USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, even though I'm 69 I'm still vain, I still want to be attractive to the ladies. Yup, even still...... :lol:
So I took the long way around to see which you all think looks better, with facial hair or without facial hair. It's kinda like "do these pants make me look fat" or "which dress do you like"?
Okay, even though I'm 69 I'm still vain, I still want to be attractive to the ladies. Yup, even still...... :lol:
So I took the long way around to see which you all think looks better, with facial hair or without facial hair. It's kinda like "do these pants make me look fat" or "which dress do you like"?
Each has its charms. Without looks younger than the goatee with gray showing prominently and reveals a pleasant face. But with looks distinguished, classy and probably doesn't add years to your age for many. So again it's the look you most appreciate that should guide you.

And, IMO, it isn't vanity that pushes us to look our best but a) our desire to be socially appealing and b) our respect for those we interact with. It is hard to respect those who show up unkempt, inappropriately dressed or whatever for any occasion whether it be church or the theater or a fine dining restaurant or grocery shopping.
Each has its charms. Without looks younger than the goatee with gray showing prominently. But with looks distinguished, classy. So again it's the look you most appreciate that should guide you.

And, IMO, it isn't vanity that pushes us to look our best but a) our desire to be socially appealing and b) our respect for those we interact with. It is hard to respect those who show up unkempt, inappropriate dressed or whatever for any occasion whether it be church or the theater or a fine dining restaurant or grocery shopping.
Looking good, well groomed and not completely unkempt, properly bathed, teeth brushed is one thing. I (and many others) however go to church often in shorts, t-shirts and sandals. Not there to please or impress my fellow church goers, only God.
Looking good, well groomed and not completely unkempt, properly bathed, teeth brushed is one thing. I (and many others) however go to church often in shorts, t-shirts and sandals. Not there to please or impress my fellow church goers, only God.
But it that is suitable attire in your church that's suitable attire. I have no problem with it and never want to have to go back to the time we had to get all gussied up, girdle and all. But I suspect God frowns on how some people dress.
But it that is suitable attire in your church that's suitable attire. I have no problem with it and never want to have to go back to the time we had to get all gussied up, girdle and all. But I suspect God frowns on how some people dress.
God doesn't care how we look on the outside only on the inside, he proves that every day. Caring and criticizing how others look and dress, especially in church is what the pharisees did. That may be harsh but it's true.
God doesn't care how we look on the outside only on the inside, he proves that every day. Caring and criticizing how others look and dress, especially in church is what the pharisees did. That may be harsh but it's true.
No I am not saying be critical. I'm just saying that it respects others to dress appropriately as much as one is able. The person who has a clean shirt should wear it instead of the dirty smelly one. Just my opinion.
No I am not saying be critical. I'm just saying that it respects others to dress appropriately as much as one is able. The person who has a clean shirt should wear it instead of the dirty smelly one. Just my opinion.
Oh I agree that clean over dirty is much more appreciated. What I'm saying is there are "Christian" people and churches who look down on and criticize those who don't get in their "Sunday best" to conform to the congregation. They're more interested in outer trappings than true worship.
Oh I agree that clean over dirty is much more appreciated. What I'm saying is there are "Christian" people and churches who look down on and criticize those who don't get in their "Sunday best" to conform to the congregation. They're more interested in outer trappings than true worship.
Yeah but those people don't live in New Mexico. LOL
Sleep schedule seems to be getting better and longer though I still get up a bunch of times throughout the night. Pretty sure I know what's causing that an I'm sure I can fix it somewhat........
I added back my amitriptyline a couple of nights ago, last night and the night before I got a total of 9 hours each night. Feeling quite good without an accompanying amitriptyline/melatonin "hangover".
Sleep schedule seems to be getting better and longer though I still get up a bunch of times throughout the night. Pretty sure I know what's causing that an I'm sure I can fix it somewhat........
I added back my amitriptyline a couple of nights ago, last night and the night before I got a total of 9 hours each night. Feeling quite good without an accompanying amitriptyline/melatonin "hangover".
Aunt Betty swears by the amitriptyline/melatonin regime plus she also takes a Tylenol PM plus another Tylenol without the Benadryl to ease residual aches and pains. Says when she stopped the amitriptyline it did significantly interfere with her sleep. (She's a retired registered nurse too so knows about all this stuff.)

It's important to be under a doctor's care when taking that drug--which of course you both are--as it can have some nasty side effects. But apparently it works well for those who need it.
Aunt Betty swears by the amitriptyline/melatonin regime plus she also takes a Tylenol PM plus another Tylenol without the Benadryl to ease residual aches and pains. Says when she stopped the amitriptyline it did significantly interfere with her sleep. (She's a retired registered nurse too so knows about all this stuff.)

