USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh God ! Oh God ! Oh God! . The struggle has begun. I have started drawing the angel on canvas and I already realize it will never be as good as the above picture. I have been bordering on depression all morning as the reality of doing the work overcomes the dream of yesterday. I keep diving on the bed for some respite, and looking at my work (which I am doing in the bedroom because its the only room with heating in the winter)
But after a moan and a groan I get up and make some more effort.. I do not know if I will succeed in finishing this picture, but one positive thing is that having looked at a painting I tried to do which I regarded as a failure, I think it might be that I could eventually finish it ok. But that will not be until next year as its too big to fit in the bedroom so I painted that in the kitchen, but I don't want the expense of heating that room.

It isn't SUPPOSED to be like the picture you are using for inspiration. It is SUPPOSED to be a Dajjal painting. Trust yourself more.
The wife wanted a drive so we went down to Carlsbad then over to Whites City then decided since we have a NP Senior's Pass headed up to the cavern. Last time wen went was years ago when we were living in El Paso, holiday weekend (summer) and people were driving around looking for parking...... we left.....
This time we went through but only made it about 2/3s of the way before both our knees were hurting and the wife suddenly became claustrophobic and HAD to get out. By the time I made it back to the elevator I was having trouble walking, I will definitely feel it tomorrow....... But now we can check it off our bucket list and the wife firmly declared no more caves. How she got claustrophobic in there is beyond me, the caverns are huge.

Hard to say. Our son, who is really not claustrophobic, was uncomfortable in the Caverns. That was a bit of a problem when they lived in Carlsbad for awhile so of course everybody who came to see them wanted to go through the Caverns.
I had no problem but then again I used to spelunk and have pulled myself through long cracks I was just able to fit through literally by my fingers and toes...... Now that was a little scary....... Afraid of getting stuck and trying not to think of the thousands of tons of rock that could squash me like a bug if anything shifted.......
The wife said she was doing fine until the air got "heavy" making it difficult for her to breathe, we were maybe a half a mile from the Bottomless Pit.
Apparently there are 119 other caves in the park but only two are open and one has to be a spelunker and take a guided tour. Thirty-forty years ago I wouldn't have hesitated.........

Hombre and I love caves too. We went spelunking in West Virginia--they have limestone caverns not anywhere as large but just as intriguing and beautiful as Carlsbad Caverns--and we enjoyed taking a guided venture into one of the undeveloped ones. Neither of us are bothered by claustrophobia.

I visited some underground caverns in south Belgium once.

There was a sound and light show down there, and we exited on a boat on an underground river.
I just went out into the kitchen to grab a banana and saw this in the living room:

View attachment 230419

The fact the dog is still alive seems like admirable restraint on my part. That's the third time he's torn up the carpet since everyone left Wednesday evening, in addition to shitting and pissing on the carpet, tearing open his bed, and running all the way down the street when everyone left, chasing the car. :mad:

Some dogs not properly trained will sometimes demonstrate their separation anxiety and/or anger/distress when members of their 'pack' leave like that. The dog needs some really serious training. I know it isn't your responsibility nor should you incur the expense as many owners don't have the necessary knowledge and skill to know how to train a destructive dog and need professional help. I can imagine how frustrating for you though.

I just took the dogs outside, the puppy had his shock collar on (we have an electric fence). A boy went skateboarding down the road, and the puppy ran right through the electric fence to chase after him. I had to drag him back by his collar and pushing his butt to keep from choking him (which I certainly wanted to do). Right now he's stuck in the laundry room. I don't know where else to put him that I don't have to worry about him destroying things...and I imagine he can find some way to get behind the washer and dryer to destroy things there, too. I hate having puppies.

When is the puppy's family due back?
The wife wanted a drive so we went down to Carlsbad then over to Whites City then decided since we have a NP Senior's Pass headed up to the cavern. Last time wen went was years ago when we were living in El Paso, holiday weekend (summer) and people were driving around looking for parking...... we left.....
This time we went through but only made it about 2/3s of the way before both our knees were hurting and the wife suddenly became claustrophobic and HAD to get out. By the time I made it back to the elevator I was having trouble walking, I will definitely feel it tomorrow....... But now we can check it off our bucket list and the wife firmly declared no more caves. How she got claustrophobic in there is beyond me, the caverns are huge.

