USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tonight Mom sleeps in her own bed at the Big Bouse. She was discharged this afternoon. I took her home and promptly went to the supermarket to stock the pantry with the approved foods after the gastroenterologist had her say. Fortunately, Mom's pharmacy is in that same supermarket. So I also had her prescriptions filled too.

Mom is virtually eating a chemistry set. Blood pressure pills, antibiotics and now insulin are what's keeping her in the pink, as it were.

Then I dashed back to Pimplebutt for a very quick bite and then up to the Learning Center for Wednesday Movie Night. It was All About Eve. "Fasten your seatbelts" warned Bette Davis "It's going to be a bumpy night!" I'm wearing my seatbelt 24 hours a day.
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Tonight Mom sleeps in her own bed at the Big Bouse. She was discharged this afternoon. I took her home and promptly went to the supermarket to stock the pantry with the approved foods after the gastroenterologist had her say. Fortunately, Mom's pharmacy is in that same supermarket. So I also had her prescriptions filled to.

Mom is virtually eating a chemistry set. Blood pressure pills, antibiotics and now insulin are what's keeping her in the pink, as it were.

Then I dashed back to Pimplebutt for a very quick bite and then up to the Learning Center for Wednesday Movie Night. It was All About Eve. "Fasten your seatbelts" warned Bette Davis "It's going to be a bumpy night!" I'm wearing my seatbelt 24 hours a day.

Wow, that's a lot and must be stressful for you. Just remember to take good care of yourself as well and get plenty of rest & down time for you as well
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Mrs. Ringel and Ringel back in difficult transition, for guidance, and for healing
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.
It just seems pretty unfair. It's especially heinous that you not only have to liquidate your savings, but the government sees fit to take a couple of pounds of flesh in penalties. And another move, too! Seems you guys just can't get on the good side of luck, or karma, or whatever forces for good there are out in the universe. Still sending all my best to you and Mrs. R.
I start my short internship/clinical time tomorrow. 8 hours a day from Mon-Fri, then another 8 hours a day for 3 days in early December.

I'm worried about it. There's a whole crapload of stuff for me to get done. I've also got a coding exam to do this week, a project due in one class and a paper due in another on the 28th. I think everyone else is going to be out next week for a Thanksgiving trip, so at least I'll have the house to myself to get some work done, but the clinical stuff is mostly done while I'm at the facility.
Good luck. Things get easier the more you do them, so keep up the good work.
I start my short internship/clinical time tomorrow. 8 hours a day from Mon-Fri, then another 8 hours a day for 3 days in early December.

I'm worried about it. There's a whole crapload of stuff for me to get done. I've also got a coding exam to do this week, a project due in one class and a paper due in another on the 28th. I think everyone else is going to be out next week for a Thanksgiving trip, so at least I'll have the house to myself to get some work done, but the clinical stuff is mostly done while I'm at the facility.

I start my new job tomorrow too. I know you will do great and I understand your anxiety and stress. New stuff always gives me a restless feeling. Plus you have other projects and deadlines due. But sending you good vibes Mont.
Good luck to you, too. I've gotten to a point where even changing my flight schedule during my shift makes me whiney and nervous.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Sad, but unfortunately true. I've known cases that required the patient to deed their property to the hospital/hospice before receiving treatment.
ok I gotta share...…...last month one of my pullets went broody on some eggs and the other day they started hatching. Here is a pic of 2 of the 3 chicks she has now. (I've tried to get another pic of all 3, but she's not cooperating :laugh:)

