USMB Coffee Shop IV

Couldn't tell I logged in today, huh?
The ex did have a few uses and I have to pick up the slack, lots of outside work. The snow has been pretty brutal this year, so far. Lots of digging and I bought a new snow blower. That helps keep my trails and driveway cleared but has required almost daily attention.
I came back to the ramps last week. I hated that daytime schedule, 0700-1500, Mon-Fri. Not my cup of tea, really. And the guy I was working for kept running out of work for me to do. So I am happy to be back in the saddle. I still have some limitations, but I seem to be mending a lot more quickly back where I like to be. I just have to be extra careful about the ice, have cleats on my boots and my cane.
The ex tried to have the court drop the Protective Order. He penned an irrational and meandering 8-page screed accusing me of being a "black out drunk", a "killer and torturer", stating that he was afraid I was going to shoot him, and a lot of other rambling nonsense. I answered his complaint and the court kind of told him to piss up a rope. I don't know what he's doing, don't really care. He brought all this upon himself.
I made 7 hours overtime my first week back to work. After disability and a bunch of other trains in the tunnel, I have to catch up financially. All things in due time.
Lots of stuff going on.
I come back and find most everyone doing okay here. For those feeling under the weather, I send my most heartfelt wishes that you feel better soon. Thanks, Gracie, for waking my carcass up. I'll try to call back after Christmas.
In the meantime, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

Thanks goodness GW. I almost texted you yesterday, but Gracie was hard at work checking on your well being and I figured I couldn't improve on that. Glad to hear things are improving for you. We'll keep pulling for your continued healing and rehab and for all to go well. Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your continued consideration, Foxy, and that of all other CS dwellers. The CS is pretty much the only place I come to on line any more. I'm tired of the obtuse, intentional ignorance displayed in all too many other places. Here I can come and share things with other people who want nothing more than to share and be comforted knowing there are others capable of caring back.
Love all y'all.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
First off happy Christmas Eve.
Not to alarm anyone, haven't felt real good this past week or so. Not that bad but not good. Called my Doctor yesterday they sent me to a Flu clinic. The place was awesome, walk in and no waiting, well about 2 minutes with no one else in the waiting room. Saw a Nurse Practitioner within 5 minutes of being there. She doesn't suspect flu or COVID but did do the Covid test and tell me I'm on Quarantine for the 3 to 5 days it will take to get the results. Symptoms are a pressure type headache and queasy gut... For the most part I seem to be OK had a slight fever last week but only about a half degree above my normal. That only lasted 2 days...
Feel better soon, Ollie! Sounds more like gastro-intestinal than respiratory. That means a whole different set of bugs. How are you dealing with isolation and quarantines?

A Merry Christmas to you and I hope you feel better soon, too!
Ralphie was extra good this year...

I forgot to call GallantWarrior. Im pain...and just took some pain pills, so I wreote myself a note and stuck it on my pc keyboard before the pills kick in.

Went to doc today. He thinks its something more serious than a pulled muscle in my back, so he is ordering an MRI to see what thehell is going on. He knows me more than I know me. He said...this is a new pain. Something you have not experienced before. Gotta see whats going on.
I agreed. Not my hip. Not my back. In between. He said nerve damage but from what??? (hes a neurologist).
So we are gonna find out. Hopefully soon.

Anyway...this is why I forgot. Docs office, grocery store where I had to hold the cart just to stay upright, home, compeletly forgot but I worry about GW and wanna make sure he is ok. PROMISE I will do it tomorrow, then let yall know.
You didn't mention this when you called, Gracie. I hope this is something that can be handled and fixed pretty quickly.
Because the call was not about was about WHERE THE HECK YOU'VE BEEN, mister! :laugh:

I'll get an mri...then doc and I can decide what to do once we find out what the heck is going on.
Waiting for the results. Hopefully not something drastic. And I'm doing so much better now that my millstone has been dropped by the wayside. I'm happier, more productive, and have lost 20 lbs! I'm well on the mend from my surgery and I'm sure being back at my regular job contributes to that.
Well, I'm not in the hospital any longer but in an assisted living rehab center.

My bougt with MERSA virus continues. If English Literature and American popular culture have taught me anything, I should have some metaphysical encounters with a few prankish spirits tonight!
Ghost of Christmases past, present and yet to be will want to rattle my Yuletide sensibilities this evening.

Bring 'em on! I've already been told my left foot should be in a hospital incinerator by now. What could be worse? My family enjoyed Christmas fare of prime rib, green beans and baked potatoe. Here the staff offered up what I imagine is a condemned man's dinner. Tasteless, devoid of aroma, flavor and olor. The meal one asks, as it is being served, "what are the charges?"

