USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's been seasonably warm here. I'm currently hunkering down in the partner's city place, waiting for a military "hop" to Japan. Crossing my fingers for the flight scheduled to Yokota, Japan Friday. The schedule sucks but the price cannot be beat. I really just want to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughters.
I hope the partner will survive the commute to the "country" place. He locked the keys for the Lexus in the Lexus and has to drive the old Dodge truck until the dealership gets a new set of keys for the commuter. The old Dodge truck has no heater, no current registration, and needs the transmission overhauled. His fault, though, he's such an ass. I've told him how to minimize problems like this but his passive-aggressive illness will not allow him to take good advice. His problem. I'm going to Japan. I have no idea when I'll be able to travel again.
Bon voyage, Gallantwarrior. Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures! Maybe you took your laptop and can communicate when you're on the bus going to see something nice.
Yup, done and done. I forgot my camera, so pictures will be from my cell phone. At least that function still works. So far, it's been dim, gray and rainy, but I am given to understand that this is how Okinawa is. Oh, and warm! These temperatures are hot summer temps for me. My daughter and I are having a blast, my granddaughters did that "Meh!" [shoulder shrug] common to teenaged communications. I smacked my SIL in the head, drank a few beers with him, yelled out agreement about some political issues, and then I fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.
If any of you can fly military Space A, I recommend it. The deal is, an unfilled airplane is wasted space and wasted cargo lift. So, to maximize the "bang-to-buck" ratios, the military will allow certain military-affiliated folks to hitch a ride. It has its drawbacks, like really crappy scheduling and you take your chances what type of aircraft you might be flying on. But you sure cannot beat the price! I was loaded into a C-17 Skymaster, the Air Force replacement for the C-140. It's a heavy lifter with lots of space, hell, we could have played soccer in the cargo hold!
My ride looked like this:

Seating was really great, too. No windows, so no window seats. No middle seats, either. Everyone had lots of elbow room when seated and as soon as we reached cruise altitude, most everyone tossed their sleeping bags or hammocks out and had nice naps. Here's what the passenger accommodations on board looked like, those are seats stowed up along the bulkhead (wall):

I made it! I'm sitting in my daughter's dining room on Okinawa. They sure write funny here.
shawn mendes japan - Bing video

Oh wow. Somehow I missed your post that you were going to Japan, GW. Glad you made it in good shape. Your first trip there? Does your daughter speak and write Japanese? You are coming back aren't you?
No, I have been to Japan before, but this is Okinawa and neither the Japanese nor the Okinawans consider each other...well, each other. My younger granddaughter has been learning Japanese but my daughter has only rudimentary elements of the language. Yeah, I will be coming back, much too soon, of course, but I have to leave. I am only granted a 90-day-visa before they hunt me down and execute me for violating that permission. Plus, kidding season is next month and I just luvs me some cute, 'ittle baby goats!
On Friday I slipped on some ice and fell face first on the ground. Ended up spending several hours in the ER. Got a concussion, and face that looks like hamburger and a swollen shut right eye. I am so ready for spring.
I had a fall like that about 5 or 6 years ago. Cracked every bone in my left skull and that little cheek bone area where the optic nerve goes through. Left eye still a little blurry, but I came out okay after a couple of years. Lost two canine teeth. Can't bite people anymore. :biggrin:

Oh, there was no ice in my case, just an old tree root that rose up and tripped me when I was chasing my puppy so a car wouldn't hit her. I landed on another tree root that also appeared from nowhere. That's my sad story for the day. :boohoo:

Hope you're doing better now.

Group hug. :huddle:
Group hug backatcha! Seems like such falls either happen more often, now that some of us have "matured", or we just hurt ourselves much more easily.

