USMB Coffee Shop IV

Glad you're healing up well and seem in good spirits. Good thing you and Mr P spoil each other so mercilessly!

I have a very nasty deep bruise from below my left knee all the way on both sides of my shinbone down to my angle.
To your angle? Not your curve? :dunno:

Yeah, the angle to the dangle was all wrong.

Ankle dear.
Posted without proof reading.
I'm busy.
Get over it. :)
Your curve? Only when your husband's around........ :D


Glad you're healing up well and seem in good spirits. Good thing you and Mr P spoil each other so mercilessly!

I have a very nasty deep bruise from below my left knee all the way on both sides of my shinbone down to my angle.
To your angle? Not your curve? :dunno:

Yeah, the angle to the dangle was all wrong.

Ankle dear.
Posted without proof reading.
I'm busy.
Get over it. :)
Your curve? Only when your husband's around........ :D



Mr. P is very used to men staring at my curves for 36 years.
He always tells them ,stare all you want and admire, but remember the toys are mine. :biggrin:
The wife used to tell me she didn't care where I got my appetite as long as I ate at home........ :lol:
I got the body control module I bought to replace my failing one installed in my car successfully. I didn't get it done yesterday, apparently because I was doing it slightly wrong. Today I found better instructions and it worked this time. It hopefully means no more weird activity from my gauges, wipers, or other secondary electronics.
Learning new skills, Montro? Good for you. Hopefully this will fix a lot of your vehicular ills. Is the job still working out?

It's going well enough so far. I seem to be well thought of as far as job performance goes. There may be some other issues to worry about; I have a meeting tomorrow in which we're going to discuss some recent problems, I believe. I've been told by my direct supervisor that my performance should not be brought up as a problem in any way and I should not worry about that. On the other hand, even if the problems lie elsewhere, if they are affecting the company, that could impact me. I am still working through a staffing company, so my position is less secure than I would prefer.

Hopefully this is just part of the current effort to improve the overall product being sent out and not something more serious.
Have you gotten through your probationary period? It's possible they just want to have a performance review, which can be a positive thing. Good luck with your meeting.

Didn't have the meeting. Instead, worked for almost 13 hours, and I'll be going in for 4 hours or so tomorrow morning. :p

From what I heard today, though, it sounds as if any meeting would have explained that any issues currently are due to the company trying to get a new, big client, which has led to a push for greater product quality standards. I don't think there's any reason to worry about my job; it doesn't sound as if the company is in danger of losing any business, perhaps even the opposite.
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Praying for healing.
Okay, been badmouthing Apple for so long I decided to give the iPhone a chance. Switched over to T Mobile, great monthly rate with a deal on the iPhone XR, it was a better deal than Verizon offered to keep our business.
The phone is going to take some getting used to as I'm only familiar with Android but all the pro reviews rate iPhone better in almost every category than Android phones.
The XR is smaller than my Verizon Moto Z Force droid, which I would not recommend, it sucks but the XR screen is the same size as the Droid screen. The XR is fast, really fast it's just figuring out where everything is on the phone and where to find what I want.
As for Apple macs, their still overpriced and overhyped.
Okay, been badmouthing Apple for so long I decided to give the iPhone a chance. Switched over to T Mobile, great monthly rate with a deal on the iPhone XR, it was a better deal than Verizon offered to keep our business.
The phone is going to take some getting used to as I'm only familiar with Android but all the pro reviews rate iPhone better in almost every category than Android phones.
The XR is smaller than my Verizon Moto Z Force droid, which I would not recommend, it sucks but the XR screen is the same size as the Droid screen. The XR is fast, really fast it's just figuring out where everything is on the phone and where to find what I want.
As for Apple macs, their still overpriced and overhyped.

You are a better man than I am, at least more open-minded regarding Apple... I don't even like being in the same room as an Apple product... Guess it is part of my grumpy old man routine I reckon...
Had T-Mobile for close to 20 years and had no problems... Started in Hawaii with 2 phones... Got a divorce and split the account... Went to Mississippi, Indiana and a short time in Virginia all with T-Mobile... Back in Hawaii for a little over 2 years with consolidated account again (2 Fones cheaper), all with T-Mobile... Life is good (as long as its not apple) ...
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:

Oh wow Beautress. I hoped you were past ailing but I guess not, huh. Do you have a juicer? Some of my holistic friend say that 2 parts fresh spinach juice mixed with 3 parts fresh carrot juice will do wonders for those with pneumonia. At least if you're not allergic to either, it wouldn't hurt to try.
Okay, been badmouthing Apple for so long I decided to give the iPhone a chance. Switched over to T Mobile, great monthly rate with a deal on the iPhone XR, it was a better deal than Verizon offered to keep our business.
The phone is going to take some getting used to as I'm only familiar with Android but all the pro reviews rate iPhone better in almost every category than Android phones.
The XR is smaller than my Verizon Moto Z Force droid, which I would not recommend, it sucks but the XR screen is the same size as the Droid screen. The XR is fast, really fast it's just figuring out where everything is on the phone and where to find what I want.
As for Apple macs, their still overpriced and overhyped.

