USMB Coffee Shop IV

Gracie, Gracie, Gracie. There that should fix it any minute now...

So what's happening with you Save? Any leads on a new job that you would love? And resolution yet on the old one?

Going to take the civil service test for postal carrier Sunday. Mensa is taking their own sweet time in sending my test results. The state is busy with my complaints against my old boss. I don't expect much from that until the end of August or a little later.
This has been a day of extreme happiness and sadness. After completion of radiation and 3 rounds of chemo, the doctor informed us that my Mom is in remission. All they see is scar tissue in the upper right lobe, and it is gone from the lymph node. He recommends that she still complete the 4th round of chemo, and she has a brain MRI at the end of August as a precaution to check that it did not spread. That was the best news we could have hoped to hear. My daughter had her 12 week check up, and they could not find the baby's heartbeat. After some further procedures, they discovered that the baby had passed. As I held my sobbing daughter, my heart hurt deeply for her. She wants to be a Mom so much, and I believe she will when the time is right. I am thankful for my faith in moments like this.

Sorry for your family's loss.
I've had a bad couple of days. Wednesday, my stomach and my back hurt, so I rested up on the couch, thinking I strained some muscles due to painting. But by evening, I threw up and the pain was getting worse. Having a history of hernias, I know the symptoms for a strangulated one. Both kids took me to the ER, where I threw up a few more times and the pain got steadily worse. Regardless, I waited about two hours. Now, I have to mention, I am not a complainer about pain. If I say it hurts, it's bad. I think I was scaring my kids because they don't ever see me like this.

Anyway, I've been admitted for a bowel blockage. I haven't had anything by mouth since Wednesday afternoon, and I have a tube up my nose and down to my stomach. But today is looking up; I can order from the clear liquids menu. I never though I'd be so happy to look forward to a ginger ale!

Do they allow jello shots?
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie. There that should fix it any minute now...

So what's happening with you Save? Any leads on a new job that you would love? And resolution yet on the old one?

Going to take the civil service test for postal carrier Sunday. Mensa is taking their own sweet time in sending my test results. The state is busy with my complaints against my old boss. I don't expect much from that until the end of August or a little later.

I worked for the post office for about a year, but I wasn't a carrier. Actually, I technically didn't work for the PO, I worked for a staffing company who got me a temporary job with the PO.
I probably should have tried to get an actual postal job at the time, but then I wouldn't have been able to help raise the little one, so it worked out well enough. :)
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie. There that should fix it any minute now...

So what's happening with you Save? Any leads on a new job that you would love? And resolution yet on the old one?

Going to take the civil service test for postal carrier Sunday. Mensa is taking their own sweet time in sending my test results. The state is busy with my complaints against my old boss. I don't expect much from that until the end of August or a little later.

Will keep our fingers crossed and keep you in our prayers that you find just what you need at this point in your life. I would think being a postal carrier might be a mite less challenging than sales but would be consistently steady work and much less stressful. Can you do that and your landscape business? Or would you want to?
Hey Ringel05,
Hubby says to tell you they used penny nails on the ceiling.
He replaced it with dry wall nails, like you said. :)
Penny nails? No wonder it came down and yes, now you can blame the original drywall contractor and/or builder. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
Well, 40 pounds of pulled pork is in the oven reheating for my birthday party tonight at Doc Holliday's We have a reggae band tonight that has kind of a Southern Rock component. Imagine "Sweet Home Alabama" with a reggae back beat.
I lit the fire about noon on Thursday and had the meat shredded and in the fridge about 4:30 yesterday morning. I showered before bed, but woke up about 10 still smelling like pecan smoke.
2 more showers and the smell was gone, but now, I'm handling the meat again and my hands smell real good.
Try to resist the urge to gnaw on your hands......... :eusa_whistle:
Well, 40 pounds of pulled pork is in the oven reheating for my birthday party tonight at Doc Holliday's We have a reggae band tonight that has kind of a Southern Rock component. Imagine "Sweet Home Alabama" with a reggae back beat.
I lit the fire about noon on Thursday and had the meat shredded and in the fridge about 4:30 yesterday morning. I showered before bed, but woke up about 10 still smelling like pecan smoke.
2 more showers and the smell was gone, but now, I'm handling the meat again and my hands smell real good.

