USMB Coffee Shop IV

The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.

Chemo was so devastating for Hombre's sister that it became life threatening so the doctor stopped it, and we are just hoping for the best. But others have beaten cancer with it. So extra prayers going up for Mrs. R.
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.

Chemo was so devastating for Hombre's sister that it became life threatening so the doctor stopped it, and we are just hoping for the best. But others have beaten cancer with it. So extra prayers going up for Mrs. R.
So far she's handling it "okay". Quotes because some days are better than others. The three major things that she's had to deal with are weakness, oral thrush and a three day bout of diarrhea last week. The thrush made her lose all taste so everything tasted like cardboard, she gargles a certain cocktail that eases the thrush pain and kills the thrush. She's hungry but doesn't eat a lot at one time, she's already lost around ten pounds. They brought her in and fed her fluids via the chemo port. I keep her stocked with G2 (Gatoraide) and she's pretty much stopped drinking her Diet Mnt Dew. The biggest issue with most is chemo kills white blood cells with some people more than others, if the white blood cell count get's too low and they can't raise it they stop the chemo. It'a also why the 21 day cycle, two weeks of chemo followed by a week of rest (no chemo) to give the body time to recover.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
Thanksgiving for Nosmo's mom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

View of Mt. Ranier two days ago:

Mt Rainier is very beautiful as it stands along the Cascade Range. But I can't figure out what is higher in order to look down on it, but the cloud formations can be really spectacular as the top of the mountain can create it's own weather system. Thank you for the pic.
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!

When I looked into the different charities in which to donate too, I found a lot lacking with Locks of Love. They charged patients for the wigs and had much stricter requirements. Then I found Wigs for Kids and IIRC, they didn't. Plus I thought kids have a harder time about 'fitting in' and being &/or looking different, so that choice was easy and I'm always up for helping kids.

Also to address chemo effects......if you've ever felt weak enough to pass out? That's kind of what chemo feels like, only worse and it doesn't pass as quickly.

When I had chemo, once every 3 weeks for a total of 6 sessions, the first couple of days weren't much different, then I could feel it sapping my strength a bit more each day until about mid point where I could barely get out of bed or off the couch or wherever I landed......then it would slowly improve...until I had another session and the cycle would repeat itself. But with each cycle that weakness would last a little longer and be more difficult to shake. By the time I was done with the chemo the Dr was insistent that I have the surgery and immediately start radiation...I agreed with the surgery, but I needed time to recover before ever starting radiation. It took more than the couple of months window, the Dr allowed, so I flat refused it cause I knew that would bring me down even further and I couldn't take it.

To Ringle… Dr also suggested Gatorade to replace the electrolytes lost from diarrhea. Also keep a close eye on her if she gets itchy and make sure to report anything & everything to the DR......I had a bad reaction to the chemo drugs that made my forearms itch and I would scratch to the point of bleeding and Dr had to reduce the dosage.
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The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!

When I looked into the different charities in which to donate too, I found a lot lacking with Locks of Love. They charged patients for the wigs and had much stricter requirements. Then I found Wigs for Kids and IIRC, they didn't. Plus I thought kids have a harder time about 'fitting in' and being &/or looking different, so that choice was easy and I'm always up for helping kids.
Thanks for the information. When my hair grew out, I always used hair-friendly covered stretch hair-holders. Unfortunately, where the outer soft fabric portion of the tail-holders, when I put my hair up, wherever the hair=holders were, it saws a few hairs off every use. It's too bad. It still needs to grow another 7 or 8 inches just to have someone cut it and make room for someone to fashion it into a wig. It's now 4-6 inches past shoulder length now, even if it is a little brittle per strand. It sure keeps your head a lot warmer in the winter, and when it's put up right into a knot or twist, it's cool in the summer. One more year. Then I'll figure out whether it's worth giving out or not.About every 4 months, I try to trim a half inch off, just to keep it smooth on the long ends. I'm tempted to leave it to grow another foot long due to the winters lately have been to chilly.
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.