You are a better man than I am, at least more open-minded regarding Apple... I don't even like being in the same room as an Apple product... Guess it is part of my grumpy old man routine I reckon...
Had T-Mobile for close to 20 years and had no problems... Started in Hawaii with 2 phones... Got a divorce and split the account... Went to Mississippi, Indiana and a short time in Virginia all with T-Mobile... Back in Hawaii for a little over 2 years with consolidated account again (2 Fones cheaper), all with T-Mobile... Life is good (as long as its not apple) ...
Normally I'm extremely anti Apple and still am with their macs but I rarely use my phone for anything but talking, texting, maps and the rare internet search and iPhones really are built better than all but the high end Android phones. They're also not as expensive as they once were and they're larger than they used to be.
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:
Good evening, all. Still posting when I can. My pneumonia seems to be double now, but I was good and have visited the doctor's office 3 times in the last 2 weeks trying to adjust to medications that will work. One of these mornings, I'm going to wake up fully well. I hope. Every day you wake up is a good one, though. :thup:

Oh wow Beautress. I hoped you were past ailing but I guess not, huh. Do you have a juicer? Some of my holistic friend say that 2 parts fresh spinach juice mixed with 3 parts fresh carrot juice will do wonders for those with pneumonia. At least if you're not allergic to either, it wouldn't hurt to try.
My doc fixed me up with some new meds for allergies, since I'm allergic to a lot of meds, but only one homeopathic remedy. She said it would take a week for this one to kick in... I'll try the carrot and spinach thing. Thanks.
:welcome: Dawn... I said Hi on your intro thread, but I will give a special welcome to the CS... :coffee: Everyone must be watching the Beverly Hillbillies on the boob-toob or in bed... Last one in at night turns off the pot and locks the door as they leave... Good folks here...
I'm going to bed when a lot of folks are getting up because of where I live... 6 hour difference between here EST and HST... Hope you find your niche here... Life is good...

Hello Dawn. Gracie told us you might be coming and I really hoped you would. Any friend of Gracie's has got to be a special person. So welcome to USMB and welcome to the Coffee Shop. This is the place to come when it gets a bit too angry and mean out there. :)

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage. I picked out a particularly interesting one for you.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing in advance of surgery.
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress for wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

May a safe and proud and satisfying Fourth be with you.

I'm here in the wee hours but I did too much work out front in the teeny garden and now my hands are killing me. to bed so I don't feel them throb.

See you guys tomorrow! Have a safe and fun 4th!!
Okay, been badmouthing Apple for so long I decided to give the iPhone a chance. Switched over to T Mobile, great monthly rate with a deal on the iPhone XR, it was a better deal than Verizon offered to keep our business.
The phone is going to take some getting used to as I'm only familiar with Android but all the pro reviews rate iPhone better in almost every category than Android phones.
The XR is smaller than my Verizon Moto Z Force droid, which I would not recommend, it sucks but the XR screen is the same size as the Droid screen. The XR is fast, really fast it's just figuring out where everything is on the phone and where to find what I want.
As for Apple macs, their still overpriced and overhyped.

I don't know about smartphones, as I've never had one. I completely agree that Macs are overpriced. It's almost all about marketing rather than actual performance with them IMO.

I do own an iPod. I bought it used on Ebay a couple of years ago when the Creative MP3 player I had died. I used the Creative for 10+ years. I ended up buying the iPod not because I wanted an Apple product, but because it was the best price I found with the amount of storage I wanted. There really aren't a lot of MP3 players out there at this point and Apple dominated the market when they were popular, so there wasn't a huge selection to choose from.

I've considered getting an iPhone before, but again, I would have to find one used at the right price for what I wanted. I almost certainly wouldn't buy one new unless the price was comparable to a similar Android phone.
Miss Evie is doing very very well. Little snot is a typical cat....sleeps all damn day (like MrGracie) then up all night. Thankfully she does not come in my room to irritate me in the wee hours. I think she is not fond of the fan I have 1 foot away from me, lol. So...she plays in MrGs room with her toys and her cat tree I bought for her at salvation army. She turned in to a regular housecat that likes being outside. I'm so glad I did not put her down and did indeed give her a chance. She is such a smart kitty. And loving too. She laid in my lap while I trimmed her front claws with my nail clipper. Just laid there...making bread as I clipped. :eusa_dance:
You and Miss Evie are meant for each other. I'm so glad you found another fur-kid. Someone who loves you and wants to be with you without making any huge demands.

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