Hard to say. Our son, who is really not claustrophobic, was uncomfortable in the Caverns. That was a bit of a problem when they lived in Carlsbad for awhile so of course everybody who came to see them wanted to go through the Caverns.
I had no problem but then again I used to spelunk and have pulled myself through long cracks I was just able to fit through literally by my fingers and toes...... Now that was a little scary....... Afraid of getting stuck and trying not to think of the thousands of tons of rock that could squash me like a bug if anything shifted.......
The wife said she was doing fine until the air got "heavy" making it difficult for her to breathe, we were maybe a half a mile from the Bottomless Pit.
Apparently there are 119 other caves in the park but only two are open and one has to be a spelunker and take a guided tour. Thirty-forty years ago I wouldn't have hesitated.........

Hombre and I love caves too. We went spelunking in West Virginia--they have limestone caverns not anywhere as large but just as intriguing and beautiful as Carlsbad Caverns--and we enjoyed taking a guided venture into one of the undeveloped ones. Neither of us are bothered by claustrophobia.

I visited some underground caverns in south Belgium once.

There was a sound and light show down there, and we exited on a boat on an underground river.

I love things like that.
I just realized I didn't sign off here in the Coffee Shop last night. Fell asleep sitting up in the living room, barely remember going to bed. Slept like a log though some really REALLY weird dreams as we got close to wake up time this morning.

One especially lucid dream was one of those times we were at a non specific location--I didn't know where it was--attending a convention which I didn't know the purpose of--helping Boedicca--I know, I know--with a research project that I didn't know what it was, noting cigarette burns smoldering on the white bedspreads of the motel room where I was but I was not smoking and had no desire to do so. I left the room for some purpose I didn't know what it was, and frustrated because I couldn't find the room to get dressed for a banquet and dance at some place I didn't know where it was. Then Hombre informed me I couldn't find the room because it burned down. The last I remembered I was driving down a road that became dangerous--there were people I didn't know in the car with me--and as I was trying to turn the car around in mortal danger of plummeting off a cliff I woke up.

Okay what does such a dream mean when everything is confused and you don't know how to remedy it? I blame Dajjal and empathizing with his struggles to complete a painting that isn't going as he thinks it should coupled with Gracie's experience with the Paradise fire.

It's as good an explanation as any. :)
I just went out into the kitchen to grab a banana and saw this in the living room:

View attachment 230419

The fact the dog is still alive seems like admirable restraint on my part. That's the third time he's torn up the carpet since everyone left Wednesday evening, in addition to shitting and pissing on the carpet, tearing open his bed, and running all the way down the street when everyone left, chasing the car. :mad:

Some dogs not properly trained will sometimes demonstrate their separation anxiety and/or anger/distress when members of their 'pack' leave like that. The dog needs some really serious training. I know it isn't your responsibility nor should you incur the expense as many owners don't have the necessary knowledge and skill to know how to train a destructive dog and need professional help. I can imagine how frustrating for you though.

I just took the dogs outside, the puppy had his shock collar on (we have an electric fence). A boy went skateboarding down the road, and the puppy ran right through the electric fence to chase after him. I had to drag him back by his collar and pushing his butt to keep from choking him (which I certainly wanted to do). Right now he's stuck in the laundry room. I don't know where else to put him that I don't have to worry about him destroying things...and I imagine he can find some way to get behind the washer and dryer to destroy things there, too. I hate having puppies.

When is the puppy's family due back?

They'll be home tomorrow, but I'm still the only one here with it on weekdays.
I just went out into the kitchen to grab a banana and saw this in the living room:

View attachment 230419

The fact the dog is still alive seems like admirable restraint on my part. That's the third time he's torn up the carpet since everyone left Wednesday evening, in addition to shitting and pissing on the carpet, tearing open his bed, and running all the way down the street when everyone left, chasing the car. :mad:

Some dogs not properly trained will sometimes demonstrate their separation anxiety and/or anger/distress when members of their 'pack' leave like that. The dog needs some really serious training. I know it isn't your responsibility nor should you incur the expense as many owners don't have the necessary knowledge and skill to know how to train a destructive dog and need professional help. I can imagine how frustrating for you though.

