USMB Coffee Shop IV

Totally agree. :thup: Yeah you would never think thst a subject like that would somehow be considered political but yeah itā€™s one crazy world we live in thatā€™s fir sure.itā€™s a world I hate,makes me wish it was so easy as it was in the Star Wars movies where it was as easy to leave a planet and go to another one as it is to move to another state if you donā€™t like the state you live in.remember in Star Wars when kenobi told Luke he would have to sell the speeder and Luke replied- thatā€™s alright,Iā€™m never coming back to this planet again?

man I wish it was that easy to leave earth and go find another planet to live on thatā€™s not a crazy world like this one is.
Well, we have an outer space launch here in Texas, and that bazillionaire electric car engineer/executive whatzianame has civilian space trips planned from time to time and a few successful manufacturing businesses in the state ... if you ever get tired of the computer tech outfits in or near LA... Nah, you love the Rams. Better stay put. Oh, and dear me, I forgot to say "Welcome to the USMB Coffee Shop!"
I haven't done much sight seeing in Texas but I have visited 3 places since moving here to Ft Worth.
1. The Stockyards in Ft Worth
2. The Riverwalk in San Antonio
3. Texas Ranger Museum in Waco
Hope you add the H.E.A.R.T.S. Museum for all branches of the Military and the recent addition of the Vietnam Vet memory walk area as inclusive as the Vietnam Memorial of those who gave all they had including their lives in Washington D.C. My Site

Oh, and by the way H.E.A.R.T.S. stands for ""Helping Every American Remember Through Serving." And while you're in Huntsville, there is a Prison Museum very close to the H.E.A.R.T.S. museum, and 11th Street takes you to the Downtown Courthouse and best quilt store in the world on University at 12th street, across from the beautiful Courthouse that swells with free pecans on the ground sometime in late summer or early fall, with the Pecan State Trees out front on University which takes you to the amazing campus of Sam Houston State University, which was called Sam Houston State Teacher's College when I was in High School. Huntsville Texas is about 70 miles north of beautiful downtown Houston, where there is the best Zoological Gardens in the world located a little Southwest of downtown, in the art Museum area, I think. May must be the best time for school excursions, because my dear husband spoiled me by taking me to the Cottrell Butterfly museum and other places we both liked in the metro museum area in the years before he passed. He loved to travel, but Americans were treated so poorly abroad, I didn't want to deal with terrorists when his health was terrible the last two years of his life, and just one incident would end his life with a heart attack. He really enjoyed the diversity of the zoological gardens that we frequented on his good days.
Well, we have an outer space launch here in Texas, and that bazillionaire electric car engineer/executive whatzianame has civilian space trips planned from time to time and a few successful manufacturing businesses in the state ... if you ever get tired of the computer tech outfits in or near LA... Nah, you love the Rams. Better stay put. Oh, and dear me, I forgot to say "Welcome to the USMB Coffee Shop!"
arent you a little late sense the fact I have posted on here several times in the past and even spoke to you before many times on here as well?:auiqs.jpg:

btw,what are all the attractions in texas you would recommend for tourists there?
arent you a little late sense the fact I have posted on here several times in the past and even spoke to you before many times on here as well?:auiqs.jpg:

btw,what are all the attractions in texas you would recommend for tourists there?
Oh. Since my forgetfulness was so offensive to you, I'm sorry for my mistake of welcoming you here again. My home situation is far from perfect, my doctor ordered medicine that makes me sleep a lot, and my brain sleeps even more sometimes. That said, it's time for me to go. :redface:
Oh. Since my forgetfulness was so offensive to you, I'm sorry for my mistake of welcoming you here again. My home situation is far from perfect, my doctor ordered medicine that makes me sleep a lot, and my brain sleeps even more sometimes. That said, it's time for me to go. :redface:
itā€™s not like we did not speak many times here on this thread in the past,a couple times I can understand forgetting but several times? :auiqs.jpg:And ummm,I canā€™t fathom how in that post I displayed any anger there when in fact all I was doing was correcting you thst this was not my first fact I thought I made it pretty clear that to the contrary,I was not at all offended you forgot,just thought it was funny making that crystal clear with the laughing smiley thst it was all in good fun.donā€™t know how you could possibly misinterpret that with even me going out of the way with a laughing
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If we lived in a Star Trek world I would say scotty beam me to Brisbane and you could take me out on one of those boats there seen in thst video fir a cruise on a nice sunny day as seen in thst video gtopa1 :biggrin:
Easy; my Boat Club has races every Wednesday and Saturday; I would get you on a racer whenever you want. They're 35ft to larger ones...quite comfortable and mostly safe.

