USMB Coffee Shop IV

One thing I was warned about taking Chantix by both my doctor and my pharmacist was vivid, weird dreams. Some people have even reported having waking dreams, considering how it works in the brain I'm not surprised. We'll see what happens.
ChrisL and ricechickie, believe me I hear you both. What you said about traveling kids and what you didn't say. Those of us who saw our kids through their teen years, how your heart stops when they're out at night and you hear a siren in the distance, or they're a bit past curfew and you don't know whether to be relieved or angry when they finally come in. So they are finally adults, and now they travel.

Daughter relates incident in Europe when she went for a walk, by herself, and wound up in a hostile neighborhood and felt lucky to get out of it unscathed. And didn't learn a darn thing from the incident. :)
Wow! I remember the time I was in Germany and there was nowhere you couldn't go, day or night, and be in a "hostile neighborhood". It was safe to use both the subway and surface trains with little to fear. I guess times have changed. Sad.
The doc prescribed Chantix for me to help quit smoking, picked it up yesterday and took my first dose about a half hour ago. Ten minutes later I get a call from BC/BS asking me how it was going.......... :eusa_eh:
She then started asking me about my smoking history and kept asking questions before I finally interrupted her with "what is this all about"? She's with the BC/BS smoking cessation support group......... Of course my response was "I'm not interested, why are you bothering me"? I received a cold "sorry to bother you, goodbye" and she hung up....... :lol:
"Chanting can cause moos swings, irritability, suicidal thought or actions and snapping at telephone calls. Consult your doctor if any of these things happen to you while taking Chantix."

Welcome to the world of case studies and statistics!
Not in my case as the doc said keep smoking while you're taking it and then one day months from now you'll do what most do, wake up one morning and realize you don't need or want to smoke. I don't do "support groups" per se, I'll either quit or not, that's life but even more importantly is I hate cold calls for any reason, if I want help I'll ask for it. I also hate talking on the phone, always have.
I also know that whenever I've tried to go cold turkey I turn into and absolute monster which is why I'm trying the Chantix, as for suicidal thoughts, never had em, never will. Oh and I've only done moos swings when making fun of cows.......... :D

For me, gradually cutting down how much I smoke eventually led to quitting cold turkey. I also was smoking little cigars for a few years before I quit, but I have no idea if that helped at all. It helped my wallet, at least. :p

I am terrible with phone calls as well. I've gotten much worse as I've gotten older and less social. :)

I would guess a lot of us who hang out on message boards aren't really telephone people. I use the phone to deliver or get information, order or schedule something, etc. but otherwise prefer to converse face to face for long discussions though I enjoy interacting with folks here for less wordy stuff.
I'm not really into phone conversations, either, but am very glad for modern technology. I am able to talk, sometimes for hours, with my daughter in Japan and it doesn't make a blip on my phone bill. We use either Skype or FaceTime and if we just use the audio function, it eats only a little data bytes. When I think of the hundreds of dollars I spent, calling my family from Europe my first tour over there!
Everyone keep Mr. P in your prayers for early tomorrow morning for his surgery. :)

I have you head of the list on my prayer list Peach. And I just know it is going to be just fine. Do you have somebody who can be with you during the procedure?

I have and Hubby and I are very grateful , thank you.

Yes we have a very good friend who is driving us there and back.
He will be there for me for support.
I'm too much of a nervous wreck right now, no way could I drive safely up there. :)
He has so many things that could go haywire during the surgery.
Hooks crossed for hubby, and for you, Peach!
The doc prescribed Chantix for me to help quit smoking, picked it up yesterday and took my first dose about a half hour ago. Ten minutes later I get a call from BC/BS asking me how it was going.......... :eusa_eh:
She then started asking me about my smoking history and kept asking questions before I finally interrupted her with "what is this all about"? She's with the BC/BS smoking cessation support group......... Of course my response was "I'm not interested, why are you bothering me"? I received a cold "sorry to bother you, goodbye" and she hung up....... :lol:

Good for you, and good luck with quitting smoking. :)
Hossfly is back in action. 4 days in hospital, 14 days in rehab. Home Health Care starts tomorrow for an unknown number of days then to an out-patient Sports Rehab Center. Thanks to everybody for the well wishes and messages. My knee is weak and tender but I'm a tough old bird.