Happy birthday!
My birthday is actually tomorrow, but thank you.
It's tomorrow..........

Happy Birthday!!!
Well, 40 pounds of pulled pork is in the oven reheating for my birthday party tonight at Doc Holliday's We have a reggae band tonight that has kind of a Southern Rock component. Imagine "Sweet Home Alabama" with a reggae back beat.
I lit the fire about noon on Thursday and had the meat shredded and in the fridge about 4:30 yesterday morning. I showered before bed, but woke up about 10 still smelling like pecan smoke.
2 more showers and the smell was gone, but now, I'm handling the meat again and my hands smell real good.
Happy Birthday, Ernie!
Well, 40 pounds of pulled pork is in the oven reheating for my birthday party tonight at Doc Holliday's We have a reggae band tonight that has kind of a Southern Rock component. Imagine "Sweet Home Alabama" with a reggae back beat.
I lit the fire about noon on Thursday and had the meat shredded and in the fridge about 4:30 yesterday morning. I showered before bed, but woke up about 10 still smelling like pecan smoke.
2 more showers and the smell was gone, but now, I'm handling the meat again and my hands smell real good.

Happy birthday!
My birthday is actually tomorrow, but thank you.

We're going to see the movie Dunkirk this weekend. It has gotten good reviews. I'll let you folks know what we think. :)

Please do. Hombre especially likes historically based war movies and I enjoy them too.

Hey Foxy....

Sherry, my stepson, and I saw Dunkirk today. I wish I could give it a great review but I cannot. The film conveys the horror and chaos of war well, but all three of us were disappointed in the lack of character development. You do not even know the name of the protagonist as an example. The British soldiers are generally depicted as confused or cowardly. There is no moral center to the film.

The battle of Dunkirk was really about the amazing courage of the British people, but that is completely ignored until the very end. Shakespeare said....full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. And it's a shame because Hacksaw Ridge from last year was a great movie. So was Unbroken and Saving Private Ryan back int he day. But those movies contained characters you cared about. Dunkirk does not imho.

I thought Hacksaw Ridge was OK, but not on the level of Saving Private Ryan. I haven't seen Unbroken. I'll probably wait for DVD for Dunkirk; I don't go to the theater that often.
I'm with you, Montro. Theaters are expensive and the rude level is often out the roof. While some value that big-screen, Dolby sound experience, I prefer my regular screen and the ability to watch the best parts over again.
Miss a week and you miss a whole bunch! I'll try to catch up the reading, but first a quick update:
I'm embarking on week two of vacation. Some ways it seems wasted because I planned my time off to correspond with the time my daughter told me I would have my granddaughters, at least. They won't be here until the 7th of August now. But in other ways, I'm making hay while the sun shines. I've been up at my Willow place, getting ready for my move up full-time. I make a point of hauling a truck load of stuff up every trip and a truck load of trash and debris down to the dump on the back-haul. As you may imagine, there's lots to do on both ends. When the girls finally get here, I've been saving splitting and stacking firewood and painting the storage shed trim. I'm also planning a couple of short hikes (I have a hard time with longer, more strenuous hikes) to do plant studies, a trip to the reindeer farm, and maybe to the museum. We'll see how it goes. I won't have much time because my daughter will be trying to catch a military hop back to Kadina AFB and when they have seats available, you move out.
Well, let me get back to reading up, when this pot of coffee's done, I'm back out to get more stuff done. I've got one shed almost finished, sorting and stacking, and the smaller shed will be close to done before I leave to go back to town. I also want to have some shelves painted and ready to hang when the partner gets here to help. Leveling shelves is easier when there are two hands to do it.
Miss a week and you miss a whole bunch! I'll try to catch up the reading, but first a quick update:
I'm embarking on week two of vacation. Some ways it seems wasted because I planned my time off to correspond with the time my daughter told me I would have my granddaughters, at least. They won't be here until the 7th of August now. But in other ways, I'm making hay while the sun shines. I've been up at my Willow place, getting ready for my move up full-time. I make a point of hauling a truck load of stuff up every trip and a truck load of trash and debris down to the dump on the back-haul. As you may imagine, there's lots to do on both ends. When the girls finally get here, I've been saving splitting and stacking firewood and painting the storage shed trim. I'm also planning a couple of short hikes (I have a hard time with longer, more strenuous hikes) to do plant studies, a trip to the reindeer farm, and maybe to the museum. We'll see how it goes. I won't have much time because my daughter will be trying to catch a military hop back to Kadina AFB and when they have seats available, you move out.
Well, let me get back to reading up, when this pot of coffee's done, I'm back out to get more stuff done. I've got one shed almost finished, sorting and stacking, and the smaller shed will be close to done before I leave to go back to town. I also want to have some shelves painted and ready to hang when the partner gets here to help. Leveling shelves is easier when there are two hands to do it.
We're going to see the movie Dunkirk this weekend. It has gotten good reviews. I'll let you folks know what we think. :)

