USMB Coffee Shop IV

High winds and a big dust storm, especially to the east of us. Looks like clouds but it's dirt colored.

Yeah pretty much the entire state us under a high wind advisory. The radar shows a pretty good band of rain/snow to the west of us but it is just overcast and a bit breezy now so don't know what to expect.
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I have very sad news. My mom passed away over the weekend. It's so hard to believe she is gone.

I am terrible at attempting to comfort, so I'll leave that to other CS posters who are much better at that sort of thing, but you have my condolences.

Thank you, friendo. Simple condolences are a beautiful form of comfort.


Chantecler chicken - Wikipedia

As GW says, they were bred to withstand cold weather...….I had me one once but the bewitch decided her eggs were self serve, no matter what I did to correct it. Needless to say she didn't last long. :eek2yum:
There is a name for egg eating chickens...lunch, or maybe dinner.
Do take whatever precautions you must because that is extremely dangerous cold. I read recently that we lose a lot more people to the cold than we do to extreme heat, or even gunfire.

As for you moving, I don't doubt that you are sincere. But I seem to recall you saying pretty much the same thing during the last polar vortex. But then it passed and spring came and you remembered all the great things about where you live. So we'll see. :)
I've definitely commented about moving several times. I have lived practically from coast to coast, and up north and down south, but I've been back here in Wisconsin from Phoenix and then Reno for about 12 years now, and as much as I do like Wisconsin, it is far more cool/cold here than warm/hot. Summer seems to just scream past and we're back to winter. Winter seems perpetual, the dominate season here. We get a cold Spring, a Summer that flashes by, and then right back to cool if not cold Fall, and... WINTER. It's wearing on me. Hard to say if I'll move again or not. What I might look into is going south for the winter like so many others do. I'm going to take a trip down south and do some scouting around and see if I can find a nice winter rental.

Some of us were studying the latitudes of the United States once, to see where they'd end up they went in a straight line east across the Atlantic. The end destinations were between the South of France and North Africa.

The US is a southern country.

Why so cold?

That's what the folks we call 'snowbirds' do. They enjoy their wonderful summer and fall in the north and then head south in their RVs or 5th wheels to Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tuscon, Las Cruces etc. where they spend the winter and early spring. Some do have arrangements for winter rentals.

We had some sub-zero days sometimes several days in a row in north central Kansas and that was miserable, but nothing like what you are experiencing in the upper midwest now. Nosmo's -7 f degrees would look like a heat wave to you folks in Wisconsin today.

Our really cold spell was short lived so that it is barely getting into freezing territory if at all overnight now and days are sunny and in the 40's and 50's. Everyone is concerned their daffodils and other early blooming plants will be fooled into making too early an appearance though we do expect crocuses by mid to late February.
Yup, I'd be a snowbird.

Heard this morning on our local news that the intense, extreme cold is going to have a positive effect, in that when it gets down to -30 and greater, that kills even insect eggs that are hibernating waiting for Spring, so that means LESS BUGS this year, and we could really use that after 3 winters that barely snowed and weren't cold at all. Having fewer mosquitoes and Box Elder bugs and those little Asian beetles is well worth putting up with a few days of blistering cold. I hibernated, never left the house, but it's time to get the hell otta here today and run some badly needed errands. Going to swing way back the other direction now and be over average temps way up in the 40's. Yep... good ole Wisconsin.

Glad you made it through the extreme cold. I hope it does not come to Britain. How are your water pipes?
The house did groan and pop once or twice, but we made it through. I have my own well in the basement, and the basement is heated by the radiant heat from the furnace, so I just left it turned up to 70 degrees and everything was fine. Sure glad it didn't last long.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a 200 x 500 mm Vivitar manual focus lens that was advertised as working on my Nikon with a T-mount..... It mounted alright but my camera wouldn't acknowledge it was there so I returned it an picked up a Nikkor 70-300 VR lens that the person told me should work with my camera. It didn't, mine takes an AF mount the one they sent won't autofocus soooooo I talked to their (KEH) customer service who put me in touch with their sales department. The lens is going back at their cost and they will replace it with a comparable AF mount lens.......
Snowpocolypse of 2019...……...we got 4-6 inches last Monday, some of it melted during the week, then it started snowing yesterday and has been off & on thru the night. We're at about 10inches currently and is expected to continue off & on, thru Tuesday with low temps into the teens and possibly single digits to keep it here...…..while this isn't unheard of here, it does make for big news.

Yesterday the news reported most store shelves were empty and people fighting for what was available. SMH....I'd hate to see a real disaster, but thankfully stores have been restocked but good luck getting there. Thank gawd I did our shopping before this hit so we should be good for awhile.
Snowpocolypse of 2019...……...we got 4-6 inches last Monday, some of it melted during the week, then it started snowing yesterday and has been off & on thru the night. We're at about 10inches currently and is expected to continue off & on, thru Tuesday with low temps into the teens and possibly single digits to keep it here...…..while this isn't unheard of here, it does make for big news.

Yesterday the news reported most store shelves were empty and people fighting for what was available. SMH....I'd hate to see a real disaster, but thankfully stores have been restocked but good luck getting there. Thank gawd I did our shopping before this hit so we should be good for awhile.
They said it might snow seventy miles from here up in the mountains so we stocked up on toilet paper...... Just in case.......


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