USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hope ChrisL and Gracie are okay. Neither have posted anywhere for a couple of weeks. And I miss esthermoon and Dalia checking in now and then too. And Ringel05 has been MIA for a few days now so hope he is okay.

Hi sweetie! I'm stopping by to say hello. :) Hope you and your family are doing well. How is your friend with cancer doing? How is the little pup that you're taking care of?

Oh just saw this Chris and thanks for asking. Dana is doing great - about seven weeks out from surgery now with no signs of rejection. It looks good that she will be able to be home maybe before Thanksgiving but certainly before Christmas. And her Carly, the mini doxie is doing great with us. Its funny though. We love Carly dearly but it isn't like having our own dog. Emotionally we know its temporary and that's just really okay.
This has been a day of extreme happiness and sadness. After completion of radiation and 3 rounds of chemo, the doctor informed us that my Mom is in remission. All they see is scar tissue in the upper right lobe, and it is gone from the lymph node. He recommends that she still complete the 4th round of chemo, and she has a brain MRI at the end of August as a precaution to check that it did not spread. That was the best news we could have hoped to hear. My daughter had her 12 week check up, and they could not find the baby's heartbeat. After some further procedures, they discovered that the baby had passed. As I held my sobbing daughter, my heart hurt deeply for her. She wants to be a Mom so much, and I believe she will when the time is right. I am thankful for my faith in moments like this.

Oh Sherry. I appreciate your relief and joy at your mother's good news, but I am so sorry about your daughter and grand baby. My wise doctor told me when we lost our second child at about the same stage that it usually means that it just wasn't meant to be. But it does hurt so. But her family will see her through this and the odds are huge that she will be a mother as you say when the time is right.
He almost certainly will be. I know he was nominated last year and probably will be again this year. Ringo Starr wasn't inducted until 2015 and Cocker is/was younger than him.

I can't think of a single Joe Cocker song, although I know the name. :p

Of course, I probably don't know a lot of the artists in the R&R HOF. ;)

Here's one I bet you know:

And another pretty famous one.

Yep. :) Some many songs that he made popular, even iconic, were later recorded by other artists. "You Are So Beautiful" for instance is associated by most younger people with Ray Charles' version who did it almost identical to Cocker's version.

I wonder if it ever annoyed Cocker that he was so well known for his versions of other people's music?

There are many many performers who aren't song writers though. And many many song writers who aren't performers. And there is nothing wrong with that. They need each other.

Almost every single one of Ray Charles hits were written by somebody else for instance, and he did a lot of songs that Joe Cocker first made familiar. Their respective styles were pretty similar actually.

i can't say why Joe Cocker was not as big a household word as some others, but he definitely made his mark on the music world. I'm confident he will be voted into the Hall of Fame.
Our thoughts are especially with Sherry and her family tonight and with Hossfly who will check in for surgery tomorrow morning.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Sherry and daughter and family,
Hossfly's impending knee surgery,
And for our job hunters.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, gracie, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over Fort Worth
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I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

Get well, Ricechickie. The 4F is worse than usual without you, honey.
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

That sounds serious. I hope you are feeling better.
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
Dang rice! Hope everything will be ok!
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

That sounds serious. I hope you are feeling better.

Apparently, I will be able to avoid surgery. That's something.
Hope ChrisL and Gracie are okay. Neither have posted anywhere for a couple of weeks. And I miss esthermoon and Dalia checking in now and then too. And Ringel05 has been MIA for a few days now so hope he is okay.

Hi sweetie! I'm stopping by to say hello. :) Hope you and your family are doing well. How is your friend with cancer doing? How is the little pup that you're taking care of?

Oh just saw this Chris and thanks for asking. Dana is doing great - about seven weeks out from surgery now with no signs of rejection. It looks good that she will be able to be home maybe before Thanksgiving but certainly before Christmas. And her Carly, the mini doxie is doing great with us. Its funny though. We love Carly dearly but it isn't like having our own dog. Emotionally we know its temporary and that's just really okay.

Nice to hear she is doing so well. :) Has Dana gotten to see Carly yet?
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
Dang rice! Hope everything will be ok!

It's all about gas. Now, as a lady, I don't do that, but the doctors and nurses insist that I have to!
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

That sounds serious. I hope you are feeling better.

Apparently, I will be able to avoid surgery. That's something.

You poor thing. That must be so painful.
Here's one I bet you know:

And another pretty famous one.

Yep. :) Some many songs that he made popular, even iconic, were later recorded by other artists. "You Are So Beautiful" for instance is associated by most younger people with Ray Charles' version who did it almost identical to Cocker's version.

I wonder if it ever annoyed Cocker that he was so well known for his versions of other people's music?

It's true Joe Cocker did a lot of cover versions. But xhis talents as a singer and arranger and, freakishly his performance were incredible.

Given most of his contemporaries were singer/songwriter artists, shouldn't recognition for performance be the right thing to do?

And covers were a popular thing to do. From Peter, Pail and Mary covering Blowin' in the Wind to the Red Hot Chili Peppers covering The Stooges I wanna be your dog, covers are what rock and roll is all about. No garage band starts our with all original material. They hone there craft playing covers. That way some money and name recognition is coming in.

You're missing my point. It's not that I think Cocker shouldn't have done covers, but if I were famous for doing other people's songs more than for my own work, I'd be unhappy about it. That makes me wonder, since it seems to me he may have been better known for his covers than his original music, if he felt similarly.

Do you think Frank Sinatra felt that way, or his fans felt that way? As far as I know, Sinatra never wrote a song either.
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

That sounds serious. I hope you are feeling better.

Apparently, I will be able to avoid surgery. That's something.

Avoiding surgery is probably the best thing, but are you going to have to have the hernia repaired?
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
Dang rice! Hope everything will be ok!

It's all about gas. Now, as a lady, I don't do that, but the doctors and nurses insist that I have to!
Have the kids smuggle in some curry powder. Put a spoonful in your broth. At least, it always does the trick for me.
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
Dang rice! Hope everything will be ok!

It's all about gas. Now, as a lady, I don't do that, but the doctors and nurses insist that I have to!
Have the kids smuggle in some curry powder. Put a spoonful in your broth. At least, it always does the trick for me.

Maybe i can get my wife to make her some of her red beans and rice and send to her? Lol...
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!
Dang rice! Hope everything will be ok!

It's all about gas. Now, as a lady, I don't do that, but the doctors and nurses insist that I have to!
Have the kids smuggle in some curry powder. Put a spoonful in your broth. At least, it always does the trick for me.

Maybe i can get my wife to make her some of her red beans and rice and send to her? Lol...
Send them to ME! I love rice and beans. Ricechickie is on clear liquids, anyway, so she'll never miss 'em.

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