Chemo was so devastating for Hombre's sister that it became life threatening so the doctor stopped it, and we are just hoping for the best. But others have beaten cancer with it. So extra prayers going up for Mrs. R.
So far she's handling it "okay". Quotes because some days are better than others. The three major things that she's had to deal with are weakness, oral thrush and a three day bout of diarrhea last week. The thrush made her lose all taste so everything tasted like cardboard, she gargles a certain cocktail that eases the thrush pain and kills the thrush. She's hungry but doesn't eat a lot at one time, she's already lost around ten pounds. They brought her in and fed her fluids via the chemo port. I keep her stocked with G2 (Gatoraide) and she's pretty much stopped drinking her Diet Mnt Dew. The biggest issue with most is chemo kills white blood cells with some people more than others, if the white blood cell count get's too low and they can't raise it they stop the chemo. It'a also why the 21 day cycle, two weeks of chemo followed by a week of rest (no chemo) to give the body time to recover.
Hope Mrs. Ringel gets a clean bill of health soon and that it goes into remission forthwith. I'm so sleepy today. Catch you all after my nap. It only takes one night of staying awake all night to make me sleepy for the next 3 or 4 days. lol :sleep:
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!

When I looked into the different charities in which to donate too, I found a lot lacking with Locks of Love. They charged patients for the wigs and had much stricter requirements. Then I found Wigs for Kids and IIRC, they didn't. Plus I thought kids have a harder time about 'fitting in' and being &/or looking different, so that choice was easy and I'm always up for helping kids.
Thanks for the information. When my hair grew out, I always used hair-friendly covered stretch hair-holders. Unfortunately, where the outer soft fabric portion of the tail-holders, when I put my hair up, wherever the hair=holders were, it saws a few hairs off every use. It's too bad. It still needs to grow another 7 or 8 inches just to have someone cut it and make room for someone to fashion it into a wig. It's now 4-6 inches past shoulder length now, even if it is a little brittle per strand. It sure keeps your head a lot warmer in the winter, and when it's put up right into a knot or twist, it's cool in the summer. One more year. Then I'll figure out whether it's worth giving out or not.About every 4 months, I try to trim a half inch off, just to keep it smooth on the long ends. I'm tempted to leave it to grow another foot long due to the winters lately have been to chilly.

Yeah, I had never realized how much your hair protects your head, until I didn't have any.. Due to my more rebellious nature, I didn't wear anything on my head but just went bald au naturel. Somehow I was lucky that I didn't get a sunburn, but during the winter it was so cold....sometimes I'd wear a hat when outside, but after I went back to work, they wouldn't let me so I was always rubbing my head to generate enough heat
:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.

Chemo was so devastating for Hombre's sister that it became life threatening so the doctor stopped it, and we are just hoping for the best. But others have beaten cancer with it. So extra prayers going up for Mrs. R.
So far she's handling it "okay". Quotes because some days are better than others. The three major things that she's had to deal with are weakness, oral thrush and a three day bout of diarrhea last week. The thrush made her lose all taste so everything tasted like cardboard, she gargles a certain cocktail that eases the thrush pain and kills the thrush. She's hungry but doesn't eat a lot at one time, she's already lost around ten pounds. They brought her in and fed her fluids via the chemo port. I keep her stocked with G2 (Gatoraide) and she's pretty much stopped drinking her Diet Mnt Dew. The biggest issue with most is chemo kills white blood cells with some people more than others, if the white blood cell count get's too low and they can't raise it they stop the chemo. It'a also why the 21 day cycle, two weeks of chemo followed by a week of rest (no chemo) to give the body time to recover.
Hope Mrs. Ringel gets a clean bill of health soon and that it goes into remission forthwith. I'm so sleepy today. Catch you all after my nap. It only takes one night of staying awake all night to make me sleepy for the next 3 or 4 days. lol :sleep:

Same here...….so i'm glad to know I'm not the only one cause I was beginning to worry :04:
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!

