USMB Coffee Shop IV

Grateful for my friends at the coffee shop.

I agree. We try to do the Angel Tree thing every year too and now Christmas is more of a time to brighten the day for the lonely than anything else. Most of the Christmas money goes to the Salvation Army, Joy Junction, and similar groups. Once the kids and grandkid -- no greats yet -- were grown and they need absolutely nothing, presents are sort of a token thing now. We will pick up something fun for Dana and Betty and maybe my sister who will have Christmas dinner with us, and make a pleasant day of it, and that will be pretty much it. Much less stressful and much more enjoyable for me.

When our grandchildren were born we decided to open savings accounts for them rather than give gifts for Christmas and birthdays They are very young yet and I still like to have a wrapped present to give them. Lately, it's been books filled with family pictures, vacations, holidays spent together, etc. in storybook form that I make using shutterfly. They love seeing themselves in a storybook.

The Salvation Army is an amazing organization. They provide a great service to the downtrodden, downhearted and down-on-their-luck folks..far beyond Thanksgiving and Christmas help. Most of the kettle money stays in the county it's collected in and funds the Christmas food baskets and presents for children. It's what it's all about - you are so right.
Now I am starting to feel...something. Not sure what. Maybe we need a Christmas thread here in the Lounge area or even in the CS. Heck, Coffee Shops decorate, don't they? Or both. CS and in the Lounge forum. We all wear Christmas avi's or something. Give each other cyber gifts or either words, or pics of something we wish we could give.

That might be fun, yes?

Long ago, at another board (20 years ago), we used to do gift exchanges. For reals. Someone would be the hat holder and those that wanted to participate would post in the xmas gift exchange thread. All the names dropped in, the person voted to be in charge would draw out two names and those two would buy a gift not over 10 bucks for the other one. Then two more names..then two more...etc etc. Back then, nobody was as paranoid to give real names and addresses although it was a very large board but close knit as well as large. It was so much fun! But...nowadays, that is too dangerous to do unfortunately. Too many wackadoodles. So...cyber gift exchange for fun?

We can indeed decorate here in the Coffee Shop but not before Thanskgiving unless it is Thanksgiving decorations. I'm very specific about that. :)


Uh oh! Should I re-wrap Gracie's gift? I don't think she's seen it yet. :)

LOL. No, I'm all for getting all that out of the way early so that Christmas itself can be a joyful and stress free time. There just won't be a Christmas tree to put it under in the Coffee Shop until at least the day after Thanksgiving. I want Christmas to be the magical time it was for kids when it was four weeks of Advent and then Christmas. (For the orthodox there can also be the 12 days of Christmas beginning with Christmas Day.) But it can't be so special when it starts before Halloween.
Heading to DC/Arlington tomorrow morning (9th) and returning on Sunday (12th). My unit (what's left of it) will be having our 52d Get Together & Gab Fest at the Crowne Plaza in Crystal City by the airport. Any of you in the DC area are invited to drop in to visit a group of broken down old Cavalrymen. There are other groups at the hotel. My group is the Ia Drang/LZ X-Ray Veterans and we have a hospitality room. I'll be wearing the jacket in my avatar. Hope to meet some of you there. We basically visit the VN Wall on the 11th to honor those who are listed there. Saturday evening we have our annual banquet and swap lies.

Best of wishes to your group of 'broken down old Cavalrymen' - keep your 'girths' snug, the 'stirrups' long and your 'saddles' well oiled - your country still needs you. I have never been so moved by emotion as on the day I stepped onto the hallowed ground of Arlington - followed by a visit to a small green hill graced by a black wall filled with so many names.

Thank you for your service.
I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!

I'd love to have snow here. At 8 years old, the little one has limited time left for innocent wonder playing in snow. I'd love to have a chance to see her enjoy it again before she starts becoming an adult.

Right, because that is really the only time snow is fun. When you are a kid and you get a snow day from school. Once you're an adult, it's mostly just a PITA!

Snow can be fun as an adult, so long as you aren't driving in it. :p
Heading to DC/Arlington tomorrow morning (9th) and returning on Sunday (12th). My unit (what's left of it) will be having our 52d Get Together & Gab Fest at the Crowne Plaza in Crystal City by the airport. Any of you in the DC area are invited to drop in to visit a group of broken down old Cavalrymen. There are other groups at the hotel. My group is the Ia Drang/LZ X-Ray Veterans and we have a hospitality room. I'll be wearing the jacket in my avatar. Hope to meet some of you there. We basically visit the VN Wall on the 11th to honor those who are listed there. Saturday evening we have our annual banquet and swap lies.
Too bad we don't live there any longer, I'd make it a point of showing up.
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Saveliberty's brother-in-law,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

The snow will come in due time, but for now we can enjoy the unique beauty of the middle of autumn.

