USMB Coffee Shop IV


Actually, you're just starting a horizontal/vertical debate. :lol:
To our faithful and loyal Coffee Shoppers past and present, I have come to know and have genuine affection for so many of you. But it is my sad duty to inform you that as of midnight tonight, the Coffee Shop will have to close, be deleted, and will be no more.



Okay.....I'll admit really had me going. :D

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To our faithful and loyal Coffee Shoppers past and present, I have come to know and have genuine affection for so many of you. But it is my sad duty to inform you that as of midnight tonight, the Coffee Shop will have to close, be deleted, and will be no more.


Wow ! that scared me for a moment, before I scrolled down the page.
Welp, since the wife is recovering from pneumonia they called off the chemo for this week, don't want to negatively impact her immune system at this juncture. She's resting and recovering.
On the other hand she's driving me crazy with the house hunting........ Thinks Los Lunas is too far to go but is willing to look in Moriarty........ Tells me to deal with getting a house, she trusts me, then nixes all my choices.......
Now she's talking about keeping the cost down by buying a cheaper house so she can replace her car but all the cheaper houses with any semblance of square footage are way out western Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, Edgewood or Moriarty. I want to be on the western side of the mountain, she seems to have fixated on the eastern side for now...... If I had any hair I'd have pulled it out by now...... AAAaaaaaaarrrrrrgggg!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. :thup:
To our faithful and loyal Coffee Shoppers past and present, I have come to know and have genuine affection for so many of you. But it is my sad duty to inform you that as of midnight tonight, the Coffee Shop will have to close, be deleted, and will be no more.



Okay.....I'll admit really had me going. :D


:) Good to see you WQ. It's folks like you and our other Coffee Shoppers that have kept it going for almost nine years now :)
To our faithful and loyal Coffee Shoppers past and present, I have come to know and have genuine affection for so many of you. But it is my sad duty to inform you that as of midnight tonight, the Coffee Shop will have to close, be deleted, and will be no more.


Wow ! that scared me for a moment, before I scrolled down the page.

And I love you too Dajjal. I would hate to think anybody wouldn't care if it was true. :)
Welp, since the wife is recovering from pneumonia they called off the chemo for this week, don't want to negatively impact her immune system at this juncture. She's resting and recovering.
On the other hand she's driving me crazy with the house hunting........ Thinks Los Lunas is too far to go but is willing to look in Moriarty........ Tells me to deal with getting a house, she trusts me, then nixes all my choices.......
Now she's talking about keeping the cost down by buying a cheaper house so she can replace her car but all the cheaper houses with any semblance of square footage are way out western Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, Edgewood or Moriarty. I want to be on the western side of the mountain, she seems to have fixated on the eastern side for now...... If I had any hair I'd have pulled it out by now...... AAAaaaaaaarrrrrrgggg!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. :thup:

Los Lunas is a LOT closer and easier to get to Albuquerque than Moriarty. I do hope you choose the west side of the mountain at this juncture of your life. The east side is best for the young and very healthy. But I'll bet you will see just the right property that both of you will know is right. That has always been the case with Hombre and me. We have chosen 23 different homes, temporary and more permanent, and both of us have agreed that's where we needed to be. But sometimes it took awhile to find that place.
The Postal job site has listings again, so I applied for a couple of positions near enough that I would be able to commute to them. This time I was given a new assessment to take. I got a much higher score than I did on the previous, more common postal exam, so I'm hoping that might lead to an interview. I'm crossing my fingers, anyway. My friends have said that I can stay with them until I am ready to get my own place (or the little one's father gets his crap together and we can go with the plan of the two of us finding a place, whichever comes first), but the sooner I can get a job I'd like to keep, the happier I'll be. I think living with them will be pretty trouble-free, but I'll be uncomfortable until I leave or at least start paying them. It's a bit odd considering I've been living with someone who pays my bills for the past decade, but the situations are different.

I just hope that whatever job I end up with, it affords me time to spend with the little one when I can. Since I'll be an hour drive away for at least the immediate future, it's going to be hard to find that time.
Welp, since the wife is recovering from pneumonia they called off the chemo for this week, don't want to negatively impact her immune system at this juncture. She's resting and recovering.
On the other hand she's driving me crazy with the house hunting........ Thinks Los Lunas is too far to go but is willing to look in Moriarty........ Tells me to deal with getting a house, she trusts me, then nixes all my choices.......
Now she's talking about keeping the cost down by buying a cheaper house so she can replace her car but all the cheaper houses with any semblance of square footage are way out western Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, Edgewood or Moriarty. I want to be on the western side of the mountain, she seems to have fixated on the eastern side for now...... If I had any hair I'd have pulled it out by now...... AAAaaaaaaarrrrrrgggg!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. :thup:
De nada. I'm glad that y'all put up with my carping. I think it's better we come here and maul each other (figuratively) than act things out at home. Big shoulders in the Coffee Shop, Ringel. Hope Mrs R gets over her pneumonia quickly.
To our faithful and loyal Coffee Shoppers past and present, I have come to know and have genuine affection for so many of you. But it is my sad duty to inform you that as of midnight tonight, the Coffee Shop will have to close, be deleted, and will be no more.


Wow ! that scared me for a moment, before I scrolled down the page.

