USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mr. P took really great care of my bruised knee, he cleaned and bandaged it every day and put on my knee brace.
He also went into town to get me some take out dinners for a few nights.
I spoil him and he spoils me. :biggrin:
He went to Walmart, the next morning of my fall and bought a double hinged knee brace.
I couldn't put much weight on my left knee for 4 or 5 days.
The brace was too big for me by an inch so it didn't work very well. One size fits all right, just not for smaller adults. GRRRR...……….
I ordered a smaller one thru amazon and received it the next day.

as my right knee, sidewalk burn healed;
Mr. P renamed the shape from the one horned , one eyed, flying purple, people eater to flattened mouse road kill, complete with the tire marks. :)
It really did look like a flat mouse with it's little tail curled upwards and tire marks running over him.

I am healing up nicely ,but about a week behind cleaning out everything.
I called this morning and added another week for the roll off dumpster. It wasn't too much extra for another week.

Glad you are on the mend dear. We who are getting older don't bounce as well as we used to, but at least we can get better when we are ailing from this or that.

Well I bounced up off that steel and solid Oakwood low lipped frame wagon fairly well.
Like it was a trampoline. :laughing0301:

If any of us are in South America or nearby today, you can witness at least a partial solar eclipse. Much of the eclipse will take place over the largely unpopulated area of the southern Pacific Ocean, but it will conclude across South America. If you are in a narrow strip across Chile or Argentina, you can see the total solar eclipse, but otherwise you would need to be out in the Pacific Ocean.

The is the first solar eclipse anywhere in the world since August 2017. Here in the states, our next solar eclipse will be April 8, 2024.
Mr. P took really great care of my bruised knee, he cleaned and bandaged it every day and put on my knee brace.
He also went into town to get me some take out dinners for a few nights.
I spoil him and he spoils me. :biggrin:
He went to Walmart, the next morning of my fall and bought a double hinged knee brace.
I couldn't put much weight on my left knee for 4 or 5 days.
The brace was too big for me by an inch so it didn't work very well. One size fits all right, just not for smaller adults. GRRRR...……….
I ordered a smaller one thru amazon and received it the next day.

as my right knee, sidewalk burn healed;
Mr. P renamed the shape from the one horned , one eyed, flying purple, people eater to flattened mouse road kill, complete with the tire marks. :)
It really did look like a flat mouse with it's little tail curled upwards and tire marks running over him.

I am healing up nicely ,but about a week behind cleaning out everything.
I called this morning and added another week for the roll off dumpster. It wasn't too much extra for another week.
Glad you're healing up well and seem in good spirits. Good thing you and Mr P spoil each other so mercilessly!
Another stink-hot day! I cannot afford to hide out inside any longer and am doing some pretty heavy work in the hot sun. I sweat so badly, it gets in my ears and eyes and peeling off a t-shirt is like shedding a second skin. The partner asked for lunch, which is sitting here congealing nicely. At least he's not a very picky eater, so cold crab benedict won't phase him in the least. But, break time is almost over.
Point 1: 3 cups so far
Point 2: Focused? On what? today is my day off.
Point 3: As long as no one knocks on the door, I'm good.
Point 4: OK. No problem. My Glock is a foot from my right hand.
Point 5: No.
It is spectacular here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area! The vistas all look like postcard shots. As clear a sky as we ever get with temperatures into the high 70s and narry a whiff of humidity.

I was reminiscing about what the environment was like when I was a kid. When I was born, there were only 48 states, nothing had been blasted into orbit and the steel mills strung along the banks of the Ohio River like a string of sooty pearls were in full blast.

The mill just outside the state line was in Midland, PA. I worked there while I was home from college. A lot of my friends worked there too. Just down stream in Weirton, WV was the nation's largest sheet steel manufacturer specializing in steel food and beverage container cans.

They had an old blast furnace there that would emit clouds of electric arc furnace dust. What EPA regulations call K-O 67. Just know that this dust is rusty orange in color, very fine particles and stains what it lands on. The whole town of Weirton had an amber to rust colored patina. It snowed orange in Weirton.

When school shopping season rolled around we would pile into the big two toned Mercury and drive to nearby Baden, PA, only fourteen miles upstream as the river flows. The Northern Lights shopping center was directly across the river from the J&L Steel mill in Aliquippa.

