USMB Coffee Shop IV

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RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ et al,

Yes, I suppose this is one of those pieces of humor for the educated.

Not everyone will get this.
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If I did not know who Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890) was, I probably would not have understood it either. Van Gogh lived through two Pandemics
(if you don't count the Third Plague Pandemic 1855-1959), all of which originated from the continent of Asia (like our current dilemma).
◈ Third Cholera Pandemic 1846-1863 (There may be yet another Cholera Outbreak in Baghdad. We don't know yet.)
◈ Asian Flu 1856-1858


Most Respectfully,
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Back before this Covid-19 thing put us all on house arrest, we had our Catholic priest, one of the Decons along with his wife, and another friend from church over for supper. After we had eaten, our priest said we should play that game where they ask you a question and you give an answer. When it became my turn to answer a question, my question turned out to be "Where do women have the most curly hair". I gave my answer in a flash but everybody gasped and decided it was time for them to go home. Apparently the correct answer is Fiji.
RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ et al,

Yes, I suppose this is one of those pieces of humor for the educated.

Not everyone will get this.
View attachment 325028

If I did not know who Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890) was, I probably would not have understood it either. Van Gogh lived through two Pandemics
(if you don't count the Third Plague Pandemic 1855-1959), all of which originated from the continent of Asia (like our current dilemma).
◈ Third Cholera Pandemic 1846-1863 (There may be yet another Cholera Outbreak in Baghdad. We don't know yet.)
◈ Asian Flu 1856-1858


Most Respectfully,
Glad you dropped by Foxfyre's wonderful coffee shop, Rocco, and hope you visit frequently in the future. :thup: For you:

I can figure out most of them but some not so much.
Greetings, y'all!
Work has been super busy. We went from 30-35 flights a day to over 50! We are also short three mechanics (no Wuhan flu). Scuttlebutt has it that one carrier has 60 warehouses of Chinese goods that need to be shipped over here. Some of these carriers are dragging derelicts out of the desert just to move the stuff.
One really nice thing to come out of the current "sky-is-falling" farce: all my siblings are now group texting. We have text conversations almost every day. I'm also doing a better job staying in contact with my other friends, too!
Not everyone will get this.
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Yea I get it, I know Van Gogh's life story quite well. I read the book 'lust for life ' by Irving Stone when I was at art college in 1969
I also saw the film about Vincent with Kirk Douglas. But what you may not believe is a spiritualist medium once gave me a message from Van Gogh saying he was interested in me and my artistic efforts. I was certainly interested in him as an art student.

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