USMB Coffee Shop IV

The price looks great. Most alpaca blankets I believe retail for between $150 and $200 and up. I usually steer clear of wool however as I tend to be a bit allergic and it itches me. At least sheep wool does. Never tried alpaca :)
Alpaca wool is generally considered hypoallergenic however there is a small percentage of people who show the same allergenic reactions to alpaca that are shown to sheep wool.
They do have some really cool stuff if you like old colonial era items (many products that are still in use today) you should check them out. They're one of the premier if not the premier supplier of historical reproduced items in the country including 18th & 19th century books and cookbooks. Their clothing are made tailored to our individual measurements in house. Jon Townsend and gang have their own YouTube channel where they talk about history, cook the old recipes, talk about food prep and storage of the times. They even built a frontier homestead the old fashioned way documented on their channel. They continue to work on it.
Now I have to go hang out at one of my other boards that has Dark Mode so I'm not sitting here thinking I'm staring into the sun.........
They do have some really cool stuff if you like old colonial era items (many products that are still in use today) you should check them out. They're one of the premier if not the premier supplier of historical reproduced items in the country including 18th & 19th century books and cookbooks. Their clothing are made tailored to our individual measurements in house. Jon Townsend and gang have their own YouTube channel where they talk about history, cook the old recipes, talk about food prep and storage of the times. They even built a frontier homestead the old fashioned way documented on their channel. They continue to work on it.
As a historian of sorts, I do enjoy a lot of that stuff. But not really interested in purchasing more stuff, historical or not. Hombre and I are both such packrats that we accumulate a lot of stuff. We have both been dedicated to culling and donating or otherwise getting rid of a lot of that stuff. We're trying not to keep adding to the collection. :)
Now I have to go hang out at one of my other boards that has Dark Mode so I'm not sitting here thinking I'm staring into the sun.........
I have dark mode on my phone but I honestly don't like it. I prefer light and bright for reading. We do have all our devices set on a setting that reduces the blue light but I don't really want to read white on black as the norm. For whatever reason that bothers me. I do understand those that the black on bright white bothers other people though. Actually I prefer a light gray background as easiest on the eyes.
I have dark mode on my phone but I honestly don't like it. I prefer light and bright for reading. We do have all our devices set on a setting that reduces the blue light but I don't really want to read white on black as the norm. For whatever reason that bothers me. I do understand those that the black on bright white bothers other people though. Actually I prefer a light gray background as easiest on the eyes.
I wasn't so sure about it at first but now I love it. I literally do have to wear light sunglasses if I'm on a "light" site for any extended period of time. Right now I'm squinting even though I'm mostly looking down.
I wasn't so sure about it at first but now I love it. I literally do have to wear light sunglasses if I'm on a "light" site for any extended period of time. Right now I'm squinting even though I'm mostly looking down.
I understand. It affects my eyes too. You might look for the setting that reduces the blue light that does help a bit. It's just aesthetically more comfortable for me, not practically. :)
Up again early with what appears to be my new sleep pattern. Go to bed between 9PM and midnight, up twice to pee (all within 3 to 4 hours) then finally the calf cramps get me out of bed...........
I consume my coffee and am up for a couple of hours (most of the time) before going back to bed for an hour or two. On occasion I'm back in bed around 11AM and will sleep til 2PM.
Happy, happy, joy, joy but at least it's fairly consistent.
Up again early with what appears to be my new sleep pattern. Go to bed between 9PM and midnight, up twice to pee (all within 3 to 4 hours) then finally the calf cramps get me out of bed...........
I consume my coffee and am up for a couple of hours (most of the time) before going back to bed for an hour or two. On occasion I'm back in bed around 11AM and will sleep til 2PM.
Happy, happy, joy, joy but at least it's fairly consistent.
I hear a tab of potassium will take out those leg cramps.
I hadn't made any bread in a while, I've had some store bought French bread rolls. So yesterday I set it up and started my favorite oatbread recipe...... Boy did I do something wrong. I know I measured everything out correctly but somehow it ended up way too wet, had to toss it out. Think I'll just make basic white today.
I hadn't made any bread in a while, I've had some store bought French bread rolls. So yesterday I set it up and started my favorite oatbread recipe...... Boy did I do something wrong. I know I measured everything out correctly but somehow it ended up way too wet, had to toss it out. Think I'll just make basic white today.
Just got my White bread batch going and discovered what I did wrong yesterday. I forgot when I plug the machine in it automatically is set for a 2 pound loaf......... I added ingredients for a 1.5 pound loaf. Oops!
I hear a tab of potassium will take out those leg cramps.
It can and magnesium also helps but is not sure fix. Especially for us senior citizens. I take or have taken both supplements with not complete effect. A couple of swallows of dill pickle juice actually helps more than anything else and since I'm not salt restricted I resort to that if they persist. According to my doctor quinine is the only sure remedy but she thinks the risks associated with it outweigh the benefits unless the problem is severe.
Yup, I'm definitively susceptible to gout. I'll give it a try, thanks.
Perry has had gout really bad and I am mindful of that in meal planning. If he eats some things--a large amount of pinto beans cooked with ham and cornbread for example as a full meal--it can set off a severe gout attack. But he has taken allopurinol every day for years and years now and rarely ever has an attack.
BTW, the bread came out perfect this time. I made a basic white bread recipe but substituted unsalted butter for vegetable oil.
I have thought about getting a bread machine but still do it the old fashioned way by hand kneading. It doesn't always produce the result I want but it does help me deal with some of my frustrations and work off a few calories the bread puts on. :)
Perry has had gout really bad and I am mindful of that in meal planning. If he eats some things--a large amount of pinto beans cooked with ham and cornbread for example as a full meal--it can set off a severe gout attack. But he has taken allopurinol every day for years and years now and rarely ever has an attack.

I have thought about getting a bread machine but still do it the old fashioned way by hand kneading. It doesn't always produce the result I want but it does help me deal with some of my frustrations and work off a few calories the bread puts on. :)
I'm just basically lazy when it comes to food prep......... I love pistachios but I'm not peeling those damned shells off.........

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