When I looked into the different charities in which to donate too, I found a lot lacking with Locks of Love. They charged patients for the wigs and had much stricter requirements. Then I found Wigs for Kids and IIRC, they didn't. Plus I thought kids have a harder time about 'fitting in' and being &/or looking different, so that choice was easy and I'm always up for helping kids.
Thanks for the information. When my hair grew out, I always used hair-friendly covered stretch hair-holders. Unfortunately, where the outer soft fabric portion of the tail-holders, when I put my hair up, wherever the hair=holders were, it saws a few hairs off every use. It's too bad. It still needs to grow another 7 or 8 inches just to have someone cut it and make room for someone to fashion it into a wig. It's now 4-6 inches past shoulder length now, even if it is a little brittle per strand. It sure keeps your head a lot warmer in the winter, and when it's put up right into a knot or twist, it's cool in the summer. One more year. Then I'll figure out whether it's worth giving out or not.About every 4 months, I try to trim a half inch off, just to keep it smooth on the long ends. I'm tempted to leave it to grow another foot long due to the winters lately have been to chilly.

Yeah, I had never realized how much your hair protects your head, until I didn't have any.. Due to my more rebellious nature, I didn't wear anything on my head but just went bald au naturel. Somehow I was lucky that I didn't get a sunburn, but during the winter it was so cold....sometimes I'd wear a hat when outside, but after I went back to work, they wouldn't let me so I was always rubbing my head to generate enough heat
An alpaca cap is said to work wonders. Maybe if it were knit to look like long hairs... Oh, wearing 3 t-shirts in layers really adds a nice touch to these old cold winter times. Then all you need is a way to keep them dry, Oops, there goes the keyboard again as I nod off, the same letter goes across several times .

Y'all have a nice Sunday afternoon. <<<<hugs>>>>
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
Thanksgiving for Nosmo's mom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

View of Mt. Ranier two days ago:

Mt Rainier is very beautiful as it stands along the Cascade Range. But I can't figure out what is higher in order to look down on it, but the cloud formations can be really spectacular as the top of the mountain can create it's own weather system. Thank you for the pic.
It looks so pretty. Lived in Oregon several years including when Mt. St. Helens blew her top. We got all sooty for a few days is all, though.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
Thanksgiving for Nosmo's mom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

View of Mt. Ranier two days ago:

Mt Rainier is very beautiful as it stands along the Cascade Range. But I can't figure out what is higher in order to look down on it, but the cloud formations can be really spectacular as the top of the mountain can create it's own weather system. Thank you for the pic.
It looks so pretty. Lived in Oregon several years including when Mt. St. Helens blew her top. We got all sooty for a few days is all, though.

I was 165 miles north of it and barely got a sprinkling, so you probably got more ash than we did. A good friend of mine happened to be in Yakima (eastern WA) and said it was dark as night and so thick she didn't dare drive home.....good thing too since many vehicles couldn't handle so much & had to be repaired. It was so weird that for as big as she blew, the most of it all went east & some to the south.....and if I hadn't been paying attention to the news, never would have known it happened.
:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!

When I looked into the different charities in which to donate too, I found a lot lacking with Locks of Love. They charged patients for the wigs and had much stricter requirements. Then I found Wigs for Kids and IIRC, they didn't. Plus I thought kids have a harder time about 'fitting in' and being &/or looking different, so that choice was easy and I'm always up for helping kids.
Thanks for the information. When my hair grew out, I always used hair-friendly covered stretch hair-holders. Unfortunately, where the outer soft fabric portion of the tail-holders, when I put my hair up, wherever the hair=holders were, it saws a few hairs off every use. It's too bad. It still needs to grow another 7 or 8 inches just to have someone cut it and make room for someone to fashion it into a wig. It's now 4-6 inches past shoulder length now, even if it is a little brittle per strand. It sure keeps your head a lot warmer in the winter, and when it's put up right into a knot or twist, it's cool in the summer. One more year. Then I'll figure out whether it's worth giving out or not.About every 4 months, I try to trim a half inch off, just to keep it smooth on the long ends. I'm tempted to leave it to grow another foot long due to the winters lately have been to chilly.

