USMB Coffee Shop IV

Last night was kinda rough, for some reason I started thinking about my wife just as I went to bed, reliving her passing. I finally did get to sleep about an hour later after focusing in on her alive and our happy shared times together and the fact that she is now in a much better place.

I had to get up early, landscaping crew came by to remove the crepe myrtle bush that was on top of my main waste line with roots growing into the waste line. They took the bush out and poured a concentrated root killer over the area, hopefully that will fix the problem.
I think about you and wonder how it's going. Those periods of grief probably will hit you intermittently for some time. My Aunt Betty lost her husband of 50 years four years ago and still has those times, most commonly around birthdays, holidays and such, but can happen at other times. They do come less frequently and with less intensity and duration over time. But I think you handled it as well as it can be done. Your loss is still pretty recent.
The physical therapist finally caught me near a phone this afternoon. Yes, it hurt, but a few minutes later my new knee and old leg felt better, like a team again. Hopefully we will be able to get up and down the stairs like normal people who never had RA. :woohoo:
Sounds good. The rehab is so very important with that knee so hang in there. Hombre is struggling whether to go through a hip replacement--can't decide if the pain is bad enough to go through the surgery and rehab.
Well.....I've been MIA due to depression, then I had surgery on my left hand last week. Big ol gangleon cyst on the outside of my wrist and it was crawling up towards my pinky and ring finger. Surgeon said he had to cut it out..stalk and all. Down to the bone. I think he cut a few nerves while he was at it cuz my thumb is still numb and the top of my hand is numb as well. Took 28 hours for my arm to work again. They did a block on it. Don't know why, cuz they knocked me out to do the surgery so why put my arm to sleep as well for so damn long? Anyway..I go see him for follow up on the 11th. Hopefully my nerves will mend themselves and I will get my hand back. Being one handed is a pain in the butt. the hand.
Ouch! That sounds definitely worse than my carpal tunnel surgery which I am still healing from almost two months later. And yes, being one handed is a pain especially when it's the dominant hand you can't use.
Prayers up for your speedy recovery.
Not my dominate hand, but has been for a few years since my right wrist is shot to hell with RA. So..I use my left one now. Or rather..did. I'm having a really hard time wiping my butt. :auiqs.jpg:
It's a real problem I know and we shouldn't laugh. But forgive me I did. That's something you really REALLY don't want to ask your hubby to do for you.
The physical therapist finally caught me near a phone this afternoon. Yes, it hurt, but a few minutes later my new knee and old leg felt better, like a team again. Hopefully we will be able to get up and down the stairs like normal people who never had RA. :woohoo:
Sounds good. The rehab is so very important with that knee so hang in there. Hombre is struggling whether to go through a hip replacement--can't decide if the pain is bad enough to go through the surgery and rehab.
If hombre is having trouble with wishing he had his life back from too much pain, that's when it's time to get the hip replaced. Prayers up for eliminating egregious pain that hurts both of you to get a good resolution that will put him back doing the things he used to do when pain wasn't there. :hands:
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Frost threats? Really?
:smiliehug: .. really really, shadows of the Cascades and all .. seemingly unpredictable weather when you're ready to plant .. or planted.. :eusa_doh:
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So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:

... as long as You and the other epic Coffee Shop folks are around.. I'm always kinda here .. :)
Record heat in the north this weekend, and grossly humid...
View attachment 497449
Except for Grand Maris up on Lake Superior in the 50's. The wind off the chilly lake frequently keeps that area much cooler.
Lot of 90s up there. It's been pleasant in the great Piney Woods region of the Lone Star State with...<drumroll>...more rain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 and humid. Just last week we had the 40's.
Nothing like easing into summer.
Next up the mosquitoes that carry small pets away.
Kinda like when I lived in Northern Virginia. The humidity levels would get up to nearly the temperature levels. At least here in the southwest when it hits a hundred + the humidity levels are usually below 35%.
I remember when I was in Phoenix that 90 degrees didn't feel all that bad in the dry air.
The humidity here makes it hard to breathe and you sweat with no effort, so your clothes get damp and stick to you providing no cooling effect.

