USMB Coffee Shop IV

So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
Hope my daughter's can say the same when it's my time
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
Hope my daughter's can say the same when it's my time

I hope they can, too.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
Hope my daughter's can say the same when it's my time

I hope they can, too.
Siblings and I were thrown together for an extended period during his passing. Came away with different perspective on some iof em, more respect because of how they handled situations and pitched in. Maybe there was purpose, I don't know.
It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
Hope my daughter's can say the same when it's my time

I hope they can, too.
Siblings and I were thrown together for an extended period during his passing. Came away with different perspective on some iof em, more respect because of how they handled situations and pitched in. Maybe there was purpose, I don't know.

My family has had a similar experience. My siblings were wonderful. It was very meaningful and touching to all be there together to support mom. I've always had good relationships with them, but the level of bonding feels deeper now.
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Adult orphan. A good way of putting it.
Hope it was quick. Dad lingered to point it was relief when he left

We had enough time to say good-bye, and then she was gone. So, quick, but nothing left unsaid. She was surrounded by loved ones - which is the best way to go.
Hope my daughter's can say the same when it's my time

I hope they can, too.
Siblings and I were thrown together for an extended period during his passing. Came away with different perspective on some iof em, more respect because of how they handled situations and pitched in. Maybe there was purpose, I don't know.

My family has had a similar experience. My siblings were wonderful. It was very meaningful and touching to all be their together to support mom. I've always had good relationships with them, but the level of bonding feels deeper now.
Gladness in sadness. God bless and keep you.
Super bowl. I don't get it. Millions are paid for ads, guys not worth the money get paid shitloads of money to toss a ball around, and the usa suffers depression, child trafficking, homelessness, disease, hunger, etc.

Meh. Pisses me off.

I get the feeling none of us is much enamored with the Super Bowl, but one thing isn't fixed by doing away with the other though. Anyhow how are things with you and Mr. G , Gracie?
Day by day, hon. That's all we can do. :)
I wonder how you guys are every day. I wish there was more I could do to help, I really do. You're already a heroine in my book, you've been through so much and yet you are still strong for everyone who needs that strength.
I keep meaning to call you, hon...but I wind up getting sidetracked. Like tonight for instance. I wound up setting up the van as my bedroom.I am going to sleep out there tonight just to refresh my memory of what we did for almost 4 months. We have a duplex now, but I have no privacy of my own. Anne has her room..and MrG bogarts our room. He stays awake watching tv until 4am. He uses headphones. But that big assed tv he insisted on flickers against my eyelids and I can't sleep. I tried an eye mask but it gives me a headache and scruntches my eyelashes so they are all discombooberated in the morning poking me in the eyes. Also, I am allergic to skeeters, and the twin bed I sleep in is too small for a skeeter I get bit all night. I cant sleep on the couch in the living room because Anne gets up at dawn and the kitchen is RIGHT THERE, plus skeeters are now in the house and no place to have a skeeter net in the living room. So my solution is to make my van my bedroom. Again. I ran an electric cord out there with a small heater so I don't freeze to death out there. MrG says I'm crazy and maybe I am..but I haven't had a decent nights sleep since November 7th and even that was not a good night since we ran for our lives early on the 8th and have been running ever since.

I admire YOU, gallantwarrior. Anyone that can live rough like you do is admirable and brave. I couldn't do it. I'd die for sure. So while you are admiring me..know I admire you back.

Anyway....I will be heading to the van soon. I hope there are no skeeters in there!

Skeeters in January and February? Really? Weren't you commenting on how cold it got in Paradise last winter? How different is the climate where you are now?
I have very sad news. My mom passed away over the weekend. It's so hard to believe she is gone.

Oh Boe, I just saw this and I am so sorry. So wish there was more we could do than just stand by and care. That is true of so many going through grief, illness, and other trials. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 44 years old. The pain of grief does fade into memory, but all these many years later I still miss her. You and your family will be in my prayers through the transition.
boedicca ,

Ma'am please accept my clumsy commiserations during this time... Lean on Mr. Boe while you go through the grieving process...

Mom's are really special...

So sorry.

Not seeing that part of your life again.

It's like a big turn of the wheel. My dad passed away a little over a year ago - so now I'm an adult orphan. Not a club I was eager to join.

It so often happens that a loving husband and wife depart their earthly life in so short a time it is easy to believe they just wanted to be together.
In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:
Oh, JAN! How sad that you share a lingering decline of someone you love and who has loved you, probably still does even though he's locked in the cage of his deteriorating body. All the best vibes your way. Stay strong, we all love you here in the USMB CS.

Thank you GW......y'all have grown on me too :11:

It is this kind of post that keeps the Coffee Shop running here year after year after year. :) We're coming up on our 9th anniversary in a few months.

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