USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hi Coffee Shoppers! Only hear for a short post and will update in Announcements later tonight. Have to go to Red Cross in a few and see about the assistance they can give us cuz we will take whatevwer is offered due to having nothing left now except the car, and a few personal items. Had no clue the whole town would burn down and thought we could go back home but its gone. Who woulda thunk??? Anyway...whole motel is full of Paradise/Magalia folkks and we carpool to martkets and dollar stores, etc. My van is on its last legs so.....who knows.
Anyway, there is much more to tell y'all...just can't do it now.

Hugs and love
Gracie and Mr Gracie.

You two stay safe!
A Mom update...

She spent last night in the hospital. This morning produced additional blood work and a decidedly unappetizing liquid diet. She had breakfast and her fare was vegetable broth, cranberry juice, jello, and hot tea. She changed up for dinner opting for the chicken broth and a variety for dinner as she chose the beef broth. Needless to say, she is miserable.

I was down to see her at 9:30 this morning and stay d until noon. My brother stopped in at 4:30 and I came in at 4:45 and stayed until 7:00 when they kicked me out. At 8:15 Mom phoned to say they want her there for 'a couple more days'. So I'm here at the Big House manning the phone and doing some laundry

Mom has a cat. I have Daisy the Mutt. Neither of those two get along, but Daisy is scared of the cat. So long as they keep their distance and respect each other's space, it should go well. When I leave here in a few minutes, it's my job to put the cat in the basement, if I can find the damn thing.

Let's see what happens tomorrow. I have a lecture to attend primarily to talk up Wednesday Movie Night. I'll beg off to see what I can do for Mom.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Yeah, we know and have discussed it as a distant possibility further down the road if it ever comes to that.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Yeah, we know and have discussed it as a distant possibility further down the road if it ever comes to that.

:( God willing it won't.
So much trouble. So much love. God willing, love will win out over the trouble. Special thanks to Drifter and Kat who set the process in motion to help out Gracie and Mr.G. The response has been heart warming and wonderful.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Mrs. Ringel and Ringel back in difficult transition, for guidance, and for healing
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

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Hi Coffee Shoppers! Only hear for a short post and will update in Announcements later tonight. Have to go to Red Cross in a few and see about the assistance they can give us cuz we will take whatevwer is offered due to having nothing left now except the car, and a few personal items. Had no clue the whole town would burn down and thought we could go back home but its gone. Who woulda thunk??? Anyway...whole motel is full of Paradise/Magalia folkks and we carpool to martkets and dollar stores, etc. My van is on its last legs so.....who knows.
Anyway, there is much more to tell y'all...just can't do it now.

Hugs and love
Gracie and Mr Gracie.
Dear Gracie, you've been on my prayer list all week since Paradise was lost. Thanks for checking in. I'd like to answer more posts, but it's almost midnight now, and last night I only got 3 hours of sleep. Love to all here ~ :huddle:
Mom remains in the hospital. The doctor say she could be paroled tomorrow. The diverticulitis is clearing, but that is the least of our worries. Her blood pressure is dangerously low and her pulse rate has not been higher than 45 beats per minute.

Meanwhile my sister-in-law's 30 year old son reported to the Cleveland Clinic this morning for a hip replacement. He has exymatic arthritis eating away at his bones. Today's operation is on his left hip. Three to five months from now, he will have his right hip replaced. As the salt box says, when it rains it pours.
Mom remains in the hospital. The doctor say she could be paroled tomorrow. The diverticulitis is clearing, but that is the least of our worries. Her blood pressure is dangerously low and her pulse rate has not been higher than 45 beats per minute.

Meanwhile my sister-in-law's 30 year old son reported to the Cleveland Clinic this morning for a hip replacement. He has exymatic arthritis eating away at his bones. Today's operation is on his left hip. Three to five months from now, he will have his right hip replaced. As the salt box says, when it rains it pours.

And he is so young! Hombre is facing that at least in one hip one of these days, but he is a far piece beyond 30.
Mom remains in the hospital. The doctor say she could be paroled tomorrow. The diverticulitis is clearing, but that is the least of our worries. Her blood pressure is dangerously low and her pulse rate has not been higher than 45 beats per minute.

Meanwhile my sister-in-law's 30 year old son reported to the Cleveland Clinic this morning for a hip replacement. He has exymatic arthritis eating away at his bones. Today's operation is on his left hip. Three to five months from now, he will have his right hip replaced. As the salt box says, when it rains it pours.