And I love you too Dajjal. I would hate to think anybody wouldn't care if it was true. :)
Neener, neener! I figured it out pretty quickly. I just couldn't think of any good April Fool's jokes.
The Postal job site has listings again, so I applied for a couple of positions near enough that I would be able to commute to them. This time I was given a new assessment to take. I got a much higher score than I did on the previous, more common postal exam, so I'm hoping that might lead to an interview. I'm crossing my fingers, anyway. My friends have said that I can stay with them until I am ready to get my own place (or the little one's father gets his crap together and we can go with the plan of the two of us finding a place, whichever comes first), but the sooner I can get a job I'd like to keep, the happier I'll be. I think living with them will be pretty trouble-free, but I'll be uncomfortable until I leave or at least start paying them. It's a bit odd considering I've been living with someone who pays my bills for the past decade, but the situations are different.

I just hope that whatever job I end up with, it affords me time to spend with the little one when I can. Since I'll be an hour drive away for at least the immediate future, it's going to be hard to find that time.
Good luck, Montro! Finding the right job can be tough, but when you do, life is pretty sweet. I've been doing the job I have now for over 20 years and I do enjoy it. Unfortunately, my physical self is slowing down to the extent where some of the tasks are getting pretty difficult. I'm going to try to semi-retire later this year and only work part-time.
Good morning, everyone! It's shaping up nicely here, daylight rising to reveal a clear day. It'll be passably warm, like yesterday, getting up to just over 50F. I found a super tool to pick up the trash without having to constantly bend over. The dog had a field day with the trash while I was gone. Dog was let out and the trash got stacked on the porch, at least until the dog got into it. Today I'm going to get the chicken coop cleaned out. Stuff's thawing out and needs some TLC. My compost bin is filling pretty quickly. The partner split up a huge pile of kindling, which I now have to stack. He won't stack it and I don't want him to. Last (first) time he stacked wood it was a disaster. I wonder sometimes whether he screws stuff like that up on purpose because he knows I'd just rather do it my way the first time rather than having to redo his messes.
Because the partner let the percolator grow a science project, he's having camp coffee with me. Partner hates camp coffee because it can mean you drink a few grounds. But until I get time to scour the other pot, grounds he'll get. I finally finished unpacking and sorting my gear. I've sorted a lot of the junk that was on the table. Partner managed to burn the tablecloth because he was soldering some lights. He can't understand why I'm pissed.
I tried to watch that show "Hoarders" while at my daughter's place. I couldn't do it. About 5 minutes into the show I was so depressed. Bing watched three seasons of "Westworld" instead.
OK, enough maundering and moaning.
While on Okinawa, I was enchanted by the shisa dogs. Here's the legend and a photo of the pair I got for my place:
"Like the komainu ("lion dogs"), the shisa are a variation of the guardian lions from China. From the Edo period, they started to be called "guardian dogs" in general in mainland Japan. Gender is variously assigned to the shisa. Some Okinawans believe the male has his mouth closed to keep bad out of the home, while the female has her mouth open to share goodness. Others believe the female has her mouth closed to "keep in the good", while the male has his mouth open to "scare away the bad"
The Postal job site has listings again, so I applied for a couple of positions near enough that I would be able to commute to them. This time I was given a new assessment to take. I got a much higher score than I did on the previous, more common postal exam, so I'm hoping that might lead to an interview. I'm crossing my fingers, anyway. My friends have said that I can stay with them until I am ready to get my own place (or the little one's father gets his crap together and we can go with the plan of the two of us finding a place, whichever comes first), but the sooner I can get a job I'd like to keep, the happier I'll be. I think living with them will be pretty trouble-free, but I'll be uncomfortable until I leave or at least start paying them. It's a bit odd considering I've been living with someone who pays my bills for the past decade, but the situations are different.

I just hope that whatever job I end up with, it affords me time to spend with the little one when I can. Since I'll be an hour drive away for at least the immediate future, it's going to be hard to find that time.

It speaks well of you that you have friends who want you to live with them. You can always pay your host with housework, doing laundry, doing yard work, cooking, shopping etc. Sounds like a plan and we'll be pulling for you.
What a nothin' burger day. Went to quilt meeting last night and had to go home because I couldn't stop coughing. I got okay last night, but today, the cough came up again and was full scale by sundown. Fortunately, I'm still breathing, so it's not all that bad. The pollen count here has been out of control for a few days, and I can only guess it is also persistent.

Glad Ridgerunner found the well, you know... :D

I saw there was a 2.5 Richter scale earthquake near Anchorage today, so I just dropped in to see if Gallantwarrior had checked in.

Guess I'll be around for a few minutes more, but if my cough gets bad, I'm going upstairs. At least, GW's earthquake was low. One out there in the farthest reaches of the Aleutian Island, one near Kiska Volcano got hit with a gigantic 6.5 temblor this afternoon. Hope that kind stays away from Anchorage area, and that all goes well this Spring. (Edit, fixed location of temblor)
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The Postal job site has listings again, so I applied for a couple of positions near enough that I would be able to commute to them. This time I was given a new assessment to take. I got a much higher score than I did on the previous, more common postal exam, so I'm hoping that might lead to an interview. I'm crossing my fingers, anyway. My friends have said that I can stay with them until I am ready to get my own place (or the little one's father gets his crap together and we can go with the plan of the two of us finding a place, whichever comes first), but the sooner I can get a job I'd like to keep, the happier I'll be. I think living with them will be pretty trouble-free, but I'll be uncomfortable until I leave or at least start paying them. It's a bit odd considering I've been living with someone who pays my bills for the past decade, but the situations are different.

I just hope that whatever job I end up with, it affords me time to spend with the little one when I can. Since I'll be an hour drive away for at least the immediate future, it's going to be hard to find that time.
Good luck, Montrovant.

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