Rail cars full of slag rendered out in the bank of blast furnaces would dump their molten loads down the river bank. It was as close to a volcanic eruption as we will ever get in this valley. But the hazardous metals in that slag; the lead, right into the river. And that river serves my drinking water.

In Midlad, which is the nearest mill to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, they made 27% of the stainless steel consumed in the free world. Making that stainless involves immersing the strip of steel in hydrochloric acid. At night, when they purged the tanks of acid, a yellow haze was visible. As if you borrowed Charlton Hesron's shooting shades. Cars rusted from the roof down instead of from the wheel wells and rocker panels up.

But the most acute environmental hazard in my neighborhood was blasting caps. They were completing the southernmost highway link between Lake Erie and the Ohio River, about 100 miles. This end of the highway involved moving a massive amount of soil rock and shale. And that means blasting with high explosives.

To set them off a primer or blasting caps are used. The fear was one of us kids would happen on a stray blasting cap and blow ourselves to smithereens.

Visible air, contaminated water and explosives as inviting to a young boy as a circus parade. It's a wonder I made it! And it's a wonder we got it cleaned up!
So glad we have amended our ways since then. Too bad so many other nations have not. How's the water?
In 1996 or so, they held a BassMasters tournament in and around Pittsburgh. The Ohio River starts there at The Point. Mile 0. As the river flows west by northwest for the first 37 miles, passing through two sets of locks and dams and at last, here at the junction of three states, the river rolls passed East Liverpool, Ohio. In between The Burgh and The Pool were six major steel mills, the first licensed commercial nuclear power plant, an oil refinery, and the third largest zinc and lead processor in America.

Aside from the goiters, boils on my arms and legs and my prehensile tail, life is grand!
That prehensile tale must come in handy for changing light bulbs in the ceiling fixtures. Of course, I could use a few blasting caps and a couple sticks to TNT, just to get the bigger stumps out, yanno.
Stumps? One word: Tannerite.. It's legal in 47 states and available as exploding targets at gun dealers and sporting goods stores. It's essentially innert until mixed and then can only be set off with a supersonic projectile. A 2 pound target will pull an 8" oak stump here.
Guys love to blow stuff up AND you get some target practice in as well
Like drum solos? This guy is good:

Not bad, but this is probably the greatest drum solo ever. Nearly 10 minutes by a man 66 years old at the time. Ginger is nearly 80 now.

Yes he is very good. But it didn't make me want to keep listening. I got bored with it after a few minutes.

Then you missed the final flurry. Ginger is insane. Both on a kit and in real life. If you get the urge, search Netflix for a documentary on him titled "Beware of Mister Baker"
Mr. P took really great care of my bruised knee, he cleaned and bandaged it every day and put on my knee brace.
He also went into town to get me some take out dinners for a few nights.
I spoil him and he spoils me. :biggrin:
He went to Walmart, the next morning of my fall and bought a double hinged knee brace.
I couldn't put much weight on my left knee for 4 or 5 days.
The brace was too big for me by an inch so it didn't work very well. One size fits all right, just not for smaller adults. GRRRR...……….
I ordered a smaller one thru amazon and received it the next day.

as my right knee, sidewalk burn healed;
Mr. P renamed the shape from the one horned , one eyed, flying purple, people eater to flattened mouse road kill, complete with the tire marks. :)
It really did look like a flat mouse with it's little tail curled upwards and tire marks running over him.

I am healing up nicely ,but about a week behind cleaning out everything.
I called this morning and added another week for the roll off dumpster. It wasn't too much extra for another week.
Glad you're healing up well and seem in good spirits. Good thing you and Mr P spoil each other so mercilessly!

