogs for the next 4 months after I get home! Having fun though. I'd post some pictures but ever since they changed the format for this board I have been unable to figure out how to post pictures so no pictures to share. More later. Oh, had some poi. It really wasn't that bad but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it.
I've heard about an ice cream stand smewhere in Hawaii that serves ice cream with beans, of all things! Some joint with a Japanese name.

Beans coated with sugar on the bottom, ice cream then shaved ice colored by tropical flavors on top. Sounds both exotic and familiar enough to give it a whirl.

Have fun and apply more sunscreen.

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