USMB Coffee Shop IV

I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!

I'd love to have snow here. At 8 years old, the little one has limited time left for innocent wonder playing in snow. I'd love to have a chance to see her enjoy it again before she starts becoming an adult.

Right, because that is really the only time snow is fun. When you are a kid and you get a snow day from school. Once you're an adult, it's mostly just a PITA!
I'm not. I haven't celebrated xmas in probably 5 years. Well, I got the dogs presents. That was fun watching them tear them open, lol. But a tree? Lights? Xmas dinner? Gift exchange? Nope. Last year we didn't have a home....this year, we have one but know.
Here's your new mandate!!!

You have a home ... you DESERVE a damn Christmas!

It can happen ... it ain't how much you got, it's how much you care. Tree? Pfft. Lights? Who cares?

God bless you ---- on Christmas morning, I want you to feel the prayers we offer for you. I want you to remember the warmth of love, the comfort of loved ones.

Do it, damn it!!

(Let me know if I can be of any help)
I'm not. I haven't celebrated xmas in probably 5 years. Well, I got the dogs presents. That was fun watching them tear them open, lol. But a tree? Lights? Xmas dinner? Gift exchange? Nope. Last year we didn't have a home....this year, we have one but know.
Here's your new mandate!!!

You have a home ... you DESERVE a damn Christmas!

It can happen ... it ain't how much you got, it's how much you care. Tree? Pfft. Lights? Who cares?

God bless you ---- on Christmas morning, I want you to feel the prayers we offer for you. I want you to remember the warmth of love, the comfort of loved ones.

Do it, damn it!!

(Let me know if I can be of any help)
I was NOT expecting to read this. Thank you for the feel goods!
I will have a semi xmas.....I have neighbor animals I sit, befriended, etc and will be buying stuffed toys for them..and cans of tuna for the kitty. I also made a few new friends here, so I will be getting them little gifts. I might even cook xmas eve dinner like I used to. And, I might even go to church with one of my new friends.
Thank you for what you said. That is gift/help enough and much appreciated. I will consider your words and uplifting message. Again, thank you.
Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?

Now that I've basically finished my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November, I find myself wishing the holiday would get here quickly so I can give away the presents. :lol:

Good for you and congratulations. (With just a tad of boo, hiss in there. :) )
I enjoyed the giving more than the receiving. Especially the furkids. They KNEW they had prezzies. :lol:
One last comment about "down there", then I plan to move on and forget they exist:

I don't like it when they crawl up from the sewer, go find topics to invade, then take back down there something that was said upstairs to use as bait for their next pile on. Happened again today that I saw it being done to some one else. Discussing a topic in a thread, and its taken immediately down there as a new thread bashing the person discussing it. Its asinine behavior and how grown adults can get a kick out of that, just boggles the mind.

Plus, they make derogatory fun of the CS all the time..and the people who post here just because its NOT nasty and hateful. Who does that shit?

Anyway....thats enough. I decided when I plopped back down in here, THERE would no longer exist. But that won't stop them. Next thing they will do is start using the @ feature because they MUST be SEEN being assholes.:cuckoo:

So....done. about the weather? Its COLD!!! Said it might snow tomorrow!!!

But you see, if you don't read in down there, you can be completely oblivious to it all. Sewer rats exist but sre no consequence to anybody so long as we stay out of the sewer. :)
One last comment about "down there", then I plan to move on and forget they exist:

I don't like it when they crawl up from the sewer, go find topics to invade, then take back down there something that was said upstairs to use as bait for their next pile on. Happened again today that I saw it being done to some one else. Discussing a topic in a thread, and its taken immediately down there as a new thread bashing the person discussing it. Its asinine behavior and how grown adults can get a kick out of that, just boggles the mind.

Plus, they make derogatory fun of the CS all the time..and the people who post here just because its NOT nasty and hateful. Who does that shit?

Anyway....thats enough. I decided when I plopped back down in here, THERE would no longer exist. But that won't stop them. Next thing they will do is start using the @ feature because they MUST be SEEN being assholes.:cuckoo:

So....done. about the weather? Its COLD!!! Said it might snow tomorrow!!!

