USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm still kind of puzzled by how this forum's software works. So just want to say thanks for all the comments here and on other threads to my own comments. I haven't posted for a few days and saw there were 18 responses to my last posts and for not answering I'm sorry. Sometimes it's just too much. ***sob*** Heheheh.

Start of America's big fat holiday season coming up. Hope you guys all have a good one. Will try to be better at posting new things and responding to your comments.
Hey, I'll be around. The holidays aren't anything special to me anymore. My family is in Japan, my friends live a couple of hours away, and both Christmas and New Years are on my days off, so I doubt I'll be inclined to drive to town for dinner, no matter how congenial the company is. I think I'll decorate a little and invite my friends to drop by.
I had this same issue with my family. They couldn't come visit me because I live so far away, in Alaska. Why couldn't I just come visit them? Hello? I live so far away, remember.
I'm still kind of puzzled by how this forum's software works. So just want to say thanks for all the comments here and on other threads to my own comments. I haven't posted for a few days and saw there were 18 responses to my last posts and for not answering I'm sorry. Sometimes it's just too much. ***sob*** Heheheh.

Start of America's big fat holiday season coming up. Hope you guys all have a good one. Will try to be better at posting new things and responding to your comments.

One of the downsides of the xenforo software is that if I quote your post and respond to it, and say Ringel quotes my post and responds to it, and then GallantWarrior quotes Ringel's post and responds to it, and JustAnotherNut quotes GallantWarrior's post and responds to it, and so on, the software here includes everybody's posts in all those responses. So you'll have four notifications that your post was quoted when in reality most of that has absolutely nothing to do with you and isn't responding to anything you said. Some of those chains can grow to ridiculous lengths.

This is just my way of explaining why you shouldn't worry about it. If it is important to any of us that you see a post or need a response, we'll PM you or @mention you-- Aurora Woman -- and you can see that you have a mention or PM and may want to check it out. So if you see an incidental question directed to you, you probably will want to answer it, but if you miss it, it is not considered a social faux pas. :) A lot of us "like" or otherwise acknowledge a post of a person we enjoy interacting here with, but sometimes we also use it as a marker that we have read that far in the thread.

Bottom line, few of us check out every single notification that shows up in our alerts, most especially when one of those quote/requote/requoteagain chains becomes ridiculous.
Okay, the Pulmonary Doc (yesterday) and the Urologist (today) both think it's all the same leiomyosarcoma. They're looking at having an Interventional Radiologist preform a biopsy next Wednesday. The Urologist thinks it's highly likely she will lose the involved kidney and the spleen followed with immunotherapy/chemo but we'll see what the oncologist has to say. Thinking the biopsy consult at UNM at the end of the month might be a moot point at this time, again we'll see.

Hold on there, spleen? You telling me Mrs. Ringel hasn't busted a gut already living with you?
I'm still kind of puzzled by how this forum's software works. So just want to say thanks for all the comments here and on other threads to my own comments. I haven't posted for a few days and saw there were 18 responses to my last posts and for not answering I'm sorry. Sometimes it's just too much. ***sob*** Heheheh.

Start of America's big fat holiday season coming up. Hope you guys all have a good one. Will try to be better at posting new things and responding to your comments.

One of the downsides of the xenforo software is that if I quote your post and respond to it, and say Ringel quotes my post and responds to it, and then GallantWarrior quotes Ringel's post and responds to it, and JustAnotherNut quotes GallantWarrior's post and responds to it, and so on, the software here includes everybody's posts in all those responses. So you'll have four notifications that your post was quoted when in reality most of that has absolutely nothing to do with you and isn't responding to anything you said. Some of those chains can grow to ridiculous lengths.

This is just my way of explaining why you shouldn't worry about it. If it is important to any of us that you see a post or need a response, we'll PM you or @mention you-- Aurora Woman -- and you can see that you have a mention or PM and may want to check it out. So if you see an incidental question directed to you, you probably will want to answer it, but if you miss it, it is not considered a social faux pas. :) A lot of us "like" or otherwise acknowledge a post of a person we enjoy interacting here with, but sometimes we also use it as a marker that we have read that far in the thread.

Bottom line, few of us check out every single notification that shows up in our alerts, most especially when one of those quote/requote/requoteagain chains becomes ridiculous.

Don't quote us on that though....

Sorry I sort of pounced out of nowhere, but that's what I do.
The mass on the left kidney is the size of the kidney itself so we'll see. The urologist thinks it has to come out but he's not an oncologist and medical science has made huge leaps in treatment in the last 5 to six years alone. The oncologist may want to try and shrink it first, we'll see but at least things are moving along.

Wishes for good health to you, friend. I've survived decades on 1.3 kidneys so with any luck you'll do even better. Oh, and (((hugs))).
I can attest to that on what Foxfyre says about tom turkeys being good watch dogs. :biggrin:

My pet tom I had when I was 3 yrs. old was the best watch dog I ever had.
But was he protective of you? This tom of mine seems to hate people, all people. It amazes me that he tolerates both cats and dogs.

Extremely so, he would chase everybody away when they got to close to me.
If they got too close ,he would spread his wings and tail in front of me and I totally disappeared behind him. :)
There was another farm house close to my grandparents farm house.
They had a daughter who had to walk past our house in order to catch the school bus.
So every morning she would yell at the house calling my name, to come out and get my turkey so that she could walk by. He always chased her and tried to peck at her legs.
I would go out, grab him by the snood and say come on tom and we would leave and go for a walk while she walked by every morning.
He was a mean SOB went after everybody.
But best watch dog ever.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Mrs. Ringel and Ringel back in difficult transition, for guidance, and for healing
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Hey, for you sky watchers, a heads up. . .

The Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight with some 20 or so meteors per hour visible to the naked eye. And because we are at the tail end of the Taurids meteor shower, a few of those might be added to the mix too.

The Leonid meteor shower from time to time has been spectacular with thousands or hundreds of thousands of meteors visible, but we currently aren't in one of those eras.

--Reported by Foxfyre, extremely amateur and probably incompetent would-be astronomer but fascinated by this kind of stuff.

Forecasted viewing potential for the USA (a lot of us will have or could have cloud cover):

I have to run for a bit guys, but just had a brief conversation with Gracie. She and Mr. G are in a Motel 6 with a bunch of other Paradise refugees. Seems to be in good spirits all things considered. Terrible wifi so she only has brief periods she can connect. I agreed to convey her heartfelt thanks to everybody here in the Coffee Shop until she can do that for herself.
Hi coffee peeps! When I CAN get online, I go to the thread Kat did in Announcements cuz i never know how long I can be here. I am surprised I have been able to get online tonight since its a saturday night and all of Paradise and Magalia are here and the wifi is probably burning up with usage as is the internet connection.

We are doing ok for now, thanks to the folks at USMB. If not for them, we would be freezing in our car cuz its COLD in the wee hours. Winter is around the corner so sleeping in a van will not be a pleasant experience. We did it before on the central coast, but that cold is not numbing cold like here in Northern Cali. So we are safe in the motel, scummy though it is. Lots of drunks that are not handling the homelessness very well. Most have insurance. The others are like us, though....dependent on people assisting keeping warmth over their heads.

Not in a funny ha ha way, I have been assisting most, the only way I can. Info. I know what its like to lose it all. So I tell them what to do, where to go, who to call, etc. And I also pet sit for those here who saved all their animals. It keeps my mind occupied. MrG already has had 3 panic attacks, plus his knees are worse than usual probably due to stress, and he chipped a tooth yesterday. Or was it today? I forget because although I have not fallen apart doesn't mean I won't. I'm a tough old broad, but I can only take so much. Once we get permanently settled, THEN I will melt down. I hope. Just not yet. :)

Anyway..when I can get online, I usually just go to Kats thread in Announcements cuz I never am on long eoung to come here too, so forgive me. I will try to pop in when I can, but for updates, check the thread of Kats.

Hugs to you guys and thank you all for your prayers and support.
Hi coffee peeps! When I CAN get online, I go to the thread Kat did in Announcements cuz i never know how long I can be here. I am surprised I have been able to get online tonight since its a saturday night and all of Paradise and Magalia are here and the wifi is probably burning up with usage as is the internet connection.

We are doing ok for now, thanks to the folks at USMB. If not for them, we would be freezing in our car cuz its COLD in the wee hours. Winter is around the corner so sleeping in a van will not be a pleasant experience. We did it before on the central coast, but that cold is not numbing cold like here in Northern Cali. So we are safe in the motel, scummy though it is. Lots of drunks that are not handling the homelessness very well. Most have insurance. The others are like us, though....dependent on people assisting keeping warmth over their heads.

Not in a funny ha ha way, I have been assisting most, the only way I can. Info. I know what its like to lose it all. So I tell them what to do, where to go, who to call, etc. And I also pet sit for those here who saved all their animals. It keeps my mind occupied. MrG already has had 3 panic attacks, plus his knees are worse than usual probably due to stress, and he chipped a tooth yesterday. Or was it today? I forget because although I have not fallen apart doesn't mean I won't. I'm a tough old broad, but I can only take so much. Once we get permanently settled, THEN I will melt down. I hope. Just not yet. :)

Anyway..when I can get online, I usually just go to Kats thread in Announcements cuz I never am on long eoung to come here too, so forgive me. I will try to pop in when I can, but for updates, check the thread of Kats.

Hugs to you guys and thank you all for your prayers and support.

(((Hugs))) back Gracie. We're all pulling for you and keep us posted.
Hi coffee peeps! When I CAN get online, I go to the thread Kat did in Announcements cuz i never know how long I can be here. I am surprised I have been able to get online tonight since its a saturday night and all of Paradise and Magalia are here and the wifi is probably burning up with usage as is the internet connection.

We are doing ok for now, thanks to the folks at USMB. If not for them, we would be freezing in our car cuz its COLD in the wee hours. Winter is around the corner so sleeping in a van will not be a pleasant experience. We did it before on the central coast, but that cold is not numbing cold like here in Northern Cali. So we are safe in the motel, scummy though it is. Lots of drunks that are not handling the homelessness very well. Most have insurance. The others are like us, though....dependent on people assisting keeping warmth over their heads.

Not in a funny ha ha way, I have been assisting most, the only way I can. Info. I know what its like to lose it all. So I tell them what to do, where to go, who to call, etc. And I also pet sit for those here who saved all their animals. It keeps my mind occupied. MrG already has had 3 panic attacks, plus his knees are worse than usual probably due to stress, and he chipped a tooth yesterday. Or was it today? I forget because although I have not fallen apart doesn't mean I won't. I'm a tough old broad, but I can only take so much. Once we get permanently settled, THEN I will melt down. I hope. Just not yet. :)

Anyway..when I can get online, I usually just go to Kats thread in Announcements cuz I never am on long eoung to come here too, so forgive me. I will try to pop in when I can, but for updates, check the thread of Kats.

Hugs to you guys and thank you all for your prayers and support.
I dedicate this poem to Gracie. It's pretty appropriate for one tough lady who takes the weight of others' grief and carries it bravely.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!"

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