USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hey Foxy....

Sherry, my stepson, and I saw Dunkirk today. I wish I could give it a great review but I cannot. The film conveys the horror and chaos of war well, but all three of us were disappointed in the lack of character development. You do not even know the name of the protagonist as an example. The British soldiers are generally depicted as confused or cowardly. There is no moral center to the film.

The battle of Dunkirk was really about the amazing courage of the British people, but that is completely ignored until the very end. Shakespeare said....full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. And it's a shame because Hacksaw Ridge from last year was a great movie. So was Unbroken and Saving Private Ryan back int he day. But those movies contained characters you cared about. Dunkirk does not imho.

I thought Hacksaw Ridge was OK, but not on the level of Saving Private Ryan. I haven't seen Unbroken. I'll probably wait for DVD for Dunkirk; I don't go to the theater that often.
I'm with you, Montro. Theaters are expensive and the rude level is often out the roof. While some value that big-screen, Dolby sound experience, I prefer my regular screen and the ability to watch the best parts over again.

The last couple of movies I've seen in the theater, the experience itself was actually quite good. There is a theater near a friend of mine that has comfortable, roomy seats, where you get a menu and can order a meal to be delivered during the movie. It hasn't been too crowded when I've gone, and there haven't been any particularly rude theater goers. The cost, however, is still more than I'm comfortable with.
There are a couple of dinner theater types places in Anchorage, too. They usually don't screen the most recent films, preferring more vintage, classic movies. And they are pretty pricey. Also, not really a place I would go to alone, everyone stares.

This is very much like a normal theater, just with better seating and meals available. It plays the latest movies like any usual movie theater.
Might be a nice place to take a friend, or go with a group of friends.
Been back at work for a month now. Letting them abuse me more than normal to try to get the rest of remaining med bills paid off and sundry others on the credit card. Very aware of how and where I place my left foot these days, this slows me down somewhat but so far not an issue. May never run again unless things improve if I get the pins out. tried a couple times,,,,,slow short jog is about it.
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Sherry and daughter and family,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
ricechickie for wellness,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, gracie, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over Atlanta
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
I could come up with aaaaaall manner of humorous (and mostly inappropriate) innuendo based on that statement......... :eusa_whistle:
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
I could come up with aaaaaall manner of humorous (and mostly inappropriate) innuendo based on that statement......... :eusa_whistle:


I found out that 110 lbs. is just perfect for packing down that fiberglass. :)
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
Only in long pants, especially if you plan on being seen in public.
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
I could come up with aaaaaall manner of humorous (and mostly inappropriate) innuendo based on that statement......... :eusa_whistle:
Had the same problem so I left it to her imagination.
This clean up is going to take some time.
It gets hot out there so I have only a few early morning sweep up.
I can't turn on the window air conditioner, don't need fiberglass blowing around. :)
I'm going to put one or two bags a week in the big trash container.
There's plenty of room for one or 2 more bags each week, till it's done.
It holds 4 or 5 33 gal bags every week.
With just the two of us ,we usually have only 2 trash bags a week.
I told him when he got home.
He's OK with it. He said he would have been more upset if he tried to open the garage door from the outside and wouldn't be able to ,due to the drywall wedged up against it on either side.
He said he would have thought the new door might be broke.
I never thought of that. Oops!

He said it's fine to get a drywall guy to do it.
He wanted to hire someone for the hot water closet anyway.
He also does not want me out there till it gets fixed.
I'm still gonna have to clean that insulation though. The ceiling is already down where I'll have to clean up.
It sort looks like it snowed in there.

It's a relief for me cuz it was tearing me up to keep it from him.
Like Ernie and Foxfyre says, it's not in me to be like that. :)
I hope you're wearing a mask and gloves. Fiberglass can be pretty nasty if you breath it, and it can get itchy on your skin.

Yes I am.
I have the professional masks that catches that stuff and gloves too.
Thank you for your concern. :)
Long sleeves and pants.


Am I allowed to sit on top of the bag to pack it down?
Only in long pants, especially if you plan on being seen in public.

OK, adoptive big brother. :)
You know that litter sisters never listen to their older siblings don't you? :rofl:
One thing I enjoy on rare occasions is butterscotch sauce over ice cream, went to the store the other day and they had it on sale........ Read the ingredients, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup followed by a string of unrecognizable ingredients........ That is not butterscotch
I think you just very slowly cook sugar until it turns brown, add butter and cream. Pinch of salt. But you better look it up.
That's caramel if you use white granulated sugar, butterscotch is made with brown sugar.

I've been making caramel sauce as a topper or as a dip (mostly for apple slices) from this recipe for years:

Caramel Sauce

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
combine in medium saucepan and bring to gentle boil for 1 or 2 minutes until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 tspn vanilla

(Making caramel candies is a lot more complex)

Butterscotch topper for ice cream is similar

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons hard butter (right out of the fridge)
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
stir and warm over low heat until smooth and butter is melted. DO NOT BOIL
One thing I enjoy on rare occasions is butterscotch sauce over ice cream, went to the store the other day and they had it on sale........ Read the ingredients, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup followed by a string of unrecognizable ingredients........ That is not butterscotch
I think you just very slowly cook sugar until it turns brown, add butter and cream. Pinch of salt. But you better look it up.
That's caramel if you use white granulated sugar, butterscotch is made with brown sugar.

I've been making caramel sauce as a topper or as a dip (mostly for apple slices) from this recipe for years:

Caramel Sauce

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
combine in medium saucepan and bring to gentle boil for 1 or 2 minutes until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 tspn vanilla

(Making caramel candies is a lot more complex)

Butterscotch topper for ice cream is similar

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons hard butter (right out of the fridge)
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
stir and warm over low heat until smooth and butter is melted. DO NOT BOIL
Nope, no corn syrup, ever. I already have a couple of old fashioned recipes.
Well cover me in Karo syrup and call me sweetie, I just received my MENSA email. They will gladly accept my membership dues and let me in. I needed a 98 percentile to get in and was fortunate to earn a 99. I feel the same, although I may buy a lottery ticket. :lol:

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