Same in Kansas when we lived there. It could be 90f with near 100% humidity at midnight. Brutal.
I am a fellow Kansan,,when you were there,did you ever take in a Royals game by chance?
Glad to see you drop by Foxfyre's wonderful USMB coffee lounge, LA RAM FAN. :thup:

Oh he has been on the roster here for years, but also happy to see him back for a visit. :)
Hope thst still holds when I say this,I seldom came here over the years cause gomer Pyle Ollie was here that you got done talking about,whether you realise it or not he is a shill from Langley,paid to come here and troll by his boss.he defends the governments version of events of corruption and atrocity’s the CIA commits against other countries no matter how absurd the governments version of events are.the media is just a tool for the government,they don’t do any investigating.they only report what they want you to hear,he ignores evidence that the government is behind these events and Their boogeyman they say is behind it is just a patsy. When the REAL culprit is none other than the CIA,it’s them always starting wars with other countries,they are a terrorist organization that makes the third Reich look like a bunch of choir boys.
That's simply not true LA RAM FAN. I've known Ollie for years now and he's as good a citizen and straight arrow as any person on Earth. And the Coffee Shop is not the place to air grievances about other people on USMB or discuss politics please. It was established as a refuge from all that and for 11 years now it has served that purpose very well. Thanks for understanding.
well hopefully he has changed his ways sense then,I sure hope so,anyways sorry about going off on him,you being friends with him and all,wont happen again. Its time for me to get past my arguments with him from the past and let it go ,that was a long time ago.

as the title of the book is called THAT WAS THEN,THIS IS NOW.time to focus on the present,forget what was said in the past with each other.let bygones be bygones

speaking of that book by SE HINTON,you remember reading that one as a kid> great book.all her books were.:)
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Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
just wondering Lump i have always ASSUMED you were a dude cause of your user name but you never know,am i correct? LOL:auiqs.jpg: also are you a sports fan by chance?
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Well.....I've been MIA due to depression, then I had surgery on my left hand last week. Big ol gangleon cyst on the outside of my wrist and it was crawling up towards my pinky and ring finger. Surgeon said he had to cut it out..stalk and all. Down to the bone. I think he cut a few nerves while he was at it cuz my thumb is still numb and the top of my hand is numb as well. Took 28 hours for my arm to work again. They did a block on it. Don't know why, cuz they knocked me out to do the surgery so why put my arm to sleep as well for so damn long? Anyway..I go see him for follow up on the 11th. Hopefully my nerves will mend themselves and I will get my hand back. Being one handed is a pain in the butt. the hand.
Ouch! That sounds definitely worse than my carpal tunnel surgery which I am still healing from almost two months later. And yes, being one handed is a pain especially when it's the dominant hand you can't use.
Prayers up for your speedy recovery.
Not my dominate hand, but has been for a few years since my right wrist is shot to hell with RA. So..I use my left one now. Or rather..did. I'm having a really hard time wiping my butt. :auiqs.jpg:
It's a real problem I know and we shouldn't laugh. But forgive me I did. That's something you really REALLY don't want to ask your hubby to do for you.
This one is a big fat NO. The end does not drop the tissue. Then yer stuck getting it off...which usually fails without a mess. Tongs. Open and close.
Youngsters. No clue what awaits them, lol.


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Record heat in the north this weekend, and grossly humid...
View attachment 497449
Except for Grand Maris up on Lake Superior in the 50's. The wind off the chilly lake frequently keeps that area much cooler.
Lot of 90s up there. It's been pleasant in the great Piney Woods region of the Lone Star State with...<drumroll>...more rain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 and humid. Just last week we had the 40's.
Nothing like easing into summer.
Next up the mosquitoes that carry small pets away.
Kinda like when I lived in Northern Virginia. The humidity levels would get up to nearly the temperature levels. At least here in the southwest when it hits a hundred + the humidity levels are usually below 35%.
I remember when I was in Phoenix that 90 degrees didn't feel all that bad in the dry air.
The humidity here makes it hard to breathe and you sweat with no effort, so your clothes get damp and stick to you providing no cooling effect.

