USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm on walkabout, exploring.

For now, all I will say is the folks here just have no clue how well they have it at usmb. NO CLUE.
Or they DO have a clue..which is why they sock back in. I'm learning this in my travels from here. It ain't pretty out there. Trust me on this.

I would agree with that. There are just enough really unpleasant people here to make us want to hang it up now and then, but the good guys like all ya'll here in the Coffee Shop and some others keep me here. I never read in at the FZ so I miss out on most of the really hateful and cruel stuff. And I am very proficient at scrolling over posts by the idiots, numbnuts, and other exercises in futility. I don't mind at all if people disagree with me so long as they keep it friendly. If I did, I wouldn't have any friends or family at all. :)

And lately I have been enjoying some good discussions here at USMB though many, maybe most of them are still destroyed by the trolls. But elsewhere, even at another board where I do most of my 'debating' as much as it can be done in these formats, all the unpleasant types are there too and are even more annoying.

I find myself spending less time there and more time here lately.

I used to look in on the FZ mostly for entertainment. But now....if I go down there to look more than twice a month I'd be surprised. There is some really hateful stuff that frankly isn't worth my time.

C'est la vie. :D

Heya, WelfareQueen. How good to see you. Regarding the FZ, I have NEVER gone in deliberately but once in a huge while, I find myself there. lol. With this format, it is hard to know where you are because of the grey ghosting of the forum under the title of a thread and one has to remember to look before they leap! Ha! I like the feel of this place Fox has put together and worked on so hard for many years. Thanks, FF. xo

It's similar for me. I don't go to the FZ to browse threads, but there are times when I'll click on a thread title from the list of new threads and it takes me to the FZ. I don't mind, I'm just not interested in the idea of people tossing around insults instead of debating or arguing. Insults within an argument isn't so bad, though. :p
Most people on the board take the FZ completely wrong, most take it way too seriously. When I was in the Navy it was a constant "cut down contest" to see who had the sharpest wit, whenever someone took it seriously they would draw insults like sh__ draws flies. That was the only time we would be truly mean, the FZ is like that, for most, each person trying to be their own version of Don Rickles then piling on someone who thinks internet message boards are serious business. :D

I have a thick skin and generally could care less. :) So I guess I agree with you except there have been incidents in the FZ that were a lot more than cutting humor. I am sure many remember mocking that Gracie endured when she lost a pet. Some things do cross the line, and that definitely crossed the line. It was terrible.

Me....I'd rather focus on more positive things...but to each his (or her) own. :thup:
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?
I would agree with that. There are just enough really unpleasant people here to make us want to hang it up now and then, but the good guys like all ya'll here in the Coffee Shop and some others keep me here. I never read in at the FZ so I miss out on most of the really hateful and cruel stuff. And I am very proficient at scrolling over posts by the idiots, numbnuts, and other exercises in futility. I don't mind at all if people disagree with me so long as they keep it friendly. If I did, I wouldn't have any friends or family at all. :)

And lately I have been enjoying some good discussions here at USMB though many, maybe most of them are still destroyed by the trolls. But elsewhere, even at another board where I do most of my 'debating' as much as it can be done in these formats, all the unpleasant types are there too and are even more annoying.

I find myself spending less time there and more time here lately.

I used to look in on the FZ mostly for entertainment. But now....if I go down there to look more than twice a month I'd be surprised. There is some really hateful stuff that frankly isn't worth my time.

C'est la vie. :D

Heya, WelfareQueen. How good to see you. Regarding the FZ, I have NEVER gone in deliberately but once in a huge while, I find myself there. lol. With this format, it is hard to know where you are because of the grey ghosting of the forum under the title of a thread and one has to remember to look before they leap! Ha! I like the feel of this place Fox has put together and worked on so hard for many years. Thanks, FF. xo

It's similar for me. I don't go to the FZ to browse threads, but there are times when I'll click on a thread title from the list of new threads and it takes me to the FZ. I don't mind, I'm just not interested in the idea of people tossing around insults instead of debating or arguing. Insults within an argument isn't so bad, though. :p
Most people on the board take the FZ completely wrong, most take it way too seriously. When I was in the Navy it was a constant "cut down contest" to see who had the sharpest wit, whenever someone took it seriously they would draw insults like sh__ draws flies. That was the only time we would be truly mean, the FZ is like that, for most, each person trying to be their own version of Don Rickles then piling on someone who thinks internet message boards are serious business. :D

I have a thick skin and generally could care less. :) So I guess I agree with you except there have been incidents in the FZ that were a lot more than cutting humor. I am sure many remember mocking that Gracie endured when she lost a pet. Some things do cross the line, and that definitely crossed the line. It was terrible.

Me....I'd rather focus on more positive things...but to each his (or her) own. :thup:
I don't remember that but I've heard enough about it and yes, there are a few who are just vindictive and nasty, I tend to just ignore them. There is one that has recently returned who I didn't realize was probably one of them cause she's doing it now since she came back. I just see what has been posted and move on, if someone wants to be that petty and cruel I don't want them even as an acquaintance except of course the object of such mean derision and scorn are members of the nasty infestation leaving their droppings all over the board...........
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?

Now that I've basically finished my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November, I find myself wishing the holiday would get here quickly so I can give away the presents. :lol:
I would agree with that. There are just enough really unpleasant people here to make us want to hang it up now and then, but the good guys like all ya'll here in the Coffee Shop and some others keep me here. I never read in at the FZ so I miss out on most of the really hateful and cruel stuff. And I am very proficient at scrolling over posts by the idiots, numbnuts, and other exercises in futility. I don't mind at all if people disagree with me so long as they keep it friendly. If I did, I wouldn't have any friends or family at all. :)

And lately I have been enjoying some good discussions here at USMB though many, maybe most of them are still destroyed by the trolls. But elsewhere, even at another board where I do most of my 'debating' as much as it can be done in these formats, all the unpleasant types are there too and are even more annoying.