I have a very nasty deep bruise from below my left knee all the way on both sides of my shinbone down to my angle.
Mr. P took really great care of my bruised knee, he cleaned and bandaged it every day and put on my knee brace.
He also went into town to get me some take out dinners for a few nights.
I spoil him and he spoils me. :biggrin:
He went to Walmart, the next morning of my fall and bought a double hinged knee brace.
I couldn't put much weight on my left knee for 4 or 5 days.
The brace was too big for me by an inch so it didn't work very well. One size fits all right, just not for smaller adults. GRRRR...……….
I ordered a smaller one thru amazon and received it the next day.

as my right knee, sidewalk burn healed;
Mr. P renamed the shape from the one horned , one eyed, flying purple, people eater to flattened mouse road kill, complete with the tire marks. :)
It really did look like a flat mouse with it's little tail curled upwards and tire marks running over him.

I am healing up nicely ,but about a week behind cleaning out everything.
I called this morning and added another week for the roll off dumpster. It wasn't too much extra for another week.
Glad you're healing up well and seem in good spirits. Good thing you and Mr P spoil each other so mercilessly!

I have a very nasty deep bruise from below my left knee all the way on both sides of my shinbone down to my angle.
To your angle? Not your curve? :dunno:
Mr. P took really great care of my bruised knee, he cleaned and bandaged it every day and put on my knee brace.
He also went into town to get me some take out dinners for a few nights.
I spoil him and he spoils me. :biggrin:
He went to Walmart, the next morning of my fall and bought a double hinged knee brace.
I couldn't put much weight on my left knee for 4 or 5 days.
The brace was too big for me by an inch so it didn't work very well. One size fits all right, just not for smaller adults. GRRRR...……….
I ordered a smaller one thru amazon and received it the next day.

as my right knee, sidewalk burn healed;
Mr. P renamed the shape from the one horned , one eyed, flying purple, people eater to flattened mouse road kill, complete with the tire marks. :)
It really did look like a flat mouse with it's little tail curled upwards and tire marks running over him.

I am healing up nicely ,but about a week behind cleaning out everything.
I called this morning and added another week for the roll off dumpster. It wasn't too much extra for another week.

Glad you are on the mend dear. We who are getting older don't bounce as well as we used to, but at least we can get better when we are ailing from this or that.

Well I bounced up off that steel and solid Oakwood low lipped frame wagon fairly well.
Like it was a trampoline. :laughing0301:
When I destroyed my knee, there was no bouncing up. It took 4 men to lift the glass block wall off of me. I do still heal fast, but not as fast as I did 40 years ago.. then, 40 years ago, I'd have likely lost the leg.
I got the body control module I bought to replace my failing one installed in my car successfully. I didn't get it done yesterday, apparently because I was doing it slightly wrong. Today I found better instructions and it worked this time. It hopefully means no more weird activity from my gauges, wipers, or other secondary electronics.
Learning new skills, Montro? Good for you. Hopefully this will fix a lot of your vehicular ills. Is the job still working out?

It's going well enough so far. I seem to be well thought of as far as job performance goes. There may be some other issues to worry about; I have a meeting tomorrow in which we're going to discuss some recent problems, I believe. I've been told by my direct supervisor that my performance should not be brought up as a problem in any way and I should not worry about that. On the other hand, even if the problems lie elsewhere, if they are affecting the company, that could impact me. I am still working through a staffing company, so my position is less secure than I would prefer.

Hopefully this is just part of the current effort to improve the overall product being sent out and not something more serious.
It is spectacular here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area! The vistas all look like postcard shots. As clear a sky as we ever get with temperatures into the high 70s and narry a whiff of humidity.

I was reminiscing about what the environment was like when I was a kid. When I was born, there were only 48 states, nothing had been blasted into orbit and the steel mills strung along the banks of the Ohio River like a string of sooty pearls were in full blast.

The mill just outside the state line was in Midland, PA. I worked there while I was home from college. A lot of my friends worked there too. Just down stream in Weirton, WV was the nation's largest sheet steel manufacturer specializing in steel food and beverage container cans.

They had an old blast furnace there that would emit clouds of electric arc furnace dust. What EPA regulations call K-O 67. Just know that this dust is rusty orange in color, very fine particles and stains what it lands on. The whole town of Weirton had an amber to rust colored patina. It snowed orange in Weirton.

When school shopping season rolled around we would pile into the big two toned Mercury and drive to nearby Baden, PA, only fourteen miles upstream as the river flows. The Northern Lights shopping center was directly across the river from the J&L Steel mill in Aliquippa.