True. Those who reach a certain age probably fall less because we are more careful. But we sure don't bounce as well as well as we did when we were kids and, when we do fall, the consequences can be much more severe than they were when we were younger.
You really see the difference between young and old when participating in sports. Kids on ski slopes are indomitable. They tear down the hillside without regard to themselves, or anybody else. Oldsters kind of hang out on the bunny slopes and do their best to avoid the maniac children with boards tied to their feet.
It's been seasonably warm here. I'm currently hunkering down in the partner's city place, waiting for a military "hop" to Japan. Crossing my fingers for the flight scheduled to Yokota, Japan Friday. The schedule sucks but the price cannot be beat. I really just want to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughters.
I hope the partner will survive the commute to the "country" place. He locked the keys for the Lexus in the Lexus and has to drive the old Dodge truck until the dealership gets a new set of keys for the commuter. The old Dodge truck has no heater, no current registration, and needs the transmission overhauled. His fault, though, he's such an ass. I've told him how to minimize problems like this but his passive-aggressive illness will not allow him to take good advice. His problem. I'm going to Japan. I have no idea when I'll be able to travel again.
Bon voyage, Gallantwarrior. Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures! Maybe you took your laptop and can communicate when you're on the bus going to see something nice.
Yup, done and done. I forgot my camera, so pictures will be from my cell phone. At least that function still works. So far, it's been dim, gray and rainy, but I am given to understand that this is how Okinawa is. Oh, and warm! These temperatures are hot summer temps for me. My daughter and I are having a blast, my granddaughters did that "Meh!" [shoulder shrug] common to teenaged communications. I smacked my SIL in the head, drank a few beers with him, yelled out agreement about some political issues, and then I fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.
If any of you can fly military Space A, I recommend it. The deal is, an unfilled airplane is wasted space and wasted cargo lift. So, to maximize the "bang-to-buck" ratios, the military will allow certain military-affiliated folks to hitch a ride. It has its drawbacks, like really crappy scheduling and you take your chances what type of aircraft you might be flying on. But you sure cannot beat the price! I was loaded into a C-17 Skymaster, the Air Force replacement for the C-140. It's a heavy lifter with lots of space, hell, we could have played soccer in the cargo hold!
My ride looked like this:
View attachment 249457

Seating was really great, too. No windows, so no window seats. No middle seats, either. Everyone had lots of elbow room when seated and as soon as we reached cruise altitude, most everyone tossed their sleeping bags or hammocks out and had nice naps. Here's what the passenger accommodations on board looked like, those are seats stowed up along the bulkhead (wall):


Wow impressive. I suppose you needed to bring a sack lunch though? But I bet you didn't have to go through a near strip search to fly. :)
It's been seasonably warm here. I'm currently hunkering down in the partner's city place, waiting for a military "hop" to Japan. Crossing my fingers for the flight scheduled to Yokota, Japan Friday. The schedule sucks but the price cannot be beat. I really just want to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughters.
I hope the partner will survive the commute to the "country" place. He locked the keys for the Lexus in the Lexus and has to drive the old Dodge truck until the dealership gets a new set of keys for the commuter. The old Dodge truck has no heater, no current registration, and needs the transmission overhauled. His fault, though, he's such an ass. I've told him how to minimize problems like this but his passive-aggressive illness will not allow him to take good advice. His problem. I'm going to Japan. I have no idea when I'll be able to travel again.
Bon voyage, Gallantwarrior. Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures! Maybe you took your laptop and can communicate when you're on the bus going to see something nice.
Yup, done and done. I forgot my camera, so pictures will be from my cell phone. At least that function still works. So far, it's been dim, gray and rainy, but I am given to understand that this is how Okinawa is. Oh, and warm! These temperatures are hot summer temps for me. My daughter and I are having a blast, my granddaughters did that "Meh!" [shoulder shrug] common to teenaged communications. I smacked my SIL in the head, drank a few beers with him, yelled out agreement about some political issues, and then I fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.
If any of you can fly military Space A, I recommend it. The deal is, an unfilled airplane is wasted space and wasted cargo lift. So, to maximize the "bang-to-buck" ratios, the military will allow certain military-affiliated folks to hitch a ride. It has its drawbacks, like really crappy scheduling and you take your chances what type of aircraft you might be flying on. But you sure cannot beat the price! I was loaded into a C-17 Skymaster, the Air Force replacement for the C-140. It's a heavy lifter with lots of space, hell, we could have played soccer in the cargo hold!
My ride looked like this:
View attachment 249457

Seating was really great, too. No windows, so no window seats. No middle seats, either. Everyone had lots of elbow room when seated and as soon as we reached cruise altitude, most everyone tossed their sleeping bags or hammocks out and had nice naps. Here's what the passenger accommodations on board looked like, those are seats stowed up along the bulkhead (wall):