And he is so young! Hombre is facing that at least in one hip one of these days, but he is a far piece beyond 30.
He has a son who calls my brother 'Pappy'. He is a very active nine years old. It will be a Herculean feat like re-routing a river to swab out a stable keeping up on crutches in an Ohio winter. He'll use those crutches until the Pirates opening day.
ok I gotta share...…...last month one of my pullets went broody on some eggs and the other day they started hatching. Here is a pic of 2 of the 3 chicks she has now. (I've tried to get another pic of all 3, but she's not cooperating :laugh:)

babies 1.jpg
ok I gotta share...…...last month one of my pullets went broody on some eggs and the other day they started hatching. Here is a pic of 2 of the 3 chicks she has now. (I've tried to get another pic of all 3, but she's not cooperating :laugh:)

View attachment 228608
They're cute! Will they be layers or friers?

I don't know yet & will have to wait & see. If pullets, I'll keep as layers and if cockerels, fryers
I'll be dipped... Those look just like the Henway's we used to raise... Been along time since I seen one...


Henways??? I've not heard of that.

These are from Buff Orpington pullets under a Blue Laced Red (or is that a Red laced Blue) Wyandotte rooster.

I also have a couple of Cuckoo Maran pullets, but none of the eggs were dark enough
Sorry in advance for a long post,....

In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Triple Negative breast cancer...….it was the last thing I ever expected. I tend to dislike and distrust Dr's and didn't want treatment, but had to face my kids, so I agreed to chemo, refused radiation and finally had a lumpectomy to remove the lump.....went back to work until my manager had only scheduled me to work the week of Christmas with no backup and wouldn't sit down to talk with me about it. So I quit a year later (2 years out from initial diagnosis)

Thought better of it and before I could ask for my job back, hubby had been complaining of chest pains and I nagged him to see a Dr. because of a family history of heart problems. They took xrays and found a tumor. More tests showed it was around the bronchial tube at the entrance of the lung and around the aeorta vein to the heart as well as within the upper portion of the lung. Surgery was not an option. We were told he only had 2 months to live by some radiologist that only had the xray & MRI to go blood test results, no biopsy, nothing.

Anyway, he went thru chemo that did help to shrink the tumor, but not enough. He did have radiation and was also given several types of immuno-therapy. We are now over 2 and half years later....until this past August. The Dr said the cancer has grown and spread and there was no more treatment available. He has been oxygen since and a Hospice nurse comes once a week to check on him. Thankfully he's not been bed ridden so it makes it easier for me to care for him at home.

Although a couple of months ago, he did give us all a scare. That morning when I got up, he was awake and alert and we talked for a bit. Then he fell asleep. When the Hospice nurse came, he was unresponsive no matter how we tried to wake him. She called 911 for the paramedics to transfer him from his recliner to the bedroom. Didn't even phase him. She & I tried to prep him for the inevitable and even after rolling him back & forth on the bed to get a cover pad under him, propped pillows around him & covered with blankets all to keep him comfortable as possible.....he still didn't even flinch. She and a Social Worker explained to me the usual steps a patient goes thru so I would know what to expect, including him taking his final breath.. The nurse didn't expect him to live more than a few hours at most.

Our boys (19 & 17) and I sat with him off & on the rest of the afternoon and early evening. I watched as he went thru each of the stages. He did everything except take that final breath. Finally around 7pm, I came out to the livingroom and barely got sat down when I turned to see him standing there. I asked if he was ok and he says 'There's some crazy shit going on around here'....yeah, you're telling me. He didn't know or remember anything of the previous several hours. He was then in a semi conscience state for a day or two, then perked up after that and was more animated.....for about a month or so and in this last month, I can see him declining again and sleeping more & more, talking nonsense and doing odd 'projects'. Those odd projects are what Hospice says is 'getting ready' for the end.

I'm not sure if it's been from all the treatments or drugs he's been on all this time, but he has some weird 'moments' alzheimers or dementia, or maybe the cancer has reached his brain...…..but life can get interesting around here sometimes. I just tell others I'm married to a zombie...really :04:
Prayers up for your sweetheart and husband, JustAnother. I've been through that kind of stuff, only the details are different, and I lost him 2 years ago. With our family, the crazy stuff was at its peak when he left, so all I could do was that God that he was in a better place, no longer confused or fragmented and without any earthly disabilities. :huddle:
Mom remains in the hospital. The doctor say she could be paroled tomorrow. The diverticulitis is clearing, but that is the least of our worries. Her blood pressure is dangerously low and her pulse rate has not been higher than 45 beats per minute.

Meanwhile my sister-in-law's 30 year old son reported to the Cleveland Clinic this morning for a hip replacement. He has exymatic arthritis eating away at his bones. Today's operation is on his left hip. Three to five months from now, he will have his right hip replaced. As the salt box says, when it rains it pours.
Prayers up for your mom, Nosmo King. And also for your sister-in-law's son. :huddle:

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