Rail cars full of slag rendered out in the bank of blast furnaces would dump their molten loads down the river bank. It was as close to a volcanic eruption as we will ever get in this valley. But the hazardous metals in that slag; the lead, right into the river. And that river serves my drinking water.

In Midlad, which is the nearest mill to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, they made 27% of the stainless steel consumed in the free world. Making that stainless involves immersing the strip of steel in hydrochloric acid. At night, when they purged the tanks of acid, a yellow haze was visible. As if you borrowed Charlton Hesron's shooting shades. Cars rusted from the roof down instead of from the wheel wells and rocker panels up.

But the most acute environmental hazard in my neighborhood was blasting caps. They were completing the southernmost highway link between Lake Erie and the Ohio River, about 100 miles. This end of the highway involved moving a massive amount of soil rock and shale. And that means blasting with high explosives.

To set them off a primer or blasting caps are used. The fear was one of us kids would happen on a stray blasting cap and blow ourselves to smithereens.

Visible air, contaminated water and explosives as inviting to a young boy as a circus parade. It's a wonder I made it! And it's a wonder we got it cleaned up!
So glad we have amended our ways since then. Too bad so many other nations have not. How's the water?
In 1996 or so, they held a BassMasters tournament in and around Pittsburgh. The Ohio River starts there at The Point. Mile 0. As the river flows west by northwest for the first 37 miles, passing through two sets of locks and dams and at last, here at the junction of three states, the river rolls passed East Liverpool, Ohio. In between The Burgh and The Pool were six major steel mills, the first licensed commercial nuclear power plant, an oil refinery, and the third largest zinc and lead processor in America.

Aside from the goiters, boils on my arms and legs and my prehensile tail, life is grand!
That prehensile tale must come in handy for changing light bulbs in the ceiling fixtures. Of course, I could use a few blasting caps and a couple sticks to TNT, just to get the bigger stumps out, yanno.
Stumps? One word: Tannerite.. It's legal in 47 states and available as exploding targets at gun dealers and sporting goods stores. It's essentially innert until mixed and then can only be set off with a supersonic projectile. A 2 pound target will pull an 8" oak stump here.
Guys love to blow stuff up AND you get some target practice in as well
Hot tip of the day for me. I'll definitely look into that. It seems like it would be a bunch more fun than the backhoe and I might get some of the young hotshots from work out here to do that "work" for free.
I got the body control module I bought to replace my failing one installed in my car successfully. I didn't get it done yesterday, apparently because I was doing it slightly wrong. Today I found better instructions and it worked this time. It hopefully means no more weird activity from my gauges, wipers, or other secondary electronics.
Learning new skills, Montro? Good for you. Hopefully this will fix a lot of your vehicular ills. Is the job still working out?

It's going well enough so far. I seem to be well thought of as far as job performance goes. There may be some other issues to worry about; I have a meeting tomorrow in which we're going to discuss some recent problems, I believe. I've been told by my direct supervisor that my performance should not be brought up as a problem in any way and I should not worry about that. On the other hand, even if the problems lie elsewhere, if they are affecting the company, that could impact me. I am still working through a staffing company, so my position is less secure than I would prefer.

Hopefully this is just part of the current effort to improve the overall product being sent out and not something more serious.
Have you gotten through your probationary period? It's possible they just want to have a performance review, which can be a positive thing. Good luck with your meeting.
Hot tip of the day for me. I'll definitely look into that. It seems like it would be a bunch more fun than the backhoe and I might get some of the young hotshots from work out here to do that "work" for free.

Tannerite Party!!! GW's domocile...

He will supply the targets...

You supply your own ammo...

Bulletin Board at work...
It is spectacular here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area! The vistas all look like postcard shots. As clear a sky as we ever get with temperatures into the high 70s and narry a whiff of humidity.

I was reminiscing about what the environment was like when I was a kid. When I was born, there were only 48 states, nothing had been blasted into orbit and the steel mills strung along the banks of the Ohio River like a string of sooty pearls were in full blast.

The mill just outside the state line was in Midland, PA. I worked there while I was home from college. A lot of my friends worked there too. Just down stream in Weirton, WV was the nation's largest sheet steel manufacturer specializing in steel food and beverage container cans.

