USMB Coffee Shop IV



In all the glorious forms the Coffee Shop has molded itself into over the years has there ever been a formal Coffee Shop 'Song'?
It’s 2:18pm here, I’m on my 6th cup of instant coffee

Instant coffee? I know it's much better now than it used to be, but I just can't bring myself to buy it. I always figured I should brew tea from tea leaves--not tea bags--for British guests and my one good friend from India, now gone from this world. She was 100% Indian, native to her country, but quite British in her customs. Spoke fluent English with a somewhat British accent. I made her real tea.

You know, I've been drinking hot tea for more than 30 years now, and I don't think I've ever had loose leaf brewed tea. It's always tea bags. :lol:

We use teabags for ourselves too--just easier. But when I serve guests from the U.K. or India, I do it the traditional way.
It’s 2:18pm here, I’m on my 6th cup of instant coffee

Instant coffee? I know it's much better now than it used to be, but I just can't bring myself to buy it. I always figured I should brew tea from tea leaves--not tea bags--for British guests and my one good friend from India, now gone from this world. She was 100% Indian, native to her country, but quite British in her customs. Spoke fluent English with a somewhat British accent. I made her real tea.
I only drink Nescafé instant coffee at work, small cups, it’s stops me dehydrating I suppose?

I suppose but water is generally best for that. :)
Instant coffee? I know it's much better now than it used to be, but I just can't bring myself to buy it. I always figured I should brew tea from tea leaves--not tea bags--for British guests and my one good friend from India, now gone from this world. She was 100% Indian, native to her country, but quite British in her customs. Spoke fluent English with a somewhat British accent. I made her real tea.

You know, I've been drinking hot tea for more than 30 years now, and I don't think I've ever had loose leaf brewed tea. It's always tea bags. :lol:

Why, why so many people in different chats discuss tea and coffee and nobody discuss lager or IPA this day???? :)

I don’t drink alcohol and I particularly dislike beer. ;)
Instant coffee? I know it's much better now than it used to be, but I just can't bring myself to buy it. I always figured I should brew tea from tea leaves--not tea bags--for British guests and my one good friend from India, now gone from this world. She was 100% Indian, native to her country, but quite British in her customs. Spoke fluent English with a somewhat British accent. I made her real tea.

You know, I've been drinking hot tea for more than 30 years now, and I don't think I've ever had loose leaf brewed tea. It's always tea bags. :lol:

Why, why so many people in different chats discuss tea and coffee and nobody discuss lager or IPA this day???? :)

I don’t drink alcohol and I particularly dislike beer. ;)
Beer is about all I can tolerate these days. Hard liquor and wine both make me feel ill. My buddy did find an old case of my own mead in his basement, though. I will dole that out for special occasions.

It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, for a treat I will take Mrs Batty out on Saturday for a steak at her favourite bar.

Mother's Day is in March there? It's always the 2nd Sunday in May here--this year on May 10.
I have a whole boatload of favorite musicians and even more favorite songs, this one just happens to be way up on top of the list... Comes off of an album from 1972... Good Gawd Gertie I'm getting old...



In all the glorious forms the Coffee Shop has molded itself into over the years has there ever been a formal Coffee Shop 'Song'?

I don't believe so. I miss Sherry and WelfareQueen though I suspect they've moved on with their lives. But I bet WQ could write us one. :)
WQ posted a couple times yesterday. He visits occasionally. Sherry I haven't seen for awhile.
Well...some news. One not so good. Poor Abby has cancer and will probably be sent off to Rainbow Bridge in a month or two. I'll keep an eye on her and when she gets poorly again..then I will send her on her way. I refuse to let her suffer. Took her to vet yesterday. Lymphoma. Shes feeling a bit better but it won't last. So next round of her being we go to send her. :(.
Thankfully, Evie is doing fine but she is going to miss Abby. So will MrG since Abby is his cat. :(

And...we got a letter yesterday from Chico. Apts there will soon be having an opening and we are #2 on the list (after wwaiting a bit over 2 years). So now its a race between home..and Chico. Chico is 16 miles from snow when we are in the mood to go play in it. But the apts have no balcony or patio. So we will be stuck inside, waiting to die. Nice place, but it looks like a high end motel. I soothe myself that I can have an indoor garden with houseplants but..its not the same as being outside. Ever since I was a kid..I always wanted to be OUT THERE..not surrounded by walls. But...I don't have much choice if they call first, before home does. Home has the beach. No patio or balconey either, but its two blocks to ocean. And its home. However..if Chico calls first..thats where we will go. I left it up to God to choose for us and when He sends words via a manager "your unit is ready for you"...then I will go where He means for us to go. He sent us to Paradise of all places for some unknown reason..maybe we are supposed to go to Chico too. Then again..if He sends us to Osos..that would be great. For me, anyway. But He sometimes says "no" to what we want, right? So now..its still a waiting game but we are getting th epaperwork ready for Chico.
Well...some news. One not so good. Poor Abby has cancer and will probably be sent off to Rainbow Bridge in a month or two. I'll keep an eye on her and when she gets poorly again..then I will send her on her way. I refuse to let her suffer. Took her to vet yesterday. Lymphoma. Shes feeling a bit better but it won't last. So next round of her being we go to send her. :(.
Thankfully, Evie is doing fine but she is going to miss Abby. So will MrG since Abby is his cat. :(

And...we got a letter yesterday from Chico. Apts there will soon be having an opening and we are #2 on the list (after wwaiting a bit over 2 years). So now its a race between home..and Chico. Chico is 16 miles from snow when we are in the mood to go play in it. But the apts have no balcony or patio. So we will be stuck inside, waiting to die. Nice place, but it looks like a high end motel. I soothe myself that I can have an indoor garden with houseplants but..its not the same as being outside. Ever since I was a kid..I always wanted to be OUT THERE..not surrounded by walls. But...I don't have much choice if they call first, before home does. Home has the beach. No patio or balconey either, but its two blocks to ocean. And its home. However..if Chico calls first..thats where we will go. I left it up to God to choose for us and when He sends words via a manager "your unit is ready for you"...then I will go where He means for us to go. He sent us to Paradise of all places for some unknown reason..maybe we are supposed to go to Chico too. Then again..if He sends us to Osos..that would be great. For me, anyway. But He sometimes says "no" to what we want, right? So now..its still a waiting game but we are getting th epaperwork ready for Chico.
Best wishes, Gracie. :thup:
Oh, goodness. I bought corned beef and cabbage today. St. Paddy's day is 5 days from now. lol. I guess I'll just have to invite a friend or two over for an early wearin' O' the Green party.
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