USMB Coffee Shop IV

Eeee-gads... sorry to hear that. Yeah I've piled a couple up myself, but I never lost my fear of driving. But then I'm an incurable gear head hotrod. I did a couple dumb things and paid the price. I just didn't do those same dumb things anymore, like drink and drive. We're talking 40 years ago.

Sure glad you have support when it comes to cars too, so you don't fall prey to the unscrupulous types all too ready to take advantage of people that know nothing about cars.

My stepdad is a car hobbyist and builds hot rods. They both love cars and stuff. I'm glad you don't drink and drive. I would take UBER before driving intoxicated myself.
Yeah we thought nothing of it decades ago. We'd drink WHILE driving. Things have surely changed though. I wouldn't even think of it now.

I just ordered a small pizza from the restaurant across the bridge here in Podunk, WI, and as I drove though town, this being Saturday night, decades ago the bars would have been PACKED! Now, there's just a couple cars downtown, and I'm sure even those are people eating because the bars do double as a restaurant.

I've been a hotrod all my life too. Had a few nice cars. Just bought a brand new 2017 2SS Camaro. I couldn't resist having ONE MORE.

Wisconsin is sure pretty in pictures. I have ancestors from Neenah Wisconsin but I've never been there.
Yes Wisconsin is very pretty. We have a great lake on the east side of the state, a great lake to the north, and the Mississippi river on the east border. We have huge forests, lakes, streams, rivers, farms, anything that isn't paved, which is very little, is green. People don't like to come here though because it can get cold in the winter, I mean real cold, 20 or 30 below, even 40 below. It's the home of my ancestors going back to my great, great grandparents though, so it's home to me. I've lived many other places but I always come back here. Don't plan on moving again now. I love small towns too, and when you've been in one as long as I have here, you get to know just about everybody. I think it's cool. I even know lots of people in other little towns near here. I can go just about anywhere and run into someone I know. I never could do that in a big city. I lived in Vegas, Phoenix, Tamps to name a few, and it was a cool experience, but it was never home to me. I can't stand cities now, I actually despise them.

I lived in Vegas and Phoenix too. I'm in Utah right now but was born in Missouri. Yeah I would love to sight see Wisconsin in the spring or summertime, I bet its just magical.
Yeah NV is my second home. I lived there longer than anywhere else other than WI. I lived in Las Vegas from 1979 to 1983, and Reno from 2004 to 2008. I do love the green here in Wisconsin, but it even baffles me that if I ever did move again, it would be back to NV. Must be the climate. I think the vast open spaces are captivating too. I drove from Reno to Vegas and the other way around a few times too. The little towns that make you wonder, why in the hell is anyone living way out here in the middle of nowhere? IDK... I find that kind of appealing... :lol:

Phoenix was probably the worst place I ever lived in my life. My parents moved to Apache Junction and I went down by them a little later after I quit working at the supermax prison here. I went to Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Dear Valley, north Phoenix, and then up to Reno to work at Reno Harley Davidson.

Missouri is pretty, and Utah has it's beauty too, except crossing the Great Salt Lake... holy cow.
Yeah we thought nothing of it decades ago. We'd drink WHILE driving. Things have surely changed though. I wouldn't even think of it now.

Ah, the good old days! Your comment made me laugh because it reminded me of my best friend in nursing school. One frigid morning we were stuck in gridlocked traffic on a highway on our way to our clinical rotation for the day. She announced in her lovely Russian accent: "You Americans, so stuffy! In Russia we now would have our vodka with our coffee. No cold, no eyeballs freezing, just warm! Here to jail you go for keeping warm." Following the severe stinkeye from me, she then announced: "Well we are stuck here freezing. Let us do our Kegels so husbands be happy!"
Oh geez... we were out of control back in the old days, and if we got pulled over, the cops would usually tell us to take our hotrods home for the night, even though they knew we were drunk. To us, that was worse punishment than arresting us... :lol:
This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:

This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:


Gorgeous car! When my brother came home from the service in the early 70s, he bought a Camaro convertible. It was bright orange with a white "racing stripe." He used to take me on rides in it when Mom wasn't looking. He'd take us out to hilly, windy country roads and floor it. Sometimes we'd crest a hill and be airborne. It was absolutely terrifying, and absolutely exhilarating too. Thanks for the memory flashback!
This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:


Gorgeous car! When my brother came home from the service in the early 70s, he bought a Camaro convertible. It was bright orange with a white "racing stripe." He used to take me on rides in it when Mom wasn't looking. He'd take us out to hilly, windy country roads and floor it. Sometimes we'd crest a hill and be airborne. It was absolutely terrifying, and absolutely exhilarating too. Thanks for the memory flashback!
Great story... I love Camaros. This is my second one. I had a crappy little 1975 Camaro years ago, still loved it, but this one is truly a beast. Just brutal power. If you "floored" this thing, you'd be sideways in the road. The "traction control" is on by default, for a reason, unless you want to go drifting with it... :lol:
This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:

My first car after marrying was a 1967 Camaro. It was so beautiful, but lost it to a failure of brakes that resulted in a crash in or around 1978. It was repaired at a Community College automotive training center, but was sold in 1983 when we moved back to the Equality State after 5 years in the Beaver State.