That is so beautiful. I always like the reflections of the colorful trees on the water.
I kinda hope it snows. Kinda not. I'm not used to it but a small dose won't hurt me. I want it to wait til Thanksgiving! And then on Xmas!

I'd love to have snow here. At 8 years old, the little one has limited time left for innocent wonder playing in snow. I'd love to have a chance to see her enjoy it again before she starts becoming an adult.

Right, because that is really the only time snow is fun. When you are a kid and you get a snow day from school. Once you're an adult, it's mostly just a PITA!

Snow can be fun as an adult, so long as you aren't driving in it. :p

I am sick of snow, TBH. It is a big nuisance, driving in it, tracking dirty wet snow into the house, the salt, the dirty ugly snow piles on the sides of the road . . .
Heading to DC/Arlington tomorrow morning (9th) and returning on Sunday (12th). My unit (what's left of it) will be having our 52d Get Together & Gab Fest at the Crowne Plaza in Crystal City by the airport. Any of you in the DC area are invited to drop in to visit a group of broken down old Cavalrymen. There are other groups at the hotel. My group is the Ia Drang/LZ X-Ray Veterans and we have a hospitality room. I'll be wearing the jacket in my avatar. Hope to meet some of you there. We basically visit the VN Wall on the 11th to honor those who are listed there. Saturday evening we have our annual banquet and swap lies.
Too bad we don't live there any longer, I'd make it a point of showing up.

We didn't live there but went to see our daughter who did. So if I was in town, and could work it in, I would sure stop by.
LOL. Continuing yesterday's discussion, a member started a thread asking for honest opinions of his first attempt at painted art. I responded with what was intended as an encouraging post. I swear it was in general discussion but somehow or other it got bumped into the FZ and I got my first ever STFU. :) Oh well. I guess it had to happen sooner or later. But that's just one of many reasons I say out of there.
That is so beautiful. I always like the reflections of the colorful trees on the water.

:) Fall in Northern VA.

View attachment 159324

That is a beautiful part of the world for sure. That kind of scenery so common in the east is so different from most of the west that has its own flavors and nuances.


Some of the reasons I fell in love with New Mexico.





Yes, there is something I can't describe as anything other than deeply spiritual when you go out into the high desert away from all traces of civilization except maybe for the road you travel, exit your vehicle and just be there in the silence except maybe for a gust of wind.
LOL. Continuing yesterday's discussion, a member started a thread asking for honest opinions of his first attempt at painted art. I responded with what was intended as an encouraging post. I swear it was in general discussion but somehow or other it got bumped into the FZ and I got my first ever STFU. :) Oh well. I guess it had to happen sooner or later. But that's just one of many reasons I say out of there.
I pmd him cuz I saw it was in the FZ. I refuse to post down there.
He does well in painting and I told him to keep it up and go to youtube where many self taught artists learned. I am a self taught myself..but that was before the internet. I used the library for books on How To. ;)
One of my other favorite places in New Mexico:

The Palisades of Cimmaron Canyon

My favorite D.H. Lawrence quote:
"I think that New Mexico was the greatest experience from the outside world that I ever had. It certainly changed me forever ... The moment I saw the brilliant proud morning (sun) shine high up over the deserts of Santa Fe, something stood still in my soul." ~D.H. Lawrence
Meanwhile..I got an interesting phone call today from a fellow antique dealer from home (the beach). He came up to visit in the spring and I introduced him to Housemate and he visited the day then returned back home. Today he called and said he liked it up here...and would be here this coming weekend to look at some manufactured homes here locally he is wanting to possibly purchase. He sold his home at the beach and wants to be up here. So...he will be here for a week, seeking a new home and would I help? I said I sure would. Best part is..he is bringing his poodle Killer....who is adorable! So I get to visit for a week with both of them, show them the town, go with him to look at possible homes and will have someone I have known for 30 years living here too. :)
Wow. New Mexico is beautiful! Alas, probably above our means in renting. And not being familiar with the state would be a bummer since we need government help. We are set where we are until the beach calls us back home sometime next year..IF it happens at all. We are just going with day by day. Thats all we can do. But those sure are pretty pics!!!
Wow. New Mexico is beautiful! Alas, probably above our means in renting. And not being familiar with the state would be a bummer since we need government help. We are set where we are until the beach calls us back home sometime next year..IF it happens at all. We are just going with day by day. Thats all we can do. But those sure are pretty pics!!!
New Mexico is a mix of deserts, mountain ranges and high plains and there are relatively cheap areas for housing either in the southern deserts or the northwest and eastern parts of the state, just depends on where you want to be. It's a great alternative retirement state to say places like Arizona.

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