Yeah, I had never realized how much your hair protects your head, until I didn't have any.. Due to my more rebellious nature, I didn't wear anything on my head but just went bald au naturel. Somehow I was lucky that I didn't get a sunburn, but during the winter it was so cold....sometimes I'd wear a hat when outside, but after I went back to work, they wouldn't let me so I was always rubbing my head to generate enough heat
An alpaca cap is said to work wonders. Maybe if it were knit to look like long hairs... Oh, wearing 3 t-shirts in layers really adds a nice touch to these old cold winter times. Then all you need is a way to keep them dry, Oops, there goes the keyboard again as I nod off, the same letter goes across several times .

Y'all have a nice Sunday afternoon. <<<<hugs>>>>
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
Thanksgiving for Nosmo's mom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

View of Mt. Ranier two days ago:

Mt Rainier is very beautiful as it stands along the Cascade Range. But I can't figure out what is higher in order to look down on it, but the cloud formations can be really spectacular as the top of the mountain can create it's own weather system. Thank you for the pic.

We lived in Tacoma from June '60- April '64. I could stand at the kitchen sink and look down on the Narrows Bridge, then turn around and look through the living room and Mt. Rainier would fill the living room window. Two of my favorite sights.
The end of the third week of chemo (two treatments) and the wife is already losing her long blond hair or what I should now call her short blonde hair...... Two days ago she bound it up in a pony tail from the top of her head, grabbed a pair of scissors and lopped it off. Her hair is naturally curly so what was left looked like a wild tangle pixie cut even after I tried to even it up some. She's also been complaining that her hair felt like it was pulling on her scalp so today I took my electric razor, stuck a 1/2" attachment on it and she went from hair down to mid shoulder blade to a long crew cut........
She's always had long hair.......

:smiliehug: hugs to both of you. I don't blame her for wanting to cut it. I did the same and donated 22 inches to 'Wigs for Kids'. I think my husband had a harder time over the haircut than I did. Trust me, it does grow back :smiliehug:
Bless you for the donation of your hair. Several years ago, my hair grew to shoulder length, but they didn't want it because it was too short, so I just gave up and continued to keep it reasonable for our hot summers during the drought, as in it was an unrelenting high of over 100F for 3 solid months. The one sprinkle we were supposed to get in July never dropped. Seems it was 2011, the year Texas was on fire in over 10 places the whole summer season, and sometimes there were over 30 fires throughout the state. One week here, I did a 360-degree turn and saw smoke rising from 7 different areas locally. Fortunately we had a First-rate Fire Department, so our fires were smaller. One community that day way out of my sight in Northeast Texas, the whole town burned down. That year, I think Hades rose to the surface and then some.

I've been working night and day on quilts with a few breaks now and then to land here. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks to Foxfyre for keeping E.J. on the prayer list. His diagnosis is problematic after 5 sessions of chemo, and they gave him a 6-week reprieve it was so harsh on him. He gets out there in the cold weather, though, and feeds his cows every day, but claims he never felt so week in his life. Chemo must be like our drought was. Pure fires that make people feel so bad. If young person passing by the coffee shop doesn't smoke, please do yourself a favor and never start. It will take off 30-50 years of your natural life, depending on how black your lungs get. :(

Love yas!
Chemo apparently is very hard on a person, the wife constantly complains of feeling weak. Went for a drive yesterday just to get her out of the house, she didn't want to stop at any thrift/antique stores, that's not like her at all.
It's the pain, Mr. Ringel. You did a good thing by just getting her out of the house and doing anything else, even if she was just enjoying the ride. I lived a fibromyalgia life for 20 years, which is pain 24/7/365, no time off. Trust me, she's happy just being with you and probably worried that her condition is bothering you. Big hug for the two of you going through this together. If her therapy works, this will be just a memory a year or two after she learns how to live with post chemo. I can't emphasize how good a thing you did to get her away and have a scenery change. :huddle:

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