USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have very sad news. My mom passed away over the weekend. It's so hard to believe she is gone.

Oh Boe, I just saw this and I am so sorry. So wish there was more we could do than just stand by and care. That is true of so many going through grief, illness, and other trials. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 44 years old. The pain of grief does fade into memory, but all these many years later I still miss her. You and your family will be in my prayers through the transition.

Thank you, FF.
boedicca ,

Ma'am please accept my clumsy commiserations during this time... Lean on Mr. Boe while you go through the grieving process...

Mom's are really special...


Thank you - and so true.
Speaking of...skeeters are BAD here. Probably due to being surrounded by rivers, lakes and ponds. It sucks. I have experienced skeeters in the house before but according to everyone else around here..they are suffering the same thing. The locals say its bad this year and should be still too cold for them but I guess the skeeters haven't been told that. And as one ages, they get new allergies they never had before. I get bit now..I swell up like a balloon. :(
Eat garlic. Garlic supplements, raw garlic, cooked garlic, any way you can. Apparently, only Italian skeeters like garlicky people. I usually eat garlic starting in springtime but have been nomming is a lot lately because it also helps with blood pressure. I also discovered last summer that having free-range fowl around the place helps mitigate the skeeter problem. Chickens will even eat the larvae out of puddles! I don't suppose chickens are an option for you, though.
Entertaining as hell also... Use to sit on the back porch and watch them chase each other... Best damn watch dogs you can have...

Which Fowl Eat Mosquitoes?

I actually plan on getting a few of those. They are entertaining and great watch dogs. I just wonder how they will do in our climate. So far, chickens and turkeys are doing well, despite the Alaskan winter. We just have to keep food and water supplied.
They are tough GW... I have seen them get through some pretty rough weather back in Indiana... We didn't call them polar vortex's, we just said it was colder than hell and threw another log on the fire... Given a little shelter critters are pretty resilient...
They are tough GW... I have seen them get through some pretty rough weather back in Indiana... We didn't call them polar vortex's, we just said it was colder than hell and threw another log on the fire... Given a little shelter critters are pretty resilient...
My free ranging fowl (chickens and turkeys) have deserted their coop and have set up winter housekeeping in my wood pile. It's covered and I suppose they like perching on the stacked wood. Thankfully, they have settled in only one of the bins 'cause they are messy. This coming summer, I plan on establishing a flock of my chosen breed of chicken, Chanticleers. I like the idea of fostering heritage breeds.
Super bowl. I don't get it. Millions are paid for ads, guys not worth the money get paid shitloads of money to toss a ball around, and the usa suffers depression, child trafficking, homelessness, disease, hunger, etc.

Meh. Pisses me off.

I get the feeling none of us is much enamored with the Super Bowl, but one thing isn't fixed by doing away with the other though. Anyhow how are things with you and Mr. G , Gracie?
Day by day, hon. That's all we can do. :)
I wonder how you guys are every day. I wish there was more I could do to help, I really do. You're already a heroine in my book, you've been through so much and yet you are still strong for everyone who needs that strength.
I keep meaning to call you, hon...but I wind up getting sidetracked. Like tonight for instance. I wound up setting up the van as my bedroom.I am going to sleep out there tonight just to refresh my memory of what we did for almost 4 months. We have a duplex now, but I have no privacy of my own. Anne has her room..and MrG bogarts our room. He stays awake watching tv until 4am. He uses headphones. But that big assed tv he insisted on flickers against my eyelids and I can't sleep. I tried an eye mask but it gives me a headache and scruntches my eyelashes so they are all discombooberated in the morning poking me in the eyes. Also, I am allergic to skeeters, and the twin bed I sleep in is too small for a skeeter I get bit all night. I cant sleep on the couch in the living room because Anne gets up at dawn and the kitchen is RIGHT THERE, plus skeeters are now in the house and no place to have a skeeter net in the living room. So my solution is to make my van my bedroom. Again. I ran an electric cord out there with a small heater so I don't freeze to death out there. MrG says I'm crazy and maybe I am..but I haven't had a decent nights sleep since November 7th and even that was not a good night since we ran for our lives early on the 8th and have been running ever since.

I admire YOU, gallantwarrior. Anyone that can live rough like you do is admirable and brave. I couldn't do it. I'd die for sure. So while you are admiring me..know I admire you back.

Anyway....I will be heading to the van soon. I hope there are no skeeters in there!

Skeeters in January and February? Really? Weren't you commenting on how cold it got in Paradise last winter? How different is the climate where you are now?
COLD. But the skeeters here must like blood slushies?
I get the feeling none of us is much enamored with the Super Bowl, but one thing isn't fixed by doing away with the other though. Anyhow how are things with you and Mr. G , Gracie?
Day by day, hon. That's all we can do. :)
I wonder how you guys are every day. I wish there was more I could do to help, I really do. You're already a heroine in my book, you've been through so much and yet you are still strong for everyone who needs that strength.
I keep meaning to call you, hon...but I wind up getting sidetracked. Like tonight for instance. I wound up setting up the van as my bedroom.I am going to sleep out there tonight just to refresh my memory of what we did for almost 4 months. We have a duplex now, but I have no privacy of my own. Anne has her room..and MrG bogarts our room. He stays awake watching tv until 4am. He uses headphones. But that big assed tv he insisted on flickers against my eyelids and I can't sleep. I tried an eye mask but it gives me a headache and scruntches my eyelashes so they are all discombooberated in the morning poking me in the eyes. Also, I am allergic to skeeters, and the twin bed I sleep in is too small for a skeeter I get bit all night. I cant sleep on the couch in the living room because Anne gets up at dawn and the kitchen is RIGHT THERE, plus skeeters are now in the house and no place to have a skeeter net in the living room. So my solution is to make my van my bedroom. Again. I ran an electric cord out there with a small heater so I don't freeze to death out there. MrG says I'm crazy and maybe I am..but I haven't had a decent nights sleep since November 7th and even that was not a good night since we ran for our lives early on the 8th and have been running ever since.

I admire YOU, gallantwarrior. Anyone that can live rough like you do is admirable and brave. I couldn't do it. I'd die for sure. So while you are admiring me..know I admire you back.

Anyway....I will be heading to the van soon. I hope there are no skeeters in there!

Skeeters in January and February? Really? Weren't you commenting on how cold it got in Paradise last winter? How different is the climate where you are now?
COLD. But the skeeters here must like blood slushies?
Back in my Army days, we'd go "camping" during winter operations. Skeeters would hatch out in our warmed work and living areas, plaguing us in the middle of winter.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom.
Comfort for Boedicca and family in loss of her mother.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!


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