USMB Coffee Shop IV

Daughter has had second preventative surgery, and feels terrible. I can hardly bear it.

I’m thousands of miles away from her, in Cyprus.

So sorry Mindful. That makes it so hard on both of you. Especially even if you were there, they probably wouldn't allow you to be with her because of the pandemic. I remember some years ago our daughter had to have an emergency appendectomy--her significant other called to tell us as he had to stay with her resident critters while she was laid up. It was maddening not being able to be there, not knowing how it was going, how much danger she was in. Daughter came through just fine though with no complications. I would be a wreck if I was in your position.
We just got a lot of small hail dumped in a very short amount of time, so it looks like we got about an inch of snow.
Very rare in my neck of the woods.

Wow. Usually the weather you get hits us hours later. We call combination sleet/hail 'sneet' and the little styrofoam like hail that comes with snow 'snail.' But as our whole area and much of Texas is under extreme drought conditions, we'll take whatever we get at this point.
The official name for "soft hail" is 'Graupel' which interestingly enough is German for sleet........

I doubt I'll remember the official term though. "Sneet" or "Snail" kind of sticks in the brain.
When we have sleet mixed with freezing rain I always called it "freet", happened often enough back east.
Decided last week to try out making my own fruit smoothie using a basic smoothie recipe.

1 1/2 cups milk
1 8oz container vanilla yogurt
2 cups frozen cherry berry blend (Walmart)
1/8 cup ground flax seed.

It is awesome!!

Though it would be better when it's hot outside.......... :lol:
Well it sneeted or Graupeled all afternoon on Monday then turned into blowing snow all night and all morning Tuesday.
Very rare around our neck of woods .

Night before last in the late evening I got a weather warning on my phone--heavy snow squall in Albuquerque, do not travel etc. etc. Well it sneeted or snailed or whatever instead of snow, but we got a pretty good accumulation some of which is still there on open ground and such. Melted off the walks, driveway, and street pretty fast though.-
Well it sneeted or Graupeled all afternoon on Monday then turned into blowing snow all night and all morning Tuesday.
Very rare around our neck of woods .

Night before last in the late evening I got a weather warning on my phone--heavy snow squall in Albuquerque, do not travel etc. etc. Well it sneeted or snailed or whatever instead of snow, but we got a pretty good accumulation some of which is still there on open ground and such. Melted off the walks, driveway, and street pretty fast though.-
Up here a little closer to the pass and the mountains we had about 2" of snow as well as everything else.
All binged out on Netflix, two and a half jigsaw puzzles, (will I finish it before I leave on Sunday?) and endless toast with butter.

Log fires and cats sitting on laps in the evenings. I’ll miss that.

Did I miss something? Are you moving somewhere else? Somehow I didn't associate log fires with Cyprus, but I've never been there so. . .
All binged out on Netflix, two and a half jigsaw puzzles, (will I finish it before I leave on Sunday?) and endless toast with butter.

Log fires and cats sitting on laps in the evenings. I’ll miss that.

Did I miss something? Are you moving somewhere else? Somehow I didn't associate log fires with Cyprus, but I've never been there so. . .

I come and go here, to family.

It gets so cold during the winter nights, we need a fire. The sun is hot during the day though.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?
"Cause a sunny day here is usually cold enough to freeze your tuchus off.
You won’t get D in the winter months. The sun is too low in the sky to generate the UVA needed to generate D in your skin. It’s only available during warm weather months.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?
"Cause a sunny day here is usually cold enough to freeze your tuchus off.
You won’t get D in the winter months. The sun is too low in the sky to generate the UVA needed to generate D in your skin. It’s only available during warm weather months.

GW is in Alaska, so even in the summer, it might be hard for him to get enough D from sunlight. :dunno:
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?
"Cause a sunny day here is usually cold enough to freeze your tuchus off.
You won’t get D in the winter months. The sun is too low in the sky to generate the UVA needed to generate D in your skin. It’s only available during warm weather months.

GW is in Alaska, so even in the summer, it might be hard for him to get enough D from sunlight. :dunno:
I suspect in summer D from sunlight is readily available in Alaska. However you do have to expose your skin to the sun and it might get a little chilly there even in summer, in your birthday suit.

At angles greater than 45° above the horizon(at sea level), vitamin D production will be occurring, although some recent research suggests that vitamin D production may occur at angles as low as 30°. At higher altitudes, there is less (thinner) atmosphere to absorb UV from the Sun.
Vitamin D and UV
Okay this is NOT intended to be a political post or invite political discussion in the Coffee Shop. But I laughed out loud when I saw it and wanted to share it. It was posted by someone presumably who was at the Capitol on January 6 and within the context of various media and politicians misspeaking 'insurrection" as "erection":

4:55 AM Looks like your still open ,so I will just get my own coffee. No need for a server. Good Morning all .Do I smell bacon?

Welcome to the Coffee Shop lg325 . We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and then keep right on joining in. The Coffee Shop will celebrate it's 11th anniversary in May and has seen many folks pass through. There is an ebb and flow to it. Sometimes it's pretty quiet; other times it's really jumping. But it's pretty much all good and we're always open. :)

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

Yesterday I was noodling around the internet checking the prices on Chuck Taylors because the soles on my plain black Chucks are wearing through.

While checking out the search results, I stumbled across an ad on eBay for a pairs of VERY RARE Chucks for $2,500 US. This is not the ad, this is my pair of the shoes in that ad. I bought them years ago at my favourite Chucks store on Yonge St. in Toronto. For $100. Apparently they were pulled from the market right after introduction because Hindus found them offensive. Every time I wear them, I get comments.


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Yesterday I was noodling around the internet checking the prices on Chuck Taylors because the soles on my plain black Chucks are wearing through.

While checking out the search results, I stumbled across an ad on eBay for a pairs of VERY RARE Chucks for $2,500 US. This is not the ad, this is my pair of the shoes in that ad. I bought them years ago at my favourite Chucks store on Yonge St. in Toronto. For $100. Apparently they were pulled from the market right after introduction because Hindus found them offensive. Every time I wear them, I get comments.

Wow! Good comments I would think as they are quite interesting. But are they worth the $2,500 as a collectors item? If so, I wouldn't wear them. I would sell them. :)
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