USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, I'm not in the hospital any longer but in an assisted living rehab center.

My bougt with MERSA virus continues. If English Literature and American popular culture have taught me anything, I should have some metaphysical encounters with a few prankish spirits tonight!
Ghost of Christmases past, present and yet to be will want to rattle my Yuletide sensibilities this evening.

Bring 'em on! I've already been told my left foot should be in a hospital incinerator by now. What could be worse? My family enjoyed Christmas fare of prime rib, green beans and baked potatoe. Here the staff offered up what I imagine is a condemned man's dinner. Tasteless, devoid of aroma, flavor and olor. The meal one asks, as it is being served, "what are the charges?"

And so Yuletide 2020 does not fail to disappoint in its own 2020 manner.

Bring on the spirits, I got nuthin' left to lose!

Merry Christmas to all. We have no place to go but up!

Oh wow. Continued prayers for health and healing NOSMO. Don't know what I would prefer--MRSA or COVID. The latter may be easier to treat.

A lot of us didn't have the Christmas we wanted, but most of has had one better than yours. I think we'll all be staying up at least watch the ball drop on New Year's Eve this year to be sure that 2020 is good and gone.
They aren't going to lower a glittering ball to o end the year next week.

No count-down, no clue nfetti, no stolen New Year's Eve kisses.

Rather, our friends at world-famous Swarski Crystal have fashioned a stake to be driven v n through the still-beating heart of 2020. Mirrors, Crystal garlic cloves and a 50' tall crucifix will be at hand to assure there be no resurrection of this cursed year.
To all my CS friends, Merry Christmas! I hope Sandy Claws brings you all the sweet things in life.
Santa brought me a super gift, a deal he couldn't pass up for me........

Pietta 1860 Colt Army.

New 1860 Army Colt.jpg

Now I have a near matching set.

1860 Army Revolvers.jpg
Hi all, just hangin' around the house, not getting much done. Wednesday I made my traditional Maryland stuffed ham now I have more than two thirds of it in the freezer....... Even though Kat and I never really "did Christmas" other than the ham dinner, etc I found I was having a really tough time yesterday but all and all I am doing better, today wasn't so bad. Just fried up some apples, wanted something sweet, a little whipped cream on them and it was good.
I kinda decided to ease up a bit over the holidays, just do piddly things around the house so not getting much accomplished right now, will get back at it after the new year.
God bless you all.
Hi all, just hangin' around the house, not getting much done. Wednesday I made my traditional Maryland stuffed ham now I have more than two thirds of it in the freezer....... Even though Kat and I never really "did Christmas" other than the ham dinner, etc I found I was having a really tough time yesterday but all and all I am doing better, today wasn't so bad. Just fried up some apples, wanted something sweet, a little whipped cream on them and it was good.
I kinda decided to ease up a bit over the holidays, just do piddly things around the house so not getting much accomplished right now, will get back at it after the new year.
God bless you all.
I'm glad you are hanging in there. For me...I eat less now, especially yesterday. But I do enjoy a new fav of my own.....white russians. :cheers2:
A blast from the past is striving...

...Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang Sollen in der Welt behalten Ihren alten schönen Klang, Uns zu edler Tat begeistern Unser ganzes Leben lang... -Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Deutschlandlied
...German women, German loyalty, German wine and German singing Shall keep their old beautiful sound in the world, inspire us for noble deed Our whole life long... -Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Germany song

Einmal im Jahr,
in der heiligen Nacht,
verlassen die toten Soldaten die Wacht,
die sie für Deutschlands Zukunft stehen.
Sie kommen nach Haus, nach Art und Ordnung zu sehen,
schweigend treten sie ein in den festlichen Raum,
den Tritt der genagelten Stiefel, man hört ihn kaum
sie stellen sich still zu Vater und Mutter und Kind,
aber sie spüren, daß sie erwartete Gäste sind

Es brennt für sie eine rote Kerze am Tannenbaum,
es steht für sie ein Stuhl am gedeckten Tisch,
es glüht für sie im Glase dunkel der Wein.
Und in die Weihnachtslieder, gläubig und frisch,
stimmen sie fröhlichen Herzens mit ein.
Hinter dem Bild mit dem Stahlhelm dort an der Wand
steckt ein Tannenzweig mit silbernem Stern.
Es duftet nach Tannen und Äpfel und Mandelkern,
und es ist alles wie einst und der Tod ist so fern.