They had an old blast furnace there that would emit clouds of electric arc furnace dust. What EPA regulations call K-O 67. Just know that this dust is rusty orange in color, very fine particles and stains what it lands on. The whole town of Weirton had an amber to rust colored patina. It snowed orange in Weirton.

When school shopping season rolled around we would pile into the big two toned Mercury and drive to nearby Baden, PA, only fourteen miles upstream as the river flows. The Northern Lights shopping center was directly across the river from the J&L Steel mill in Aliquippa.

Rail cars full of slag rendered out in the bank of blast furnaces would dump their molten loads down the river bank. It was as close to a volcanic eruption as we will ever get in this valley. But the hazardous metals in that slag; the lead, right into the river. And that river serves my drinking water.

In Midlad, which is the nearest mill to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, they made 27% of the stainless steel consumed in the free world. Making that stainless involves immersing the strip of steel in hydrochloric acid. At night, when they purged the tanks of acid, a yellow haze was visible. As if you borrowed Charlton Hesron's shooting shades. Cars rusted from the roof down instead of from the wheel wells and rocker panels up.

But the most acute environmental hazard in my neighborhood was blasting caps. They were completing the southernmost highway link between Lake Erie and the Ohio River, about 100 miles. This end of the highway involved moving a massive amount of soil rock and shale. And that means blasting with high explosives.

To set them off a primer or blasting caps are used. The fear was one of us kids would happen on a stray blasting cap and blow ourselves to smithereens.

Visible air, contaminated water and explosives as inviting to a young boy as a circus parade. It's a wonder I made it! And it's a wonder we got it cleaned up!
So glad we have amended our ways since then. Too bad so many other nations have not. How's the water?
In 1996 or so, they held a BassMasters tournament in and around Pittsburgh. The Ohio River starts there at The Point. Mile 0. As the river flows west by northwest for the first 37 miles, passing through two sets of locks and dams and at last, here at the junction of three states, the river rolls passed East Liverpool, Ohio. In between The Burgh and The Pool were six major steel mills, the first licensed commercial nuclear power plant, an oil refinery, and the third largest zinc and lead processor in America.

Aside from the goiters, boils on my arms and legs and my prehensile tail, life is grand!
That prehensile tale must come in handy for changing light bulbs in the ceiling fixtures. Of course, I could use a few blasting caps and a couple sticks to TNT, just to get the bigger stumps out, yanno.
Stumps? One word: Tannerite.. It's legal in 47 states and available as exploding targets at gun dealers and sporting goods stores. It's essentially innert until mixed and then can only be set off with a supersonic projectile. A 2 pound target will pull an 8" oak stump here.
Guys love to blow stuff up AND you get some target practice in as well
Hot tip of the day for me. I'll definitely look into that. It seems like it would be a bunch more fun than the backhoe and I might get some of the young hotshots from work out here to do that "work" for free.
Buy a bunch of them. They tend to be addictive. I do tend to warn neighbors for 3 or 400 yards when I'm about to play
HI everybody, I have not been online much lately because the landlords have been renovating and I had to take up my phone line to avoid it being damaged when they took up the floorboards to put in central heating pipes.
But now all the work is finished until next year when they are going to renovate the kitchen. So I am back to normal and will be checking in every day. I was afraid they were going to evict me, but they said they are not even going to put the rent up. So I now have a newly painted flat.
HI everybody, I have not been online much lately because the landlords have been renovating and I had to take up my phone line to avoid it being damaged when they took up the floorboards to put in central heating pipes.
But now all the work is finished until next year when they are going to renovate the kitchen. So I am back to normal and will be checking in every day. I was afraid they were going to evict me, but they said they are not even going to put the rent up. So I now have a newly painted flat.
I'm working on a newly remodeled square......... :eusa_whistle:
HI everybody, I have not been online much lately because the landlords have been renovating and I had to take up my phone line to avoid it being damaged when they took up the floorboards to put in central heating pipes.
But now all the work is finished until next year when they are going to renovate the kitchen. So I am back to normal and will be checking in every day. I was afraid they were going to evict me, but they said they are not even going to put the rent up. So I now have a newly painted flat.

Sounds great Dajjal. And glad you are back. :)

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