btw,what are all the attractions in texas you would recommend for tourists there?
Cascade Caverns, Home - Cascade Caverns

Cockrell Butterfly Gardens, Houston Museum Of Natural Science, Brown Entomology Center

Garner State Park/Frio River, Garner State Park ā€” Texas Parks & Wildlife Department


The Burke Baker Planetarium, Burke Baker Planetarium | Houston Museum Of Natural Science

The Alamo
There are many other place in Texas that is just fabulous: The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: About - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Of course, if you come to Texas from late March or early April, you might get a wildflower treat of a lifetime if you drive Highway 30 from Huntsville to College Station and then on to Granger, and almost any backroad country back-road, you will see the loveliest cowpastures turned into bluebonnet heaven. Here's just the tip of the lovely blue iceberg:




Hi all. I know I haven't been in the CS too much lately but I'm doing well. I won't get "political" here but I'm more seriously mulling over selling most everything off including my house, buying a RV travel trailer and relocating to Arizona or maybe Utah. Texas or Kansas would be other options but I love the Rockies and prefer to stay in the mountain States if I can.
Hi all. I know I haven't been in the CS too much lately but I'm doing well. I won't get "political" here but I'm more seriously mulling over selling most everything off including my house, buying a RV travel trailer and relocating to Arizona or maybe Utah. Texas or Kansas would be other options but I love the Rockies and prefer to stay in the mountain States if I can.
Being mobile has its charms. Some I suppose are happy living in the travel trailers and if there is no joy in your current circumstances sometimes relocating can help. For a mountain boy I don't recommend Kansas though Hombre and I lived happily there for many years and our kids grew up there. But we had jobs, a good church, lots of wonderful friends there which made up for pretty much an otherwise mostly boring environment. Texas too is pretty short on mountains but does have more interesting features than Kansas. (Hombre and I are both native Texans. He grew up there and we met, married, and had our first born there.)

Friends, neighbors, people you can count on in a pinch when you need help are pretty important. In our experience, without them no place satisfies for long.
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Being mobile has its charms. Some I suppose are happy living in the travel trailers and if there is no joy in your current circumstances sometimes relocating can help. For a mountain boy I don't recommend Kansas though Hombre and I lived happily there for many years and our kids grew up there. But we had jobs, a good church, lots of wonderful friends there which made up for pretty much an otherwise mostly boring environment. Texas too is pretty short on mountains but does have more interesting features than Kansas. (Hombre and I are both native Texans. He grew up there and we met, married, and had our first born there.)

Friends, neighbors, people you can count on in a pinch when you need help are pretty important. In our experience, without them no place satisfies for long.
I'm familiar with both Kansas & Texas therefore not my first choices. The RV idea is a contingency plan based on some of the potential State legislation some want to push through. Without going into detail (CS rules), if the legislation is passed and somehow stands up to court scrutiny then I will already have a plan in place. If not then nothing lost and I stay where I am for now.
If I move to Arizona and it starts down the same path many deep blue States are taking then all I have to do is pack up the RV and off I go to a new destination. No house to sell, no extraneous personal property to get rid of..........
I'm familiar with both Kansas & Texas therefore not my first choices. The RV idea is a contingency plan based on some of the potential State legislation some want to push through. Without going into detail (CS rules), if the legislation is passed and somehow stands up to court scrutiny then I will already have a plan in place. If not then nothing lost and I stay where I am for now.
If I move to Arizona and it starts down the same path many deep blue States are taking then all I have to do is pack up the RV and off I go to a new destination. No house to sell, no extraneous personal property to get rid of..........
Saying what the legislation is in no way violates Coffee Shop rules. Since I live where you do, I would be interested too. We just can't call those who introduce and support the legislation the characterizations we think about them. :)

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