It's important to be under a doctor's care when taking that drug--which of course you both are--as it can have some nasty side effects. But apparently it works well for those who need it.
I've been taking it for years to help with my sleeping. The first night I took the two together I was wasted the rest of the next day. Thought it was too much so stopped the amitrip and it eased up. This Monday I had a phone consult with my primary, he told me to start taking in again.
The interesting thing is yesterday I took a 2 hour mid afternoon nap and was tired enough to go to bed around 11PM last night. I literally woke up from a second nap in my gaming chair. Probably catching up on lost sleep, it's something studies show we can actually do for recently lost sleep.
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Dinner was rice cooked in a dolop of bacon grease, Mexican blend cheese, a little canola butter, salt & pepper with some MSG. It was delicious!
Yup, that terrible, terrible MSG........ Thing is I didn't add MSG powder, it was already in the ingredients.......
Way back when the media broke the story on MSG they did what they always do, the sensationalized one tiny possible, maybe, kinda sorta might be bad for you if you held it up to the sun and turned your head a certain way. Of course they had the backing of some highly biased people in the food industry, MSG is that miracle Asian white powder......... Our media lied to us for sensationalism, ratings....... Every subsequent legitimate study has shown MSG is harmless.
And if you don't believe this and you want to ensure you consume no MSG...... Stop eating vegetables. That's where we get it from.........
Yup, that terrible, terrible MSG........ Thing is I didn't add MSG powder, it was already in the ingredients.......
Way back when the media broke the story on MSG they did what they always do, the sensationalized one tiny possible, maybe, kinda sorta might be bad for you if you held it up to the sun and turned your head a certain way. Of course they had the backing of some highly biased people in the food industry, MSG is that miracle Asian white powder......... Our media lied to us for sensationalism, ratings....... Every subsequent legitimate study has shown MSG is harmless.
And if you don't believe this and you want to ensure you consume no MSG...... Stop eating vegetables. That's where we get it from.........
Yes I don't choose it but don't get excited about it if it included in ingredients that are otherwise acceptable. I wondered why you would add it to your recipe. :)

From the Mayo Clinic website:

What is MSG? Is it bad for you?​

Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer often added to restaurant foods, canned vegetables, soups, deli meats and other foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe. But its use is still debated. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires it to be listed on the label.

MSG has been used as a food additive for many years. During this time, the FDA has received many reports of concerning reactions that people have attributed to foods that had MSG in them. These reactions — called MSG symptom complex — include:

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Sweating
  • Face pressure or tightness
  • Lack of feeling (numbness), tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas
  • Quick, fluttering heartbeats
  • Chest pain
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Weakness
But researchers have found no clear proof of a link between MSG and these symptoms. Researchers admit, though, that a small number of people may have short-term reactions to MSG. Symptoms are often mild and don't need to be treated. The only way to prevent a reaction is to not eat foods that have MSG in them.
Yes I don't choose it but don't get excited about it if it included in ingredients that are otherwise acceptable. I wondered why you would add it to your recipe. :)

From the Mayo Clinic website:

What is MSG? Is it bad for you?​

Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer often added to restaurant foods, canned vegetables, soups, deli meats and other foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe. But its use is still debated. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires it to be listed on the label.

MSG has been used as a food additive for many years. During this time, the FDA has received many reports of concerning reactions that people have attributed to foods that had MSG in them. These reactions — called MSG symptom complex — include:

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Sweating
  • Face pressure or tightness
  • Lack of feeling (numbness), tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas
  • Quick, fluttering heartbeats
  • Chest pain
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Weakness
But researchers have found no clear proof of a link between MSG and these symptoms. Researchers admit, though, that a small number of people may have short-term reactions to MSG. Symptoms are often mild and don't need to be treated. The only way to prevent a reaction is to not eat foods that have MSG in them.
Yup, reactions that can just as easily be attributed to something else. Scientific organizations/people place food/nutrition science investigating at the bottom of the scientific "food chain". The science is typically quite unreliable so I take food science as well as the FDA in most instances with a block of salt at minimum.
Yup, reactions that can just as easily be attributed to something else. Scientific organizations/people place food/nutrition science investigating at the bottom of the scientific "food chain". The science is typically quite unreliable so I take food science as well as the FDA in most instances with a block of salt at minimum.
I'm like you. I watch and learn but usually don't go with the propaganda and/or a lot of the conventional wisdom. However food intolerances do exist and some can be deadly if most of those kill slowly. Gluten intolerance is real for instance.

And take that advice with a bit less than a block of salt because too much salt is in fact a culprit in many chronic maladies. :)
I'm like you. I watch and learn but usually don't go with the propaganda and/or a lot of the conventional wisdom. However food intolerances do exist and some can be deadly if most of those kill slowly. Gluten intolerance is real for instance.

And take that advice with a bit less than a block of salt because too much salt is in fact a culprit in many chronic maladies. :)
There's a difference between intolerances and allergies, intolerances cause extreme discomfort, allergies can be deadly.
I have an intolerance to bananas, my stomach can't properly digest them and the resulting pain and bloating can be disabling but it's not going to kill me. Though I wished it would when I discovered the intolerance......... Ooof!
There's a difference between intolerances and allergies, intolerances cause extreme discomfort, allergies can be deadly.
I have an intolerance to bananas, my stomach can't properly digest them and the resulting pain and bloating can be disabling but it's not going to kill me. Though I wished it would when I discovered the intolerance......... Ooof!
My niece however has a condition of gluten intolerance--not an allergy but intolerance due to an immune disorder--that literally was killing her. We in fact almost lost her. Took about six different medical specialists in six different hospitals to diagnose it. Once she eliminated even a teensy amount of gluten from her diet, she is fine.

Everybody's different. I just trust people when they tell me they need to avoid this or that and make sure they have plenty to eat without that or those foods.
Okay, that board that temp banned me......... I just perma-banned them. In a friendly manner the other day told a guy he needed to relax. This morning it was deleted for "being insulting"............. I've read on many other gun boards just how anal retentive that board is and that's why they no longer post there. I've joined that club. I have never been on such a puckered butthole board in my entire life. Wow, just wow...........
That sounds like a forum I went to before I came here as "freedombecki" in or around 2011. The people I met here were kind and good. I found a favorite thread right away, something about a Lounge in which politics were not to be discussed, and the people here were mostly kind and good, and I grew very fond of the OP, foxfyre, and if you ever had health or other problems, she put you on her prayer list. :thup:
Maybe I've been away for a while or what I'm seeing is correct and that is how diminished the board has become. Doesn't appear to have even half of the traffic it did a long time back. Of course that makes me wonder how long this board has left.

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