Welcome back! We were worried about you even if you are a tough old bird! :D
Hossfly is back in action. 4 days in hospital, 14 days in rehab. Home Health Care starts tomorrow for an unknown number of days then to an out-patient Sports Rehab Center. Thanks to everybody for the well wishes and messages. My knee is weak and tender but I'm a tough old bird.
Don't worry, we'll have you repelling out of Blackhawks in no time........
yeah I know all that but I'm still not built that way. I need to know she's got a place to stay before I can tell her to go.

You can't take in every stray, Ernie. I can't believe her daughter would have LET you do that. She should have stepped in and taken her in instead of leaving it up to you. That is kind of a crappy and selfish thing to do, IMO.
I did it too as a favor to her daughter and her daughter's husband. The two of you just can't get together in Neil just can't stand seeing his wife go through what she does when her mother is around. I don't have that history with woman and I'm slightly better equipped to deal with her horseshit. I am going to ask her daughter help me find her a place though.

Well, speaking for myself, no matter how much a PITA my mother is, I would never put the burden on someone else.
I see the interaction, Chris. It is toxic, and the daughter becomes a basket case.
The woman is disrupting my life. She used up all but enough sugar for one cup of coffee and when I mentioned it, she got all defensive. I snapped a bit, she started crying and shut herself up in the back bedroom. She made a phone call from in there and by the tone, I figure it was about me.
I almost never show anger because when I do, it frequently involves firearms or fisticuffs, so I don't get upset by minor crapola. THIS is getting major quickly.

Your history also informs you how you can be guilted and manipulated by an addict who had has time to become an expert on guilting and manipulation. That of course is what the daughter doesn't cope well with. But I'll be pulling for a speedy solution for you that won't leave you feeling like a jerk even though you'll be the only person who sees you that way. :)
It appears that the situation is resolving itself. She sent me a very long text message while I was at the poker table tonight. It's been pointed out that basically, I'm mean to her and she is going to spend tomorrow looking for alternative accommodations. Please ALL, with her luck and bon voyage.
You can't take in every stray, Ernie. I can't believe her daughter would have LET you do that. She should have stepped in and taken her in instead of leaving it up to you. That is kind of a crappy and selfish thing to do, IMO.
I did it too as a favor to her daughter and her daughter's husband. The two of you just can't get together in Neil just can't stand seeing his wife go through what she does when her mother is around. I don't have that history with woman and I'm slightly better equipped to deal with her horseshit. I am going to ask her daughter help me find her a place though.

Well, speaking for myself, no matter how much a PITA my mother is, I would never put the burden on someone else.
I see the interaction, Chris. It is toxic, and the daughter becomes a basket case.
The woman is disrupting my life. She used up all but enough sugar for one cup of coffee and when I mentioned it, she got all defensive. I snapped a bit, she started crying and shut herself up in the back bedroom. She made a phone call from in there and by the tone, I figure it was about me.
I almost never show anger because when I do, it frequently involves firearms or fisticuffs, so I don't get upset by minor crapola. THIS is getting major quickly.

Your history also informs you how you can be guilted and manipulated by an addict who had has time to become an expert on guilting and manipulation. That of course is what the daughter doesn't cope well with. But I'll be pulling for a speedy solution for you that won't leave you feeling like a jerk even though you'll be the only person who sees you that way. :)
It appears that the situation is resolving itself. She sent me a very long text message while I was at the poker table tonight. It's been pointed out that basically, I'm mean to her and she is going to spend tomorrow looking for alternative accommodations. Please ALL, with her luck and bon voyage.

You are "mean" to her after you allowed her to stay with you? Lol. You don't owe her a thing. WTH? This is an example of why it's a bad idea to get involved in other people's problems. I try to avoid the drama llamas. ;)
Tonight and tomorrow let's all direct our prayers and/or positive thoughts and vibes to peach174 and Mr. Peach for the very best results possible for his procedure.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Hossfly's knee rehab,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach174,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Sunrise over Tuscon
ChrisL and ricechickie, believe me I hear you both. What you said about traveling kids and what you didn't say. Those of us who saw our kids through their teen years, how your heart stops when they're out at night and you hear a siren in the distance, or they're a bit past curfew and you don't know whether to be relieved or angry when they finally come in. So they are finally adults, and now they travel.