Same in Kansas when we lived there. It could be 90f with near 100% humidity at midnight. Brutal.
I am a fellow Kansan,,when you were there,did you ever take in a Royals game by chance?
Glad to see you drop by Foxfyre's wonderful USMB coffee lounge, LA RAM FAN. :thup:

Oh he has been on the roster here for years, but also happy to see him back for a visit. :)
Hope thst still holds when I say this,I seldom came here over the years cause gomer Pyle Ollie was here that you got done talking about,whether you realise it or not he is a shill from Langley,paid to come here and troll by his boss.he defends the governments version of events of corruption and atrocity’s the CIA commits against other countries no matter how absurd the governments version of events are.the media is just a tool for the government,they don’t do any investigating.they only report what they want you to hear,he ignores evidence that the government is behind these events and Their boogeyman they say is behind it is just a patsy. When the REAL culprit is none other than the CIA,it’s them always starting wars with other countries,they are a terrorist organization that makes the third Reich look like a bunch of choir boys.
That's simply not true LA RAM FAN. I've known Ollie for years now and he's as good a citizen and straight arrow as any person on Earth. And the Coffee Shop is not the place to air grievances about other people on USMB or discuss politics please. It was established as a refuge from all that and for 11 years now it has served that purpose very well. Thanks for understanding.
well hopefully he has changed his ways sense then,I sure hope so,anyways sorry about going off on him,you being friends with him and all,wont happen again. Its time for me to get past my arguments with him from the past and let it go ,that was a long time ago.

as the title of the book is called THAT WAS THEN,THIS IS NOW.time to focus on the present,forget what was said in the past with each other.let bygones be bygones

speaking of that book by SE HINTON,you remember reading that one as a kid> great book.all her books were.:)

Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
just wondering Lump i have always ASSUMED you were a dude cause of your user name but you never know,am i correct? LOL:auiqs.jpg: also are you a sports fan by chance?
I've always thought you were a girl but after a while eh .. I didn't know .. now ,, what, you're a dude?

I'm a fair weather sports fan only because my chosen teams usually lose..

Best Sport .. Ice Hockey .. Go Vegas..
Record heat in the north this weekend, and grossly humid...
View attachment 497449
Except for Grand Maris up on Lake Superior in the 50's. The wind off the chilly lake frequently keeps that area much cooler.
Lot of 90s up there. It's been pleasant in the great Piney Woods region of the Lone Star State with...<drumroll>...more rain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 and humid. Just last week we had the 40's.
Nothing like easing into summer.
Next up the mosquitoes that carry small pets away.
Kinda like when I lived in Northern Virginia. The humidity levels would get up to nearly the temperature levels. At least here in the southwest when it hits a hundred + the humidity levels are usually below 35%.
I remember when I was in Phoenix that 90 degrees didn't feel all that bad in the dry air.
The humidity here makes it hard to breathe and you sweat with no effort, so your clothes get damp and stick to you providing no cooling effect.

Same in Kansas when we lived there. It could be 90f with near 100% humidity at midnight. Brutal.
I am a fellow Kansan,,when you were there,did you ever take in a Royals game by chance?
Glad to see you drop by Foxfyre's wonderful USMB coffee lounge, LA RAM FAN. :thup:

Oh he has been on the roster here for years, but also happy to see him back for a visit. :)
Hope thst still holds when I say this,I seldom came here over the years cause gomer Pyle Ollie was here that you got done talking about,whether you realise it or not he is a shill from Langley,paid to come here and troll by his boss.he defends the governments version of events of corruption and atrocity’s the CIA commits against other countries no matter how absurd the governments version of events are.the media is just a tool for the government,they don’t do any investigating.they only report what they want you to hear,he ignores evidence that the government is behind these events and Their boogeyman they say is behind it is just a patsy. When the REAL culprit is none other than the CIA,it’s them always starting wars with other countries,they are a terrorist organization that makes the third Reich look like a bunch of choir boys.
That's simply not true LA RAM FAN. I've known Ollie for years now and he's as good a citizen and straight arrow as any person on Earth. And the Coffee Shop is not the place to air grievances about other people on USMB or discuss politics please. It was established as a refuge from all that and for 11 years now it has served that purpose very well. Thanks for understanding.
well hopefully he has changed his ways sense then,I sure hope so,anyways sorry about going off on him,you being friends with him and all,wont happen again. Its time for me to get past my arguments with him from the past and let it go ,that was a long time ago.