Wow impressive. I suppose you needed to bring a sack lunch though? But I bet you didn't have to go through a near strip search to fly. :)
They did offer a box lunch for about $10 but almost all of us had our own chow with us. They also provided a couple of Igloo coolers of very, very cold water. They still maintain TSA rules for luggage and carry-on. Clearing customs on this side was a bit more casual than expected but we all had to be bused to the Immigration agency to be finger-printed, retinal-scanned, and receive permission to be here. I was the only passenger actually quite pleased with our destination. Originally, the flight was scheduled to fly to Yokota, near Tokyo. A last minute change sent us to Kadena AFB on Okinawa, part of the scheduling issues I mentioned. Everyone else wanted to go to Yokota and ended up having to find other ways to get where they wanted.
It's a beautiful Saturday! Temperatures in the low 40s and overcast equals a beautiful day in these parts. The weather guessers call for a 40% shot at rain, but we are used to that. We would plan a picnic with a 40% shot at rain.

But consider the fate of those raindrops. If the rain falls 75 miles farther east, that rain would feed the tributaries of the Susquehanna and wash the cow manure and fertilizer on the fields of Pennsylvania into the Chesapeake Bay. Just a few miles farther north and those raindrops would flow into Lake Erie, cascade over Niagara Falls then act as a medium to carry the scents of home to the salmon swimming up the St. Lawrence River. The rain on the roof of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate trickle down the hill and directly into the Ohio River. Then south to the Mississippi to the delta and out into the Fulf of Mexico.

I live on the roof of the East Coast. And roofs shed water. We got plenty of water to shed too. And that's why we have given up on complaining about the rain and snow. 40% chance of rain makes for a beautiful Saturday.
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It's a beautiful Saturday! Temperatures in the low 40s and overcast equals a beautiful day in these parts. The weather guessers call for a 40% shot at rain, but we are used to that. We would plan a picnic with a 40% shot at rain.

But consider the fate of those raindrops. If the rain falls 75 miles farther east, that rain would feed the tributaries of the Susquehanna and wash the cow manure and fertilizer on the fields of Pennsylvania into the Chesapeake Bay. Just a few miles farther north and those raindrops would flow into Lake Erie, cascade over Niagara Falls then act as a medium to carry the scents of home to the salmon swimming home up the St. Lawrence River. The rain on the roof of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate trickle down the hill and directly into the Ohio River. Then south to the Mississippi to the d lta and out into the Fulf of Mexico.

I live on the roof of the East Coast. And roofs shed water. We got pl nay of water to shed too. And that's why we have given up on complaining about the rain and snow. 40% chance of rain makes for a beautiful Saturday.

A 40% chance for rain would be seen as divine blessing here, and to actually GET rain is glorious. Especially now that our roof is finally fixed. :)
Freezing fog yesterday and today. Well it froze last night even though the temps were only in the low 30s (below freezing) all afternoon.

And all day yesterday was reporting we were at 51 degrees under partially cloudy skies.......... :lol:

Well for New Mexico, for most weather reporting services, we aren't important enough to really pay attention to, so our weather is mostly a cursory guesstimate to them I think. Even the Weather Channel will be reporting tornado warnings pretty much everywhere else in the country but never the rare one in New Mexico or blizzard warnings everywhere else but not here. They just don't think or care about us all that much.

Cold in Albuquerque this morning but we did have a lovely warm sunny day yesterday and it will be pleasant today. Meanwhile our son and family just a few hours east of us as the crow flies have had temperatures in the teens and snow the last three days. And we FINALLY got our roof leak fixed a few minutes ago so we can take the big plastic bowl with a wash cloth in the bottom of it (to prevent splashes) sitting on a jelly roll pan lined with a big absorbent towel off the bed in the master bedroom.

Speaking of weather though, after all the deadly and violent weather in Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida yesterday, could Kat , @ErnieS , Montrovant , WelfareQueen , Sherry et al report in so we know you're okay?