Daughter relates incident in Europe when she went for a walk, by herself, and wound up in a hostile neighborhood and felt lucky to get out of it unscathed. And didn't learn a darn thing from the incident. :)
Wow! I remember the time I was in Germany and there was nowhere you couldn't go, day or night, and be in a "hostile neighborhood". It was safe to use both the subway and surface trains with little to fear. I guess times have changed. Sad.

Yes, times have changed. My daughter's experience happened to be in Paris. Apparently there are neighborhoods there now that it is just not wise to venture into.
ChrisL and ricechickie, believe me I hear you both. What you said about traveling kids and what you didn't say. Those of us who saw our kids through their teen years, how your heart stops when they're out at night and you hear a siren in the distance, or they're a bit past curfew and you don't know whether to be relieved or angry when they finally come in. So they are finally adults, and now they travel.

Daughter relates incident in Europe when she went for a walk, by herself, and wound up in a hostile neighborhood and felt lucky to get out of it unscathed. And didn't learn a darn thing from the incident. :)
Wow! I remember the time I was in Germany and there was nowhere you couldn't go, day or night, and be in a "hostile neighborhood". It was safe to use both the subway and surface trains with little to fear. I guess times have changed. Sad.

Yes, times have changed. My daughter's experience happened to be in Paris. Apparently there are neighborhoods there now that it is just not wise to venture into.
In many European cities there are definitely areas you don't want to go now that were perfectly safe 10 years ago, Paris in particular.
You can't take in every stray, Ernie. I can't believe her daughter would have LET you do that. She should have stepped in and taken her in instead of leaving it up to you. That is kind of a crappy and selfish thing to do, IMO.
I did it too as a favor to her daughter and her daughter's husband. The two of you just can't get together in Neil just can't stand seeing his wife go through what she does when her mother is around. I don't have that history with woman and I'm slightly better equipped to deal with her horseshit. I am going to ask her daughter help me find her a place though.

Well, speaking for myself, no matter how much a PITA my mother is, I would never put the burden on someone else.
I see the interaction, Chris. It is toxic, and the daughter becomes a basket case.
The woman is disrupting my life. She used up all but enough sugar for one cup of coffee and when I mentioned it, she got all defensive. I snapped a bit, she started crying and shut herself up in the back bedroom. She made a phone call from in there and by the tone, I figure it was about me.
I almost never show anger because when I do, it frequently involves firearms or fisticuffs, so I don't get upset by minor crapola. THIS is getting major quickly.

Your history also informs you how you can be guilted and manipulated by an addict who had has time to become an expert on guilting and manipulation. That of course is what the daughter doesn't cope well with. But I'll be pulling for a speedy solution for you that won't leave you feeling like a jerk even though you'll be the only person who sees you that way. :)
It appears that the situation is resolving itself. She sent me a very long text message while I was at the poker table tonight. It's been pointed out that basically, I'm mean to her and she is going to spend tomorrow looking for alternative accommodations. Please ALL, with her luck and bon voyage.
You're supposed to try to argue her out of that decision.
But I'm hoping she follows through when your response does not match her narrative.
I send my best luck to you a hearty bon voyage to her.
ChrisL and ricechickie, believe me I hear you both. What you said about traveling kids and what you didn't say. Those of us who saw our kids through their teen years, how your heart stops when they're out at night and you hear a siren in the distance, or they're a bit past curfew and you don't know whether to be relieved or angry when they finally come in. So they are finally adults, and now they travel.

Daughter relates incident in Europe when she went for a walk, by herself, and wound up in a hostile neighborhood and felt lucky to get out of it unscathed. And didn't learn a darn thing from the incident. :)
Wow! I remember the time I was in Germany and there was nowhere you couldn't go, day or night, and be in a "hostile neighborhood". It was safe to use both the subway and surface trains with little to fear. I guess times have changed. Sad.

Yes, times have changed. My daughter's experience happened to be in Paris. Apparently there are neighborhoods there now that it is just not wise to venture into.
That's what I understand about "modern" Europe, not just France. Sad, really. Europe used to be a super place to visit (and live). I remember strolling along the Montmarte, which was lined with aspiring artists displaying their work. I actually bought a couple of lovely pictures to take home.

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