Wenn dann die Kerzen am Lichtbaum zu Ende gebrannt,
legt der tote Soldat die erdverkrustete Hand
jedem der Kinder leise aufs junge Haupt:
Wir starben für euch, weil wir an Deutschland geglaubt.
Einmal im Jahr, in der heiligen Nacht,
beziehen die toten Soldaten wieder die ewige Wacht

Text Thilo Scheller , 1939 ? auf Stille Nacht heilige Nacht

Once a year
in the holy night,
the dead soldiers leave the watch,
which they stand for Germany's future.
They come home to see the kind and order
silently they enter the festive room,
the kick of the nailed boots, you can hardly hear it
they stand still with father and mother and child,
but they feel that they are expected guests

A red candle burns on the Christmas tree for you,
there is a chair at the set table for her,
for them the wine glows darkly in the glass.
And in the Christmas carols, believing and fresh,
join in with a happy heart.
Behind the picture with the steel helmet there on the wall
sticks a fir branch with a silver star.
It smells of firs and apples and almond kernels,
and everything is as it was before and death is so far away.

Then when the candles on the light tree burned to the end,
the dead soldier puts his earth-encrusted hand
on each of the children softly on the young head:
We died for you because we believed in Germany.
Once a year on holy night
the dead soldiers take up the eternal watch again

Text by Thilo Scheller, 1939? to Silent Night, Holy Night
First off happy Christmas Eve.
Not to alarm anyone, haven't felt real good this past week or so. Not that bad but not good. Called my Doctor yesterday they sent me to a Flu clinic. The place was awesome, walk in and no waiting, well about 2 minutes with no one else in the waiting room. Saw a Nurse Practitioner within 5 minutes of being there. She doesn't suspect flu or COVID but did do the Covid test and tell me I'm on Quarantine for the 3 to 5 days it will take to get the results. Symptoms are a pressure type headache and queasy gut... For the most part I seem to be OK had a slight fever last week but only about a half degree above my normal. That only lasted 2 days...
Feel better soon, Ollie! Sounds more like gastro-intestinal than respiratory. That means a whole different set of bugs. How are you dealing with isolation and quarantines?

A Merry Christmas to you and I hope you feel better soon, too!
Not really Isolated. 4 months after my Mary passed one of my older brothers moved in. though he stays in his room most of the time I do see him every day, and we have some fabulous times fishing this past 4 years. and it's possible he had this thing 3 months back, symptoms come and go, really puzzling
Merry Christmas.
One of my brothers is contemplating moving up here. He's been looking at small cabin plans and wants to build it himself. I suggested he might want to visit during the winter before he sells his place in NV. He's fallen into a funk lately, though. His big plans for retirement were to travel. Well, he's had to postpone his Bahamas dive trip three times now and can't get to his time-share in Mexico, either. He was going to come up here this month and then spend two weeks in Germany with another sister in May. All travel is now held hostage to government whims, though. He's also a lifetime bachelor and has started questioning his life choices, no family of his own, no grand kids, etc. I just wish this whole "hunker down" and self-quarantine bs hadn't been so successful We won't ever see the end of it now that our government masters have discovered how effective it is at controlling the unwashed proles. (off the soap box)
A New Year is shortly upon us, let's see what changes it brings...
Well...turned out to be just another day after all. The new friend I made here at the old folks home was supposed to come for xmas dinner. She caught me in the hall and said she won't be coming. Her son that ignores her called and wants her to come for the day. Probably to babysit, but....oh well. I like how she tells me 2 hours before she is to arrive for the dinner I have been preparing. Not.

So...MrG and I are alone yet again on xmas day. Which is why we never celebrate it any more. Loneliness while everyone else is with family.

