USMB Coffee Shop IV

Talk about frustration...... I'm trying to get the wife to see the relatively high priority for a shed and she just doesn't get it. I'm explaining to her that I need room in the garage to build the things she (and I) want and the room I need to do that. The problem is she's fixated on getting the bathroom done and anything else is not a priority, told her it's all in the works, we've picked out what we want and are just waiting for the money to come in so we can actually get things moving and there's no need to fixate any longer.......
The biggest issue is I'm a four dimensional thinker and she's not, I can also mentally conceptualize projects start to finish, she needs pictures. This often leads to frustration on both our parts when I'm attempting to paint her a mental image basically because I want her input.
Okay, rant over.......
Talk about frustration...... I'm trying to get the wife to see the relatively high priority for a shed and she just doesn't get it. I'm explaining to her that I need room in the garage to build the things she (and I) want and the room I need to do that. The problem is she's fixated on getting the bathroom done and anything else is not a priority, told her it's all in the works, we've picked out what we want and are just waiting for the money to come in so we can actually get things moving and there's no need to fixate any longer.......
The biggest issue is I'm a four dimensional thinker and she's not, I can also mentally conceptualize projects start to finish, she needs pictures. This often leads to frustration on both our parts when I'm attempting to paint her a mental image basically because I want her input.
Okay, rant over.......

I had a similar problem with Mr. P.
So I showed him pictures of everything from start to finish.
He was then able to include his input. :)
Mr. P and his neighbor friend are on a memorial ride to honor an American Legions daughter ,who was killed recently by a drunk driver. There will be around 80 to 100 motorcycle riders as they ride from Tombstone, Bisbee to Douglas then back to Tombstone at the Legion for the service reception.
Very beautiful day to do so.

Me -I'm still painting and renovating.
The new dinning room and kitchen floor arrived on Fri.
My goal is to start with it by Wed.
We shall see.
It is all getting there and starting to look really good.
Slowly but surely.
Talk about frustration...... I'm trying to get the wife to see the relatively high priority for a shed and she just doesn't get it. I'm explaining to her that I need room in the garage to build the things she (and I) want and the room I need to do that. The problem is she's fixated on getting the bathroom done and anything else is not a priority, told her it's all in the works, we've picked out what we want and are just waiting for the money to come in so we can actually get things moving and there's no need to fixate any longer.......
The biggest issue is I'm a four dimensional thinker and she's not, I can also mentally conceptualize projects start to finish, she needs pictures. This often leads to frustration on both our parts when I'm attempting to paint her a mental image basically because I want her input.
Okay, rant over.......

I had a similar problem with Mr. P.
So I showed him pictures of everything from start to finish.
He was then able to include his input. :)
We finally did settle it, my original question was should I build it large enough to include a workshop and storage, 16' x 14' or just a large shed, 8' x 10' and convert the garage into a workshop. We finally discussed the pros and cons and I'll convert the garage to a workshop. The shed will be in the back (west) corner of the yard and will block the setting sun from shining in the rear slider.
My other consideration for it's use was to build it big enough to move my office out back and free up the bedroom for a guest bedroom. The only real issue there was connecting communication in case the wife needed me in the house for any reason.
One of my main space considerations is I want a center work table that is at minimum 4' by 7' so I can build larger items on like counter tops, etc. The garage will have that space once the shed is finished giving me ample space to build the vanity and kitchen island. I'm also going to eventually construct my own butcher block kitchen counter tops to replace the seriously old and abuse vinyl clad ones that are there. I'm even considering building replacement kitchen cabinets and redo the whole kitchen in a couple of years.
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Well the guys got back late this afternoon.
They said the guy was humbled and impressed at how many showed up for him.
It was a very beautiful day for them to ride.
Well the guys got back late this afternoon.
They said the guy was humbled and impressed at how many showed up for him.
It was a very beautiful day for them to ride.
Good for the guys. Amazing how people can pull together when they want, or need, to. It gladdens my day to know they had a good time making someone else feel better.
How are you doing, Peach?
So begins another weekend for me. I got an hour and a half overtime, which I need to help cover the pard's loss of income. Then I went by the house in Anchorage and rebuilt the steps up to the porch. They've been on the partner's to-do list for several years. He's been doing better and I promised to take him to town this week so he can soak in a hot bath. Bucket baths get you clean but are not nearly as satisfying to some people as a tub full of hot water.
One of my buddies shot a big moose. He had the liver made into Braunschweiger and gave me a five lb log of the stuff. I'll be breaking it down into smaller portions and freezing some for later. Liver wurst on rye with sliced onions and coarse ground mustard...mmmm, mmmm!
Well the guys got back late this afternoon.
They said the guy was humbled and impressed at how many showed up for him.
It was a very beautiful day for them to ride.
Good for the guys. Amazing how people can pull together when they want, or need, to. It gladdens my day to know they had a good time making someone else feel better.
How are you doing, Peach?

Very tired and sore right now ,but the old place is starting to look good and newer again. :)
So begins another weekend for me. I got an hour and a half overtime, which I need to help cover the pard's loss of income. Then I went by the house in Anchorage and rebuilt the steps up to the porch. They've been on the partner's to-do list for several years. He's been doing better and I promised to take him to town this week so he can soak in a hot bath. Bucket baths get you clean but are not nearly as satisfying to some people as a tub full of hot water.
One of my buddies shot a big moose. He had the liver made into Braunschweiger and gave me a five lb log of the stuff. I'll be breaking it down into smaller portions and freezing some for later. Liver wurst on rye with sliced onions and coarse ground mustard...mmmm, mmmm!

Baths are great but if they had hot showers like a hot tub OMG eh?
Well the guys got back late this afternoon.
They said the guy was humbled and impressed at how many showed up for him.
It was a very beautiful day for them to ride.
Good for the guys. Amazing how people can pull together when they want, or need, to. It gladdens my day to know they had a good time making someone else feel better.
How are you doing, Peach?

Very tired and sore right now ,but the old place is starting to look good and newer again. :)
Tired and sore is not too bad when you have something to show for it. And I enjoy that physical tiredness after a day of honest labor. It's the tiredness that comes from stress and frustration that comes from having too much to do, no time to do it, and no one seems to appreciate your situation. Does it help when your guy goes riding, leaving you to do your thing? Or would you prefer he stay and help you?
So begins another weekend for me. I got an hour and a half overtime, which I need to help cover the pard's loss of income. Then I went by the house in Anchorage and rebuilt the steps up to the porch. They've been on the partner's to-do list for several years. He's been doing better and I promised to take him to town this week so he can soak in a hot bath. Bucket baths get you clean but are not nearly as satisfying to some people as a tub full of hot water.
One of my buddies shot a big moose. He had the liver made into Braunschweiger and gave me a five lb log of the stuff. I'll be breaking it down into smaller portions and freezing some for later. Liver wurst on rye with sliced onions and coarse ground mustard...mmmm, mmmm!

Baths are great but if they had hot showers like a hot tub OMG eh?
I don't take baths, too much like wallowing in your own filth. But a hot shower with some pressure behind it, now that's right up my alley.

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