USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hmmm... USPS interviewer says 24 hours a week and possibly some out sourcing to other offices for a few more hours. No benefits until you achieve full time carrier status. No guarantee of when or if that happens.

:( Well is that okay to supplement your landscape business for the time being? The no benefits aka health insurance sucks for sure.

That is a possible option. I happen to know two retired Postmasters, so I am going to research.
Hubby got a real good nights sleep for a change. :)
He went to bed around nine and woke up only once at about 2:00 a.m. because of slight pain from his surgery, stayed up about half an hour then went back to bed and got up at 5:30 this morning.
He is really surprised that there is no pain this morning.
We both got some good sleep after about 8 months of getting up and back to bed several times each night. :biggrin:

I'm so happy for you both. Sounds like your life can return to a degree of normalcy for you both. I know how stressful and disrupting the uncertainty can be. And yeah, friend Dana is so happy not to have to lug around that heavy battery case for the massive heart pump she had to have for almost a year. I'm sure the life vest was just as difficult.

Yes it was. :)
They set his pump at 60 bpm which is normal and his coloring looks really good, he is also thinking more clearly.
They still are baffled as to how he was getting high 90's oxygen readings with only 24% of his heart alive and doing low 40's bpm. :biggrin:

He went to socialize at his favorite hang outs this morning.
He took the truck in today, says maybe Sun. or Mon. he will ride his can am again.
He took it in Wed. morning to get the break in service check. He's now good for 10,000 miles.
Next month is both our birthdays so we're going out to dinner (if we can find a place that is) then a movie followed by a couple of margaritas for me at the VFW. :)
We go out on the weekend between the two.
Mine is the 6th and his is the 19th.
I always have a couple of margaritas on my birthday and our anniversary, hubby hasn't drank since 1985, so he's always my designated driver. :)

We also are talking about plans for our anniversary in Jan. next year.
We spent the last one in ICU.
We're thinking of spending a couple of nights at the Cooper Queen hotel in Bisbee and take the trike. :)
They also have quite a few health food restaurants ,one of the important reasons for picking Bisbee. :laugh:
KOAT evening news is on, the weather critter just reported it's sizzling hot......... 92 degrees........ I wonder what they consider broiling, 95 degrees?
KOAT evening news is on, the weather critter just reported it's sizzling hot......... 92 degrees........ I wonder what they consider broiling, 95 degrees?

The average high temperature for an Albuquerque August is 91. So wow. 92. Soooo extreme. Not. :)
Sounds like here......then it stormed, and cooled off and we had a gorgeous sunset!!!
KOAT evening news is on, the weather critter just reported it's sizzling hot......... 92 degrees........ I wonder what they consider broiling, 95 degrees?
Our high yesterday was a bit lower than the previous 2 days. It only made 99 here.Wednesday, it was 102 with the heat index, 114.
KOAT evening news is on, the weather critter just reported it's sizzling hot......... 92 degrees........ I wonder what they consider broiling, 95 degrees?

The average high temperature for an Albuquerque August is 91. So wow. 92. Soooo extreme. Not. :)
We get down to the mid to low 80s with a good breeze and we open the house up.

Same here because if it is 80 outside it is usually cooler in the house with a cross breeze.
KOAT evening news is on, the weather critter just reported it's sizzling hot......... 92 degrees........ I wonder what they consider broiling, 95 degrees?
Our high yesterday was a bit lower than the previous 2 days. It only made 99 here.Wednesday, it was 102 with the heat index, 114.

Ouch. Now that is hot especially with the high humidity that I suspect you guys have.
After three semesters and 12 courses, I finally lost my overall 4.0 GPA. I'm not mad though, this was hard. lol

Gotta say though, those are some consistent scores throughout!


On to Differential Calculus and Intro to Astronomy next week! :happy-1:

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