Have a lovely evening, all. So wonderful to be back at USMB after losing a husband and a sister in 2016. I had a lot of sadness after having the most humorous husband for 44 wonderful years of my life. My best comfort is that I know he has a job in heaven of cheering up the angels who have to look over some pretty harsh situations in human life. I can imagine he has a full time job of doing what he did so well in life--making sure that everybody got a good laugh every day.
Roswell, NM, born in Escanaba, family in Gladstone, was raised military all over the US and the Pacific.

Oh wow. Well, if you ever come back up here to visit the folks, give a shout out! And please bring one of your alien friends too.
I haven't been back up there in decades, have no reason to return, I don't even remember any of my living relations in the area.
This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:

My first car after marrying was a 1967 Camaro. It was so beautiful, but lost it to a failure of brakes that resulted in a crash in or around 1978. It was repaired at a Community College automotive training center, but was sold in 1983 when we moved back to the Equality State after 5 years in the Beaver State.

Have a lovely evening, all. So wonderful to be back at USMB after losing a husband and a sister in 2016. I had a lot of sadness after having the most humorous husband for 44 wonderful years of my life. My best comfort is that I know he has a job in heaven of cheering up the angels who have to look over some pretty harsh situations in human life. I can imagine he has a full time job of doing what he did so well in life--making sure that everybody got a good laugh every day.
1967 was the very first year for Camaro. I'd LOVE to see a picture of it if you have one...
I'm in the process of uploading a ton of files from an external drive to the new shop computer. Should have a pic of my old Camaro in a bit...
This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:

My first car after marrying was a 1967 Camaro. It was so beautiful, but lost it to a failure of brakes that resulted in a crash in or around 1978. It was repaired at a Community College automotive training center, but was sold in 1983 when we moved back to the Equality State after 5 years in the Beaver State.

Have a lovely evening, all. So wonderful to be back at USMB after losing a husband and a sister in 2016. I had a lot of sadness after having the most humorous husband for 44 wonderful years of my life. My best comfort is that I know he has a job in heaven of cheering up the angels who have to look over some pretty harsh situations in human life. I can imagine he has a full time job of doing what he did so well in life--making sure that everybody got a good laugh every day.
1967 was the very first year for Camaro. I'd LOVE to see a picture of it if you have one...
1967 was the very first year for Camaro. I'd LOVE to see a picture of it if you have one...

Yeah, I know. I got it to drive to work and back in late fall of 1966 before either of my children were born.

My kids took all the family pics when my husband, Bill, died two years back. Haven't even seen our wedding album from our Dec 4, 1971 wedding. :( Well, really, I do not ruminate much about the past. Nothing you can do about spilt milk.

It's etched in my memory, though. It was this metallic fawn beige color with black upholstery, it turned on a dime, and my husband couldn't get in it when it was adjusted to my short stature of 5'1. It was the only time I ever heard the good-spirited man grumble. He was a six-footer. <giggle>
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Well, in lieu of not knowing if I have a picture of it which would be buried in any one of 50 boxes on a maybe basis, here's a car that looks exactly like my car, well, as I recall how it looked, anyway. This was all I could find that even remotely resembles my metallic beige camaro:


This is the new hotrod... (for those who haven't seen it), 2017 2SS Camaro, I'm incurable... I have issues... :lol:

My first car after marrying was a 1967 Camaro. It was so beautiful, but lost it to a failure of brakes that resulted in a crash in or around 1978. It was repaired at a Community College automotive training center, but was sold in 1983 when we moved back to the Equality State after 5 years in the Beaver State.

Have a lovely evening, all. So wonderful to be back at USMB after losing a husband and a sister in 2016. I had a lot of sadness after having the most humorous husband for 44 wonderful years of my life. My best comfort is that I know he has a job in heaven of cheering up the angels who have to look over some pretty harsh situations in human life. I can imagine he has a full time job of doing what he did so well in life--making sure that everybody got a good laugh every day.
1967 was the very first year for Camaro. I'd LOVE to see a picture of it if you have one...
1967 was the very first year for Camaro. I'd LOVE to see a picture of it if you have one...

Yeah, I know. I got it to drive to work and back in late fall of 1966 before either of my children were born.

My kids took all the family pics when my husband, Bill, died two years back. Haven't even seen our wedding album from our Dec 4, 1971 wedding. :( Well, really, I do not ruminate much about the past. Nothing you can do about spilt milk.