But you see, if you don't read in down there, you can be completely oblivious to it all. Sewer rats exist but sre no consequence to anybody so long as we stay out of the sewer. :)
True that. I have most of them on iggie now anyway except for a scant few. Sometimes by accident I see something from the few I don't have on iggie, then realize where I am and bail real quick. But..I still don't get it how people can act like that and think its normal and find humor in it. Seriously, its mind boggling. I also don't know how people can abuse animals, rape, murder, etc and find humor in that too...rather than good conversation amongst nice people who find humor in kinder ways.:dunno:
Well...a good dose of Frasier can make anyone smile, lol. Niles and Frasier, Martin and Daphne. Oh, and eddie of course. :lol:

I go to sleep watching Frazier on the Hallmark Channel almost every night except now when they are pre-empted by all the Hallmark Christmas movies. I wonder who at Hallmark thought it a good idea to run nonstop Christmas movies starting on Halloween?

Now that I've basically finished my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November, I find myself wishing the holiday would get here quickly so I can give away the presents. :lol:
Give em to me now and consider Christmas done........ :eusa_whistle:

In the market for a Spongebob clock or some gymnastics themed girls clothing? :lol:
Nope, not big on Spongebob and I stopped wearing gymnastic themed girls clothing eons ago, I only wear Vera Wang & Furstenberg now........
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Saveliberty's brother-in-law,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

The snow will come in due time, but for now we can enjoy the unique beauty of the middle of autumn.
One last comment about "down there", then I plan to move on and forget they exist:

I don't like it when they crawl up from the sewer, go find topics to invade, then take back down there something that was said upstairs to use as bait for their next pile on. Happened again today that I saw it being done to some one else. Discussing a topic in a thread, and its taken immediately down there as a new thread bashing the person discussing it. Its asinine behavior and how grown adults can get a kick out of that, just boggles the mind.

Plus, they make derogatory fun of the CS all the time..and the people who post here just because its NOT nasty and hateful. Who does that shit?

Anyway....thats enough. I decided when I plopped back down in here, THERE would no longer exist. But that won't stop them. Next thing they will do is start using the @ feature because they MUST be SEEN being assholes.:cuckoo:

So....done. about the weather? Its COLD!!! Said it might snow tomorrow!!!
The one's who make fun of the CS are the pathetic ones who aren't satisfied until all the world is their toilet.
Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?

I love the idea! My cyber gift to you - a hearth (sort of) to warm yourself by.


The thing I miss most about Christmas is the pitter patter of little feet down the hallway on Christmas morning. The thing I miss the least is wrapping all those presents.

When we became empty nesters we started a tradition of an 'open-house' on Christmas Eve. Finger foods, bonfire, a few friends and what family we can gather. Prior to the arrival of grandkids - to fill the emptiness, I'd pick a few children's names off of an Angel Tree...still do. A wonderful way to be part of the Christmas hustle and bustle.
Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?

We can indeed decorate here in the Coffee Shop but not before Thanskgiving unless it is Thanksgiving decorations. I'm very specific about that. :)

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Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?

We can indeed decorate here in the Coffee Shop but not before Thanskgiving unless it is Thanksgiving decorations. I'm very specific about that. :)


Uh oh! Should I re-wrap Gracie's gift? I don't think she's seen it yet. :)
Heading to DC/Arlington tomorrow morning (9th) and returning on Sunday (12th). My unit (what's left of it) will be having our 52d Get Together & Gab Fest at the Crowne Plaza in Crystal City by the airport. Any of you in the DC area are invited to drop in to visit a group of broken down old Cavalrymen. There are other groups at the hotel. My group is the Ia Drang/LZ X-Ray Veterans and we have a hospitality room. I'll be wearing the jacket in my avatar. Hope to meet some of you there. We basically visit the VN Wall on the 11th to honor those who are listed there. Saturday evening we have our annual banquet and swap lies.
Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?

I love the idea! My cyber gift to you - a hearth (sort of) to warm yourself by.


The thing I miss most about Christmas is the pitter patter of little feet down the hallway on Christmas morning. The thing I miss the least is wrapping all those presents.

When we became empty nesters we started a tradition of an 'open-house' on Christmas Eve. Finger foods, bonfire, a few friends and what family we can gather. Prior to the arrival of grandkids - to fill the emptiness, I'd pick a few children's names off of an Angel Tree...still do. A wonderful way to be part of the Christmas hustle and bustle.

I agree. We try to do the Angel Tree thing every year too and now Christmas is more of a time to brighten the day for the lonely than anything else. Most of the Christmas money goes to the Salvation Army, Joy Junction, and similar groups. Once the kids and grandkid -- no greats yet -- were grown and they need absolutely nothing, presents are sort of a token thing now. We will pick up something fun for Dana and Betty and maybe my sister who will have Christmas dinner with us, and make a pleasant day of it, and that will be pretty much it. Much less stressful and much more enjoyable for me.

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