Bah humbug.
Your CS family is with you in spirit always, Gracie. What did you cook, BTW?
Well...turned out to be just another day after all. The new friend I made here at the old folks home was supposed to come for xmas dinner. She caught me in the hall and said she won't be coming. Her son that ignores her called and wants her to come for the day. Probably to babysit, but....oh well. I like how she tells me 2 hours before she is to arrive for the dinner I have been preparing. Not.

So...MrG and I are alone yet again on xmas day. Which is why we never celebrate it any more. Loneliness while everyone else is with family.

Bah humbug.
Your CS family is with you in spirit always, Gracie. What did you cook, BTW?
I fixed marmalade basted cornish hens, fried green beans with bacon and onion, and my whipped yams with marshmellows. MrG ate in his room, I ate in front of the tv. It tasted good, but there was no joy that day.
My schedules have been rattled pretty good during my hospital/convalescence days. I find it difficult to sleep. First, this is not a queen sizes plush pillow top Sealy Posturdedic mattress. This is a bag of russet potatatoes roughly six inches longer than I am tall and about ten inches narrower than my shoulders.

The Master Bedroom at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is dark enough to develop film. Here, lights are used to guide planes arriving at the Greater Pittsburgh International Airpor.

At home, if you listen ever so carefully you can hear a mouse peeing upon a wad of cotton. Here, by contrast, is all the stoic silence of a beachside Boardwalk in August, if the fire alarms were first set off and the brakes removed from the 120 year old roller coaster that runs the length of the boardwalk.

But synchronizing eating with the dispensing of pain medication has me in a quandary. They aren't offering me my favorite dishes. I'm turned off by foods with creamy textures. Chief among these are ham and scalloped potatoes, creamed vegetables and the like.

I'm more of a savory guy. As I'm emerging from an induced dream during which I am not only the hero, but have full, unfettered range of motion and no pain but strength, the nurse will come in and offer up lunch of creamed chicken and peas.

My aversion to poultry has been documented.

Other times, just I'm sure my foot has been ensnared in a trap staked out for Grizzly bears, the nurse will acquiesce and give me a pill. A pill of bliss and relaxation. You're getting drowsy now and a filmstrip of our adventures can be purchased in the gift shop near the exit doors found right behind your ever difficult to keep open eye lidszzzzz.

That's when the aid bursts into the room announcing "Lunch!" of an open-faced steak sandwich and fries!
Hi all, just hangin' around the house, not getting much done. Wednesday I made my traditional Maryland stuffed ham now I have more than two thirds of it in the freezer....... Even though Kat and I never really "did Christmas" other than the ham dinner, etc I found I was having a really tough time yesterday but all and all I am doing better, today wasn't so bad. Just fried up some apples, wanted something sweet, a little whipped cream on them and it was good.
I kinda decided to ease up a bit over the holidays, just do piddly things around the house so not getting much accomplished right now, will get back at it after the new year.
God bless you all.

Holidays are usually the worst time. My cousin Sandy, Aunt Betty's only child, passed away 10 years ago, and she lost her husband 4 years ago. And holidays are still hard for her.
My schedules have been rattled pretty good during my hospital/convalescence days. I find it difficult to sleep. First, this is not a queen sizes plush pillow top Sealy Posturdedic mattress. This is a bag of russet potatatoes roughly six inches longer than I am tall and about ten inches narrower than my shoulders.

The Master Bedroom at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is dark enough to develop film. Here, lights are used to guide planes arriving at the Greater Pittsburgh International Airpor.

At home, if you listen ever so carefully you can hear a mouse peeing upon a wad of cotton. Here, by contrast, is all the stoic silence of a beachside Boardwalk in August, if the fire alarms were first set off and the brakes removed from the 120 year old roller coaster that runs the length of the boardwalk.

But synchronizing eating with the dispensing of pain medication has me in a quandary. They aren't offering me my favorite dishes. I'm turned off by foods with creamy textures. Chief among these are ham and scalloped potatoes, creamed vegetables and the like.