View attachment 228608
We have to wait now until Spring to hatch eggs. Winter has arrived and it's just too cold, even if the hens did get broody. I am looking forward to turkey poults, though. All three of my turkey hens were broody this past summer, now I have the tom, poults should follow.
Nice chicks!
Apologies, All!
Of all the times for my laptop to fail. I took it into the shop because it had slowed to glacial processing speeds. OK, glaciers move faster than that thing. So, of course they found all kinds of nasty stuff that had managed to slink through, past, or over my security. I'm supposed to go pick it up tomorrow, healthy and as happy as it will ever be again. Final diagnosis: laptop is getting old and might want to retire soon (sounds familiar, no?) Hopefully, I'll be able to get back online. Right now I'm using the desktop at work. Fortunately, work doesn't care as long as we're finished our tasks and don't hit the porn sites.
It sure seems like there's a lot of grief and sorrow going around. To all my USMB friends and acquaintances, I'm sending all my best wishes and good karma out with as much strength as I can muster.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.
It just seems pretty unfair. It's especially heinous that you not only have to liquidate your savings, but the government sees fit to take a couple of pounds of flesh in penalties. And another move, too! Seems you guys just can't get on the good side of luck, or karma, or whatever forces for good there are out in the universe. Still sending all my best to you and Mrs. R.

I wish they could get a dual citizenship to Canada and the free healthcare there.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Sad, but unfortunately true. I've known cases that required the patient to deed their property to the hospital/hospice before receiving treatment.

That's just it.....according to the show I watched, they said that providers can't deny treatment if patients refuse to law. They may try to strong arm people into doing so, but they can only push it so far. Isn't refusing to treat the sick or injured because of lack of funds a violation of the Hippocratic oath every one of them are subject to??? :dunno:
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Sad, but unfortunately true. I've known cases that required the patient to deed their property to the hospital/hospice before receiving treatment.

That's just it.....according to the show I watched, they said that providers can't deny treatment if patients refuse to law. They may try to strong arm people into doing so, but they can only push it so far. Isn't refusing to treat the sick or injured because of lack of funds a violation of the Hippocratic oath every one of them are subject to??? :dunno:

My first hospital job was as 'credit manager', among other things, for a small rural hospital. It was so rural that the first thing I usually did in the morning was chase the cows out of the administrator's flower beds. This was during time in that area in which a lot of people didn't have hospitalization or a lot of money. But nobody who needed medical care was turned away.

Before those who couldn't pay left the hospital, they came to see me and I set them up on a payment plan--even $10/month--that they could manage. Medical costs were affordable then and we all paid for most routine stuff out of pocket as insurance didn't cover it, so a lot of those people did manage to pay their bills over time though we did ultimately eat a lot of charges that folks skipped out on or for whatever reason couldn't pay. But it was okay. And knowing they would be held responsible for their bills meant few came for medical care that didn't really need it.

Medical science has improved so much since then--I think doctors depend on computers and such so much now that much of the art of diagnosis and healing has been lost--but I do miss a time when getting seriously sick didn't automatically mean you would lose everything.
Finally starting to feel better, I can actually eat something and not upset my stomach, my blood pressure has normalized, the joint aches and headache are gone. Next time a doc wants to prescribe Wellbutrin it'll be not no, HELL NO!!!!!

Once we find out what treatment options for the wife are recommended and available we may have to relocate again, most likely back to Albuquerque. Not that Roswell doesn't have the services and facilities here it's just that Albuquerque has more and better services. The problem will be two fold, finding a place to live and moving. For the latter we're talking about getting rid of everything we really don't need which is around 2/3ds of what we own.
To get any meaningful help we will most likely have to wipe out our 401Ks first, expensive. We'd lose about a third in penalties then there's the ten percent the government will take for early withdrawal.

Do not wipe out your 401K's if at all possible. It is a short term fix, but you may regret it in the long run. Any state or federal assistance can't/won't make you drain those in order to be eligible for any possible help, I don't think. They didn't require it here in Washington and it might be different where you are, but I don't think it is. Is there a local resource directory? A list of places to call for assistance with different types of needs. Housing, utilities, food/clothing banks, etc. Possibly at the Dr's office??? Does the Dr's office have a patient care coordinator? (not sure about that title, but someone that can help you guys applying for different types of help or benefits available?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming your wife's short term disability is thru her work??? Does her work also have any other types of benefits she could tap into? She might need to talk with a supervisor or manager or resource or personnel manager??
I do understand the financial stresses.....been there & done that...a few times.
Many charities and some states take all assets into consideration when determining eligibility for assistance. We want to avoid draining what little is left in the IRAs so we'll explore all options first but it might become inevitable.
As it is now we have not met her deductible and already owe $800 for the CT Scan, hate to see what the surgical/hospital portion will be.........
Yes the disability if through her job and she's explored other possible benefits they might have. Today I will be making many phone calls and will most likely visit the local Social Services office for more information and help. A lot of help is contingent on a full diagnosis which we do not have right this minute, that's what the docs are working on now.

