USMB Coffee Shop IV

Let the dogs out a bit ago.....HA! The big mixed mutt loves it, went running around playing in it and trying to entice the little jack to chase him...….no such luck. The jack wants no part of it since the snow is deeper than he is tall. He found a low spot to do his morning constitutional and went right back inside. :lol:

I went out to feed & water the chickens, but could barely get the door open.....they didn't even bother to want outside the little chickenshits...yes pun intended :lol:
And meanwhile, the big mix is running around the yard like a puppy...…..and in spite of best efforts, we not only have snow outside, we got it inside as well :rolleyes:

PS......official measurement on my tape is 9 1/2 inches since far
Let the dogs out a bit ago.....HA! The big mixed mutt loves it, went running around playing in it and trying to entice the little jack to chase him...….no such luck. The jack wants no part of it since the snow is deeper than he is tall. He found a low spot to do his morning constitutional and went right back inside. :lol:

I went out to feed & water the chickens, but could barely get the door open.....they didn't even bother to want outside the little chickenshits...yes pun intended :lol:
And meanwhile, the big mix is running around the yard like a puppy...…..and in spite of best efforts, we not only have snow outside, we got it inside as well :rolleyes:

PS......official measurement on my tape is 9 1/2 inches since far

I forgot to look it up to see if our Puxtatonty Phil (the groundhog) saw his shadow last week. At any rate we are currently snow free in town--there is still a lot on our mountain--and more forecast next week. But we need the snow. On the mountain. Not necessarily in town. Nine and a half inches would bring everything to a screeching halt in the city. But when we lived on the mountain, that would have been little more than a dusting for us during the winters we measured snow in feet, not inches. But now, I do emphathize. :)
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I immediately thought of Nosmo King 's Daisy when I saw this:

Those wee lap dogs are loyal to the point of being pesty. I think somebody spoiled Daisy the Mutt


These are from earlier today. We didn't get anymore snow yet, but a time or two I thought it was.....but was only the wind blowing it off the trees.

Cold temps thru tomorrow to keep it here, then more snow Monday & Tuesday......and no telling after that.

OK, I'm ready for spring :113:
ood night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom.

All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

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These are from earlier today. We didn't get anymore snow yet, but a time or two I thought it was.....but was only the wind blowing it off the trees.

Cold temps thru tomorrow to keep it here, then more snow Monday & Tuesday......and no telling after that.

OK, I'm ready for spring :113:

That definitely looks like the type of snow that would make a great snowball...

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These are from earlier today. We didn't get anymore snow yet, but a time or two I thought it was.....but was only the wind blowing it off the trees.

Cold temps thru tomorrow to keep it here, then more snow Monday & Tuesday......and no telling after that.

OK, I'm ready for spring :113:

That definitely looks like the type of snow that would make a great snowball...


You would think so...…..but #3 went out to build a snowman and said it was too dry and wouldn't pack together. Just crumbly snow dust

No new snow this morning, just cold @ 12...……..guess I can't complain when compared to the Midwest a couple of weeks ago. Ours isn't a Polar Vortex, but an Artic Blast....yeah whatever, it's still cccccoooooolllllddd.

Last night it was said there are 3 more storms in the near future. Say whaaaaa??? Yeah, warm up to low 30's today, should start snowing either late afternoon/early evening...….then clear up.....then snow some more.....then clear up....then snow some more...……….or something like that thru late Tuesday or Wednesday.

Some areas like around Port Angeles already has about 2 ft, then other places, like Olympia have only 3-5 inches...and da gov declares a state of emergency. Probably a good thing for the homeless, they need all the help they can get. Many shelters and other places have opened their doors for them to get a hot meal and warm place to stay
Speaking of...skeeters are BAD here. Probably due to being surrounded by rivers, lakes and ponds. It sucks. I have experienced skeeters in the house before but according to everyone else around here..they are suffering the same thing. The locals say its bad this year and should be still too cold for them but I guess the skeeters haven't been told that. And as one ages, they get new allergies they never had before. I get bit now..I swell up like a balloon. :(
And I thought we had the most vicious skeeters....
This is the one that lasts longest for me in skeeter weather:

Speaking of...skeeters are BAD here. Probably due to being surrounded by rivers, lakes and ponds. It sucks. I have experienced skeeters in the house before but according to everyone else around here..they are suffering the same thing. The locals say its bad this year and should be still too cold for them but I guess the skeeters haven't been told that. And as one ages, they get new allergies they never had before. I get bit now..I swell up like a balloon. :(
And I thought we had the most vicious skeeters....
This is the one that lasts longest for me in skeeter weather:

We used to do Civil War living histories at Evelynton Plantation on the James River, the skeeters there could bite through your wool clothing........
Speaking of...skeeters are BAD here. Probably due to being surrounded by rivers, lakes and ponds. It sucks. I have experienced skeeters in the house before but according to everyone else around here..they are suffering the same thing. The locals say its bad this year and should be still too cold for them but I guess the skeeters haven't been told that. And as one ages, they get new allergies they never had before. I get bit now..I swell up like a balloon. :(
And I thought we had the most vicious skeeters....
This is the one that lasts longest for me in skeeter weather:

We used to do Civil War living histories at Evelynton Plantation on the James River, the skeeters there could bite through your wool clothing........
I believe that. The worst mosquitos I ever encountered were at the Natrona County Airport in Casper, Wyoming. They looked ordinary enough, but their venom was so potent the pain could last for a couple of days, complete with virulent itching of a fresh bite. Baaaaaaaad! You just learned to use repellant before going on a flight out of Casper, or pay the price, especially if you got one of the walk-out-to-the-plane-ramp flights. Little demons.
There is no place on the planet I think that has worse mosquitos than Minnesota. I mean they came in clouds, were huge, and they stung like bees. Somebody suggested the mosquito was the Minnesota state bird.

I am happy here on the high desert where we can leave our doors wide open to the world and rarely get a fly in the house, and never a mosquito.

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