I'm more of a savory guy. As I'm emerging from an induced dream during which I am not only the hero, but have full, unfettered range of motion and no pain but strength, the nurse will come in and offer up lunch of creamed chicken and peas.

My aversion to poultry has been documented.

Other times, just I'm sure my foot has been ensnared in a trap staked out for Grizzly bears, the nurse will acquiesce and give me a pill. A pill of bliss and relaxation. You're getting drowsy now and a filmstrip of our adventures can be purchased in the gift shop near the exit doors found right behind your ever difficult to keep open eye lidszzzzz.

That's when the aid bursts into the room announcing "Lunch!" of an open-faced steak sandwich and fries!

Well that sounds. . .absolutely ghastly. But it's hard to pity somebody with that great sense of humor about it, and ability to put it into such entertaining prose. :) Seriously I do pray your stay there is as short as possible Nosmo.
First off happy Christmas Eve.
Not to alarm anyone, haven't felt real good this past week or so. Not that bad but not good. Called my Doctor yesterday they sent me to a Flu clinic. The place was awesome, walk in and no waiting, well about 2 minutes with no one else in the waiting room. Saw a Nurse Practitioner within 5 minutes of being there. She doesn't suspect flu or COVID but did do the Covid test and tell me I'm on Quarantine for the 3 to 5 days it will take to get the results. Symptoms are a pressure type headache and queasy gut... For the most part I seem to be OK had a slight fever last week but only about a half degree above my normal. That only lasted 2 days...
Feel better soon, Ollie! Sounds more like gastro-intestinal than respiratory. That means a whole different set of bugs. How are you dealing with isolation and quarantines?

A Merry Christmas to you and I hope you feel better soon, too!
Not really Isolated. 4 months after my Mary passed one of my older brothers moved in. though he stays in his room most of the time I do see him every day, and we have some fabulous times fishing this past 4 years. and it's possible he had this thing 3 months back, symptoms come and go, really puzzling
Merry Christmas.
One of my brothers is contemplating moving up here. He's been looking at small cabin plans and wants to build it himself. I suggested he might want to visit during the winter before he sells his place in NV. He's fallen into a funk lately, though. His big plans for retirement were to travel. Well, he's had to postpone his Bahamas dive trip three times now and can't get to his time-share in Mexico, either. He was going to come up here this month and then spend two weeks in Germany with another sister in May. All travel is now held hostage to government whims, though. He's also a lifetime bachelor and has started questioning his life choices, no family of his own, no grand kids, etc. I just wish this whole "hunker down" and self-quarantine bs hadn't been so successful We won't ever see the end of it now that our government masters have discovered how effective it is at controlling the unwashed proles. (off the soap box)
A New Year is shortly upon us, let's see what changes it brings...

That would be so great though if he takes a liking to your area and moves close. We won't worry about you nearly so much. :)
On December 22nd, my first born appeared. 3 months later...he was stolen. funk usually begins Dec 1st and does not leave until Jan 1. This has been my bane and sorrow since 1970. It will continue to happen until I die.
Meanwhile...I made myself a white russian last night. Tiny glass with ice, then milk, then about 3 capfuls of Kahlua. Yummy. Then I went to bed. I SLEPT 8 WHOLE HOURS straight without waking up once. Only I did wake up was cuz I was dreaming I had to pee and there were toilets everywhere but out in the open and all of them were being used and man did I have to pee! Woke up and ran to my bathroom which was NOT being used and sighed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

So..tonight, I am going to have another white russian toddy!

Well that's a subject I never envisioned discussing in the Coffee Shop, but I have lived for years thinking I was probably the only person on the planet who had reoccurring dreams of needing the toilet and not being able to find one anywhere. And yes, when you finally wake up, you make that hasty trip to the bathroom. It is oddly reassuring knowing one isn't alone in such things. :)
Meanwhile...I made myself a white russian last night. Tiny glass with ice, then milk, then about 3 capfuls of Kahlua. Yummy. Then I went to bed. I SLEPT 8 WHOLE HOURS straight without waking up once. Only I did wake up was cuz I was dreaming I had to pee and there were toilets everywhere but out in the open and all of them were being used and man did I have to pee! Woke up and ran to my bathroom which was NOT being used and sighed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

So..tonight, I am going to have another white russian toddy!