I find myself spending less time there and more time here lately.

I used to look in on the FZ mostly for entertainment. But now....if I go down there to look more than twice a month I'd be surprised. There is some really hateful stuff that frankly isn't worth my time.

C'est la vie. :D

Heya, WelfareQueen. How good to see you. Regarding the FZ, I have NEVER gone in deliberately but once in a huge while, I find myself there. lol. With this format, it is hard to know where you are because of the grey ghosting of the forum under the title of a thread and one has to remember to look before they leap! Ha! I like the feel of this place Fox has put together and worked on so hard for many years. Thanks, FF. xo

It's similar for me. I don't go to the FZ to browse threads, but there are times when I'll click on a thread title from the list of new threads and it takes me to the FZ. I don't mind, I'm just not interested in the idea of people tossing around insults instead of debating or arguing. Insults within an argument isn't so bad, though. :p
Most people on the board take the FZ completely wrong, most take it way too seriously. When I was in the Navy it was a constant "cut down contest" to see who had the sharpest wit, whenever someone took it seriously they would draw insults like sh__ draws flies. That was the only time we would be truly mean, the FZ is like that, for most, each person trying to be their own version of Don Rickles then piling on someone who thinks internet message boards are serious business. :D

I have a thick skin and generally could care less. :) So I guess I agree with you except there have been incidents in the FZ that were a lot more than cutting humor. I am sure many remember mocking that Gracie endured when she lost a pet. Some things do cross the line, and that definitely crossed the line. It was terrible.

Me....I'd rather focus on more positive things...but to each his (or her) own. :thup:

I usually focus on negative things....but not in a fun way. :p
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?

Now that I've basically finished my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November, I find myself wishing the holiday would get here quickly so I can give away the presents. :lol:
Give em to me now and consider Christmas done........ :eusa_whistle:
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?

Now that I've basically finished my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November, I find myself wishing the holiday would get here quickly so I can give away the presents. :lol:
Give em to me now and consider Christmas done........ :eusa_whistle:

In the market for a Spongebob clock or some gymnastics themed girls clothing? :lol:
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?
Netflix, hon. I watch on netflix. :)
One last comment about "down there", then I plan to move on and forget they exist:

I don't like it when they crawl up from the sewer, go find topics to invade, then take back down there something that was said upstairs to use as bait for their next pile on. Happened again today that I saw it being done to some one else. Discussing a topic in a thread, and its taken immediately down there as a new thread bashing the person discussing it. Its asinine behavior and how grown adults can get a kick out of that, just boggles the mind.

Plus, they make derogatory fun of the CS all the time..and the people who post here just because its NOT nasty and hateful. Who does that shit?

Anyway....thats enough. I decided when I plopped back down in here, THERE would no longer exist. But that won't stop them. Next thing they will do is start using the @ feature because they MUST be SEEN being assholes.:cuckoo:

So....done. about the weather? Its COLD!!! Said it might snow tomorrow!!!
One last comment about "down there", then I plan to move on and forget they exist:

I don't like it when they crawl up from the sewer, go find topics to invade, then take back down there something that was said upstairs to use as bait for their next pile on. Happened again today that I saw it being done to some one else. Discussing a topic in a thread, and its taken immediately down there as a new thread bashing the person discussing it. Its asinine behavior and how grown adults can get a kick out of that, just boggles the mind.

Plus, they make derogatory fun of the CS all the time..and the people who post here just because its NOT nasty and hateful. Who does that shit?

Anyway....thats enough. I decided when I plopped back down in here, THERE would no longer exist. But that won't stop them. Next thing they will do is start using the @ feature because they MUST be SEEN being assholes.:cuckoo:

So....done. about the weather? Its COLD!!! Said it might snow tomorrow!!!
Not tomorrow --- right now in Colorado.
I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!
Now, you know it doesn't work like that ---- you either get 10 feet or nothing. Before you decide, remember what those drifts look like after about a month - all that dirt and mud and ugliness.
Oh, I have been in snow before, but that was 40+ years ago. Drifts as high as the house! Sliding down the road because it was so icey.
No, I want a nice soft light snow that sticks for a couple of hours then melts. I want the commercial snow you see on tv with a nice dinner being eaten by a warm hearth although I don't have a hearth I can pretend to have one, lol.
I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!

I'd love to have snow here. At 8 years old, the little one has limited time left for innocent wonder playing in snow. I'd love to have a chance to see her enjoy it again before she starts becoming an adult.
I'm not. I haven't celebrated xmas in probably 5 years. Well, I got the dogs presents. That was fun watching them tear them open, lol. But a tree? Lights? Xmas dinner? Gift exchange? Nope. Last year we didn't have a home....this year, we have one but know.
I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!

I hope you have the proper gear to keep warm. Thermals, hat, coat, scarf, gloves, down jacket, snow pants . . . :D I don't know if it gets THAT cold where you are, but if you ever want to see snow, you can just come pay me a visit in January.
I'm not. I haven't celebrated xmas in probably 5 years. Well, I got the dogs presents. That was fun watching them tear them open, lol. But a tree? Lights? Xmas dinner? Gift exchange? Nope. Last year we didn't have a home....this year, we have one but know.

I'll send you a present.

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