USMB Coffee Shop IV

Joe Cocker is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now, how can that be?

He almost certainly will be. I know he was nominated last year and probably will be again this year. Ringo Starr wasn't inducted until 2015 and Cocker is/was younger than him.

I can't think of a single Joe Cocker song, although I know the name. :p

Of course, I probably don't know a lot of the artists in the R&R HOF. ;)
Peach and I saw this performance live in August of 1969. Damn! It's been 48 years.

We saw this one too! You MUST know Jefferson Airplane. I think I fell in love that day.

I think of The Beatles when I think of Get By With a Little Help from my Friends, but I know I've heard the Cocker version before, now that I listen to it. I've heard that White Rabbit before, as well, but wouldn't have known it was Jefferson Airplane. Somebody to Love is probably the song I know best from them.

Other than The Doors, and a few songs here and there from other bands, I don't listen to music from the 60s. I don't dislike it necessarily, there just aren't that many songs from that period that I want to listen to regularly.

I can appreciate that. I grew up with music from the 50's, 60's and 70's even during the disco craze. By the 80's the music was changing but there was some good music being reproduced. But by the 90's songs I could relate to were becoming scarce but the heavy metal you grew up with was king and even country music was becoming more rockabilly and heavy metal.

But the music of my parents and grandparents of the 20's, 30's and 40's and early 50's I know and understand, but it just doesn't have the emotional appeal for me that my own era does.
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Hope ChrisL and Gracie are okay. Neither have posted anywhere for a couple of weeks. And I miss esthermoon and Dalia checking in now and then too. And Ringel05 has been MIA for a few days now so hope he is okay.
Thanks Foxfire, i think that esthermoon did not come to the forum for a long time now?
I will tell a story that happens to me at this moment that seems banale.
But that is unique, that for a week every day a bird comes on an electric cord in front of my window and always in the same place and around the same time (11.20 am) French time, it looks at me and it sings, I Speaks to him and it's as if he understood me, it looks crazy, but there is a connection between us.
Never had such a unique story of my life. And it touches me, me who loves animals so much

Good to hear from you Dalia. And I believe you. I have had visitations from various wild things that happen too often to be only coincidence much as you describe. And it does warm the heart. I too love animals. :)
Joe Cocker is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now, how can that be?

He almost certainly will be. I know he was nominated last year and probably will be again this year. Ringo Starr wasn't inducted until 2015 and Cocker is/was younger than him.

I can't think of a single Joe Cocker song, although I know the name. :p

Of course, I probably don't know a lot of the artists in the R&R HOF. ;)
Peach and I saw this performance live in August of 1969. Damn! It's been 48 years.

We saw this one too! You MUST know Jefferson Airplane. I think I fell in love that day.

I think of The Beatles when I think of Get By With a Little Help from my Friends, but I know I've heard the Cocker version before, now that I listen to it. I've heard that White Rabbit before, as well, but wouldn't have known it was Jefferson Airplane. Somebody to Love is probably the song I know best from them.

Other than The Doors, and a few songs here and there from other bands, I don't listen to music from the 60s. I don't dislike it necessarily, there just aren't that many songs from that period that I want to listen to regularly.

I can appreciate that. I grew up with music from the 50's, 60's and 70's even during the disco craze. By the 80's the music was changing but there was some good music being reproduced. But by the 90's songs I could relate to were becoming scarce but the heavy metal you grew up with was king and even country music was becoming more rockabilly and heavy metal.

But the music of my parents and grandparents of the 30's and 40's and early 50's I know and understand, but it just doesn't have the emotional appeal for me that my own era does.

There are also technology differences, particularly if you go back as far as the 30s. :)
Hope ChrisL and Gracie are okay. Neither have posted anywhere for a couple of weeks. And I miss esthermoon and Dalia checking in now and then too. And Ringel05 has been MIA for a few days now so hope he is okay.
Thanks Foxfire, i think that esthermoon did not come to the forum for a long time now?
I will tell a story that happens to me at this moment that seems banale.
But that is unique, that for a week every day a bird comes on an electric cord in front of my window and always in the same place and around the same time (11.20 am) French time, it looks at me and it sings, I Speaks to him and it's as if he understood me, it looks crazy, but there is a connection between us.
Never had such a unique story of my life. And it touches me, me who loves animals so much

Good to hear from you Dalia. And I believe you. I have had visitations from various wild things that happen too often to be only coincidence much as you describe. And it does warm the heart. I too love animals. :)
Foxfire, it is so true, I remember that my father had told me that in the morning when he was going to sit on the terrace in the morning a squirrel came near him and the others were afraid but that squirrel he came every morning to see my father and in the long run Father gave him walnuts so that he would come even closer to him.:)
Joe Cocker is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now, how can that be?