And so Yuletide 2020 does not fail to disappoint in its own 2020 manner.

Bring on the spirits, I got nuthin' left to lose!

Merry Christmas to all. We have no place to go but up!
May the spirits who visit bring you good cheer, Nosmo. MERSA is a big problem in a lot of hospitals, they tested me for that before surgery so that they would be better able to contain it if I had it. I hope they're taking good care of you and feed you a decent Christmas dinner, at least.
Merry Christmas!
Meanwhile...I made myself a white russian last night. Tiny glass with ice, then milk, then about 3 capfuls of Kahlua. Yummy. Then I went to bed. I SLEPT 8 WHOLE HOURS straight without waking up once. Only I did wake up was cuz I was dreaming I had to pee and there were toilets everywhere but out in the open and all of them were being used and man did I have to pee! Woke up and ran to my bathroom which was NOT being used and sighed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

So..tonight, I am going to have another white russian toddy!
You should know better than to drink anything before going to bed at our age. My pee schedule happens to coincide with the stoke-the-fire cycle, so I get two birds with one wake up. Cats and the dog hate me because I usually just grab the blankets and give them a big yank, sending everyone toppling to the foot of the bed in a most undignified manner.
Merry Christmas!

We had a beautiful sunrise this morning. The sky was covered with soft pink clouds which colored the light. All of the homes around us had a rosy glow. I hope the folks within were feeling that warmth and beauty.

He is born.
First off happy Christmas Eve.
Not to alarm anyone, haven't felt real good this past week or so. Not that bad but not good. Called my Doctor yesterday they sent me to a Flu clinic. The place was awesome, walk in and no waiting, well about 2 minutes with no one else in the waiting room. Saw a Nurse Practitioner within 5 minutes of being there. She doesn't suspect flu or COVID but did do the Covid test and tell me I'm on Quarantine for the 3 to 5 days it will take to get the results. Symptoms are a pressure type headache and queasy gut... For the most part I seem to be OK had a slight fever last week but only about a half degree above my normal. That only lasted 2 days...
Feel better soon, Ollie! Sounds more like gastro-intestinal than respiratory. That means a whole different set of bugs. How are you dealing with isolation and quarantines?

A Merry Christmas to you and I hope you feel better soon, too!
Not really Isolated. 4 months after my Mary passed one of my older brothers moved in. though he stays in his room most of the time I do see him every day, and we have some fabulous times fishing this past 4 years. and it's possible he had this thing 3 months back, symptoms come and go, really puzzling
Merry Christmas.
Well...turned out to be just another day after all. The new friend I made here at the old folks home was supposed to come for xmas dinner. She caught me in the hall and said she won't be coming. Her son that ignores her called and wants her to come for the day. Probably to babysit, but....oh well. I like how she tells me 2 hours before she is to arrive for the dinner I have been preparing. Not.

So...MrG and I are alone yet again on xmas day. Which is why we never celebrate it any more. Loneliness while everyone else is with family.

Bah humbug.
First off happy Christmas Eve.
Not to alarm anyone, haven't felt real good this past week or so. Not that bad but not good. Called my Doctor yesterday they sent me to a Flu clinic. The place was awesome, walk in and no waiting, well about 2 minutes with no one else in the waiting room. Saw a Nurse Practitioner within 5 minutes of being there. She doesn't suspect flu or COVID but did do the Covid test and tell me I'm on Quarantine for the 3 to 5 days it will take to get the results. Symptoms are a pressure type headache and queasy gut... For the most part I seem to be OK had a slight fever last week but only about a half degree above my normal. That only lasted 2 days...

I agree with GW doesn't sound like COVID but always best to know for sure. Feel better soon Ollie.
Well...turned out to be just another day after all. The new friend I made here at the old folks home was supposed to come for xmas dinner. She caught me in the hall and said she won't be coming. Her son that ignores her called and wants her to come for the day. Probably to babysit, but....oh well. I like how she tells me 2 hours before she is to arrive for the dinner I have been preparing. Not.

So...MrG and I are alone yet again on xmas day. Which is why we never celebrate it any more. Loneliness while everyone else is with family.

Bah humbug.

Yes, that was super rude in my opinion. You wouldn't do that to somebody. I don't think any of us would. The only family we had was my Aunt Betty--none of the out of state family dared come here with all the fines and restrictions being threatened but it was good. And it's over for another year.
The new cat has gained weight, to the point that I can't feel her spine and ribs when I pet her. There's a bit of roundness to her belly and haunches. Her coat is thicker, and she has a bit of an undercoat, although she doesn't have nearly the luxurious pelt of my other cat. I feed the house brand of cat food from the local pet store. It's locally sourced and all natural. Not the Chinese made kibble from the grocery stores.