It's etched in my memory, though. It was this metallic fawn beige color with black upholstery, it turned on a dime, and my husband couldn't get in it when it was adjusted to my short stature of 5'1. It was the only time I ever heard the good-spirited man grumble. He was a six-footer. <giggle>
Dang... so no pic... oh well, I can picture it. So do you remember the engine? Would have a been a little six inline, or could have been a 327?

Here's my old 1975. Bought it from a friend, pretty beat up by the time I got it in 1989 but still, super fun car to drive... Wisconsin damn rust and all... still, this is the car that made me fall in love with Camaros... it had a 350 small block, headers, 4 barrel and what not, a TH350 automatic trans... it would boogie right on down the road...

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Special prayers and positive vibe directed to the people of California in harm's way, the people of Paradise and other towns, and all others who have lost their homes and businesses. That would include Gracie and Dennis, Drifters friend's mother, and all others.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Mrs. Ringel and Ringel for healing
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Autumn in North Central Kansas
Whelp, winter is official. It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra up here now. At least with the ground frozen the poor goats aren't belly deep in mud any more. I've put piles of straw in their sleeping places to help keep them warm. Now I have to see what I can do for the fowl.
I hope all of you are doing well as the Fall season winds down and we slip into a more monochromatic winter mode.
Kinda warm yet for November here in Podunk, Wisconsin, raining today, and even though we have surely had one ultra wet year, I'm glad it's not snow though, I don't have the snowblower on the JD yet.
Definitely been ultra wet here, too. But last weekend it snapped cold. Funny thing is, where I am, no snow yet. Lower elevations have gotten enough snow to plow and bitch.
I boiled up a couple of gallons of water and added that to the fresh well water. Goats seemed to appreciate the warmer water. I'll boil another couple of gallons and add that to the ice in their buckets before I go to work. I've found some of my old packing/guiding stuff that lets me heat up the buckets and discard soiled water before providing cleaner stuff. The chickens/turkeys love it when I run the well because they drink up as much of the puddles as they can. Winter is always hard on an off-grid homestead. I'll make it this year, too
Turned cold here too, pard. Winter is here. We're actually 10 to 15 degrees colder than normal.

Got the snowblower, weights and chains on the John Deere so, I'm ready... let it snow. No more FROSTY THE SNOWMAN for me with the cab now.
Snow finally arrived last night. It's not expected to stay long because temps are supposed to get into mid-40s the rest of this week. Driving will suck but it's my weekend so I'll hunker down and stay home.
Whelp, winter is official. It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra up here now. At least with the ground frozen the poor goats aren't belly deep in mud any more. I've put piles of straw in their sleeping places to help keep them warm. Now I have to see what I can do for the fowl.
I hope all of you are doing well as the Fall season winds down and we slip into a more monochromatic winter mode.
Kinda warm yet for November here in Podunk, Wisconsin, raining today, and even though we have surely had one ultra wet year, I'm glad it's not snow though, I don't have the snowblower on the JD yet.
Definitely been ultra wet here, too. But last weekend it snapped cold. Funny thing is, where I am, no snow yet. Lower elevations have gotten enough snow to plow and bitch.
I boiled up a couple of gallons of water and added that to the fresh well water. Goats seemed to appreciate the warmer water. I'll boil another couple of gallons and add that to the ice in their buckets before I go to work. I've found some of my old packing/guiding stuff that lets me heat up the buckets and discard soiled water before providing cleaner stuff. The chickens/turkeys love it when I run the well because they drink up as much of the puddles as they can. Winter is always hard on an off-grid homestead. I'll make it this year, too
Turned cold here too, pard. Winter is here. We're actually 10 to 15 degrees colder than normal.

Got the snowblower, weights and chains on the John Deere so, I'm ready... let it snow. No more FROSTY THE SNOWMAN for me with the cab now.
Snow finally arrived last night. It's not expected to stay long because temps are supposed to get into mid-40s the rest of this week. Driving will suck but it's my weekend so I'll hunker down and stay home.

Temperatures there are similar to those here for this time of year. And we are a LOT closer to the Equator than you are. Weird.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

It sucks that is an option you have to consider. Do you have family in Albuquerque?
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

It sucks that is an option you have to consider. Do you have family in Albuquerque?
No, no family there besides my family and I aren't what you would call close and there's definitely bad blood between my wife and at least two of my brothers. The third brother really isn't in a position to help out anyway. As for more distant relations I don't even know them at all.
I start my short internship/clinical time tomorrow. 8 hours a day from Mon-Fri, then another 8 hours a day for 3 days in early December.

I'm worried about it. There's a whole crapload of stuff for me to get done. I've also got a coding exam to do this week, a project due in one class and a paper due in another on the 28th. I think everyone else is going to be out next week for a Thanksgiving trip, so at least I'll have the house to myself to get some work done, but the clinical stuff is mostly done while I'm at the facility.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

:( There must be some help available that doesn't involve impoverishing yourself first?

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