He almost certainly will be. I know he was nominated last year and probably will be again this year. Ringo Starr wasn't inducted until 2015 and Cocker is/was younger than him.

I can't think of a single Joe Cocker song, although I know the name. :p

Of course, I probably don't know a lot of the artists in the R&R HOF. ;)
Peach and I saw this performance live in August of 1969. Damn! It's been 48 years.

We saw this one too! You MUST know Jefferson Airplane. I think I fell in love that day.

Dang Ernie really!
Like I really needed to remember I was 16 ,48 years ago. :lmao:

It was wonderful and something I shall never forget.
Like the Beatles at Red Rocks in 1964 when I was 13. :)

I didn't exist 48 years ago. :D

I know. :)
The south east of France is under fire, résidents, tourists are threatened and wild animals it's been three days .

Thousands flee as new wildfire hits southern France

Oh no Dalia. The wild fires in the American west are as predictable as summer and often devastating, but I always thought your part of the world might not be that way. :(

I had read yesterday or today that Italy is having its second year of severe drought though and so of course it would be logical that would affect southeast France too. And beautiful forests and wild life are vulnerable everywhere. So sorry.
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I got 100 on my algebra final, giving me a 98.92% final grade. I'm done with all my semester work, except for a couple of database management small projects that I can't do until my last submission is graded. I'm not sure how it's going to work, because I think tomorrow is the final day.

A's in A&P and algebra. I don't know my final grade for Cultural Diversity in Comm or Database Management yet, although I'm pretty sure I'll at least get a B in both.
Well Mr. and Mrs. BBD should be home. Wondering what is happening with the Gracies--that apartment should be ready by now? Kat has been having internet issues that interfere's with her time here. It's spitting a sprinkle or two in Albuquerque but not enough to show up on doppler radar. And I'm looking at flood warnings in Welfare Queen and Sherry's area again--they're drowning while several of the rest of us are dealing with wild fires. We have a contractor coming in the morning to give us an estimate for a bunch of piddling little maintenance jobs that we just aren't up to doing anymore. Hope Ringel gets a good night's sleep and all is well all across Coffee Shop land that now spans three continents.
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Hossfly's impending knee surgery,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
And for our job hunters.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over New York
My Grizzly Bear woke up like this, because he didn't get a call from Docs office within the 4 hrs the recording had promised yesterday.
I feel sorry for who ever the poor Waitress is this morning. :)

He got up ,got dressed early this morning growling that he's going to town, get breakfast ,then he's going to the Benson Hospital to get some answers.
Very determined
Then he was going to the Eagles Club. :biggrin:
My Grizzly Bear woke up like this, because he didn't get a call from Docs office within the 4 hrs the recording had promised yesterday.
I feel sorry for who ever the poor Waitress is this morning. :)

He got up ,got dressed early this morning growling that he's going to town, get breakfast ,then he's going to the Benson Hospital to get some answers.
Very determined
Then he was going to the Eagles Club. :biggrin:

That's the way to handle it. Old guys don't take no crap.
Hope ChrisL and Gracie are okay. Neither have posted anywhere for a couple of weeks. And I miss esthermoon and Dalia checking in now and then too. And Ringel05 has been MIA for a few days now so hope he is okay.

Hi sweetie! I'm stopping by to say hello. :) Hope you and your family are doing well. How is your friend with cancer doing? How is the little pup that you're taking care of?
Joe Cocker is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now, how can that be?

He almost certainly will be. I know he was nominated last year and probably will be again this year. Ringo Starr wasn't inducted until 2015 and Cocker is/was younger than him.

I can't think of a single Joe Cocker song, although I know the name. :p

Of course, I probably don't know a lot of the artists in the R&R HOF. ;)

Here's one I bet you know:

And another pretty famous one.


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