I'm waiting until the first of the week to talk to my neighbour about this cat. I doubt this cat has had her shots or been tested for parasites. I had my outdoor cat tested every fall for parasites, because he was hunting, and outdoors every day. This testing is expensive and I discontinued it for my indoor cat. No need. I also used a very good flea and tick treatment that cost $30, ticks being a huge problem around here. Before I spend serious money on this cat, I want to be sure my neighbour isn't going to try to claim her once I pay for it all.

One of my friends used to try to talk me into taking in more cats. I told her that responsible pet ownership is expensive, and I can't afford to have more than one cat. I guess I can as long as only one is an outdoor cat. The 12 lb. bag of cat food is only $10 more than than 6 lb. size.
Well, I'm not in the hospital any longer but in an assisted living rehab center.

My bougt with MERSA virus continues. If English Literature and American popular culture have taught me anything, I should have some metaphysical encounters with a few prankish spirits tonight!
Ghost of Christmases past, present and yet to be will want to rattle my Yuletide sensibilities this evening.

Bring 'em on! I've already been told my left foot should be in a hospital incinerator by now. What could be worse? My family enjoyed Christmas fare of prime rib, green beans and baked potatoe. Here the staff offered up what I imagine is a condemned man's dinner. Tasteless, devoid of aroma, flavor and olor. The meal one asks, as it is being served, "what are the charges?"

And so Yuletide 2020 does not fail to disappoint in its own 2020 manner.

Bring on the spirits, I got nuthin' left to lose!

Merry Christmas to all. We have no place to go but up!

Oh wow. Continued prayers for health and healing NOSMO. Don't know what I would prefer--MRSA or COVID. The latter may be easier to treat.

A lot of us didn't have the Christmas we wanted, but most of has had one better than yours. I think we'll all be staying up at least watch the ball drop on New Year's Eve this year to be sure that 2020 is good and gone.
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It is a Christmas tradition at our house that we watch the movie during the Christmas season which Hombre and I did earlier in the week. Then we watched it again yesterday when my Aunt Betty, age 94, said she had not seen that movie. I couldn't believe anybody on the planet had not seen that movie, but we watched it again yesterday afternoon with her. I don't know why we enjoy the movies we know by heart so much watching them with someone who has never seen them, but it's good.
I went downtown after it stopped raining to finish my lock down shopping. When I called my regular cab company, their one and only car was taking dialysis patients to Hamilton. He wouldn’t have anyone until after 1:00. He gave me the number of another cab company. They came right away and took me home. The driver refused any payment saying Merry Christmas.

As I unloaded my groceries, a young masked woman with an armload of flowers offered me a poinsettia saying Merry Christmas. A post from our town FaceBook page said one of the local churches was doing this.

Then Julia’s Christmas Caravan from Julia’s Bistro, pulled up with a basket of food and presents for the young family in our building. This local business owner who has already been hit hard by the pandemic, was recently scammed out of $6000 by electric bill con artists and yet here she is, facing another lockdown at midnight tonight, out helping others.

People ask why I love living in this little town after living most of my adult life in Toronto. I think this about sums it up. Today isn’t unusual in this little town. It’s a way of life here. Kindness, generosity and good will happen every day here. I see it often.
Image may contain: tree, plant, car, sky, house and outdoor

Really heart warming Dragonlady. Thanks for sharing that. I've seen similar great acts of spontaneous caring & sharing in recent months & some real a-holes. I recommend the caring & sharing.

Our town's FaceBook page is full of stories of people opening their doors to masked strangers from one of the local congregations with gifts of flowers, Tim Hortion's gift cards, cheese, chocolates.

Just like the Grinch, covid can't keep Christmas from coming.

What a wonderful tradition. Our neighbors have been exchanging homemade cookies, candy, tamales, and such this week and our neighbors put up outdoor Christmas lights and decorations far more extensively than ever before. I think it is a spontaneous war on depression and having to cope with the interminable restrictions and lockdowns. And it did help.
The biggest crisis here, right now, is that our one and only Tim Hortons is closed for renovations. Even the DRIVE THROUGH!!!! It's all over the town FaceBook page. We don't have a Starbucks, or any other big coffee chain so the loss of our one and only Timmies is a catastrophy.

Yesterday, there was an explosion at Dofasco in Hamilton. There were no injuries, but the blast shook windows 20 miles away. My daughter works at that plant, and I texted her the moment I heard about the explosion. She told me that she was supposed to be working there yesterday, but her boss sent her to a different plant outside of Hamilton, because she had a car to get herself there. I'm so grateful.

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