We're okay. The bad weather in Alabama did not get to us here. I hope Kat and Ernie are okay. :)

We haven't heard from Ernie S for many months now so I hope he is okay. Kat did 'like' my post inquiring about her welfare which I took as a she's okay. :)
Hope everyone has a good weekend in spite of Old Man Winter shaking his fist overtime this winter. *sigh*

Our low here in the Piney Woods is 54F tonight. It's going to be 76 high today. I was rubbing my eyes in disbelief when I saw that. We've had one day after another of rain, and on light days, heavy dew. One day there was dense white fog into the afternoon. I just stayed inside that day. Achin' for spring. The forecast is rain every day but one. I can't even mow, because the ground is so soggy. Think I'll work on another quilt today. From the Bing moths found today:

I remember when you took that fall, B, and thought at the time how cruel life can sometimes be as you sure didn't need that on top of everything else in your life at that time. We had you on the vigil list for the longest time. And it wasn't too much longer after that before you disappeared for so long. and of course we worried about you. Sunshine did report at one time though that you were doing okay and then she disappeared again and has not returned. As she was fighting her own life battles, I have wondered if she is okay.
Gee, Foxfyre, I haven't heard from Sunshine, not a word. She was not doing too well back then, but she was determined to live one day at a time. I looked around for her when I got back here, found nothing current. Sure be nice if she just showed up saying her miracle cure gave her time to travel, visit family and the rest..
Hope everyone has a good weekend in spite of Old Man Winter shaking his fist overtime this winter. *sigh*

Our low here in the Piney Woods is 54F tonight. It's going to be 76 high today. I was rubbing my eyes in disbelief when I saw that. We've had one day after another of rain, and on light days, heavy dew. One day there was dense white fog into the afternoon. I just stayed inside that day. Achin' for spring. The forecast is rain every day but one. I can't even mow, because the ground is so soggy. Think I'll work on another quilt today. From the Bing moths found today:

I remember when you took that fall, B, and thought at the time how cruel life can sometimes be as you sure didn't need that on top of everything else in your life at that time. We had you on the vigil list for the longest time. And it wasn't too much longer after that before you disappeared for so long. and of course we worried about you. Sunshine did report at one time though that you were doing okay and then she disappeared again and has not returned. As she was fighting her own life battles, I have wondered if she is okay.
Gee, Foxfyre, I haven't heard from Sunshine, not a word. She was not doing too well back then, but she was determined to live one day at a time. I looked around for her when I got back here, found nothing current. Sure be nice if she just showed up saying her miracle cure gave her time to travel, visit family and the rest..

I can't remember the last time she checked here but it was almost certainly way over a year, maybe two years ago? I can't remember how long you were off the board but it was too darn long. You had been missing for only a few months at that time though as I recall. But then I'm getting older and don't remember as specifically as I once did. :)
They're saying there was an avalanche near Copper Springs, Colorado. Is Ringel ok? Prayers up.

Ringel moved to El Paso after Colorado, then Albuquerque, and is now in Roswell NM in the southeast quadrant of the state. The chances of an avalanche in Roswell are really REALLY remote. :)
Glad to know it, Foxfyre. My memory could use a little Focus, too. I'm relieved none of our pals were anywhere close to the avalanches of this past week. So we set the clocks forward, hm? lol
They're saying there was an avalanche near Copper Springs, Colorado. Is Ringel ok? Prayers up.

Ringel moved to El Paso after Colorado, then Albuquerque, and is now in Roswell NM in the southeast quadrant of the state. The chances of an avalanche in Roswell are really REALLY remote. :)
Glad to know it, Foxfyre. My memory could use a little Focus, too. I'm relieved none of our pals were anywhere close to the avalanches of this past week. So we set the clocks forward, hm? lol

Yes. We set them forward tonight. I can't tell you how thrilled I am about that. :(
Signing off early tonight as I haven't posted the list in a couple of days but will probably go to sleep during the movie we're about to watch.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

And tonight's the night so don't forget to. . .


How did this get on the top active topics?! I'm on the forum with an agenda and I would have to click to the Next thread in order to spew something political! I find this terribly... inconvenient... So Korean Aegyo gestures are Specifically made-up nonsense that foreigners are doing to personally incriminate me in youthful sexual mistakes, you guys heard about this? Check it out. Policeman aegyo, like 2 robbers? 3 cocaine?
Yes. We set them forward tonight. I can't tell you how thrilled I am about that. :(

Well!!! I just absolutely refuse to change my time keeping instruments... The D.O.T. can kiss where the sun don't shine...

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) oversees the Nation's time zones and the uniform observance of Daylight Saving Time. The oversight of time zones was assigned to DOT because time standards are important for many modes of transportation.

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