USMB Coffee Shop IV

Freezing fog yesterday and today. Well it froze last night even though the temps were only in the low 30s (below freezing) all afternoon.

And all day yesterday was reporting we were at 51 degrees under partially cloudy skies.......... :lol:

Well for New Mexico, for most weather reporting services, we aren't important enough to really pay attention to, so our weather is mostly a cursory guesstimate to them I think. Even the Weather Channel will be reporting tornado warnings pretty much everywhere else in the country but never the rare one in New Mexico or blizzard warnings everywhere else but not here. They just don't think or care about us all that much.

Cold in Albuquerque this morning but we did have a lovely warm sunny day yesterday and it will be pleasant today. Meanwhile our son and family just a few hours east of us as the crow flies have had temperatures in the teens and snow the last three days. And we FINALLY got our roof leak fixed a few minutes ago so we can take the big plastic bowl with a wash cloth in the bottom of it (to prevent splashes) sitting on a jelly roll pan lined with a big absorbent towel off the bed in the master bedroom.

Speaking of weather though, after all the deadly and violent weather in Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida yesterday, could Kat , @ErnieS , Montrovant , WelfareQueen , Sherry et al report in so we know you're okay?

WQ and our families are all fine. We are well south of the destruction. We did have some wicked thunderstorms that moved through in the middle of the night which rattled the house and woke us up, but no high winds to cause damage. Hoping the rest of the CF gang are well.
Well, it's still morning, barely, in Albuquerque so I'll wish everybody a good morning, good afternoon, evening, or tomorrow for our Aussie friends. Need to go finish getting dressed to take my aunt to a doctor's appointment. For now I'll leave our coffee shoppers with a bit of counsel:

Freezing fog yesterday and today. Well it froze last night even though the temps were only in the low 30s (below freezing) all afternoon.

And all day yesterday was reporting we were at 51 degrees under partially cloudy skies.......... :lol:

Well for New Mexico, for most weather reporting services, we aren't important enough to really pay attention to, so our weather is mostly a cursory guesstimate to them I think. Even the Weather Channel will be reporting tornado warnings pretty much everywhere else in the country but never the rare one in New Mexico or blizzard warnings everywhere else but not here. They just don't think or care about us all that much.

Cold in Albuquerque this morning but we did have a lovely warm sunny day yesterday and it will be pleasant today. Meanwhile our son and family just a few hours east of us as the crow flies have had temperatures in the teens and snow the last three days. And we FINALLY got our roof leak fixed a few minutes ago so we can take the big plastic bowl with a wash cloth in the bottom of it (to prevent splashes) sitting on a jelly roll pan lined with a big absorbent towel off the bed in the master bedroom.

Speaking of weather though, after all the deadly and violent weather in Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida yesterday, could Kat , @ErnieS , Montrovant , WelfareQueen , Sherry et al report in so we know you're okay?
It's also that most national weather services use Albuquerque's weather to report weather out here which is exactly what I saw, they were using Albuquerque's forecast to report Roswell weather. Guess they don't know we're three hours apart with a mountain range separating us........
I dreamed that I was in the desert southwest. I spent three days in Las Begas at a training seminar once. That is as much of the West I've ever seen. I have been to Europe. I lived in Puerto Rico for a year and a half. I have had projects in every East Coast city from Boston to Jacksonville. But never in the southwest.

In my dream, a wonderful woman whose face I could not see, was my tour guide. She stood me in her back yard to gaze upon the chimney shaped rocks, cactus, blooming wild flowers and the strange rust colored earth.

But in my verdant eastern mind, gushers of water fell from between the rocks. Waterfalls cascaded from the buttes. An overcast sky framed the scene at the top and rivulets of water trickled at my feet.

Dreaming of something I have never seen. I imposed my own understanding upon it without a reliable frame of reference.

And I believe that wonderful woman was Foxfyre herself.

Maybe one day I will venture West of the Pecos, wherever the Pecos may flow. I wonder if I'll see a waterfall?
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

And today Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday ended Mardi Gras and ushered in the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday for those who observe it. Just another milestone as we approach the end of winter and look forward to spring.
I dreamed that I was in the desert southwest. I spent three days in Las Begas at a training seminar once. That is as much of the West I've ever seen. I have been to Europe. I lived in Puerto Rico for a year and a half. I have had projects in every East Coast city from Boston to Jacksonville. But never in the southwest.

In my dream, a wonderful woman whose face I could not see, was my tour guide. She stood me in her back yard to gaze upon the chimney shaped rocks, cactus, blooming wild flowers and the strange rust colored earth.

But in my verdant eastern mind, gushers of water fell from between the rocks. Waterfalls cascaded from the buttes. An overcast sky framed the scene at the top and rivulets of water trickled at my feet.