Some people have done a legal separation or divorce just because of those reasons. It's sad that people have to resort to that or lose their entire savings. I wish we had a better system somehow.
Sad, but unfortunately true. I've known cases that required the patient to deed their property to the hospital/hospice before receiving treatment.

That's just it.....according to the show I watched, they said that providers can't deny treatment if patients refuse to law. They may try to strong arm people into doing so, but they can only push it so far. Isn't refusing to treat the sick or injured because of lack of funds a violation of the Hippocratic oath every one of them are subject to??? :dunno:

I think it depends on the treatment, or more specifically the severity/threat of the injury or illness. A person cannot be denied emergency treatment due to lack of funds, but non-emergency care? The rules almost certainly vary somewhat from state to state, and whether the facility is private or public can play a role, but in general, I believe that doctors can refuse to provide non-emergency care.
Some excellent timing tonight! I took the little one to gymnastics, we got home around 7:30. We actually saw her mom getting home from a dr. appointment as we got close to the house, and her mom had brought home food for everyone. I came in and went to the computer because tonight the Islanders and Rangers are playing and it's streaming for free on When I turn on the game, the Rangers are up 2-0. Within a minute, the Islanders score! A few minutes later, they score again to tie it! :)
The sounds of the seasons change like the temperature or the foliage. What was until recently the drone of lawn mowers and trimmers has today been replaced by the rattle and scrape of the snow plow and salt truck.

Since 6:30 this morning and every hour since, I've heard the trucks rumble through the neighborhood working to rid the streets of ice. I listened to the rain pelting the roof last night. This morning I marveled at the icy glazing on the trees and telephone wires. The world looks like a glazed donut as a quarter inch of ice has been deposited on everything.

I really wish it was simply snow because that we can snivel and forget. But the ice is treachorous in its invisibility on pavement. Now the cars sound as if they are cruising around in slush.

And here just a few weeks ago, I heard motorcycles outside! It will be months until the Harleys and the Lawn Boys sling back to life.
I start my short internship/clinical time tomorrow. 8 hours a day from Mon-Fri, then another 8 hours a day for 3 days in early December.

I'm worried about it. There's a whole crapload of stuff for me to get done. I've also got a coding exam to do this week, a project due in one class and a paper due in another on the 28th. I think everyone else is going to be out next week for a Thanksgiving trip, so at least I'll have the house to myself to get some work done, but the clinical stuff is mostly done while I'm at the facility.

:))) Congratulations with internship! But if you plan to work at home you must have serioues reason to do it - in the environment of domestic tasks, bits of rest and relatives, usually don't understand your working needs :)
I start my short internship/clinical time tomorrow. 8 hours a day from Mon-Fri, then another 8 hours a day for 3 days in early December.

I'm worried about it. There's a whole crapload of stuff for me to get done. I've also got a coding exam to do this week, a project due in one class and a paper due in another on the 28th. I think everyone else is going to be out next week for a Thanksgiving trip, so at least I'll have the house to myself to get some work done, but the clinical stuff is mostly done while I'm at the facility.

I start my new job tomorrow too. I know you will do great and I understand your anxiety and stress. New stuff always gives me a restless feeling. Plus you have other projects and deadlines due. But sending you good vibes Mont.

Oh, friends, it seems, this month is a period of changing job at Coffee Shop! As for me, I'm waiting offer this week and they still haven't sent it to me! So, I'm working at current job, but at any dispute about architecture and so on I'm just saying to myself "relax, if they don't understand simple things, it wouldn't be your problem after some days..." :)

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