I just took the dogs outside, the puppy had his shock collar on (we have an electric fence). A boy went skateboarding down the road, and the puppy ran right through the electric fence to chase after him. I had to drag him back by his collar and pushing his butt to keep from choking him (which I certainly wanted to do). Right now he's stuck in the laundry room. I don't know where else to put him that I don't have to worry about him destroying things...and I imagine he can find some way to get behind the washer and dryer to destroy things there, too. I hate having puppies.

When is the puppy's family due back?

They'll be home tomorrow, but I'm still the only one here with it on weekdays.

How much longer do you live there? You mean they don't come home at night on weekdays?
I just went out into the kitchen to grab a banana and saw this in the living room:

View attachment 230419

The fact the dog is still alive seems like admirable restraint on my part. That's the third time he's torn up the carpet since everyone left Wednesday evening, in addition to shitting and pissing on the carpet, tearing open his bed, and running all the way down the street when everyone left, chasing the car. :mad:

Some dogs not properly trained will sometimes demonstrate their separation anxiety and/or anger/distress when members of their 'pack' leave like that. The dog needs some really serious training. I know it isn't your responsibility nor should you incur the expense as many owners don't have the necessary knowledge and skill to know how to train a destructive dog and need professional help. I can imagine how frustrating for you though.

I just took the dogs outside, the puppy had his shock collar on (we have an electric fence). A boy went skateboarding down the road, and the puppy ran right through the electric fence to chase after him. I had to drag him back by his collar and pushing his butt to keep from choking him (which I certainly wanted to do). Right now he's stuck in the laundry room. I don't know where else to put him that I don't have to worry about him destroying things...and I imagine he can find some way to get behind the washer and dryer to destroy things there, too. I hate having puppies.

When is the puppy's family due back?

They'll be home tomorrow, but I'm still the only one here with it on weekdays.

How much longer do you live there? You mean they don't come home at night on weekdays?

I mean the daytime of weekdays. :) From about 7AM to 2:30PM I'm alone with the animals, and at 2:30 it's just the little one who gets home. The other adults don't get here until 5-6PM.

I'll probably be living here another 6-7 months.
Some dogs not properly trained will sometimes demonstrate their separation anxiety and/or anger/distress when members of their 'pack' leave like that. The dog needs some really serious training. I know it isn't your responsibility nor should you incur the expense as many owners don't have the necessary knowledge and skill to know how to train a destructive dog and need professional help. I can imagine how frustrating for you though.

I just took the dogs outside, the puppy had his shock collar on (we have an electric fence). A boy went skateboarding down the road, and the puppy ran right through the electric fence to chase after him. I had to drag him back by his collar and pushing his butt to keep from choking him (which I certainly wanted to do). Right now he's stuck in the laundry room. I don't know where else to put him that I don't have to worry about him destroying things...and I imagine he can find some way to get behind the washer and dryer to destroy things there, too. I hate having puppies.

When is the puppy's family due back?

They'll be home tomorrow, but I'm still the only one here with it on weekdays.

How much longer do you live there? You mean they don't come home at night on weekdays?

I mean the daytime of weekdays. :) From about 7AM to 2:30PM I'm alone with the animals, and at 2:30 it's just the little one who gets home. The other adults don't get here until 5-6PM.

I'll probably be living here another 6-7 months.

I see. Well, let the owners know your issue with the dog. It's not the puppies fault.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Ringel and Mrs. Ringel awaiting diagnosis on Monday.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!


Cooking up a storm again today in advance for our Sunday luncheon guests. Today's menu: chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrot souffle, and green bean casserole (without the mushroom soup and onions both of which Dana should not have on her special diet.)

I have been experimenting with good green bean dishes until I find just the right combination. On line recipes haven't been all hat wonderful but have given me ideas to adjust them.
Okay what does such a dream mean when everything is confused and you don't know how to remedy it? I blame Dajjal and empathizing with his struggles to complete a painting that isn't going as he thinks it should coupled with Gracie's experience with the Paradise fire.

It's as good an explanation as any. :)

Sorry, I skipped over some pages, and did not read Gracie's posts. I hope she is ok.

As for me I conclude I need some practice in painting, as I have not picked up a brush for at least five years.
So I dragged out an old picture that I never finished and decided to practice on that before continuing to try and complete my new painting.
Woke up this morning to find 14 inches of snow laying on the ground. Looks like a good day to drink lots of coffee!
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