Well that's a subject I never envisioned discussing in the Coffee Shop, but I have lived for years thinking I was probably the only person on the planet who had reoccurring dreams of needing the toilet and not being able to find one anywhere. And yes, when you finally wake up, you make that hasty trip to the bathroom. It is oddly reassuring knowing one isn't alone in such things. :)
I have some weird dreams, thats for sure. The ones I hate are the bathroom ones...and the trying to run but I can only crawl..barely. My fav dreams are when I run and jump on a windy night (its always night time) and fly a short again. Haven't had one of those in a long time.

But when I have falling a cliff, down a deep ravine....I am scared and my heart is pounding but I always tell myself in the dream that I will never land and die..that I will be saved by God. Then I wake up. Used to have those all the time too, but not since we lost home.

My dreams now consist of no toilets, foggy home that is always dark, always trying to FIND home and I'm there...but it eludes me. Not pleasant.
Speaking of dreams...I'm gonna go try to get one by going to bed. Ill probably be up in about 2 hours. I never get a whole 8 hours except the other day when I said I did. That was great. Dreamless too. Wish I could do that again. Maybe tonight. Lets hope, lol.

:sleep: for now.
My schedules have been rattled pretty good during my hospital/convalescence days. I find it difficult to sleep. First, this is not a queen sizes plush pillow top Sealy Posturdedic mattress. This is a bag of russet potatatoes roughly six inches longer than I am tall and about ten inches narrower than my shoulders.

The Master Bedroom at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is dark enough to develop film. Here, lights are used to guide planes arriving at the Greater Pittsburgh International Airpor.

At home, if you listen ever so carefully you can hear a mouse peeing upon a wad of cotton. Here, by contrast, is all the stoic silence of a beachside Boardwalk in August, if the fire alarms were first set off and the brakes removed from the 120 year old roller coaster that runs the length of the boardwalk.

But synchronizing eating with the dispensing of pain medication has me in a quandary. They aren't offering me my favorite dishes. I'm turned off by foods with creamy textures. Chief among these are ham and scalloped potatoes, creamed vegetables and the like.

I'm more of a savory guy. As I'm emerging from an induced dream during which I am not only the hero, but have full, unfettered range of motion and no pain but strength, the nurse will come in and offer up lunch of creamed chicken and peas.

My aversion to poultry has been documented.

Other times, just I'm sure my foot has been ensnared in a trap staked out for Grizzly bears, the nurse will acquiesce and give me a pill. A pill of bliss and relaxation. You're getting drowsy now and a filmstrip of our adventures can be purchased in the gift shop near the exit doors found right behind your ever difficult to keep open eye lidszzzzz.

That's when the aid bursts into the room announcing "Lunch!" of an open-faced steak sandwich and fries!

Well that sounds. . .absolutely ghastly. But it's hard to pity somebody with that great sense of humor about it, and ability to put it into such entertaining prose. :) Seriously I do pray your stay there is as short as possible Nosmo.
don't seek pity, Foxy! But I have found a muse in isolation.

It's easy to write what I experience. And, as I am not having the exotic experiences of youth but the mundane experience of senior citizenship, I guess what I write may appear 'ghastly'.

Today, for example, I await the arrival of a physical and occupational theology team.

Onitially, I resented the team I referred to as physical terrorists.

But the only folks here to help lift me out of this hole are my physical terrorists, my Pixies, as I have grown with affection to call them.

I'll write more as I grow more comfortable and familiar with the procedures.

On the upside: the vacuum pump applied to my wound has run its course. Whether it has to be reapplied, replaced or removed has yet to be discussed. L

But that's detail and I know my audience wants broad strokes. Let me nap now and I'll let you know what drifts over the transom

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