as the title of the book is called THAT WAS THEN,THIS IS NOW.time to focus on the present,forget what was said in the past with each other.let bygones be bygones

speaking of that book by SE HINTON,you remember reading that one as a kid> great book.all her books were.:)

Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
just wondering Lump i have always ASSUMED you were a dude cause of your user name but you never know,am i correct? LOL:auiqs.jpg: also are you a sports fan by chance?
I've always thought you were a girl but after a while eh .. I didn't know .. now ,, what, you're a dude?

I'm a fair weather sports fan only because my chosen teams usually lose..

Best Sport .. Ice Hockey .. Go Vegas..
oh my god,that blows me away your a gal,i just always assumed you were a dude cause of lumpy from leave it to beaver.:auiqs.jpg:
Well.....I've been MIA due to depression, then I had surgery on my left hand last week. Big ol gangleon cyst on the outside of my wrist and it was crawling up towards my pinky and ring finger. Surgeon said he had to cut it out..stalk and all. Down to the bone. I think he cut a few nerves while he was at it cuz my thumb is still numb and the top of my hand is numb as well. Took 28 hours for my arm to work again. They did a block on it. Don't know why, cuz they knocked me out to do the surgery so why put my arm to sleep as well for so damn long? Anyway..I go see him for follow up on the 11th. Hopefully my nerves will mend themselves and I will get my hand back. Being one handed is a pain in the butt. the hand.
Wow Gracie. I am not subject to depression as a rule, but had a reactive depression when I was going through a prolonged crappy situation years ago and thus know what it feels like. And telling oneself to 'snap out of it' isn't very helpful either. Didn't realize you were going through the other issue though, and will include that on the vigil list along with my prayers for a speedy recovery.

Did you get moved out of the facility or is that still pending?
Nope. Still here in this horrible place. This is the NOISIEST town I have ever had the misfortune to be in. It's louder than bigger cities. Non stop noise. And I really don't much care for the residents. Bunch of gossipy old hens. I have one friend, non smoker, that lives across the hall. At least she keeps me semi sane. I'm hoping by this time next year...I will finally be out of this place and either further north or back in Paradise, which is rebuilding and I am still on their list. The manager said I would be one of the first ones called once the property is rebuilt and ready for occupancy.
Last night was kinda rough, for some reason I started thinking about my wife just as I went to bed, reliving her passing. I finally did get to sleep about an hour later after focusing in on her alive and our happy shared times together and the fact that she is now in a much better place.

I had to get up early, landscaping crew came by to remove the crepe myrtle bush that was on top of my main waste line with roots growing into the waste line. They took the bush out and poured a concentrated root killer over the area, hopefully that will fix the problem.
I think about you and wonder how it's going. Those periods of grief probably will hit you intermittently for some time. My Aunt Betty lost her husband of 50 years four years ago and still has those times, most commonly around birthdays, holidays and such, but can happen at other times. They do come less frequently and with less intensity and duration over time. But I think you handled it as well as it can be done. Your loss is still pretty recent.
Honestly, I can now go weeks without tearing up or getting really down though I know I'm still fighting a mild depression. There are still times I have to force myself to get things done especially if I have to go out. But each day is a new day and I have to keep truckin' ahead and with God's grace I'll overcome the loss and not let it overcome me.
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:

... as long as You and the other epic Coffee Shop folks are around.. I'm always kinda here .. :)
Good. :thup:
Not much new today
I survived my second physical therapy and 5 or 6 Spanish lessons that are free online. It is really sinking in this time. My asthma has graciously stepped out the back door since my knee replacement therapy but I'm exhausted after therapy because it has some pain associated with such surgeries as that. This is my 16th day since the surgery, so please excuse my typos. I sure have some goofy answers on my mini exams incorporated into the Spanish course. l need a little nap. Hope everyone has a great weekend. :huddle:

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