Please do. Hombre especially likes historically based war movies and I enjoy them too.

Hey Foxy....

Sherry, my stepson, and I saw Dunkirk today. I wish I could give it a great review but I cannot. The film conveys the horror and chaos of war well, but all three of us were disappointed in the lack of character development. You do not even know the name of the protagonist as an example. The British soldiers are generally depicted as confused or cowardly. There is no moral center to the film.

The battle of Dunkirk was really about the amazing courage of the British people, but that is completely ignored until the very end. Shakespeare said....full of sound and fury....signifying nothing. And it's a shame because Hacksaw Ridge from last year was a great movie. So was Unbroken and Saving Private Ryan back int he day. But those movies contained characters you cared about. Dunkirk does not imho.

I thought Hacksaw Ridge was OK, but not on the level of Saving Private Ryan. I haven't seen Unbroken. I'll probably wait for DVD for Dunkirk; I don't go to the theater that often.
I'm with you, Montro. Theaters are expensive and the rude level is often out the roof. While some value that big-screen, Dolby sound experience, I prefer my regular screen and the ability to watch the best parts over again.

The last couple of movies I've seen in the theater, the experience itself was actually quite good. There is a theater near a friend of mine that has comfortable, roomy seats, where you get a menu and can order a meal to be delivered during the movie. It hasn't been too crowded when I've gone, and there haven't been any particularly rude theater goers. The cost, however, is still more than I'm comfortable with.
Yes, Happy Birthday! Have some of that pulled pork for me!
It is soooo good! I got out of there about 2 and there was maybe 5 pounds left. Hopefully, I'll find left-overs when I get there. It was a great night! People were pinning money to my shirt and handing me cigars and other presents. Add to that my monthly draw, and, well, I made out like a bandit!
One of my presents was a gallon of gumbo and a pan of cornbread cooked by one of the best in these parts.
The best present I got was the arrival of a very special lady friend who came in from Austin to make my night very special. She is going to be in town for a week. She will spend a couple days with her brother and starting Monday night she will be giving me her undivided attention.
Amie lives the life of Skynard's "Free Bird" She's never in one place very long and can carry most everything she owns in a duffle bag. We have a very strong connection, but I can never have her for more than a week or so.
Hey Ringel05,
Hubby says to tell you they used penny nails on the ceiling.
He replaced it with dry wall nails, like you said. :)
Penny nails? No wonder it came down and yes, now you can blame the original drywall contractor and/or builder. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

It would have been nice if I knew the names of the different nails, screws ,nuts , washers and bolts, but I don't. :biggrin:
I thought flat head nails were penny nails. :lmao: :dunno:
Hey Ringel05,
Hubby says to tell you they used penny nails on the ceiling.
He replaced it with dry wall nails, like you said. :)
Penny nails? No wonder it came down and yes, now you can blame the original drywall contractor and/or builder. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

It would have been nice if I knew the names of the different nails, screws ,nuts , washers and bolts, but I don't. :biggrin:
I thought flat head nails were penny nails. :lmao: :dunno:
Yes and no, penny nail refer to the weight of the nail, nails are divided into common, box, sinker, finish, roofing, drywall, etc depending on head, shank sizes and specific applications.

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