Dreaming of something I have never seen. I imposed my own understanding upon it without a reliable frame of reference.

And I believe that wonderful woman was Foxfyre herself.

Maybe one day I will venture West of the Pecos, wherever the Pecos may flow. I wonder if I'll see a waterfall?

Aw Nosmo. How sweet. This beautiful woman is showing quite a bit of wear and tear these days and I am sure that 'beauty' would have to be in the eye of the beholder. Indeed there will be a lot of blooming cactus this year and wild flowers due to all the winter moisture we have had, but the high desert, while it can be beautiful, mystical, even spiritual at times, is still desert. There are indeed interesting and hauntingly beautiful rock formations, but waterfalls are in very short supply and are mostly limited to temporary ones created by the occasional flash flood. Though the eye can see what seems to be an abundance of vegetation stretching to the horizon, when you look down at your feet, you see more rock, clay, or sand than growing things. I would check to be sure that whatever was tickling my feet was not a passing diamondback as rivulets of water aren't generally part of the equation.

But hey, what you describe may be what the high desert will be in Heaven. :)

But still, to drive out into the high desert away from civilization, exit your vehicle and just be there is a sensation that is almost indescribable. The sense of history, ancient stories and spirits in the wind and sense of presence is both a physical and spiritual experience for many of us.



On Friday I slipped on some ice and fell face first on the ground. Ended up spending several hours in the ER. Got a concussion, and face that looks like hamburger and a swollen shut right eye. I am so ready for spring.
Yeah it's beyond old, pard. Saw on the local news last night that doctors are getting a lot of calls about SAD, seasonal effective disorder. I know it effects me. Everybody is sick of winter. Lots of records been broke including a new record low the other night. Supposed to warm up some Friday though, let's pray it does.

You mend up there, brother.
There are three markers that herald the advent of Spring. Spring training begins, daylight saving time starts and the rehearsals for the Easter Pageant on the Hillside begin. Two out of three so far.

But we have to take into account that the first three weeks of March are still in the meterorlogica and astronomical province of Winter.

Living at 40 degrees north parallel demands patience.
There are three markers that herald the advent of Spring. Spring training begins, daylight saving time starts and the rehearsals for the Easter Pageant on the Hillside begin. Two out of three so far.

But we have to take into account that the first three weeks of March are still in the meterorlogica and astronomical province of Winter.

Living at 40 degrees north parallel demands patience.
You forgot The Masters
There are three markers that herald the advent of Spring. Spring training begins, daylight saving time starts and the rehearsals for the Easter Pageant on the Hillside begin. Two out of three so far.

But we have to take into account that the first three weeks of March are still in the meterorlogica and astronomical province of Winter.

Living at 40 degrees north parallel demands patience.
You forgot The Masters
Augusta during the Masters certainly is a sight to see. The dogwoods and azaleas show off like Vegas showgirls.

We could also mention the NCAA basketball tournament.
It's been seasonably warm here. I'm currently hunkering down in the partner's city place, waiting for a military "hop" to Japan. Crossing my fingers for the flight scheduled to Yokota, Japan Friday. The schedule sucks but the price cannot be beat. I really just want to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughters.
I hope the partner will survive the commute to the "country" place. He locked the keys for the Lexus in the Lexus and has to drive the old Dodge truck until the dealership gets a new set of keys for the commuter. The old Dodge truck has no heater, no current registration, and needs the transmission overhauled. His fault, though, he's such an ass. I've told him how to minimize problems like this but his passive-aggressive illness will not allow him to take good advice. His problem. I'm going to Japan. I have no idea when I'll be able to travel again.
Pretty sure I mentioned the wife was officially terminated from her job last month. The insurance ended February 28th.......... at least we still have her short term disability through mid May. Trying to get her on Medicaid but with the short term disability she may make too much per month, we'll see.
In the mean time the privately owned cancer clinic is transferring her to UNM and still working with us as much as possible. We go up to Albuquerque next Monday.
Pretty sure I mentioned the wife was officially terminated from her job last month. The insurance ended February 28th.......... at least we still have her short term disability through mid May. Trying to get her on Medicaid but with the short term disability she may make too much per month, we'll see.
In the mean time the privately owned cancer clinic is transferring her to UNM and still working with us as much as possible. We go up to Albuquerque next Monday.
Dude, have you considered establishing a "Go Fund Me" account? I'm sure loads of people would be willing to help out. It's been done before, although with limited success.
Pretty sure I mentioned the wife was officially terminated from her job last month. The insurance ended February 28th.......... at least we still have her short term disability through mid May. Trying to get her on Medicaid but with the short term disability she may make too much per month, we'll see.
In the mean time the privately owned cancer clinic is transferring her to UNM and still working with us as much as possible. We go up to Albuquerque next Monday.

Dang Ringel..

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